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A Special Kind of Love Pt. 11


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She looked up at her mum. "Will this wash out?"

"No." Replied Lucy triumphantly before continuing. "Not very easily anyway, I've told you, it will have to be cut out but I don't want it washed or cut out so don't try....please! I want you like this, will you keep it like that for mummy? Please."

Katie melted, she wanted to give something back to her mum.

"Okay then, I'll leave it in there." Said Katie but hesitantly. She then reached up and tried to run her fingers through the hair on her head. The shit was starting to dry and Katie's fingers were stopped by the tangled mess. The tangles were not as tough as her pubes. She knew her shit was softer and she found that if she pushed her fingers through her hair the strand would slowly become unstuck. She could feel her hair parting from the shitty mess that was binding the strands together.

Katie came over feeling all strange, she suddenly felt degraded, humiliated and filthy. She couldn't believe how sexually aroused it made her feel though.

Lucy looked at her and saw the look of a scat bitch... Her new scat bitch!

"Katie, you're now just a worthless piece of fucking shit!"

The remark startled Katie, 'did she really mean that?' Was the first thought that entered her sexually charged mind. Then she remembered her mum telling her that talking dirty during sex turned her on. 'Yeah, that's it, it's just playful sex talk', Katie decided to join in, she knew she could give as good as she got.

"I'm not just a worthless piece of fucking shit, I am Mummy's worthless piece of fucking shit!" Katie raised her voice as she said it, it brought a smile to her mum's face. Katie knew immediately that she was playing the right game.

The stakes were suddenly raised though as Lucy, completely out of the blue, spat into her daughter's face! It was just saliva that came out, there was no thick phlegm but it splattered across her face. The largest piece landing on her cheek, she felt it run down her face and round to her neck. The action stunned Katie and she stared blankly up at her mum who was still hovering over Katie as she lay on her back feeling prone and weak.

"You dirty fucker!"

Katie thought she was going to cry as her Mum's words rang in her ears. Lucy began to feel apprehensive when there was no response. Had she gone too far? Lucy decided though that now was not the time for doubts, she gathered more saliva up in her mouth and spat into her daughter's face again. This time even more spital splattered right across her daughter's filth-covered face.

"You're disgusting Katie, a fucking disgusting piece of shit!!"

Katie felt more spit run across her face, she regarded spitting as the most disgusting act imaginable and her mum had spat at her twice! She was puzzled by what happened next, was it the act of spitting or the language her mum had used towards her? She didn't know but she felt an arousal rip through her erogenous zones in a manner she hadn't experienced before. She instinctively placed a hand between her legs.

The action was a relief to her mother, who had begun to think she might have gone too far. She grabbed her daughter's hand and pulled it away.

"Don't touch yourself you filthy cunt!" This latest outburst was followed by yet another release of spit from Lucy's mouth. Katie barely flinched as it splattered across her forehead.

"Leave your clit alone you dirty bitch, it belongs to Mummy now."

"So go on then, fuck your daughter you Pervy cunt!" Katie had suddenly come alive. She gathered saliva up in her own mouth and launched it towards her mum's face! She could hardly believe that she had just spat into her mum's face but the affect made her feel out of this world!

The spit landed in her mum's eye! Lucy made no attempt to wipe it away, instead it hung from her face like a stalactite as Lucy looked down at her prone daughter. The strand of saliva, brown in colour from remnants of shit, slowly extended before dripping onto the body of the bitch who had, only seconds before, expelled it.

Lucy laughed as it landed between her daughter's tits. She ignored it though and instead used a hand to smear her own spit over Katie's face. Katie felt as though her degradation must surely be complete now. She needed release, she needed an orgasm, every fiber in her body was screaming at her and telling her so.

"Will you fuck me Mum.... please. I want sex, I need sex." Katie started begging her mum again.

Lucy made no attempt to reply, instead she straddled over her daughter on all fours, her breasts dangling tantalisingly above. They made contact with Katie's shit-smeared boobs and as they did so Lucy slid her own tits across her daughter's in a rhythmical and gyrating motion.

Another gasp from Katie indicated to her mother that the action was having the desired effect. Both pairs of breasts slid effortlessly together, the smeared shit softened still further by urine ensured there was plenty of lubrication.

The effect was extremely erotic, Lucy knew it would be, she had done it many times before but it was a new experience for her daughter.

"Oh my god Mum! This feels really nice!"

"I thought you'd like it, nice 'n sexy, isn't it?"

"I'm so horny, my body's on fire! When are you going to make love to me? I need to cum real bad Mum!"

"Not long now, darling."

Lucy raised herself from her daughter, causing her tits to dangle above Katie's face. This time though they were tits smeared in shit and piss. Excrement which had transferred from one pair of breasts, Katie's, to her mother's. To Katie, the sight was stunning. She had always admired her mum's boobs, catching glimpses of them when she could. Now though, they were hanging directly above her face after her mum had shuffled herself up her daughter's body. A pair of large tits, now coloured brown from the covering of smeared faeces.

Katie stared at them in wonder, it was a sight she was unlikely to ever forget. "Your boobs are beautiful Mum!"

"Thank you darling, would you like to see if they taste nice as well?"

Katie beamed and nodded enthusiastically. As she did so her mum lowered a nipple into her daughter's eager mouth. Katie employed a licking and sucking action designed, first and foremost, to remove the filth, any stimulation was purely secondary. Her mum didn't mind, she knew her daughter was taking another fix of shit, a drug Katie had become addicted to.

The first nipple and areola was cleaned meticulously before it was lifted away and Lucy's other breast swung over to replace it. The action from Katie was no less enthusiastic, the breast cleaned of shit locally around her mother's nipple.

"Thank you Katie, that felt really nice."

"Is there any more shit left?" Asked Katie before opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue. The action made it obvious where she wanted it.

Lucy picked up another one of her turds, inspected it, sniffed it, licked it and meticulously broke it into three equal sized portions.

By now Katie had started humping fresh air again. She was desperate for sex and Lucy knew it. Out of the blue Katie spoke the obvious.

"You like shit as well don't you Mum?"

"Yes darling I do but I am not an eater like you."

Katie didn't reply and simply smiled and continued humping fresh air.

"Open your mouth again darling."

Katie did as she was instructed enabling Lucy to drop one of the three pieces of turd into her daughter's mouth.

"Don't swallow it yet Katie, just hold it there, you can chew it if you want to but don't swallow. Enjoy it first, savour it's taste, feel it's texture. Swallow it when you are about to cum sweetheart, that will give you maximum stimulation. Not that my dirty fucking shit slut needs any more stimulation!" The last comment was said with a grin on her face and Katie was now happy that it was sexual speak and nothing else.

"When ARE you going to fuck your shit slut?"

"Just as soon as I've positioned these." Replied Lucy showing her daughter the remaining two lumps of turd she had prepared.

Katie said nothing as her mum placed one of them just inside the outer lips of her daughter's pussy, right at the top, adjacent to her clitoris

"Try and keep it there if you can, it will be difficult as it might keep popping out but do your best. If you get it in the right position, you might even be able to get it to help apply more pressure to your clit."

Lucy then placed the remaining piece of turd up against her own clit.

Mum then took the lead and moved herself into a scissoring position between her daughter's legs. She readjusted the position of the small lump of turd between her legs and waited as Katie readjusted hers.

"Got it in place?" Asked Lucy.

"Yep, I think so." Came the reply.

Lucy moved her crotch forward so that her pussy made contact with her daughter's. As she went in, she first felt the hairy bush surrounding it and then, as she moved herself through it she felt the prize that awaited. Katie was already wet and Lucy could feel it up against the lips covering her own vagina. The moistness reminded her that Katie had already had a small orgasm sometime earlier.

The vagina-to-vagina contact felt different to Lucy. In the first instance she was not used to fucking another woman who had a full bush of pubic hair. It felt strange every time they had sex and today was no different. Lucy wasn't sure if she preferred it or not. The second difference was down to the hard pieces of shit now stuck and clinging to her daughter's pubes. Lucy could feel them against her labia, she could also detect the tangles in Katie's pubic hair. Then there was the turd in her own pussy, just another little adjustment with her fingers and it was nestled romantically up against her clit. Lucy could sense a very special and naughty fuck was on its way.

Katie, for her part, followed her mum in readjusting the piece of turd again. She found it difficult, there wasn't really anywhere suitable to lodge it in securely so Katie squashed it slightly up against her clit hoping that would prevent it from constantly falling away.

She slid her fingers out from between her pussy and her mum's, they were both pressed intimately together, kissing each other. At least that was how it seemed to Katie. Both women simultaneously moved forward, pressing their moist cunts even closer in a lesbian union. The fresh air humping which Katie had been instinctively doing was now, no longer, a wasted effort. Her short forward and back pulses of the hips turned to sensual gyrations. Gyrations which caused moans to emanate from the vocal cords of two sexually charged scat sluts.

Katie was by far the more vocal, her orgasm was not far away. Her mother had made sure Katie had been taken to the edge of sexual bliss but without tipping her over. She had used all of her experience in stimulating another woman and wasn't expecting this fuck to last long. Lucy was prepared to wait for the next one, she knew there would be another, to achieve her climax. This one was all about Katie... or so she thought.

Lucy knew her daughter was one sexy bitch, or more accurately, one sexy and filthy bitch. She had underestimated her daughter's sexual ability during lesbian lovemaking though.

As the two women ground their cunts together Katie soon felt her orgasm building. The lump of shit pressing into her clit did nothing to diminish that feeling. 'How did mum know a piece of shit placed there would feel this good?!' Katie asked herself before realising the answer. Mum must have done it before!

Katie was desperate to hold on to her orgasm however. She was determined to pay back her mother for the truly exhilarating experience she had given her. There was no way, if at all possible, that Katie was going to climax before her mum!

"Fuck!" Screamed Katie as she gritted her teeth and willed her orgasm to hold off a little longer. Trouble was she needed to cum, she felt like she could squirt a bucketful! But in order for her mum to cum first Katie knew she would have to work at it.

She had an idea, the shit still in her mouth was now mashed to a pulp and 50/50 shit and saliva. Katie allowed some of it to ooze out of her mouth, she could see her mum watching her, 'perfect' she thought.

Katie lifted her torso up from the bed and allowed her shitty drool to drop. 'Bullseye!' She screamed elatedly inside her head as it landed directly between their two gyrating crotches. She quickly laid back down, she could apply more pressure that way, and grabbed the one leg of her mum that was accessible.

Katie pulled her mum in, thrust her hips forward even further and slammed her vagina into her mum's. Both women gasped! Katie gripped every muscle in her body in a desperate attempt to hold off her orgasm. Her gyrations intensified to a speed her mum had never experienced before. Not just gyrations, but the powerful, short thrusts that accompanied them. If Lucy thought she was the one in control then she had to think again! Never before had she experienced such a powerful and intense fuck as the one her daughter was giving her!

"Oh my god Katie, what are you doing to me?!"

Katie didn't stop for conversation, if her mum thought the fuck was intense now, Katie knew that the next phase would be off the scale. The younger woman had the energy and more importantly, the desire as well.

Katie stepped up another gear: 'fucking hell mum, please cum, I can't hold off much longer' were Katie's thoughts, she was beginning to believe she would fail. 'Come on Katie, one last push' she told herself. She upped the tempo one last time and knew that if her mum didn't cum in the next few seconds then she would cum first. Katie had held off her climax for as long as she could, in fact much longer than she thought was possible.

She moved position slightly and felt it, what it was she wasn't sure but guessed it must have been the lump of shit her mum had placed against her own clit. Katie ground her pussy into her mum's cunt, it was intense, forceful and rhythmical. The small turd next to her mother's clit was helping to send Lucy over the edge.

Then Katie heard those magical words and relief surged through her veins. "Don't stop! I'm cumming." Screamed Lucy.

Just seconds later she let out a scream. "Arrrggh......fuuucck!"

Lucy's body shook violently, she grabbed whatever she could of her daughter, it happened to be one of Katie's boobs. She squeezed it, not hard but just enough for support. Lucy flung her head back, thrust her hips into her daughter and shook in orgasmic glory.

Katie felt the flow, that magical moment when you feel your partner cum and her fluid flows over your own vaginal lips.

The whole moment was too much for Katie to contain any longer. She placed her hand between her own legs and felt all of the cum, saliva, shit and drool. It was a wonderful concoction of bodily fluids and filth. She used it all to her advantage and with a little help from her own finger Katie erupted in her own climatic euphoria. The finger giving that little bit extra to enable Katie to squirt over her mother's pulsating and physically wrecked body.

Katie's body spasmed uncontrollably for several seconds shutting out all normal responses to the boring and routine world that made up normal consciousness. Mother and daughter were both in that euphoric place between worlds that no one wants to leave but everyone does and all too soon.

Lucy was the first to return to earth. "Holy mother of god! what just happened there!" She exclaimed, not quite believing where she had just been taken. Her breathing was still heavy and ragged, her body sweating and still twitching. She released Katie's breast and moved her hand up to her own head, she placed it on her forehead.

"Fuck Katie, what just happened?"

"We made love Mum, are you alright?"

"Made love?! Is that what you call it? If that's making love then making love to you is out of this fucking world!"

Lucy started laughing, the intense orgasm she had just experienced had sent endorphins running riot in her brain. She was 'on a high' that would take her some time to come down from. Laughing and panting at the same time testament to where she was at that moment.

By now Katie's orgasm was subsiding and she was starting to worry that her mum had just had some sort of epileptic fit or something!

"Are you okay Mum?" She asked again, now showing more concern in her voice. "That was good, wasn't it? Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm okay Katie, don't worry. Oh my god! What just happened there?"

"You had an orgasm, that was all, so did I. It was good, wasn't it?"

"For fuck's sake Katie, where did you learn to do that!"

"Do what? It was only sex!"

"That wasn't 'only sex' Katie. I was supposed to make it special for you, the smear and all that but fucking hell! Having sex with you is like being on another planet!"

"So I did it alright then?" An innocent Katie was still showing her naivety.

Mum laughed, she was still coming back down to earth. "Yes Katie, I would certainly say you 'did it alright'! Look sweetheart, I have had sex with four different women since I came out, five now including you. At least two of them were very experienced lesbians who slept around quite a lot. None of them ever took me to the places you take me darling. That's twice now, isn't it? Katie luv, we must be perfect for each other, that is, if I do it for you as well of course?"

"Of course you do Mum, I don't want to be with anyone else!" Katie flings her arms around her mum and both women shed tears of Joy. "I love you mum!"

"Oh, Katie darling, Mummy loves you too sweetheart, more, much more than you could ever imagine!"

"It will be alright, won't it? You know, the two of us doing this?"

"I don't know sweetheart, I hope so because I have no intention of walking away from this, I want you too much to do that!"

"Well, if you're not walking away, then I'm not either and fuck what others think!"

"Have you still got shit in your mouth Katie?"

"No, not much anyway, I swallowed it, can still taste it though!" There was a glint in her eyes, she knew what Lucy was angling for and she wasn't wrong.

"Mummy wants a taste then!" Replied Lucy who promptly launched herself onto her daughter's mouth. Both women snogged passionately. It was a fitting end to another round of incestuous sex before the cleanup started.

Lucy knew all about the cleanup, it was always the downer after some exhilarating scat play but it had to be done. They cleaned the worst of it up before showering then the final clean up came afterwards.

Lucy had her shower first and came back smelling noticeably fresher than before. She was also well aware that the smell of shit lingered and that one shower wouldn't remove all the odour. She wasn't worried, she had no plans to go anywhere anytime soon.

Katie went into the shower next. Lucy sat on her bed waiting for the inevitable.

"MUM!" Katie screamed out at the top of her voice. "Where have you put my shower gel and shampoo?"

"I've hidden it, you don't need it!" Lucy shouted back.




Lucy decided that shouting between the bedroom and bathroom wasn't going to work. She stood up and walked, still naked, to the bathroom.

"Just rinse yourself down with warm water to flush the loose bits off darling, that's all you need to do."

"But I want to clean up properly and smell fresh again, like you have." There was dismay in Katie's voice. The sudden realisation that her mum didn't want her cleaned up properly and smelling fresh descended upon her as though it had flowed through the shower head!

"But mum?" The objection was questioning but also weak. Katie had suddenly started to realise what her mum was doing. Lucy was actually helping her daughter to break down any remaining barriers. Helping her to accept that you can live within conditions which most people would find socially unacceptable. She was giving her daughter the opportunity to break down those social taboos and to be the dirty little bitch that Katie clearly wanted to become, in fact, make it socially acceptable to become a human toilet. At least within their mother/daughter family group. Katie followed up by saying "Just warm water?"

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