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A Place Beyond The Horizon Ch. 13

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In Tokyo, Andrew turns Indi into a table to warm their sake.
2.5k words

Part 13 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 02/10/2023
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[Aidan's marriage has been shattered by his wife's cheating. Unable to cope with the thing Rosa did, he boarded a plane and put as much distance between them as possible. From Australia, making new friends in Sydney, to meeting Kat and sharing her bed, he finds himself in Los Angeles as the personal trainer and lover to Mara Fey, Hollywood A-Lister and one of the most famous women on the planet. As he becomes more deeply entangled in Mara's life, Rosa becomes more distant, leaving Aidan more lonely than ever.

Mara takes him with her to Tokyo, where Aidan is embroiled in Andrew's plans and must finally face up to his past.

The background to Aidan's story can be found in Oxygen Games by oneagainst, continued here with permission.]



In Tokyo, Andrew has booked them all into two suites in an upscale hotel situated in the middle of Shinjuku. They lose a day in the flight, and it's late on Friday night as the private car weaves through traffic to their destination. Beyond the car windows, Shinjuku is a riot of colour and sound, lit up in screens and neon signs on all the buildings, the streets packed with people.

Mara is riding in the back with Aidan, and Andrew is sitting in front of them with Indi. The driver doesn't know who she is, and Mara seems to be thrilled by that. Andrew turns back in his seat to talk to them.

"We can get settled in and then try our luck out for dinner, what do you say?"

"You got somewhere in mind?" Mara asks.

"A couple places. The menu isn't in English though."

"How will we know what we're ordering?"

Andrew laughs. "We won't."

They pull up to the hotel, and Andrew strides over to talk to the bellboy, organising the luggage and checking them all in. The ride fifty floors up the elevator, into a well-appointed corridor with doors spaced widely in each wall. Andrew has booked two large suites and leads Mara to hers. It's big, with an entertaining area, kitchenette and two bedrooms to each side. A soft, low-lying couch is arranged in an L-shape in the middle of the entertaining area around a sturdy glass coffee table, looking out through floor-to-ceiling windows at the shimmering lights of the Tokyo skyline, with its landmark tower lit up in the night.

"Nice enough?" Andrew asks.

"It'll pass," Mara replies.

"Good. I do my best to please."

Andrew takes a look around the suite and nods to himself.

"How about you settle in and we regroup in the hotel lobby in fifteen for dinner?" he suggests.

"Maybe twenty. I need to overhaul."

Andrew laughs. "No, Mara, you don't. Trust me. You on your worst day is better than most people on their best."

Mara grins back. "So, you saying I'm at my worst?"

"Oh no. You're not gonna suck me into that. See you in twenty."

Andrew leads Indi out of the suite to his own, leaving Aidan alone with Mara. She gives him a look, and then flashes a smile.

"Aidan, relax. We're gonna have a ball."

"Yeah, I know."

"Get changed. Let's go see what Tokyo has to offer."


They find somewhere to eat in one of the towering, screen-wrapped blocks that line one of the main streets of Shinjuku, taking an elevator up to the sixth floor and being escorted into a booth by the window, overlooking the street. Andrew takes charge, ordering from the menu with a combination of pointing and holding up fingers which the Japanese waitress appears to understand. She is fastidiously polite, reciting the order back in Japanese, to which Andrew nods as if he's understood her.

"I didn't know you could understand Japanese," Mara comments after the waitress departs.

"Not a word," Andrew confesses. "Languages are not my area of expertise."

"Ever tried learning one?"

Andrew shrugs. "Apart from Spanish at school, no. I mean, there's a practicality to it, right? The waitress, it's easy for her, she just needs to learn English. I'd need to learn, what? Spanish, Japanese, Urdu, Chinese, German, French, uh...."

He's ticking languages off on his fingers. "Benefits of exporting the American way of life, makes the options easy for everyone."

Aidan can't detect any trace of irony in his tone.

"Anyway," Andrew continues, "Who's hungry? I could eat a... um, whatever that was I pointed at."

The conversation begins to flow freely as the night progresses, as drinks are consumed and the steady progression of share plates arrives. It's mostly Andrew and Mara talking, but Mara keeps pulling Aidan into conversation. Indi sits quietly for the most part, answering questions as they are put to her, but offering very little. She's also not drinking at the same rate as the rest of them, which in the case of Andrew and Mara, is quite considerable.

By the end of dinner, they are both quite drunk, but from the looks that Aidan notices from Andrew, it's not by accident. Afterwards, back at the hotel, Mara is laughing as they ride up to their rooms. Andrew is grinning at her, but she's leaning on Aidan. Indi is watching them all. The doors open and they stumble out of the elevator.

"Back to mine?" Andrew asks, "I have sake."

"Sure," Mara responds, and they make their way to Andrew's suite.

Inside, it's much like Mara's, except it faces back towards the city buildings rather than out to the tower, with a room each for Andrew and Indi. Aidan knows that he's drunk, even as he supports Mara with an arm, and is undecided as to whether drinking any more, especially with Andrew, is a good idea.

"Make yourselves comfortable," Andrew calls out.

He produces a set of small sake cups from a cupboard. In his other hand is a bottle.

"Aren't we supposed to heat it?" Mara asks.

"God, no. Not this stuff. It doesn't come in cans from a vending machine. Here."

Andrew opens it and passes the bottle to Mara, waving the opening under her nose.

"See? This is real sake. We should be drinking it at blossom temperature."

Mara takes the bottle. "It's chilled," she says.

They sink into the couches and Andrew arranges the sake cups on the coffee table in front of them.

"Yes," Andrew replies, "But it's currently too cold. Too hot, too cold, you can't taste the complexity of the sake. It needs to be just right."

"Blossom temperature," Mara repeats, like she's mocking him.

Andrew pays her no attention. He's looking at Indi.

"We need to warm the sake gently to the correct temperature. Could you lie down on the table, Indi?"

Aidan sits forward, but Mara doesn't react. Indi gets up from her seat and walks over the coffee table. She sits on the edge and the reclines backwards, arms above her head, stretching her body across the glass surface.

"We need skin," Andrew says.

Indi's fingers knot in the fabric of her dress and she lifts her bottom off the table, stripping herself. Aidan eyes follow her movements as she reveals her lean, willowy body, clad now in no more than a beautifully-intricate lace set of bra and panties. With the dress gone, she settles back down onto the glass. Aidan steals a look across at Mara, to find with a shock that she's watching him, not the woman laid out in front of them all. Mara's eyes flick to Andrew.

Andrew places four of the tiny cups on Indi's body in a line from her belly button up to her collar bone. Carefully, he pours a measure of sake into each and then sits back. The room has fallen silent as all eyes are on the girl on the table. Indi's eyes are focused on a spot on the ceiling, her back arched subtly to display her perfect, toned body. Nestled in her modest cleavage, Aidan can see the surface of the fourth sake cup rippling in time with her heartbeat. He can't bring himself to look away.

"Guests first," Andrew says, breaking the spell.

Aidan feels Mara's eyes on him. He turns to see that she's smiling, but it's a strange smile, lit by wide blue eyes, and Aidan has the unsettling feeling of being trapped.

"Ladies first," he croaks.

Mara's smile widens fractionally. She rises from her seat to kneel on the carpet next to the reclining figure on the table.

"No hands," Andrew intones.

"Of course," Mara replies.

Aidan is transfixed, watching as Mara folds her arms behind her back and leans forward to touch her lips to the third cup, balancing on Indi's sternum. Delicately, she sips at the sake, drawing it all into her mouth in one go. Mara leans back, stretching, and swallows.

"What do you think?" Andrew asks.

"Perfect," she murmurs, getting up off her knees.

Mara resumes her seat next to Aidan. It's his turn now.

"Pick whichever one you want," Andrew says.

Aidan's eyes travel up the body displayed on the glass table in front of him, from the strip of lace that curves up from her crotch and over her hips, to the depression in the flat tummy in which the first cup nestles. His gaze drift up to the base of her ribcage, where taut abdominals meet the curve of her ribs, and the second cup. Below the delicately patterned bra is Mara's empty cup, and then balanced in the shallow valley between Indi's breasts is the fourth cup. Aidan's eyes follow the elegant curve of Indi's neck, up to her pretty face and finally to her sea-grey eyes, locked on him, expressionless. Andrew is waiting patiently; so is Indi.

Aidan slides onto his knees and bends over Indi's body. He stalls, trying to work out the rules to this strange game, rules that Mara already seems familiar with. Feeling Mara's eyes on him, he makes a decision and sips the sake out of the cup balanced on Indi's abdomen, quickly retaking his seat on the couch. He glances across at Mara again, but her expression is enigmatic.

Andrew approaches the table, bending down to sip the sake from the cup that sits on Indi's belly button. He leans back, making a show of tasting the cool liquid. Then he bends forwards again, to her breasts, and takes the contents of the final cup of sake into his mouth. He doesn't swallow this time though.

Instead, he positions his lips over Indi's. There is a pause, and she opens her mouth. Andrew's mouth closes over hers and she swallows. Andrew leans back, looking up at Aidan, then at Mara. He raises an eyebrow.

"More?" he asks.

Mara shrugs, her eyes lidded. "I'm done," she announces, softly, "Time for bed."

She gets up and begins to make her way to the door. After a few steps, she stops and turns back to Andrew.

"Thank you for a lovely night," she says, "It's been fun."

Andrew stands. "Glad you enjoyed yourself," he replies, "Have a good sleep."

Mara nods, then turns towards the door, leaving Aidan on the couch. He's not sure what he's supposed to do, and he gets up too. Before he can move to follow Mara, Andrew turns to him.

"What about you, big guy? Tired? Or will you stay for one more?"

Aidan looks at Mara's retreating back. She doesn't turn around; she's leaving them to it.

"One for the road?" Andrew asks.

Reluctantly, Aidan sinks back down onto the couch. Andrew gathers up the four cups, stacking them nearly in one hand and running the other over Indi's exposed skin.

"Just two this time, I think. I'll give you first pick again. Indi, please."

Indi comes to life, sitting up and reaching behind herself. The bra comes loose and her small, pert breasts are suddenly free. She drops the bra onto the floor and lays back down on the glass table, topless, but she's not finished. She hooks her fingers into her panties and raises her bottom, pulling them down her legs to reveal a smoothly-waxed crotch. She sheds the last piece of her clothing and positions herself on the coffee table with her hands under her bottom. She tilts her hips forward and spreads her legs slightly, putting her naked body on full display for the two men.

Andrew takes two of the cups, balancing the first one on her lips. Indi remains silent throughout. Andrew runs the next cup over her chin, down her neck and between her bare breasts. Aidan can see her nipples have hardened in anticipation. The cup brushes along her abdomen and over her crotch, where Andrew balances it delicately over her waxed mons. Indi remains fixed in position while Andrew fills both cups with sake.

"Your choice, big guy," Andrew tells him, "Take whichever one you want."

Aidan stares at Indi's bare skin. He knows he's had too much to drink, but this is way outside his comfort zone. Andrew is waiting for him to choose and Indi is staring up at the ceiling, immobile. Moving with glacial slowness, Aidan leans forward, sliding off the couch onto his knees. He bends over her body, positioning his face above hers. Her eyes are looking up into his, wide and innocent, even though she's been positioned, nude on the glass.

Aidan sips the sake from the cup that balances on her lips, and it's almost like kissing her. Indi's eyes drift closed; he tastes the cool sake on his tongue.

"Interesting choice," Andrew murmurs, and Aidan pulls back from Indi's body.

Without ceremony, Andrew bends over her crotch to sup from the second cup. Indi remains motionless, like a doll. He leans back, looking up at Aidan and then back down at the naked woman on the table.

Andrew removes the two cups and strokes Indi's cheek delicately. He parts her lips with a finger tip and pushes his finger into her mouth.

"Show's over for the night," Andrew rumbles, "See you tomorrow."

He smiles at Aidan, but then his attention shifts back to the naked girl sucking his fingertip gently, her eyes closed, her body not moving. Aidan gets up to leave.

"One last thing, Aidan. Mi casa, su casa. If ever you want to, I don't mind, and neither will Indi."

Andrew's attention is on Indi's lips, the way she's sucking his finger.

"She's been fixed, so there's no risk of accidents. I found that out the hard way."

Andrew smiles to himself.

"Turns out she's dangerously fertile, so she has a device fitted, inside. No more periods either, so it's never the wrong time."

Andrew looks up at Aidan.

"Now, if I could get a little privacy?"

"Yeah, sure," Aidan stammers, "No problem. Thanks for a good night."

"It's all good, Aidan. I'm a generous man. I'm sure we can all get along."

Aidan heads for the door. He looks back once, to see Andrew extract his finger from Indi's mouth and tease it between her legs. She arches her back, sighing as he slips it inside her. It's the first sound he's heard from her in a long time.


[Next chapter: a shopping trip in Tokyo with Indi reveals hidden layers to the shy girlfriend of Andrew, prompting Aidan to a realisation about his own past.

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FseriesFseries9 months ago

Dump her now.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

The degradation of Indi is extremely off-putting. That the other three apparently go along with it makes it worse.

LifesearchLifesearchabout 1 year ago

Interesting, long on suspense. Where will you go with it? Very good read.

SamYorkSamYorkabout 1 year agoAuthor

thanks for the DM feedback - thought it would be good to respond in the story comments. This story is set in a larger context (see ) dealing with Aidan's rudderless trainwreck of an existence after the actions of his wife, while will reach a resolution as part of the bigger story arc. Hopefully, the last 3 chapters reveal more for you.

TeggeTeggeabout 1 year ago

This is a bunch of stupid ! it doesn't feel like a story. Like you're just stringing along your character and readers. 1*

Beardog325Beardog325about 1 year ago

Does Aidan have any idea what he is doing? He is like a lost puppy not sure where to go. He needs to wake up and take charge of his life. Looking forward to the next chapter.

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