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A Tale of Two Paramours Ch. 31


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I moved my fingers higher, away from the wet spot already forming, and tried to find her clitoris. When she gasped and pushed my hand harder against her, I knew I had hit on it. I started rubbing her through the smooth, cool material. At the same time, I kissed from her neck down to her breasts, where I stopped to suck on her nipples.

In a matter of seconds, Jessika wrapped both arms around my arm and held it tightly to her body while she shuddered and squeaked. And as she climaxed, I kissed her full lips.


I woke in the morning to an empty bed. Pulling on my jeans, I walked into the front room. Jessika was not there. I grabbed my phone from where I had left it on her kitchen counter and found a text from my brunette lover.

"Sorry you had to wake up alone, Mark. I left early this morning. Please know I'm not mad, or even upset. I just needed to do this. I will text you later, okay?"

The message had come in more than an hour earlier. I sighed, then replied.

"Whatever you need, Jessika. I will talk to you later."

I went back into the bedroom and finished dressing. Within fifteen minutes, I was in my car on my way back to my place.


Almost twelve hours after I left Jessika's apartment, I was standing at Jessi's door. The young blonde had texted me earlier, asking me to be at her place at 8:00 pm. I had appreciated having the time to rest, as I had three orgasms at Jessika's and was not sure how much I had left. Still, I knew from past experience that Jessi could often coax at least one additional orgasm from me even when I thought I was spent.

I knocked on the door, expecting a naked Jessi to open the door. Instead, a taller, more fully figured strawberry blonde wearing nothing but a black lace bra and matching panties greeted me. Green eyes, freckled cheeks, and almost equally freckled cleavage told me who she was, but at that moment her name had been driven from my conscious mind.

"Hi, Mark? Remember me?"

"Um, yes," I said, licking my dry lips. "You were our waitress, last weekend."

"Yep. Sheri," she said, smiling as she gestured for me to come inside. "Jessi will just be a second."

"Uh, thank you," I mumbled, looking around Jessi's studio apartment.

I did not see the blonde, although I noted that the bathroom door was closed. I also saw that Jessi's bed, which was usually made, at least before we used it, was a mess of rumpled sheets and blankets.

"He's here," the strawberry blonde called before sitting on the bed, eyes on me.

I was saved from saying anything else, however, when the bathroom door opened to reveal Jessi clad only in a pair of panties. She stared at me for a moment, then grinned and ran to me, hugging me to her when she reached me.

"Do you like your surprise?" she asked, eyes flicking to where Sheri sat.

"Um, I'm not sure," I replied in a low voice.

"Oh, it's okay Mark, really," the twenty-year-old replied in a much louder voice. "This isn't some kind of trap. I explained to Sheri what happened to us before, and everything is cool. Really."

"I see," I said, looking from Jessi to the older woman. "So same rules as before?"

"Nope. Stricter rules. Just a two-girl BJ, then Sheri leaves."

"Oh, and I have the steaks," Sheri chimed in. "Jessi asked me to serve them, so I will. Then we'll suck you off."

"Okay, I guess."

"Lose the bra though, Sheri," Jessi told the other woman as my blonde lover grabbed my arm and steered me to the table. "Let him see those awesome tits of yours. They are even better than we thought, Mark."

As I sat, I glared at Jessi. I was not sure what game she was playing, but I was sure it had to be something. She clearly had not told Sheri everything, especially not how angry Jessi had been that the waitress had written her number on our receipt. Jessi glared back at me, her expression unreadable.

"Sure, Jessi," the strawberry blonde said, turning her back to me before taking off her black bra.

Jessi smiled at me and fluttered her eyelids in a very un-Jessi way. Drawing in a deep breath, I prepared myself for something to happen.

Now naked from her panties up, Sheri faced us, her hands over her breasts. Looking me in the eyes, she smashed them together, then dropped her hands, letting her bosom bounce back to its natural position.

"See, awesome," Jessi cooed. "I love the freckles. I thought they were probably just on her cleavage, but they are everywhere.

I nodded as I studied Sheri's chest. Her breasts were about the size I had imagined, quite a bit larger than Jessi's but smaller than Jessika's. And they were nicely symmetrical, save for her right areola being a little darker pink and a bit larger than the left.

"So, do you guys want your steaks now?" she asked. "Or would you prefer some breast meat?"

Jessi snorted with laughter, then covered her mouth. I would have thought she was acting, but I saw her eyes sparkle.

"I've had some earlier, and the tuna too," Jessi told me, winking. "Of course, Sheri had the same."

"And wine," the strawberry blonde added.

"Yep, and wine," Jessi agreed, and I understood. She was not acting-she was buzzed, if not drunk."

"Oh, don't give me that look, Mark," she scowled, rolling her eyes. "Just enjoy it."

"Yeah, Mark," Sheri said from beside me, taking me by surprise as I had been focused on the younger woman. "Enjoy it."

The older woman then sat on my lap, leaned in, and kissed me. I looked at Jessi, who was leaning forward, mouth open, eyes locked on where Sheri's lips met mine. I had seen that look before, when we had our threesome with Amara, but I was not comforted by it. She had been fascinated by what Amara and I did together, even when we had sex, but afterward, she was furious.

"Feel her tits, Mark. And suck on the nipples," Jessi said, biting her bottom lip.

I raised my hand to Sheri's chest and latched on to one breast. It was soft under my touch, but her nipple, which had been only partially erect, fully hardened when my fingers grazed it. The young woman moaned into my mouth, then pulled away from the kiss, pushing my head down toward her bosom. After kissing and licking her breasts, marveling in how arousing her spray of freckles looked up close, I sucked and nibbled on her nipples for several seconds, eliciting more moans from Sheri as well as one from across the table. I glanced over and saw Jessi's arm was thrust between her legs.

"Well, I guess I should get those steaks," a breathless Sheri said a few seconds after that.

"Where are you going to sit?" I asked her.

"I already ate," she replied, shrugging. "I'm here to serve you guys.

"Turns out she likes the whole serving thing," Jessi said, and I could tell by the look in her eyes that her unseen hand was still busy between her legs. "And she did overhear you. That's what turned her around. It fit in with one of her fantasies, to serve a couple dinner then fuck them both. It got her past her embarrassment over what I'd done."

"Yep," Sheri agreed, setting a plate with a ribeye, baked potatoes, and green beans in front of us both. "I was shocked at first by what Jessi did, and I wanted no part of it. Then I heard you comment on a threesome, and that changed everything. So, I was disappointed when I did not hear from you guys, but Jessi came by the restaurant on Thursday and told me her plan. I jumped at the idea."

"Yeah, we were her first real opportunity."

"First I wanted to pursue," the strawberry blonde clarified. "I've had a couple other instances something could have happened, but I wasn't attracted to one or both of the people interested. With you guys, I was."

"I see," I said, not knowing what else to say as well as still worried this was some kind of game or setup.

"Relax, Mark," Jessi grinned, cutting her steak. "This is what it seems to be. A blowjob provided by two hot, subservient girls."

"How is this trying to change the way we interact?" I asked, doing my best to ignore Sheri, who had knelt beside the table.

"It's not. So, don't overthink it."

"How can I not?"

"This is not like with Amara," Jessi sighed, setting down her fork with a piece of steak still on it. "She's just here to suck you off. There is nothing else that'll be happening."

"Yep," the other woman agreed. "I wouldn't have said 'no' to more, but this is what Jessi wants. Plus, she got me off several times before you got here, so I'm good there. And I got her off a few too, for that matter."

"So it's all about you now," Jessi continued. "So, eat your steak and then we'll both suck your cock."


I stared down at Sheri, mesmerized by her green eyes gazing back at me, her soft lips stretched thin, and her freckled cheeks hollowed out from the suction she was applying. Although she could not deepthroat, as Jessi had already done before her counterpart had taken me into her mouth, she was very good.

"Have you ever seen anything so hot and cute at the same time?" Jessi piped in from where she knelt beside Sheri. "Those sexy eyes staring at you from between your legs combined with her freckles. Fucking hot as hell."

Sheri did not stop sucking up and down my shaft, but her eyes darted to Jessi for a second and I saw amusement in them.

"My turn now," Jessi announced, grasping Sheri's hair.

I reached down, intending to stop the blonde from yanking the other woman's head back, but Sheri pulled off me after the Jessi gave her hair a gentle tug. They kissed, then the strawberry blonde moved lower and started sucking on Jessi's pert nipples. My young lover grinned up at me, then swallowed my entire length.

After Jessi deepthroated me a few times, they switched again. This time, Sheri bobbed quickly up and down my shaft as Jessi sucked on my scrotum. The combination drove me over the edge, and I told them I was going to finish.

"In her mouth," Jessi said, kneeling upright beside Sheri.

The strawberry blonde nodded, and that was all the encouragement I needed to explode into her mouth

"Don't swallow it all," Jessi said before she pulled the other woman off my softening penis and kissed her.

As they kissed, their hands were all over each other bosoms. Thus, it was no surprise when Jessi kissed down Sheri's neck to her chest.

"You've got quite a hot little piece of ass here, Mark." Sheri moaned. "Hottest girl I've ever been with."

"Shut up and lick my pussy," Jessi said, lying back, kicking off her panties, and spreading her legs. "I know from experience Mark likes a show."

Jessi winked at me, and Sheri laughed.

"If he likes a show, let's give him one. Lick me while I lick you."

"Deal," Jessi agreed. "I'm on top."

I sat back on the end of the bed and watched Sheri shed her underwear and lie back, exposing her shaved sex. Jessi crawled over Sheri until her loins were over the older woman's face. From my vantage point, I could not see much of what Jessi was doing, but I had a great view of Sheri as she started slurping on Jessi's clitoris. But even though I could feel my arousal returning, I was concerned about the situation.

Jessi had said Sheri was leaving as soon as the two-girl blowjob was over, but here they were, giving me a 'show', with no sign of Sheri leaving. It was a problematic action with respect to keeping to the rules, and I did not want a repeat of the post-Amara situation. That had nearly broken Jessi.

"You hard, Mark?" I heard Jessi call, pulling my thoughts back to the show she and Sheri were putting on for me.

"Um, yes. Mostly."

"Then come over here."

Not sure what to expect, I walked over. Jessi had raised her head from between Sheri's legs and was staring up at me.

"I want to suck your cock while she licks me. You can finger her."

"Jessi, I don't think we should do that."

"I promise I'm okay with you touching her. Hell, I want to see it."

"I'm not falling for this," I told her, although I knew she could see my now fully hard penis.

"Just finger me or let Jessi keep licking me," Sheri called back, wiggling her hips. "I need something."

Sure that it was a mistake and afraid that Jessi had set a trap for me, I knelt upright between Sheri's legs. When I was in position, Jessi reached out, took hold of my penis, and slurped on the tip. She then angled it down and guided it between the other woman's labia.

"Ram it home, Mark," the blonde said. "I'll lick her clit while you fuck her."

"God yes, that please," the strawberry blonde called out as she thrust her pelvis up.

I stared at my young lover, heart pounding. I wanted to slide into Sheri. I wanted to see Jessi watch me take the other woman. But knew I could not give in to that. Not again.

"It's fine, baby," she said, intense eyes locked on mine in one of her overlong stares. "I promise."

I reached down, removed Jessi's hand from around my shaft, grasped her hair, and guided my penis between her lips. The blonde's eyes held mine, but I could not read the emotions in them.

"Is someone going to fuck me, finger me, or lick me?" Sheri groaned.

My left hand on Jessi's head, I dropped my right between Sheri's legs, finding her protruding clit and rubbing it. A muffled moan came from between Jessi's legs, and I knew Sheri was enjoying what I was doing. At the same time, Jessi was ramming her head up and down my shaft, taking it to the base each time. Despite already having climaxed four times over the past two days, I did not think I would last long.

But to my surprise, Jessi came first. I saw her eyes roll up as her whole body tensed. At that moment, I finally accepted that my young lover was not acting. She was turned on from everything that was happening. I knew that something still could go wrong, especially once she came down from her orgasmic bliss, but I was certain that she was not planning a trap.

The realization, and the fact that Jessi was staring up at me as her climax subsided, sent me over the edge. I slammed myself into her eager mouth several times then blasted semen into it. Jessi closed her eyes and shuddered.

"Don't forget me, guys!" Sheri shouted, bucking her hips up at us.

"Want to lick her together?" Jessi asked me, her eyes overflowing with that mischievous look of hers.

I nodded, and Jessi winked before lowering her face to Sheri's clitoris. I scooted back then knelt forward, pushing my tongue into the strawberry blonde's sopping wet pussy. And while I licked and sucked on Sheri's labia and Jessi licked her most sensitive spot, the blonde held my gaze with happy, sparkling eyes.

"I'm coming too!" Sheri squealed after a couple minutes of attention from both Jessi and me, her hips thrusting up several times. My young blonde lover grinned, then pulled my face to hers for a long, deep kiss.

"Oh fuck, that was good," Sheri breathed.

"Yes, it was," Jessi said in a low voice as she stared at me. "And I love tasting her on your lips."


"Are you really okay with everything that happened?" I asked Jessi as we sat beside each other on her bed. Sheri, after kissing us both, had dressed and left. "We did not quite follow the rules."

"Yes, I am," the blonde assured me, running one hand up my arm. "I was very happy when you didn't fuck her. I would've been okay if you had, I think, but I am glad you didn't. And I did love tasting her on your lips."

"What changed your mind? About all this."

"If you mean having the threesome, it was Big Tits turning me down when I suggested a two-girl blowjob. I decided to give you one anyway."

"And what about telling me I could have sex with her? Was it a test?"

"No, no test. It was spontaneous. I thought it would please you both. Sheri's real fantasy is to fuck both people. She got both our tongues, but not your cock. I mean, she knew those were the rules, but I did kinda feel bad for her. So when it was right there, I figured why not let you guys do it. It wasn't like with Amara, where you both wanted to so I had to give in. It was my choice."

"I understand, I think. So, what now?"

"Don't get any ideas, Mark. I liked tonight, but I think it might be a one-time deal. I already told Sheri that."

"I meant what do we do now."

"Oh," Jessi said, her cheeks reddening. "Sorry."

"It is not a problem. And now I know where we stand with respect to Sheri, although I already suspected that was the case."

"Smart man," the blonde chuckled. "And I would like to fuck, but my pussy is still sore from last time. Although, if you want to, I will."

"Are you okay? It's been several days."

"Don't freak out," the young woman shrugged. "I have some bruising and tearing down there."

"Shit, Jessi," I groaned, shaking my head. "You should have told me."

"I told you not to freak out. And what're you going to do about it? Of course, if you feel bad, you could always lick me. That was fine when Sheri did it."

"Do you want me to?"

"Only if you want to. I'm not super horny right now. But as you know, I'm always a little horny, so I wouldn't say 'no'. Of course, if you wanted me to suck you off again, I wouldn't say 'no' to that either."

"I am not sure that would accomplish anything right now. I am worn out."

"I imagine you are," Jessi nodded, and for a moment I thought I saw anger flash behind her eyes. "Three women in two days will do that to an old guy."


I woke in Jessi's bed. Early morning light filtered in through her blinds, and I wondered what had awakened me.

"Shit, I did not mean to get you up," Jessi said, lying down beside me. "I needed to pee."

"Now I do too," I sighed.

"Hurry back. I want to snuggle."

I assured my young lover I would be right back, then hurried to the bathroom. A few seconds later, I returned to bed, only to find Jessi naked, legs spread and fingers between her swollen labia.

"I changed my mind about snuggling," she purred, her intense gaze on me. "I want to fuck."

"Are you okay to do so?" I asked her, climbing on the bed. "Would it be better if I lick you?"

"I had enough licking yesterday, Mark," she told me. "I need your cock in me now."

"I do not want to hurt you."

"I'll be fine. Now quit trying to talk yourself out of it and fuck me."

"Um, I'm not ready. I might need some help."

"Shit, sorry," Jessi replied. "Get up here and I'll give you that help."

I lay on the bed on my back, and my young lover slurped my soft penis between her lips. In seconds, I was semi-hard. However, it was probably almost two more minutes before Jessi's incredible mouth was able to coax a full erection out of me. Once she had, the blonde rolled over onto her back, grabbed her ankles, spread her legs as wide as she could, and stared at me. Afraid of losing my arousal, I moved between her legs and buried my shaft in one motion. Jessi's eyes flew wide open and a shriek escaped her lips.

"Are you okay?" I asked, holding myself inside of her.

"It fucking hurts," she groaned, moving her pelvis underneath me.

"Shit, then let's not..."

"Don't even think about it, Mark," the blonde growled, her eyes afire. "Just fuck me hard and fast. The pain will go away. It always does."

As she spoke, Jessi thrust her groin up at me, and I knew she meant what she said.

"Tell me if it is too bad," I said. "You can use 'yellow' and 'red' to let me know to ease up or stop, okay?"

"Just fuck me, Mark." She sighed, "I'm not gonna break."

I nodded, pulling out almost all the way before sliding back into her. This time I did not catch her by surprise like I had the first time, but the way she squeezed her eyes shut and whimpered told me the pain had not gone away.

"I told you fast and hard," she snapped, eyes still closed.


"No 'buts', Mark. "Trust me. I know what I need."

Shaking my head, I pulled back again, the rammed myself forward. The blonde's eyes flew open and she let go of her ankles, her body pushing up off the bed. And although her lips were formed into an 'O' shape, no sound left them. Grasping her hips, I thrust into her again. Jessi's eyelids fluttered, then closed as she whimpered with each impact of my groin against hers.

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