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A New Way of Seeing Things Pt. 02 Ch. 16

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Tim asks for a show.
6.1k words

Part 43 of the 85 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/01/2013
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This is a story about sexual exploration and, open relationships. Open relationships can and do happily exist; but they are not for everyone. If you do not believe it is at all possible for open relationships to exist without damage to any and all involved parties, please do yourself a favor and don't waste your time reading this.

Standard disclaimer—this story takes place in a world where STDs don't exist and only babies planned for and wanted do—in other words, a fantasy world. Any resemblance to real-life people is purely coincidental.


If Natalie felt any regret over what had happened the night before, she did not show it the next morning, hopping out of bed and throwing on some clothes before making her way to the bathroom for a shower.

The Lady had summoned the dark specter of guilt within Gwen, however. She had finally sunk to a new low and really, truly slept with someone other than her husband, a woman—her sister-in-law no less! The Slut's reminders that it really had been no different than the other times and that Tim was obviously alright with it still did not completely ease her mind.

They were on the road after breakfast. The SUV was silent for several miles save for the hum of the tires before Gwen felt the need to distract herself from the Lady's harping. "It sounded like Dorothy—from the store...had met you before?"

Natalie smiled. "I was a model for one of Cho's naughty nightie parties a couple of years back. Dorothy was handling the back room for her, getting the models ready, that kind of thing."

Gwen nodded. "She's not the kind of person I would expect to be working there. She's..."

"Mrs. Santa Claus? Somebody's Grandma? Old?" Gwen nodded again, blushing. "She'd be sixty-six or seven, I think. Been working there since her husband died a few years ago. She told me she wanted to keep busy and needed something more exciting than her bible study group."

"I can't believe she' know, working with those kinds of things. She seems so knowledgeable! And it sounds like she's still having sex-at her age!"

Natalie laughed. "I'm sure she takes product testing very seriously. Your clit doesn't shrivel up after menopause, so why not keeping using all the good parts?"

"But with who?"

The little blue pills work wonders with gentlemen whose good parts need a little help standing at attention, and there's more than a few younger men who enjoy the company of more experienced ladies..."

"I just can't believe that she's still active at her age!"

Her sister-in-law continued to watch the road. "Your parents are about her age. Ever think maybe they're still doing it?"

Gwen turned to the woman next to her, shock on her face. "My parents? Oh heavens, no! I'm sure they are both well beyond that!"

Natalie smiled but said nothing. She doubted Irene Curran had ever allowed anyone between her legs for any purpose other than advancing the family bloodline, but she knew her father-in-law was a different story.

It was those assholes in Las Vegas that had let it slip about the law firm's clandestine "pussy for pay, ass for advancement" program, and that Norman Curran was a willing participant. It was also made clear how pissed at him the other partners were for making them look bad by actually fulfilling his end of the bargains rather than using, then getting rid of, those hopeful corporate ladder climbers. Natalie had checked with her own inside contacts at the firm before confronting Adam with the revelation. He had both confirmed the existence of the informal program and denied his own involvement with it (something her contacts had also attested to). One of the paralegals had even intimated that Irene Curran was involved in the selection of her husband's enrollees, ensuring they showed proper loyalty, obedience, and above all, discretion before they were selected for participation.

"Parents have sex too," Natalie reminded her passenger. "I do. You do." She paused, eyes still on the road as she broke into a grin. "My parents do."

"How do you know that? Did they tell you?"

"I walked in on them a little while back."

Gwen turned again to the driver. "Oh my God. You did not!" Natalie continued to grin and slowly nodded her head. "When?"

"Oh, about three years ago. Adam and I took the kids over to see Gram and Puppa for a long weekend. My father must have not had his hearing aids in when I called to tell him we were coming, because it turned out they weren't expecting us until the next day. We pulled in the driveway and there's usually at least one of them waiting on the porch for us, but I didn't see anyone, so I went in through the kitchen to make sure everything was okay while Adam and the kids unpacked the car. I walk into the living room and there's was my father, lying bare-ass-naked on the couch and my naked mother sitting on his face with his junk in her hand. Mom saw me first and let out a little scream, then jumped off him and ran down the hallway towards their bedroom. Dad looked around with a really confused look on his face, trying to figure out what was going on—I don't think it helped that he didn't have his glasses on—and then he took off down the hallway too."

"Oh my God, Natalie," Gwen repeated. "I'd die if I walked in on that. What did you do?"

Her sister-in-law laughed at her passenger's reaction as well as the absurd idea of Irene Curran ever consenting to such an undignified act in the first place. That's what the hired help was for... "I went back out through the kitchen to keep the kids out and give my parents time to make themselves presentable. Neither one of them would make eye contact with me for the rest of the day."

"You must have been mortified."

"Nah, I was fine with it. I was glad they were still gettin' busy—good sign of good health, you know? But I wasn't going to be the one to bring it up."

"Did they ever say anything?"

"Mom tried to blame it on Dad the next morning when were alone in the kitchen. She said something like 'I was just making lunch and your father started getting fresh and wouldn't take no for an answer.' I don't think she appreciated it when I told her that the chances of an accidental pregnancy in that position were low, but that she had to be careful not to fall off and break a hip. Then a while after that, my father, in classic Dad fashion, cornered me, puffed himself up and announced that 'they're married and it's his house and it's nobody's goddamn business what they do under their own roof.' I couldn't argue with that, and none of us have spoken a word about it since, although they do triple-check the dates we're coming over now."

The SUV fell silent again, Gwen silently empathizing with Natalie's parents over their misfortune, knowing how embarrassed she would be if her own children ever caught her and Tim in the act. What would be worse, she wondered, them catching us, or us catching them?

Natalie broke the silence some miles later. "Any bets on how long it takes Adam to ask to see the pictures?"

Gwen turned to her sister-in-law. She had not really considered the idea that her brother knew about them, but that was silly. He must know. "Are you going to show him? Is Liz alright with it?"

Natalie laughed. "I'm the one in the less-than-flattering positions. They'll probably end up giving him ideas. But yeah, she's okay with it. It's been a long time since he's seen her naked—I mean, like before we got married—but I made it part of the deal before I agreed to pose. Adam's been asking to see me and her together ever since her divorce, when we started fooling around again, but she's not real excited about being live-sex-show stroke material for a guy, even a man she thinks is not as much of an asshole as the average male member of the species."

"So Adam really does like the idea of you and her...doing that?"

"Oh, yeah. Every time we get together I tell him about it while I get laid in a very enthusiastic manner. Something about girl-on-girl action drives a lot of guys wild. It's like they're hard-wired for it. I guess it's even kinkier for him if one of the girls is your wife. I wonder if he'll connect the dots when I tell him me and Liz didn't share a bed last night..."

Gwen pondered the moral morass Natalie seemed to be implying. She felt no sexual attraction whatsoever for Adam,-he was attractive, certainly, but he was her brother first and foremost. But he was a man, and her mother's teachings as well as the lessons of the past few months only strengthened the belief that the thing between their legs seemed to be able to overcome any conventional way of thinking standing between it and a good time. The fact that Tim found the idea of sex between his wife and his sister-in-law arousing was just another perverted example. She knew Natalie had said Adam didn't want to hear any of the details of their afternoons together, but how would he feel when his expected retelling of Natalie's and Liz's tryst was pre-empted by another?

Tim waved from the open shop bay as the SUV rumbled past up the driveway, ambling over to greet the two women. He opened the passenger door to let Gwen out as the women said their goodbyes.

"Thanks for taking her," he said to the driver through the still-open door.

"Don't mention it. I like it when she comes," she said with a smile as Gwen collected her things. "You two have fun. Gwen, I'll talk to you soon. And don't forget, no ride for me this Friday—I'm taking Annie to her doctor's appointment. It's her day to be in the stirrups." Her brother-in-law got the reference and blushed through his tan.


Tim seemed intent on finishing his chores before dinner that afternoon, the Lady relieved he was not inquiring as to the potentially sordid details of his wife's overnight stay. The Slut was disappointed he was not showing more interest in her activities and suggested they start the ball rolling by detailing the sleeping arrangements, but the Lady's insistence on not inviting certain trouble seemed a safer path at the moment. It made for a strange afternoon for her, the mundane repetition of their weekend chores a jarring contrast to the previous twenty-four hours.

It was not until they were getting ready for bed that her husband made his first tentative inquiries as to the details of her weekend.

"So, uhh, what did you get her?"

Gwen paused her own disrobing, trying to decide whether a straight answer was the best. "The same things I have," she said finally.

Tim smiled. "Well, if you like yours, then I'm sure she'll like hers, too. So what made you decide to get her those? Don't get me wrong, it's a nice thing to do, but it's a helluva "cheer you up" kind of gift...aren't plants or books more common?"

"Her husband threw hers away, and I got the impression she wanted another one, and Natalie gave me some, so I thought it might be nice if I did the same," Gwen explained as matter-of-factly as she could. "Tim, the things I have—it doesn't upset you that I have them, right?"

He laughed. "Hell no, you know that. Why, do I act like I'm mad?"

She hugged the naked man in front of her. "No, it's just that Cricket's husband obviously didn't like her having one, and I wondered if it might bother you too, but you're just too nice to say it."

"It sounds like Cricket's husband didn't like a lot of things." He held her close, Gwen's head on his shoulder. "So, uh, did you get anything for yourself?" he rumbled after nervously clearing his throat.

She hugged him tightly, pressing herself into his crotch. "No, I think I have all I need here."

"They sell lingerie, right? Did you look at any of that, maybe try something on?"

" you think I need some? I thought you liked me without clothes on?"

"Oh, I love seeing you naked," he hurriedly replied, "but I gotta admit, those things you wore in the pictures and at the Inn were hot. Really hot. And I loved takin' 'em off you, like I was unwrapping a present." Gwen glanced up in time to see an embarrassed smile. "If I'd known you were wearing that at the restaurant, I might have had you for dessert in the parking lot. It'd be, uhh, kinda fun knowing you were wearing something like that under your regular clothes sometime. Kinda like a signal you're horny. Like a little tease for later."

"Really? You'd like that? To be teased?"

"Well, yeah, I guess I do, as long as I get the good stuff in the end." He squeezed her rear for emphasis and decided to push his luck a little. "I know you think I'm a nice guy, but would you still think that if I told you that last night I was thinking about what it would be like if I was watching you and Natalie use your toys together?" The motivation for both of his orgasms last night and this morning had actually been split between thoughts of her with Natalie as well as Gwen showing Cricket how to use her gifts, but he knew mentioning Natalie was dangerous enough- the young rider was way out of bounds and likely to cause suspicion.

Gwen finally looked up at her husband and kissed him. "Well, I doubt I'd be able to arrange that, but would it be alright if you watch just me use mine?" His expression told her it certainly was. "Which ones would you like me to use?"

She broke the embrace and moved to her nightstand, pausing to shed her bra and panties. A quick glance back confirmed her husband's penis was twitching in steady beats as blood surged into his shaft in anticipation.

"Uh the big one—the one with the tennis ball thing on the end, I mean, and maybe the smaller one? Or maybe, umm, one of the, you know, the dildos, instead."

Gwen pulled everything from the drawer and laid them carefully on the nightstand, pausing to plug in the Magic Wand before lying back on the bed. A wave of modesty swept over her, and she was unsure how to start. Don't be a nitwit, the Slut scolded, it's your husband, and it's not like you haven't given him a show before. Do it just like when you're alone. Play with your tits and open your goddamn legs-use your fingers until you're ready for the vibrator!

Gwen did as her perverted alter ego commanded, closing her eyes to focus on her pleasure, her dreams of being on display for others producing images of others in the room. The dream continued to poke into her consciousness and expand, the men around her bed now competing with each other to be the first to display the physical proof of their ultimate appreciation and approval.

You are cheating on your husband right in front of him! The Lady cried in response to her fantasy, and Gwen opened her eyes to risk a peek towards him. An irrational fear gripped her, that Tim somehow knew what she was imagining, that he was just one of many using her for their pleasure. He would certainly find the idea of his wife, the mother of his children, at the center of a self-pleasure orgy distasteful or revolting. There was no look of disgust on his face though, just fascination. Her husband stood there, hands by his side, mouth slightly open, eyes glued to the finger gently spreading moisture between her lips. His twitching cock made it clear he was not offended in the least.

"You can touch yourself, too, if you want."

"Oh, uh, yeah," he said, as if he had forgotten that was an option. He accepted the invitation, grasping his length and stroking while Gwen found the Magic Wand and again closed her eyes. The tool rumbled to life with a flip of the switch, the thrum barely changing in intensity as it was delicately applied to one nipple, then the other. She shivered from the contact and languidly rubbed her fingers over the erect tips of her breast to soothe the buzzing sensation. The wand was next applied to her clitoris with the same gentle touch, held in place this time, rocking back and forth slightly to excite as many nerve endings as possible. The hum of the instrument strained then relaxed as it was pushed in hard, then released. The forbidden fantasy narrowed to the naked body standing at the end of the bed.

Gwen again risked a look, anxious to see at least one man's physical expression of his lust for her. Tim's attention was still between his wife's legs, his left hand now cradling his sack while the right slowly stroked his engorged length. She found a dildo—the shorter, fatter one—and looked for her husband's reaction as she slipped the length into her sex. He groaned in appreciation, and she closed her eyes to again focus on her building climax.

The cudgel pushed forward and withdrew several times, Gwen reveling in the sensation of being full, of being stretched ever so slightly, understanding Dorothy's preference for "beer cans". Something was missing though, something she desired even more. She pulled the rubber penis from her opening, rolled over to place it back on the nightstand, then stayed on her side. Tim was disappointed at the sudden end of this part of the performance and wondered if she had come. It didn't look like she had, and the vibrator was still hard at work on her pussy...

Gwen patted the bed behind her. "Tim," she said in a low, distracted voice, eyes still closed, "lie down. Hold me." He quickly complied, taking her in his free arm, his cock nestled between her ass cheeks. He held still, wondering if holding meant just that, or he was supposed to do more.

Gwen's free hand reached between her legs for her husband's length. Tim brought his hips back far enough to allow her access, and she pet it from his warm balls to the wet head a couple of times before levering it down. His hips instinctively knew what it was being pointed at drove forward unbidden, the mushroom head bouncing off the crinkled muscle of her anus and sliding forward. Not there, not this time, she thought in her pre-orgasmic haze, doubting such a tiny opening could ever be made to accept such a large thing. Her fingers continued to push down as he pushed forward, sliding him towards her intended destination.

Tim felt the tip of his cock catch the edge of her hole and then bump past, the angle too severe to allow proper entry. The spongy helmet did not stop its forward progress until it made contact with the madly buzzing head of the Wand, his hips jerking back in surprise. Both bodies moved to correct the problem, and his second thrust caught the front of her opening then slid up and in. Tim could feel the vibrator at work through the front wall of Gwen's pussy, a muted yet pleasant sensation as he began to slowly work in and out of her.


Tim picked his head up off the pillow, unsure he had correctly heard the whisper that had come from between her gritted teeth. "Huh?"

"Harder," she repeated, still in a whisper, managing to unclench her jaw. "Harder."

His brain, long accustomed to his wife's restrained manner, was unsure just how hard "harder" really meant. His hips and cock had no such doubts and slammed forward with as much strength as could be mustered, jolting the tiny woman forward with enough force to push an involuntary grunt past her lips. Tim's brain regained control long enough to slow his cock's withdrawal, waiting for any potential negative response. There was none, and his hips were given the all clear for another drop of the pile driver, another soft 'uh' the sign it was well-delivered.

Each subsequent thrust was delivered with the same slow pull back and violent push forward. Nothing escaped her lips after one such invasion, her breath stopping , the vibrator growling angrily as it was mashed into her clitoris. Tim held position deep inside her, feeling the tight sheath surrounding his cock spasm as the rest of her body stiffened almost painfully.

She finally went limp; the vibrator switched off with some difficulty and dropped while she lay impaled on her husband. Gwen took a deep breath, exhaled and turned her head to catch a glimpse of the man behind her. "Do you need more time? Or maybe I can help you get closer?"


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