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A Royal Sacrifice Ch. 17


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Evelyn smiled. "It will be our secret." She clapped her hands together, spun away and hurried toward the castle. Drest couldn't help but smile at the joy in her face and he found himself looking forward to spending a few hours surrounded only by the woman that wanted to free herself from the forced conventions of being a Royal.


The sound of Brilliant's huffing mingled with the sounds of the night as she carried her Mistress down a very well known and used path. Evelyn enjoyed the brisk night air as it touched her skin; the smell of the woods surrounded her; she embraced it as well, locking it in, and hoping it would be something she never forgot. She tried to ignore the feelings of euphoria that threatened to consume her every time she glanced at the stern and imposing figure of Drest. She wanted to enjoy the evening and told herself, his company would not deter her.

They stopped at the edge of the village. Drest dismounted, waited for her to do the same and then took the leads of both their horses. He tied the thick cords to strong trees and then motioned for Evelyn to walk next to him. "Why are we leaving the horses again?" she asked as she walked beside him.

"Your presence alone will cause a stir, galloping in will bring more curious eyes to our persons. Dressed as we are, I hope that I can keep your identity a better secret than you did, when you first attempted such a quest."

She rolled her eyes as she recalled how he had caught her and Rebecca trying to sneak out of the keep. She had to admit, his disguise for her was much better. Her fingers ran down the grimy bodice of the dress she wore. It was a serviceable dress. No ruffles, or beads or pretty ribbons graced its presence. Her shoes were tattered; the black wool stockings itched, as well as showed their age. Evelyn had almost balked at the idea of wearing the offensive and somewhat fumy garments, but then chastised herself. As the walked through the village, passing individuals she knew very well, she was surprised to find she went unnoticed. She patted her hair and rubbed at the dark coal dust.

"Stop that!" Drest hissed, "You'll smear the color out and then all will see the truth. If I could have dirtied up that face of yours a bit more. . .even your horse wouldn't have recognized you."

She giggled. "She didn't. The smell of these garments frightened her. Where did you find such horrid things?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "They were in a pile of clothes that had to be discarded. It seems some visiting Lord wallowed with the pigs and he handed the clothes to a maid, who in turn tossed them in with several other garments to be washed. The smell spread and well... as you can see, the garments suffered greatly." Drest chuckled as he thought of the stench Benedict would carry if he didn't wash up better than his clothing.

Evenly giggled, then frowned as she noticed two women whispering behind upraised hands. Her gaze followed their point of interest. Her lips rose in a sneer as she bared her teeth and glared hotly at the well-bosomed ladies. They saw the daggers in her eyes, but only laughed, continuing to admire her escort and Prince. She glanced at Drest to see if he noticed the attention he was receiving. Much to her surprise, he didn't seem aware.

He was still handsome, even if he too had dressed in tattered clothes and resembled a traveling merchant and not the wealthy man he truly was. She couldn't help but admirer the dashing figure the two women had taken in. In fact, she was quite drawn to him, more so as this common man than as the Prince he truly was. Did he too secretly seek a moment to be nothing more than simple? She wondered and then before she knew it her thoughts were invaded by the sound of joyous laughter and boisterous music.

She felt Drest wrap an arm around her waist and then lead her over the threshold of the tavern. Immediately she was assailed with memories. She felt tears well up in her eyes and she pushed them back with her palm. "Are you okay?" Drest whispered against her ear as he pushed his way through a small crowd.

"Yes," she answered back, and shivered when he left her side, long enough to aid her in sitting down. Evelyn was surprised by the loss she felt at the warmth of his touch. She saw him wave to a passing barmaid and she heard him call for two mugs of sweet wine. "Tell her to bring the best. . .no cost is too much or you'll..."

Drest shook his head. "The best is something we can not afford. We are poor, remember."

"If you drink the cheap stuff... we'll be sick too."

Drest chuckled, but did not change his mind. He watched silently as Evie drunk in their surroundings. The disguise did little to hide her beauty, though he was quite proud of himself for hiding her heritage. She did not look like the Queen of Vix, but instead looked as if she belonged in the mist of these people. . . her people.

As singers and dancers performed for various amounts of coin and drink, he was drawn into her laughter and her wit. She would lean over, casually talk to him about what man would be taking what local girl home. Who would cheat another at cards. What lady would take on any man in a fight. Several times she urged him to dance a jig with her and each time he shook his head no, knowing that if he touched her in such an intimate manner, all would be lost.

Hours passed. Drest nursed his drink, while Evie continued to have hers refilled. In time Drest watched her body slump and her eyes grow heavy from both the lateness of the hour as well as the amount of alcohol she had consumed. He rose from his seat and took her arm. The night was over, or so he thought as he led her from the tavern and back into the cool night air.

The sound of feet charging across the stones, that made up the village streets, made Drest turn. He spun around, shoving Evie behind him. The light from the tavern glowed over the image of a fierce looking man. The man's fist was balled up and heading toward Drest's face. The Prince dodged the assault and then winced when he heard Evie cry out. He didn't need to see her to know that she was in trouble; he cursed and prayed she would be alright as he fought to take down the drunkard that was trying to pommel him to death.

Evelyn growled, kicking and screaming as the man behind her wrapped his beefy hands tightly around her body. She felt her ribs being crushed and threw back her head, hoping to hit the man with the hard bone of her skull. She failed, and felt the man hauling her back. Evelyn continued to try to free herself as she was pulled further into the shadows of the night. Her gaze locked on Drest, who was busy fighting a giant of a man. Who were these two? She wondered, curious as to what would make two men try to take on a man of Drest's size.

No longer could she think of him as she felt hands grab at her breasts. She screamed again, new fear shooting through her. She had to assume that these were just two idiots that had thought her and her companion were easy marks. She heard the snapping of twigs behind her and knew that her assailant was dragging her into the woods. Fear and anger shot through her, spurning her on as she twisted and turned in the man's hold. For a moment, she thought all was lost and she felt despair fill her, then she remembered one of the many lessons Drest as well as Cedric had drilled into her.

Evelyn grew lax and her body became heavy. The man cursed, relaxed his grip just enough to reposition his burden and then screamed as Evelyn drew her knife across his arm. She had taken those precious seconds to free the small blade that had been commissioned for her many weeks ago. The blade had slipped easily from the wrist harness. She dragged it across the man's flesh, digging deep. The warm crimson fluid sprayed across her hand and arm. The man dropped her and held the injured appendage to his chest. Evelyn spun away, running as fast as she could back toward the village.

She screamed again when she collied with a thick barreled chest. Once more she fought for freedom as two arms wrapped around her and brought her deeper into the hard body. "Evie!"

Immediately, she stopped struggling and felt herself collapsing against Drest. She wrapped her arms around his chest and held him tightly to her. His stroked her hair and kissed the top of her coal-covered locks. "You get into more trouble. . ." His words died as her tears flowed. "I'm sorry Evie. Are you all right?"

"Yes," she muttered, then stepped free of him, "You are right though; I am a lot of trouble."

Drest chuckled, took her hand and led her from the woods. "You are, but I would not trade you for anything."

She grinned and squeezed his hand. "What happened to the man who attacked you?" He nodded his head toward the tavern. A bulky shadow rested just outside of its entrance. "I see. Who are they?"

They moved into a sliver of moonlight and Drest took a moment to contemplate her question. "I believe they were just two men thinking to gain a few coins from strangers." He looked down at her arm and pulled her back to him. "You are hurt!" he exclaimed, grabbing her arm and lifting it up to show her. "Blood!" he growled, concerned for her unknown injury.

"It isn't mine."

He sighed with relief, as she told the story. Eventually they resumed walking back toward where the horses were tethered. Together, they moved, fingers tangled in a warm clasp of friendship. Neither spoke, each lost to their own thoughts. In time, they reached the horses and rode back to the castle in silence, eventually dismounting and leaving the two beasts in the corral. Drest knew that one of the groomsman would wonder how he had missed the two beasts, but he was thankful that it was an underling that had been in charge that night. Not one of the more reliable groomsman.

Evie felt sorrowful for having to part from his side. She turned to face him; their gazes held and she knew her heart beat faster than it ever had before. The sight of his tongue moving out to moisten his lips brought a whimper from her throat. She swallowed it, fearful he would hear her longing.

As he continued to look down at her, Evelyn felt her body sway toward him. His hands came up to steady her. He dragged her in closer and she went willingly. Their lips met, heads angled and moans were gently cohearsed and then swallowed down as Drest's tongue slid easily into her mouth. She kissed him back. The warm, wet muscles twisted and danced together. Her fingers moved to grip on the worn fabric of Drest's borrowed clothes. She held on to him, deepening the kiss and leaning in further. Her body responded to the sensations he was pouring into her.

Drest's hands moved from her arms, to her back. One slid up to cup the back of her head, holding her still as his other moved to learn the shape of her hip and then lower it traveled, gripping the folds of her skirt. His nails dragged across the newly exposed skin. His mouth moved from her lips to her jaw and Evie melted against him. She whimpered and then gasped as she felt the firm digits of his left hand skate across the inner muscles of her thigh. "Drest," she whispered, tilting her head back and offering her neck to him.

He took pleasure in touching her skin, stroking it lightly with the pads of his fingers, while taking his time to suck and lick the warm pulse that beat under her ear. "Yes?" he asked, before biting gently on her ear. He moved away from the tiny bit of skin and then further down to her collarbone. There he nibbled and explored her with bites and sucks.

"I can't breathe."

She felt him grin and smiled softly to herself. Still he did not aid her in her need for air, but instead drove her to gasp for more. His hand slipped further up her leg, tickling little strokes until it reached the heated core of her sex. There he paused, pressed his palm against the warm curls and then tucked one finger between the slick folds.

"Ohh my," she whispered. Her legs spread further apart, a natural instinct that she was unaware of. Her hips pushed forward and she welcomed the gentle thrusting of the Prince's finger. She moaned and then hissed as she felt a second finger slide into place, pushing its way into the warm hole. "Please," she begged, not quite knowing what she pleaded for.

Drest twirled his way in and out of her sex, teased her clit several times and then slipped easily back into the center he craved. "Evelyn. We could end all of this now. . . you have but to ask."

She shivered as his fingers left her opening and then went to pull and twist the hard nub that seemed to scream for attention. "Hmmm?" she asked, though no real thoughts were filling her mind, only desire and need lingered.

"The Wizard's plan. We could thwart him together. Finish it, now and all would be lost to him."

The mention of Bagdemagus was like a bucket of cold water, being tossed on the simmering passions of Queen Evelyn. She pushed at Drest's chest and pulled her skirts down, ignoring the loss she felt when his fingers were no longer a part of her. "I see. It isn't me you want, but you wish to sacrifice yourself for the sake of the kingdom. How chivalrous of you."

Drest stepped back; his expression was one of shock and confusion and then quickly it changed to anger. "You can not be serious. It is you I desire, not your kingdom! Yes, I wish to help you, but what I offer would not be a sacrifice... not to either of us." He grinned boyishly, hoping to bring her back to her earlier agreeable state. He stepped forward; she stepped back. "Evie. It was a suggestion that would have come up eventually. It makes sense. The Wizard wants a virgin. You rid yourself of that and he goes away."

She shook her head. "If it were truly that simple, then I would do it. I would do it for Vix," she hissed, and then turned away, "but I can't believe it is as easy as spreading my legs for the first man to sacrifice himself for me. Good night."

Evelyn hurried to the servants' entrance and stepped in. Thankful that the night guard had left his post. She eased her way through the castle, taking the same steps she and Drest had taken hours before. The guards were by her door, still slumbering due to the powder Drest had slipped them. She smiled for a moment as she recalled how he told her no one would know of their outing. He had gone to great pains to protect her. . .for what purpose though? To bury his cock in her womb and save the land of Vix, but not offer her the love she desperately craved?

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

More chapters please.. Need to know the ending of the prince & the queen relationship :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

I knew they were not going to do it and yet I hoped...


Life would be so much easier if we knew how to take those little shortcuts in time. One of the hottest things I have read in while.



DarkniciadDarkniciadover 16 years ago
White hot

There's just something about that last scene that really pushes my buttons. When I want to reach through the screen and slap Drest senseless, then you know you have me *laugh* Excellent chapter!

slyc_willieslyc_willieover 16 years ago
Had me guessing

I almost thought they were going to do it. Evie is certainly gaining strength and confidence, and Drest, well . . . he proves that, even though he's a prince, he's still just a man. Excellent chapter, sweets!

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