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A Surprising Development Ch. 07


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Jackie's eyes filled with tears. "You have been like a second mom to me and I can't thank you enough."

"Jackie, whatever you do, don't judge your parents too harshly. They love you but it's hard. My mom and dad passed before I became Kylie. Two of my sisters had some trouble accepting it but I knew they still loved me. Give them time but you have to do what's right for you."

"Well I think I'm clear on where I'm going but I pretty sure I'm going to need your support," Jackie said quietly.

"Jackie, how do you think I got to where I am today? We all need a little support."

"Hey, Jackie, it's your phone," Kelly said tossing it to her. "It's Billie!" Kelly was wearing the outfit of the day, a long t-shirt, no pants. It was like today was just the crash from last night.

"Hi, Billie, what's up?" Jackie said into her phone.

Jackie put her phone down. "We're all set. He'll pick us up about 6:30 tomorrow. We're going candlepin bowling and then get a snack afterwards. I asked if you could come with us and he said ok."

Kelly shifted in her seat. "As long as you're ok, it's fine with me."

"Good. You know I haven't been bowling since I was 10 or 12. It should be interesting."


Out with Billie

Billie was right on time. He pulled his pick-up into the driveway and walked quickly to the door. He was excited to see Jackie and he didn't care that Kelly was tagging along. In a way Kelly coming made him a little less nervous. He hadn't seen Jackie since the winter dance and he wonder how she would act seeing him again. They had texted and chatted but it wasn't the same.

"Hi Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs. Giordano, how are you?" he inquired as Kylie invited him in. "Is Jackie ready?"

"They'll be down in a minute and don't be so formal, Billie," Kylie said flashing her bright smile.

They engaged in casual chitchat waiting for the girls.

"Sorry, Billie," Jackie said entering the room. "The usual last minute things!" She crunched up her face and then smiled. She stepped up to him and gave him a light kiss on the cheek. "I'm so happy to see you. Tonight should be fun. I haven't bowled in a long time."

"Don't worry, I'll help you," Billie quickly replied.

"Don't wait up," Kelly said grabbing her coat. "I don't think we'll be too late."

Billie and Jackie climbed into the truck's front seat while Kelly settled down in the back seat. They headed down the road towards the bowling alley. It wasn't too far, only a short 20-minute ride. There weren't too many cars in the parking lot meaning they wouldn't have to wait. Each grabbed a pair of shoes and headed to the alley.

"I'm not sure how well I can do this," Jackie whispered to Kelly, "I haven't bowled in a while."

"You'll do great," Kelly replied quietly. "Remember when you played video games with Billie? You played like you couldn't and Billie helped you. You got a lot closer, didn't you?"

Jackie thought back to that night in Billie's basement. Kelly was right. It was a great night."

"All right, we're all set. Lane 6," Billie said leading the way.

Kelly went first and being the athlete she was, knocked down 9 pins in her first frame. Jackie watched her carefully and she would try to copy what Kelly did.

She stood quietly, took a deep breath, and moved forward. The first thing wrong was her stride. By the time she reached the line, her steps were all jumbled up so she completely stopped. She swung her arm back and then forward, letting the ball go. It flew in a complete arch, about 3 feet above the alley. It crashed onto it with a resounding boom, bounced once and continued down the lane. It hit one pin before settling in the gutter.

The sound of the ball hitting the alley caused everyone to stop and stare at her. The small bowling alley became quiet as Jackie stood motionless. She heard Kelly say, "Wow!" in a stage whisper. Jackie wanted to crawl into a hole. She then felt Billie's hands on her shoulders.

"Ok, Jackie," he said softly, "Not bad for the first time. You got one. Let's try again."

And Jackie did. This time Billie said take one step, bend your knees, and let it go. She did and the ball took one small bounce and headed on its way. Even though she again hit only pin, it was a big improvement.

As the night wore on, there was laughter and joking among the three. Jackie got better as many times Billie walked her through her shots. He started by just talking to her as she bowled but soon he had a hand on her hip guiding her shot. She improved under his guidance but even better was how she felt with his hand on her.

The two girls dressed the same tonight, skinny jeans and a sweater but by the second game it had become too warm to continue wearing the sweater.

"All I have under this is a t-shirt, Kelly," Jackie told Kelly.

"Me too. So what is the problem?"

"I didn't actually wear a bra!" Jackie whispered. She had worn just her false breasts, the ones that slipped on like a bra.

"It's up to you," Kelly smiled, "I'm taking mine off. Look, they are not that big. Just go ahead." Kelly started to remove her sweater.

"Ok here goes," Jackie said with a sigh. As she did she watch Billie's reaction. At first he was a little taken back but as the evening went on, he became a little more attentive. He touched Jackie's hand, shoulder, and even her hip more often. He was much more hands on in his instructions.

As they neared the last few frames of the final game, Jackie approached the alley and let the ball go. Immediately another ball passed between her legs. She jumped out of the way and shrieked. Behind her she could hear Billie and Kelly laughing hilariously. Jackie turned quickly, a look of anger on her face.

Billie saw the look but he couldn't stop laughing.

"Very funny, you two!" Jackie said stomping towards Billie. "You scared the crap out of me." She then slapped Billie on the shoulder. There was something so girlie about the slap and the way Jackie did it that Kelly, between her laughs, noticed it. "Wow," she thought, "So natural!"

Billie threw his hands. "I'm sorry but you have to admit it was funny especially your reaction!"

"Not funny!" she replied, hands on hips but it didn't stop a smile from her face.

Billie said it again, "I'm sorry, babe. I really am."

Jackie's smile grew wider. Not because she thought what happen was funny. No, it was because Billie called her "babe."

They bowled two games and headed to the local pizzeria. Right around the corner it was a local place where many of Billie's friends hung out. Right away they met a few and he introduced the girls to them. You could see the sense of confidence he had as he did it. After all, he had a date with two college girls.

One of the people they met was Madi, one of the girls Jackie met at the winter dance. Jackie took a liking to her but didn't get a real chance to talk to her. Again it was a quick meeting and even quicker conversation but as Madi left with her boyfriend she turned to Jackie and said, "I'm glad Billie is with you. Maybe we can double date sometime."

Jackie smiled and was surprised at the request. "Why, yes, I would like that."

After a few slices of pizza and some sodas, it was time to head home.

Reaching the house, Billie pulled into the driveway. Kelly hopped out. "I had a great time, Billie," and she lightly kissed his cheek. Turning to Jackie, she said knowingly, "Don't be too long. I'll leave the light on."

Jackie and Billie sat quietly in the truck. Both were nervous. Billie wanted to kiss her. Jackie for a total different reason. As Billie leaned over, Jackie put her hand up. He backed up confused.

Jackie wasn't sure what she was going to say but she felt she had to. When she started the words just tumbled out.

"Billie, I really like you," she began, "You make me so good every time I'm with you. Because you do I need to be totally honest with you." She paused, thinking how to say it. "I'm not really a girl. I'm really a dude who wants to be one. I dress like this and act like this because it makes me feel good, feel right." She noticed the confused look on his face.

"Wait a minute," Billie replied, "No way, Jackie. I touched you, danced with you. You're a girl!"

"No Billie I'm not. I wish I was lying but I'm not."

Billie shook his head. "Shit! I kissed you."

"I know and I liked it too." She put her hand on his. He quickly pulled it away.

"I told them you were my girlfriend. I was dating a college girl!" He gripped the steering wheel tightly. "Who else knows?" he yelled.

"Just Kelly and her parents, my parents too," Jackie answered, "That's all."

"Damn, you must think I'm the biggest fool that ever lived," he said without looking at her. "Get out now!"

Jackie started to cry. "Billie, I'm sorry. This wasn't supposed to happen. I'm..."

"Get out now, please, Jackie," Billie said quietly as he started the truck.

As Jackie shut the door, Billie backed quickly down the driveway and tore off down the road.


In the House

Jackie rushed through the door and headed directly upstairs to the bedroom.

Kelly who was seated in the living room stood up quickly. "Jackie, what just happened?" Getting no answer she followed Jackie upstairs. "Jackie, answer me!" When she reached the bedroom, she had the door slammed in her face.

"Jackie! Sweetie, Open the door!"

Kylie came out of her bedroom and hustled down the hallway. "Kelly what's wrong?"

"I don't know, mom, but let me talk to her first." She knocked on the door. "Jackie, please open the door."

The door slowly open and as Kelly entered she saw Jackie, lying face down on the bed. She could see Jackie's shoulders heaving as she lay there sobbing. Kelly climbed up next to her. Rubbing Jackie's back, she quietly said, "Sweetie are you alright? Tell me please!"

It took a few moments then Jackie sat up. Her nose was running and her mascara was smeared upon her face. "I really fucked up, Kelly," she blurted out.

"How, sweetie?"

"I told Billie who I really was," she confessed as the tears flowed again. Jackie buried her face in Kelly's shoulder.

Kelly didn't know what to say at first so she just patted Jackie's head. "There, there, it will be alright. Tell me everything."

So Jackie told her everything, every little detail, and Billie's reaction. "So I really screwed things up," she said finishing the story.

Kelly smiled at her and then shook her head. She handed Jackie a Kleenex. "Go to the bathroom and clean yourself up. Come back and we'll talk."

Jackie came back to find Kelly in bed. Kelly threw back the covers and there, lying naked, invited her in. "Take off your clothes, sweetie and climb in here."

After taking off her clothes, Jackie got in and snuggled up close to Kelly. Kelly put her arm around her and pulled her closer. "There, does this feel good?"

Jackie answered by pushing her ass up against Kelly.

"It will be alright, sweetie. You did the right thing," Kelly whispered.

"Then why doesn't it feel this way?" Jackie sighed.

"Because sometimes doing the right thing is hard. You had to tell him."

Jackie rolled over and faced Kelly. "But we were having such good times together. Being with Billie made me feel, I don't know." Jackie said.

"Validated?" Kelly replied, "That what you are doing is the right thing?"

Jackie gave her a weak smile. "I guess so. The first night you met me, you somehow knew who I was. You accepted me and that made me feel good. Your parents have been so caring and open. I think I'm finally seeing who I really am. With Billie, he thought I was a real woman and he made me feel like one. Now I hurt him and it is the last thing I wanted."

"Look if you didn't tell tonight, when would you? When the two of you were going at it hot and heavy and he reaches inside your panties? What were you going to say? Surprise! I've been meaning to tell you something! I don't think so."

"That would have been awkward, to say the least." Jackie laughed.

"Right!" Kelly said, laughing with her. She was glad that Jackie could see some lighter side to this. She hugged her. "It will work out, sweetie."

Jackie hugged her back all the time thinking, "I hope Billie is ok."


In The Middle of the Night

Ding! "Jackie" was all the text read.

She was not asleep and hadn't been for some time. She picked up her phone and noticed the time, 4:30.

"Billie" she texted back.

Ding! "Did I wake you?"

She smiled to herself. "No I was awake. Couldn't sleep."

Ding! "Me either. You ok?"

"Not really. You?"

Ding! "Me too."

"Oh no," thought Jackie, "This was exactly what she was worried about." She quickly texted him back. "Maybe we should talk?"

Ding! "Yes I would like that. When?"

"How about later this morning. Maybe the sooner the better."

Ding! "I'll be by around 8. You like tea, don't you? Two sugars and a little milk, right?"

"Yes. See you then." Jackie paused and added, "I can't wait."

She lay back on her pillow and smiled.


In Billie's Truck

Jackie was up bright and early. She showered, put on make-up and made sure her hair was just right. She checked the weather. Seeing it would be pretty cold this morning, she decided that a blue corduroy jumper with a white turtleneck would be just perfect. She put on her panties with the little extra padding to add some shape and roundness.

Instead of wearing the bra-like false breasts, she slipped on the cowl ones Kylie had given her. They looked more real. Checking herself out in the mirror, she nodded. She looked good.

"Well, someone looks ready to go this morning." Kylie said. "Everything ok?" She knew something happened last night but she wasn't going to pry.

"Everything is great, Kylie. Billie is coming over to pick me up around 8. I'm good," Jackie said sitting down across from her.

"So last night?"

"Yeah, about last night," Jackie smiled, "I told Billie the truth about me."

"Oh?" Kylie said calmly, wanting to hear more.

"I told him I was a guy and I was sorry if I hurt him," Jackie explained.

"And he is coming over to pick you up this morning? I don't understand," Kylie said a little confused.

Jackie nodded. "I know but he texted me around 4 this morning saying he wanted to see me and talk."

"That's a good sign, isn't it?" Kylie asked.

"I guess so," Jackie replied, "Hey he can either tell me to get lost or everything is good. Maybe even somewhere in between. We'll see. That's him now." She stood up and gave Kylie a quick kiss.

"Good luck, sweetie!"

Jackie climbed into the truck and shut the door. She looked shyly at Billie. "Hi," she said softly. "I'm glad you decided to come over to talk."

Billie stared at her for a moment. "There was no way she is a dude," he thought, "This has to be the cute girl he had ever met!" He shook his head to clear his thoughts. "Here's your tea." He thrusted it in her direction. "Two sugars, a little milk. Hope you like it."

"How sweet of you to remember, Billie," Jackie smiled. She took a small sip. "Wow!"

"Be careful, it is awfully hot!" he exclaimed. He turned and looked out the window. "Do you mind if we go to that place by the bay we went to before? It's too cold to get out but I thought we could sit and, you know, talk."

"What ever you want, Billie."

They drove without saying a word until they reached the spot. They sat quietly looking at the whitecaps on the bay when both spoke at the same time.



They looked at each other and laughed.

"You go first, Jackie," Billie insisted.

"Ok, then, I'm sorry if I hurt you." Jackie began, "If I knew it would go this far, I would have told you sooner. The truth is I really like going out with you."

Billie looked at her and smiled nervously. "Truth is I like going out with you too. I never was too good with girls but right off I felt very comfortable with you. I felt you understood me. Now I know why."

"Funny," Jackie smiled, "I feel the same way when I'm with you. You make me feel kind of special."

Billie took a deep breath. How was it he felt totally at ease with her? He could tell her anything. This was so weird. He looked over at Jackie. Seating in his truck was a girl with sparking blue eyes, gorgeous hair and a great smile and she wanted to be his girl friend! He took another deep breath. "Here goes," he thought.

"Jackie, I staid up all night wrestling with this and I came to this decision."

Jackie held her breath in anticipation.

He cleared his throat. "I want you to be my girl." He quickly added, "If you want too, that is. At least for now." He nervously laughed. "It might not be told easy but I'm willing to try it. What do you say?"

Jackie said nothing at first. She leaned over and kissed him. It was a kiss that let him know everything would be all right. She leaned and said softly, "Yes!"

The two spent the whole day together running errands and just hanging out together. They covered most of the Cape from Bourne to Chatham and up to Plymouth. Billie had specific stops he had to make but he took the time to shop in places Jackie wanted to.

In one little shop as Jackie wandered the store, Billie came up behind her. Surprising her, he put his arms around her and said, "Find anything?"

A sensation washed over Jackie's body as he did. She couldn't describe it but it felt so good. She leaned back into him and put her hands on his arms. "Yes," she sighed, "But it's not in here."

The day passed quickly and it was almost 3 o'clock when Billie's truck rolled in the driveway.

"I had a wonderful day, Billie," Jackie said moving closer. "Thank you."

"You're welcome but maybe I should be thanking you," Billie replied, "It sounds weird but I felt today that I got to know you better. You make me good. I know you just spent the whole day with me but would you like to go out for dinner later? I know it is kind of last minute."

"I would love too," Jackie said quickly, "But I don't want you to spent all your money on me."

"No problem. You're my girl. Besides you will be going back to college real soon and I won't spending any on you then," he answered.

Jackie smiled. "It's a date then."

"Good, 6 o'clock?"

"Yes." Jackie gave him a quick kiss. "See you at 6." And she hopped from the truck.

As Jackie entered the house, a committee of three greeted her.

"Well?" Kelly asked.

"You were gone over six hours, Jackie," Kylie said with concern, "We were beginning to get worried."

"Sorry, I forgot my phone. I didn't think I'd be out this long," Jackie replied.

Angie pulled a chair out. "Sit right here and tell us how did it go?"

"Tell us everything!" Kelly demanded.

"Ok!" Jackie started and she proceeded to tell them everything that said and done. She answered every question including the last one.

"Are you okay with it?" Kylie asked.

"Yes, I am," Jackie explained. "I think it just another step on this journey."

All four girls hugged but Jackie noticed that Kelly seemed a little distance. As they walked away, Jackie saddled up next to her. "Hey babe, you okay will this?"

"Sure," she quickly answered but Jackie was unconvinced. She grabbed Kelly's arm and pulled her aside. Gently pushing her against the wall, Jackie leaned in close.

"Babe, there will always be us," Jackie whispered. "I can't put into words exactly how I feel about you. You are my support, my best friend, and, yes, my lover." She then kissed Kelly with tender caring kiss.


With Billie

Seated at the table in the restaurant were what most people would say was a cute young couple. Jackie and Billie certainly looked the part. Kelly and her moms pulled out all the tricks to make Jackie look as soft and feminine as they could. Kylie remarked before that it was very easy to do that with Jackie. A touch here and there and the right clothing did the trick.

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