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A New Way of Seeing Things Pt. 02 Ch. 07

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An adventure and a massage.
5.7k words

Part 34 of the 85 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/01/2013
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Standard disclaimer—this story takes place in a world where STDs don't exist and only babies planned for and wanted do—in other words, a fantasy world. Any resemblance to real-life people is purely coincidental.


Dinner the next day was in many ways the same affair Gwen had known since her childhood. Stress from the feeling she was being examined and evaluated mingled with polite boredom and distance from her mother's tales of her social circles, of who had been scandalized and perhaps knocked a rung down the ladder recently.

There was something different today though, something that had begun to build at breakfast the day before and never left. You think I'm still a proper wife and mother, a daughter, Gwen thought as she pretended to listen to her mother's story about how the Pearsons' son had flunked out of college. But you have no idea that I enjoy being an object of desire for strange men despite already having a husband, or what I've been doing with your own daughter-in-law. What would you do if you ever found out Natalie and I had practically been intimate? There was fear in that thought still, but now excitement in the potential scandal as well.

And what about the rest of the gathered family? She looked at each of them in turn. Did they have things hidden in their past or present? It was extremely unlikely for her mother, Gwen knew, but what about her father? Mother had always said to resign yourself to the idea that men need to cheat; did that apply to Daddy as well? And what about Alison and Jason? That was more likely; what were their secrets, and did she really want to know?

Tim and Gwen made love that night in the familiar, predictable way they had practiced for years before the summer began. Gwen was comforted by the routine, appreciating the ability to return to what she had known with her husband since her wedding night, to the way they had made their children. The knowledge that this safe spot still existed even after her forays into more perverted practices made her content.

She stayed content until Tuesday, until the need to let the Slut loose for a bit of fun began to grow again. The Lady realized that resistance was futile and instead bent her efforts to ensuring Gwen properly prepared for the event, insisting that her normal attention to detail applied even to acts of debauchery.

Tim would be at a planning board meeting tomorrow evening, she thought, and we need groceries. Perhaps a trip to the market was in order. Not her regular one, but that one two towns over.

Her clothing choices were also pondered. Gwen settled on a golf shirt in KD's closet that would work with what she had in mind. The extra material needed to cover her daughter's more expansive chest made the top almost baggy on her mother. A golf skirt that Alison had purchased when taking up the sport while she and Jason were dating was also selected. Gwen remembered her own mother's objection to her granddaughter wearing it where her friends at the club might see. Unlike Ali, she had no intention of wearing the shorts that were supposed to go with it.

It was business as normal the next morning, conservative Mrs. Nelson seeing the trucks off and plowing through paperwork until a quick dash to the house for lunch. Gwen the thrillseeker walked back across the yard to the office carrying her clothes rather than wearing them, dressing moments before the first truck pulled into the yard late in the afternoon.

Tim returned for a quick shower and a change of clothes before heading back down into town. Gwen smiled and waved from the deck as his truck backed away, then headed to KD's room, to where she had laid out her clothes.

The omission of underwear meant it only took a moment to change, the addition of white ankle socks and sneakers giving her a look that would have had her blending in perfectly at the country club. It was the look she was hoping for; no one would ever suspect someone of that social class to be running about without underwear. She also hoped the implied social status would make people pause before challenging her should she be discovered—growing up in that atmosphere had taught her that privileges of class did indeed exist.

She bounced in front of the mirror to test the shirt's ability to disguise the fact she was braless, the extra fabric rippling in an exaggerated fashion from the motion of the firm mounds beneath. Better not jump up and down, Gwen reminded herself, then turned and bent at the waist to look back at her reflection and the hem rising dangerously close to revealing her bottom. Satisfied, and with heart pounding, she headed out.

Gwen could feel her unfettered breasts jiggling despite the seatbelt that crossed between them as she bounced over the rough backroads towards her target. She occasionally glanced down at just how much thigh was exposed, and resisted the urge to reach underneath and give herself one quick swipe of a finger. Two hands on the wheel...

It was nearly dusk when she pulled into the shopping center. The oncoming darkness had been figured into her plan as well, a curtain for her to escape behind should the need arise. The department store next to the supermarket caught her eye; she had forgotten it was here. Much to the Lady's annoyance, her carefully laid out plan changed and there was a need to look for some clothes before groceries.

Gwen wandered the woman's section feigning casual interest among the clothing racks before gravitating to the lingerie. She took her time studying the various styles, wondering if the bored husbands and boyfriends of her fellow shoppers were taking note of her interests, maybe even wondering what she might look like in them. Three bras that she had no intention of actually trying on were selected and taken to the dressing rooms.

She hid her disappointment over the small and empty waiting area as the middle-aged clerk handed her a tag before returning to the rack of putbacks behind her. The arrangement of the chairs didn't leave many opportunities for those who might come along after to view the rooms beyond, but she selected a stall nonetheless, disappointed the door opened towards the back and would completely block even the most determined onlooker's view.

Still, she left the door open a crack and stripped off what little she wore, the Slut reveling in the wickedness of being completely naked in a near-public setting while the Lady shook her head at the display of mental instability. The bras hung untouched as Gwen stayed there for some time, going so far as to poke her head and upper body out the door in the hopes another shopper might perhaps come down to a stall beyond hers. The possibility of pleasuring herself right then and there was considered before reluctantly being rejected as too risky.

It was time to go grocery shopping, she decided. It took only a moment to redress and return the bras, stopping on her way out as she passed through the shoe department. Gwen smiled and grabbed a pair of flats in her size before sitting down to try them on, her seat selection more important than the choice of shoes; at her feet was a mirror. Her legs opened and slid her skirt upwards as she bent to pull the flats on to her feet; she didn't bother to straighten it or her legs after she sat up again. A quick check in the mirror confirmed her most private spot could be seen in the reflection, dim under what little of the skirt still covered it, the profusion of curls further obscuring her cleft, but visible nonetheless. Gwen glanced about nervously, looking for any other shoppers who might be able to see her reflection, relieved and disappointed she was alone in the aisle. She modeled the shoes for a moment more, then removed them and headed next door.

Gwen's nerve wavered a bit under the sheer number of shoppers in the store with her and curtsied demurely when selecting items from the lower shelves. She checked the skirt frequently to ensure it was hanging correctly, and considered buttoning up the open collar of her shirt.

A stop at the custom cuts meat case was first. "Can I help you, ma'am?" A bored young man, his white coat blotted with dried maroon splotches, looked at her from across the low glass case.

"Umm, yes, please." The Slut spurred her to greater mischief and Gwen bent to examine the selections in the bottom rack. "May I have two of those marinated chicken breasts, please?" Gwen was certain the young man would have a clear view of her dangling mounds beneath the gaping shirt if he happened to look. A quick glance up confirmed he had indeed chosen to do so, his stare focused on a spot below her face.

"Uhh, yes ma'am," he stammered, his eyes studying the gap in the shirt intently, unaware he had been caught peeping. "Uhh, two breasts?"

"Yes, please," Gwen answered, holding her pose and pretending to help the clerk locate her selection. "Those right there."

The young man took his time retrieving her selection as he switched his focus between the woman on the other side of the slightly fogged glass and her meat. He eventually straightened to bag her request, and Gwen held her pose.

"Anything else, ma'am?"

Gwen could feel her breasts shimmy ever so slightly as she shifted her weight to point to another part of the case. "Yes, please. Two of the strip steaks." She did not straighten until he had retrieved those as well.

"Anything else, ma'am? We have some excellent rolled pork in the bottom of the case."

His attitude has certainly changed, Gwen noted with some amusement. She bent again to examine his suggestion as the young clerk stooped to show her. "No, no thank you," she said, straightening. "That would be too much for me. This will do it."

The clerk smiled and watched her push her cart on down the aisle, pleased with his good fortune; he had gotten a good look at a nice pair of titties. Nice rack, a little small, he mused. I'd still be more than happy to wrap 'em around my dick, though. Here, take this rolled pork, lady. The young man snorted. Women can be so oblivious!

Gwen laid low through the rest of the store and past the checkout, the Lady imploring her not to press her luck in this crowded environment. One of the baggers, an elderly man, offered to take her purchases to the truck, an offer she gratefully accepted.

"The cold things can go on the seat behind the driver's side," she told him as they reached the vehicle, "the rest can go in the bed." Gwen opened the door and looked in. "Let me make some room." She leveraged her small frame over the back seat and reached towards the other side for a piece of paper that lay there, her feet off the pavement and skirt pulled high up over her rear as her body slipped back a bit after she relaxed her reach. Gwen knew she was completely exposed to the man, from the top of her rear-end to her ankles; she wondered if anyone else might have noticed as well. The pose was held as long as she dared without seeming obvious, then her body slid back the rest of the way, the trapped skirt underneath her almost bunching around her waist before her feet hit the pavement and she backed away from the truck. The elderly man held the first bag, an expression of surprise on his face. Gwen moved out of his way and let him load.

His task finished, she thanked and tipped him before climbing up into the cab of the big truck, exposing all of her thigh and left buttock to the man who made no attempt to hide the fact he was staring. It took him a moment to rouse himself from his shock and move away enough for her to back out of the parking spot.

Now that's an ass, the elderly clerk mused as he collected some nearby carts, and she knew exactly what was she was showin' me. Perfect for a little spank when ya got her bent over, drivin' it home. I shoulda given it a little squeeze for her trouble.

The Lady barely managed to enforce the two hands on the wheel, two eyes on the road rule as Gwen hurried home. The adrenaline that had been coursing through her was only now disspiating enough to bring her heartrate down below wildly thumping, allowing the tingling radiating from her sex to take center stage. She did remove a shaking hand from the wheel long enough to flip the skirt up and fold it against the lap belt, her curls exposed in the dashboard lights.

Despite the time she had spent allowing the Slut some exercise, she still beat Tim home. Gwen changed into something more conservative, knowing that at that hour Tim would most likely be too tired to take her when he finally did make it home, and was bringing in the groceries as he pulled up. Her exhausted husband helped finish the unloading, performed his nightly routine around the property, kissed his wife good night and shuffled off to bed.

Gwen knew she could not expect him to take care of her need, and she also knew it could not wait until he awoke tomorrow. There was always the pool jet, but even though the water was warm the night was cool, and the idea of making her way back to the house naked and shivering did not appeal to her.

There were her toys...but the risk of awaking her husband and explaining her actions as he lay next to her was not what she had in mind. There were other places in the house, certainly. Ali and KD's rooms still had their comfortable twin mattresses, but the idea of pleasuring herself in one of her daughter's beds just didn't seem right. Gwen looked at the couch, nodded, and crept down the hallway.

She returned a moment later after pulling both dildos out of her drawer while Tim slept. Gwen left the vibrators where they were—no need for extra noise. The lights were extinguished—even the one over the stove—before clothes were discarded and she lay back. Her finger began a slow tease of her tingling clitoris as she thought back on the night's events, of the attention she had received from both clerks. Had they gotten erections? Gwen wondered if the elderly man was still able to, and if her show was sufficient to awaken him. Did either one of them touch themselves after? Were they touching themselves right now, imagining what they might be doing to her? Her mind kept going back to the older man and she was filled with a strange compassion to "make his day," to help him achieve something she had always heard grew more difficult with age. Gwen briefly pondered which dildo to use and went with the shorter, fatter one—the color and size would probably more closely match what really was between the elderly clerk's legs.

Gwen, still bent over the seat of the truck in her imagination as she turned over and kneeled on the cushion while her breasts flattened against the sofa's arm, opened he legs enough for him to slide into her warmth as her finger rubbed her insistent clit. The dildo was soon being pushed into her sex with force as the old man in her mind picked up the pace, roughly grasping her hips while his cock remembered younger times.

He erupted with a triumphant bellow as her own climax rocked her senses. Gwen's hand convulsively jammed the faux penis deeply inside of her, as if the man behind it was obeying the primal instinct to get his seed just a little closer to her womb.

The sound of her own ragged breathing was the first thing she recognized as she returned to the here and now, and her sex had a dull, satisfying ache from the abuse she had inflicted upon it with the dildo. If they only knew, Gwen thought with a smile as she cleaned up, if they only knew.


Business was most certainly good, Gwen mused as she looked through the scheduled appointments and open invoices. Cliff was off on a few days' vacation, and if things were busy before, they were crazy with the company down one plumber. Gwen briefly thought about canceling her ride with Natalie on Friday as a show of support for the other employees who were facing twelve hour days, but knew it would be an empty gesture—the paperwork was under control, it was the actual jobs that were beginning to stack up.

The pair fell into their normal routine that sunny Friday morning, shirts removed before they had left the barn, and everything else discarded as they made their way into the pool upon their return. Gwen chose not to share her Tuesday adventures, preferring not to appear as though she was overly proud of her actions.

"So, you going back to the natural look?"

Gwen glanced over from where she stood on the pool steps to her paddling sister-in-law. She knew what Natalie was referring to. "No, not intentionally, anyways. I see you didn't stay with the natural look for long."

Natalie smiled and casually rubbed her hand over her now almost-nude sex. "Yeah, Adam likes my pussy bare. Says he hates having to stop to get hair off his tongue."

Gwen blushed at the mention of her brother's oral preferences, but said nothing.

"So, you want me to trim it up for you?"

"Uhh, okay, I guess, please—if it's not too much effort."

Natalie smiled and began to move towards the stairs. "No problem at all. Let's go take care of it now." Gwen preceded her, stepping on to the pool deck as her sister-in-reached for the railing. "Liz is right, you do have a cute butt!"

"Stop that!" Gwen protested half-heartedly, putting a hand behind her as a sort of shield before taking it away again.

"How short you want it? Like mine?" Natalie asked as Gwen led her into the bedroom and collected some scissors and a towel.

"No, not quite like that—although I think yours looks nice," she hurriedly added, not wishing to offend her sister-in-law's choice of grooming styles, "just cut it as close as you can all over without using a razor." She put the towel down, lay back, and opened herself to Natalie, managing her embarrassment by closing her eyes. "I tried to cut it myself, but I'm still nervous about sharp things down there."

Gwen could feel the other woman kneel at the end of the bed and gently finger comb the mass of curls before starting to clip. "It's a Curran thing," Natalie said casually as she worked. "Your brother gets all freaked out when I manscape him."

"Oh—Adam trims down there?" Gwen wondered if it was proper to ask.

"If he lets me do it, he does. I love the look of his cock and balls when they're completely bare and all oiled up. But he gets nervous about what it looks like when he's in the gym locker room with his buddies after basketball- says it's like a case of one of these things is not like the others, and that they'll think he's metrosexual or something like that. So, I don't get to get him all smooth and silky that often, and when I do, it costs me. Does Tim ever do some yardwork down there?"

"Oh no, at least, I don't think so. It doesn't get very long, though."

"Well, that's alright. Short ones work just as well as long ones."

Gwen caught the reference. "I'm not talking about his thing, I'm talking about his hair! His thing is more than long enough for me." The Slut chuckled at the idea of Gwen talking about her husband's penis while another woman crouched between her open legs. My, my, how far we've come.

Natalie laughed softly. "I know, I know, just giving you a hard time. I'm sure Tim's cock is perfect." The women fell silent for a moment, the only sound the soft snip of the shears. "Hey, I wanted to apologize for that night at Liz's," her sister-in-law said softly. I know I put you on the spot with I invited you to join us. I think the wine made me a little too bold."

"No need to apologize, it just took me by surprise, is all." Gwen's musings from the past week rushed out in a flood. "I mean, I had a good guess what would probably happen before you went to sleep, and I haven't done...that...with anyone since I got married, I mean all the way if you don't count what we did, and never with two people at once, and even if you hadn't intended to invite me to join in, which you certainly didn't have to, I still would have been there watching you, and I've never done that before either!"


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