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A Special Kind of Love Pt. 06

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Lucy starts encouraging Katie to loose her inhibitions.
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Mum and daughter still laid in bed together following the early morning activities. Both women reflected on what had just happened, trying to absorb everything. They spend a few quiet moments in their own little worlds, it was a time for contemplation.

Katie's thoughts revolved around knowing her journey to become her mother's toilet had begun. For her though the journey was too slow, she wished her mum had allowed her to eat more than just the one turd. Her mother's thoughts were darker, she was thinking and hoping her daughter would not vomit, afraid that if she did her new toilet might be put off and change its mind.

Lucy was the first to wake from her private thoughts. She turned to her daughter, placed her hand on Katie's tummy and asked. "Are you alright darling?"

Katie knew what her mum was referring to and replied. "Yes mum, I'm fine, don't worry. It was nice, honest, I enjoyed it."

"So it's not going to come back up again then!"

"No mum, I'm fine, don't worry. I've eaten much more of my own poo before, I'll be fine."

"Alright sweetheart, I'm just making sure. I don't want to put you off that's all."

"It hasn't put me off, in fact I can't wait for my next meal!" Katie grinned, it was a grin which relaxed her mum.

"Ok then, shall we get up, can't stay in bed all day!"

"I can if it's with you!"

"No Katie, come on let's get up." Lucy got out of bed and started dressing. She put on her knickers and bra followed by her usual casual wear of leggings and t-shirt.

Katie was reluctant to move but eventually swung her legs out of bed and went to her drawer for a clean pair of knickers.

"She was stopped by her mum calling over to her. "Oh Katie luv, you won't need any clothes today."

"Pardon!" Was the startled reply.

"You heard me, you won't need any clothes today unless we go out."

"If you think I'm spending the day naked then you've got another think coming!" Katie picked out a pair of clean knickers from her drawer, stood up and tried covering her modesty.

"Katie! This is the first day of your new life, it's time you started doing as you are fucking told!" Lucy didn't hold back, she knew that if their new life was going to work it had to start now and without compromise. She was taken aback by her daughter's response.

"Oh, err, yes, shit, I'm sorry. Of course, umm, I'll put them back." Katie sounded genuinely apologetic and as though she hadn't really considered the reason for her mum's original request to stay naked. She put her clean pair of knickers back in the drawer and stood up. She was completely naked and made no attempt to cover herself.

"I'm sorry mum, is this what you want?" She asked and lifted her arms away from her body.

"Good girl Katie, we'll work this all out together sweetheart, it's a big change for both of us. I tell you what, I'll let you wear one piece of clothing."

"I don't have to mum, I don't mind, I'll be alright."

"No! I want you to wear something. Go and get your work shoes darling."

"What! My work shoes?" Katie sounded confused but she did as she was told. It was when she picked them up that the penny dropped. She carried them back upstairs and into her and her mum's bedroom then put them on in front of her new lover. They were a pair of black high heeled shoes. Not the most comfortable work shoes but shoes Katie always insisted on wearing. She believed they made her 'look good' and were part of the appearance she wanted to portray.

"Stunning! You look absolutely stunning Katie!"

The compliment make Katie feel a million dollars and she turned around for her mum to see her in all her glory.

"Oh my god darling you have a gorgeous butt and those legs, they look even longer and even more beautiful in those heels, oh fuck you look stunning!" Lucy went over to her daughter and ran her hand up the back of her daughter's thigh and up over her bum cheek then back down the outer side of her thigh. She then moved her hand over to the inner thigh of Katie's other leg and upwards to her crotch. Lucy ran her fingers gently through her daughter's pubic hair causing her to gasp.

"Beautiful, I love feeling a young woman's smooth skin and delicate pubes and Katie luv, you are certainly a beautiful young woman."

"Please make love to me, you're driving me wild." Pleaded Katie.

Lucy moved behind her daughter then placed her hands on each of her daughter's breasts. Katie gasped again. "You have gorgeous breasts as well darling and no, mummy is not going to make love to you, not yet."

"Please mum! You're driving me crazy and you're turning me on. Please mum, take me to bed."

"Not yet darling and I know mummy's turning you on. I can smell your sex from here!" Lucy kissed her daughter's neck and then gently blowed onto her ear lobe sending shivers down Katie's spine. Lucy continued to tease her daughter as she ran her finger along the slit of Katie's vagina.

"Oooi you are wet darling, mummy is turning you on isn't she?"

"OMG! Fuck me please, make me cum, you're driving me crazy!"

"Ooo not yet darling, I haven't finished playing with you!"

"Mum! Please!" Katie couldn't take it anymore. She turned to face her mum, flung her arms around her and snogged her.... passionately. She didn't know what else to do, her whole body wanted to explode in orgasm but it wasn't being allowed to.

When Lucy managed to part her lips from her sex hungry daughter she suggested they leave the bedroom and go downstairs, much to the dismay of Katie who reluctantly did as she was told. Her hardened nipples and engorged clit were still crying out for attention but would have to stay unsatisfied for the foreseeable future.

They both arrived in the lounge, mum fully dressed and Katie naked apart from her high heels. Lucy sat herself down on their comfy sofa and picked up her phone to browse and catch up on recent events. Katie was about to do the same when an instruction came her way. "Go and make me a cup of tea, there's a luv. Oh and you can make yourself one if you want."

Katie stared at her mum but only briefly. She knew better than to question or refuse and went to the kitchen.

Lucy's eyes followed the sexy young pert bottom and long legs of her daughter as she walked out of the room. A smile of satisfaction appeared on her face and not seen by Katie.

A few minutes later Katie reappeared carrying two cups of tea and placed them on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

"You're sitting over there darling." Said mum, pointing to the armchair opposite. Katie looked confused, she always sat on the sofa next to her mum, but she didn't argue, picked up her cup and moved it to the table next to the armchair.

"I'm just going for a pee mum, back in a mo."

"In future young lady, you ask for my permission before you go to the toilet, I might have other plans for you."

Katie looked startled but went along with the 'game' as she saw it. "Sorry, may I go for a wee please?"

"You may." Lucy replied. Again she watched as the sexy, young and near naked woman left the room. Lucy slipped her hand inside her knickers to touch herself. She was surprised by just how moist she was. Lucy was enjoying this, her vagina was telling her so.

When Katie returned she sat down on the armchair opposite her mother, crossed her legs as she would normally do and sat like 'a lady'. She too was now carrying her phone to catch up on the news and 'facebook' then took a sip of her tea. She noticed her mum staring at her.

"What?" Was all she said.

"That is NOT how you are going to sit in your new life!

"What's wrong with it?" Said a puzzled Katie.

"Uncross your legs, open them wide and expose yourself to me!" Lucy said it in a 'matter of fact' way as though it was the most normal thing in the world to do. The request stunned Katie at first but when she realised it was an instruction and not a request she became utterly gobsmacked. Lucy didn't say anything else, she just waited for the instruction to be followed.

The silence was eventually broken by Katie. "You can't be serious! There's no way I'm sitting like that!"

Lucy felt dismay, her authority had been questioned yet again. She wanted to tell her daughter to forget the whole thing and move back into her own room. She began to think this whole extreme new world was just a silly pipe dream. Trouble was, she wanted it as much as Katie did. She was confused, she couldn't understand why her daughter appeared to be blocking every attempt she made to take her on this new journey. Still confused and concerned that it wasn't going to happen she gave Katie 'the silent stare.' It would have been her last attempt to make this new life happen.

Katie's eyes became transfixed onto her mum's. "Sorry!" Was all Katie said to start with. Lucy looked on with a massive sense of relief as her daughter uncrossed her legs then swivelled around in the chair slightly enabling her exposed crotch to face full on towards her mother!

"Good girl." Was all Lucy said initially, both women were surprised by what was actually happening.

Katie started to come round to events, the blatant exposure of her most private area began having a profound effect on her. "I can't believe I'm sitting like this! I feel like a slut!"

"Well that's a good start Katie. You're very self conscious aren't you? Covering yourself up at every opportunity even though it's just the two of us and mummy's seen it all before anyway."

"Yeah but you haven't seen it all since I've grown up!" Katie was still being defiant even though she found herself getting aroused exposing herself in the way she was.

"Stop fighting it darling, I know you want this and I do to. This is how you will sit from now on. Whenever we are alone together, in fact, even when you are on your own and yes, I might just check up on you and I'll be very cross if you are disobeying me. Whenever we are alone together, you will sit as you are now. It doesn't matter if you are naked, partly dressed or fully dressed. Are you going to do this for mummy?"

Lucy's continual use of the word mummy, kept striking a cord with her daughter, increasing her arousal every time Lucy said it. Katie simply nodded to confirm she would sit like that from now on.

"Good girl Katie. I am going to alter your mindset darling. I know you are a very dirty girl but your mind is lagging behind isn't it?"

Katie nodded again but Lucy waited for a reply. "Yes mum."

Lucy smiled when the vocal reply came. Katie luv, part of you is very dirty, the part that wants to be a toilet but other parts of you are not compatible with that, are they?"

"No mum.".

"Well, I'm going to change all of that. I am going to ensure that you become a filthy bitch Katie. I shall take you down a one way street, there will be no return."

Lucy couldn't believe what she was saying. She had this long held desire to do this to a young woman but she was about to do this to her own daughter! She wavered again but only for a few seconds. Lucy knew her daughter was up for it and that if she pulled out now there would be not one, but two very disappointed and horny as fuck women.

"It's okay mum, I don't want a return ticket and mum. I'm sorry I didn't open my legs for you soon enough." Katie found herself morphing into a very submissive mode and she found it to be sexually stimulating.

"Hey darling, it's alright, we'll work this out together sweetheart. It's going to be a big change for both of us."

"Thanks. And mum, I do want to be your plaything you know."

"I know you do sweetheart and it's what mummy wants as well. Let's both enjoy some 'me time' for a little while shall we and I can enjoy the view!"

Katie grinned, looked down between her spread legs, then looked back up at her mum. There was no attempt to cover her pussy or breasts this time. In fact Lucy detected a slight widening of her daughter's legs instead. She grinned back and Katie's grin widened. Both knew what the other was thinking.

Lucy looked down at her phone and Katie did the same. They stayed browsing and occasionally chatting for a couple of hours.

It was starting to get late in the morning and neither mum or daughter had washed or cleaned teeth. Lucy was the first to move. "I'm going upstairs to wash." She announced. "You go after me then would you be a luv and make us both coffee?"

"Yeah, okay." Came the cheerful reply. Katie needed to go to the toilet though, see had been putting it off because she had to ask for permission. She knew she couldn't hold on forever so asked the question. "Mum? Can I go to the toilet please?"

"What do you want to do sweetheart?"

"Both." Came the reply and said rather sheepishly.

"Yes you may."

"Thank you." Katie turned and left the room to go upstairs but as she did so she could hear her mum following her. As she walked up the stairs Katie could sense her mum's eyes staring at her naked butt.

Lucy admired the pert bum and long sexy legs of her daughter walking upstairs just in front of her. As Katie reached the bathroom she walked in and went to close the door behind her but found her mum stopping her from doing so.

"You don't have any privacy anymore Katie, leave the door open whenever you go to the toilet from now on."

Katie was unsure about doing this but didn't say anything, she just hoped her mum wouldn't stand there and watch. Katie didn't get her wish. As she sat on the toilet seat Lucy walked straight into the bathroom behind her, then crouched down in front of her seated daughter.

"Do you have to watch me?" Asked Katie.

"Yes, I think it's sexy hearing someone go to the toilet." Lucy placed her hands on Katie's knees. "Whenever you are ready darling.

Katie couldn't hold on any longer and she knew arguing with her mum would be futile. She also knew that questioning her mum's decisions would be considered disrepectful so she dropped any protest.

Katie let out a flood of urine, it was a powerful stream which hit the side of the pan. The noise it made was familiar to both women and one which always aroused Lucy, particularly when it came from her partner.

The stream of piss had only just started when Katie's bowels opened. Again the familiar sound of turds dropping into the water at the base of the pan filled the surroundings. One after the other they dropped as a relieved Katie finally emptied herself.

Katie was surprised at just how close her mother had come to her. She had placed her face between her daughter legs and only millimetres from her pussy. Katie had instinctively placed one hand on the back of her mother's head and gently stroked her hair. She was also surprised when her mum inhaled deeply to take in the smell. That one action alone moistened her vagina, the feel of her mother's breath over her pubic hair moistened her further.

The fact that Katie often became sexually aroused while defacating simply added to her increasingly desperate sexual state. She wanted to plead with her mother to take her to bed when she'd finished on the toilet. Somehow though she new it wouldn't happen and that her sexual frustration would continue.

All went quiet when Katie finished and her mum lifted her face and looked up into her daughter's eyes. "Mmm that was nice dear." Said mum. "You'd been holding on to that for a little while hadn't you?" Both mum and daughter knew that was an understatement!

"Did you use to do that with Julie?" Katie asked.

"Yes darling, I told you there's a lot you don't know about your mum."

"Did she think it was a bit weird?"

"Why? Do you then?"

"A little."

"Julie did to start with but when she realised that it got me horny she got used to it and didn't mind."

"I don't mind you doing it mum."

Thankyou sweetheart, I'm sure we'll soon discover lots of things about each other soon that will surprise us."

"Are you really a bit kinky then?"

"There is nothing wrong with being 'a bit kinky' Katie. Hey! Do you like that? Kinky Katie! Has a nice ring about it doesn't it?"

"Mum!" Exclaimed an embarrassed Katie.

"Don't be such a prude! Kinky Lucy or Kinky mum doesn't have the same ring does it? Your dad and I even gave you the right name didn't we?"

"You're terrible mum!"

"Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, there's nothing wrong with being a bit kinky darling. The trick is to find someone else who shares your kinky side. We're made for each other aren't we?"

"You're an embarrassment sometimes mum!"

Don't be silly Katie and look, there's no one else here is there?"

"I suppose not." Katie replied in a tone of resignation.

"Anyways, have you finished yet?"


"We'll come on then, wipe your bottom clean sweetheart." Lucy's tone was like she was speaking to a young child who was learning how to 'use the big toilet' but then the tone changed. "Oh dear Katie, look, there's no toilet paper!" Lucy knew full well what her daughter had told her earlier. That she hadn't used toilet paper for a long time.

"You're not going to watch are you!" Exclaimed a horrified Katie.

"I certainly am! I wouldn't want to miss this!*

"Please mum, will you go downstairs? This is SO embarrassing!"

"No darling, I'm not going anywhere, you're going to learn not to be embarrassed about doing the dirty things you like and which turn you on Katie. Now come on, mummy wants to watch you wipe your dirty botty!"

"Oh my god!"

"Okay darling, if it helps, how do you wipe the pee drops from your pubes?" Asked Lucy. Katie could not believe the openness with which her mum was talking to her.

"Well, I don't, I just pull my knickers up and let them get a bit wet! God this is so embarrassing!"

"Katie! Come on sweetheart, it shouldn't be embarrassing. Look, lift yourself off the toilet a little way and mummy will lick the drips off your pubes for you. Alright?"

"Alright." Replied a distinctly uneasy Katie. Nevertheless she raised herself off the pan allowing her mum access to her pubic region. Mum took a couple of cleansing swipes with her tongue through her daughters pubic hair.

"There, what do you say?"

"Thanks mum."

"Good girl, come on then let mummy watch you wipe your bottom clean."

Katie puts her right hand between her legs then looks up at her mother. "I can't believe I'm about to do this with you watching me!"

"Now come on Katie, what have I told you? It will be alright." The sense of anticipation which surged through Lucy was enormous. She couldn't quite believe she was about to watch her daughter wipe her bottom clean using her fingers either. Both women stared at each other waiting for the moment.

Katie wiped her anus using her index finger then brought her hand back out from between her legs. A large smear of shit clearly visible on the tip. "WHAT!" exclaimed Katie in reaction to the look on her mum's face.

"Nothing darling, I haven't said a word!"

"No but it's way you're staring at me!"

"It's alright Katie, you look really sexy that's all."

"Do I?" The flattery had worked and Katie relaxed as she opened her mouth, popped her dirty finger inside and sucked it clean. By the time her finger found daylight again it was perfectly clean.

"Oh Katie, fuck, that was such an erotic sight. Is there still some more?"

"Yeah, of course there is!" Replied her daughter as she put her hand back between her legs. Seconds later it came back out with another smear of shit across the tip of her finger, the middle finger this time. Now there was no hesitation as the shit smeared finger went straight into her mouth and came out spotless.

The hand went back between Katie's legs for a third time, another finger swiped across her anus and back out again.

"OMG Katie, this is so beautiful to watch."

"Want a taste?" Says Katie not expecting her mum to say yes. To her surprise though mum opened her mouth but said nothing. Katie placed her next shitty finger in her mum's mouth who, without hesitation, sucked it clean. Both women grinned wickedly at each other.

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