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A Time for Work & A Time for... Ch. 03

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Day 3 of James & Niki's trip to Japan.
5.5k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/06/2022
Created 07/10/2005
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Day 3 of our trip to Japan dawns with me in bed with my life partner Niki and our new friend, Keiko. Keiko is the daughter of a potential business partner. Born in Japan and educated in the US, Keiko is more accustomed to western morés. I had come to Japan to negotiate with Keiko's dad to supply his company with beach apparel and accessories from my business in Hawaii. Things had proceeded well.

Niki had come along to keep me company, but also to look for fabric and design ideas that she could use in the women's clothing design business. Keiko took charge of Niki's schedule yesterday and they bonded together like sisters. Afterwards, we invited Keiko to spend the evening with us and she ended up in our bed.

My mind was still hazy from sleep however I could sense something very pleasurable happening to me. The cobwebs in my mind were slowly disappearing when I figured out that the pleasure was coming from my dick which was hard as a rock, and engulfed in something warm and wet! I opened my eyes to see Keiko rocking back and forth with my morning woody embedded in her pussy! Her breathing was ragged as she whispered, "I couldn't ……. let …... your …… hard …… cock …… go …….. to …….AHHH ……. waste……uh …… huh ….. uh ……" she groaned as she started to bounce up and down on my cock!

By this time Niki had also awakened from the jostling of our lovemaking. Realizing that Keiko was riding me, Niki smiled then leaned over to kiss me passionately while searching for Keiko's clit with her fingers.

Niki must have found Keiko's hot button as Keiko's moans increased in intensity and frequency, "oh … oh …. OH …..AH …… YES …… OOOOHHHH GAWD …….. YYYEEESSSS!" Keiko cried out as her orgasm hit. She arched her back and grabbed her tits and pinched her nipples as she came. She lowered herself to lay on me as her ragged breathing slowly returned to normal. A fine layer of sweat covered her back. "I haven't been fucked since I got back from the US," lamented Keiko, "I really needed last night and this morning."

We embraced for a moment then I gently laid Keiko to my side and turned to Niki who had been fingering herself. "Hi there Stud," she said in a low, husky voice, "got anything left for me?"

I moved between her legs which spread open to receive me. As I laid my body over hers, my cock came to rest against the slit of her pussy which was already weeping her love making potion from her arousal. Our kisses started with soft caresses of our lips against each other. Our lips parted in a well rehearsed movement that led to our tongues dancing with each other. I started to slide my cock up and down between the lips of Niki's wet and hot pussy causing her to moan and move her hips in her attempts to capture my hard shaft. Each pass up and down rubbed Niki's clit which caused her to moan even more. Suddenly I plunged into her depths with one swift thrust, all the way up to my balls!

Niki screamed her passion to the room! I kept slamming my hard dick into her hot cunt causing Niki to scream each time I bottomed out. I was starting to loose the battle of trying to keep from cumming when Niki arched her back and locked her ankles behind my thighs to try to keep me deep within her as her hot love canal throbbed around my hard dick! Oh shit! I could feel my orgasm building it's heat and tingling in my lower extremities until I could no longer hold it back as it erupted from my balls through the tip of my dick! Niki screamed her orgasmic pleasure with each burst of my love juice as it bathed her vagina with my hot and sticky semen!

"You two are so HOT!" Keiko cried as we both shook and trembled from our mind blowing orgasms. "Oh my god! That was so awesome!"

I lowered myself slowly into the arms of my sated lover as she hugged me, not wanting to let me go! "Ohhhhhh, that was so good…..…." Niki whispered as we kissed softly and yet so passionately. Our bodies covered with the sweat of our love making; our breathless sighs and kisses…….

Keiko cried softly, tears running down her face, "I hope one day to be able to love someone as completely as you love each other…. I am so jealous of your happiness yet so happy that you let me share in your love for each other……" I held my hand out to Keiko and drew her into our embrace as the three of us hugged each other and shared kisses of love, full of promises and emotion.

We eventually got out of bed, showered, dressed, then headed out to breakfast. There was still a lot that needed to be done before we could take a short respite.

After breakfast, Keiko took Niki back to the garment retailer who had promised to make up a test swatch with a stylized sun design using gold ink on a light purple fabric. As they entered the shop, they immediately noticed the sample fabric. However the test swatch was more than just a swatch. After the shop owner had started hand stamping the fabric, he became wrapped up with the simple design. He explained that the rich gold color dye contrasted so well with the light purple that he wanted to see how it would look when made into a garment. So he experimented with several different sun print designs that he then made into a women's sarong and a yukata, which is close in design to a robe.

One print design used the stylized sun as a border print. The shop owner used that fabric to make the yukata. It was an interesting play however Niki asked the shop owner to modify the print slightly to run the design diagonally across the fabric, leaving a fair amount of space between the lines. The sarong featured a random print design with the stylized sun seemingly printed haphazardly throughout the fabric. Niki loved the free flowing style to that fabric. The potential for this design was definitely making itself known. Before she and Keiko left the shop, Niki had placed an order for 10 bolts of the fabric to be shipped over to her in Hawaii.

Meanwhile, I had taken a cab over to Keiko's father's office. Takeo-san and I immersed ourselves in the draft agreement and had everything finalized in an hour. It was amazing! All my other negotiations with Japanese owned companies involved lengthy processes. I had been prepared to haggle over the draft for several days, then to have it get sanitized for another week by some internal process before the agreement would be allowed to see the light of day. But here we were only one day into the process and we had a signed agreement in place. I liked Takeo-san more and more.

After giving ourselves a few minutes to congratulate each other, we met with Takeo's senior management team. We briefed Takeo's senior managers on the deal that we just struck and how we needed to work with each other to take advantage of the strengths that both of us brought to the table. I could see several of the manager nod their head in agreement, and others sitting stoically; the proverbial, inscrutable Japanese at their best! Oh well, what's life if you didn't have anything to challenge you with?

With most of the preliminaries out of the way, Takeo and I agreed that I needed to bring my marketing and promotions people over to start collaborating on a suitable introductory marketing strategy to kick off the introduction of our product line. We needed to make sure that we could integrate our product promotions with Takeo's so it would appear to be seamless. Yet at the same time, the marketing strategy had to be fresh enough to enable the product lines to jump out to and appeal to consumers. After all, the name of the game is to sell products that consumers want. The more they want, the more they buy. The more they buy, the more we sell! The more we sell, the more profits for all of us.

We jumped on a speaker phone and dialed up Keith, my marketing manager back in Honolulu. After letting him know of the signing of the agreement, we discussed our plan to bring him and one or two key people over at the earliest opportunity to help put together the plan.

As Takeo and I were wrapping up our phone meeting with Keith, Niki and Keiko walked into Takeo's office. Keiko walked over and gave her dad a quick hug while Niki gave me a peck on my cheek and sat down beside me. "Okay, Keith," I said towards the speaker phone, "I think that about wraps up this meeting. Let Mr. Mitsunaga and his people have your travel arrangements as soon as they are made."

"Okay, boss man! Will do. I think we have a couple of ideas that Mr. Mitsunaga's people will find interesting."

"Thanks Keith! Niki and I will be taking a couple of days off while we're here for some R & R. Hold down the fort until we get back."

"No problems James. Have a good vacation!"

Our phone meeting had been on very comfortable terms for everyone. I had a very good feeling about the journey that we were about to embark on; a feeling that it would take both of our companies to new heights.

"James, I am looking forward to our partnership," Takeo-san said. "I am very impressed by your marketing manager Keith and yourself as well. And, your products speak well of your attention to detail and your understanding of what customers want. Thank you for considering my company to be a partner of yours."

Takeo's humble response to our partnering was very Japanese, yet I felt it was a reflection of the deep strength of the character of the man and his business. He knew that as a retailer in Japan, that he was one of the powerhouses that drove consumer trends. Yet here he was thanking us for agreeing to be his supplier of beach wear and accessories. In the US, he would be the one dictating terms and conditions and I would be the one groveling at his feet begging to be on his shelves.

I stood before Takeo-san and bowed in response, "Takeo-san, it is our honor to be your partner. We will always treasure your friendship and work hard to make sure that we never let you down."

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Keiko, Niki and I left Takeo-san's office. Keiko gave us a tour of their facilities that housed their administrative offices and their central warehouse. Very impressive. I liked how the receiving and shipping docks were both part of their central warehouse. Interestingly enough, they were on opposites sides of the building. That enabled them to receive, inventory, price, repack, consolidate by store, and reship, while keeping the product flow efficient. Simple design, executed well.

"How did your meeting with Keiko's dad go?" Niki asked.

"Very well. I think we accomplished a lot. Keiko, I really like your dad and look forward to a wonderful business relationship," I responded.

"Thank you James-san," Keiko said, "I know that father feels the same way about you and your company. Come, let's have some lunch." And off we went.

Keiko led us on a short walk out of their building to a small courtyard attached to a nearby park. The courtyard was ringed by a number of small food vendors and places to sit and eat. The food was excellent and very reasonable.

While eating lunch, Keiko brought up the subject of doing logo apparel and accessories for the Tsukiji Fish Market. That's the large 7-story fish auction, wholesale, retail complex that we visited upon our arrival in Tokyo. I had suggested the idea to Keiko and she had her people approach the marketing people at Tsukiji.

"The people at Tsukiji want to learn more about the idea that you floated the other day. Will it possible to meet with them sometime over the next day or two?" Keiko asked.

"Well Keiko, it looks like my business with your dad has proceeded very well and we're going to let my marketing manager and your dad's people take it from here. So it looks possible for me," I responded. Niki also noted that her negotiations with the garment shop owner were also concluded with the first fabric bolts ordered.

"Would it work if Niki and I took a day off tomorrow and we meet with the Tsukiji people the day after?" I asked. I wanted a day to relax and catch our breath as we had been on the go since hitting Tokyo the day before.

"That shouldn't be a problem," Keiko replied before turning to her cell phone to talk with an assistant to set up the appointment.

We continued our lunch time chatter when Keiko's cell phone rang. It was her assistant calling to confirm the appointment with the Tsukiji marketing people.

That being the case, we were now free for one day to sight see. Something that we would promise ourselves to do when we were traveling on business, but never did. I asked Keiko what should one see and do when visiting Japan?

"Well, have either of you been to a sumo (wrestling) tournament? Or been to an onsen (hot springs bath)?"

"I think those would be neat things to do." Niki said.

"Those sound interesting. How do we go about making arrangements to visit these places?" I asked her.

"No problem James." Keiko replied. "I'll be glad to be your tour guide! Besides, I haven't had the chance to take a break since I returned last year so it'll be fun for me as well."

"Shouldn't you clear it with your dad?" asked Niki.

"What can daddy say?" laughed Keiko. "It'll be fine. I'll just let him know that I'll be gone for a day playing tour guide and he'll be fine." With that, Keiko whipped out her cell phone and gave her dad a call. After the call was completed, Keiko went on, "there's a sumo tournament that's in progress this week. If you want to, we can probably take in the afternoon bout."

"That sounds like a plan," we both replied. Keiko called for a driver and off we went to the sumo stadium.

For those of us who haven't seen a sumo tournament before, it's a truly amazing sport. It is wrapped up in so much tradition and culture that pre-tournament rituals often take up more time than the actual wresting itself. The referee wears a stylized kimono and uses a fan as a pointer as well as a make-shift tray upon which special monetary gifts are given to the winner of certain bouts. The wrestler's attendants and assorted tournament helpers are also garbed in a wide variety of traditional clothing.

It was fascinating to watch the two wrestlers first enter the wrestling rink, throw a handful of salt onto the wrestling surface which symbolically "cleansed" the rink, then go through a series of exaggerated foot stomping and crouching.

In the small wrestling rink, the behemoths face off against each other. They must weigh at least 250 to 350 pounds a piece. In terms of Japanese men, these are truly big guys! In the rink the wrestlers go through a series of ritualized face off's then savagely lunge against each other trying to throw the other either out of the ring or down on his back. You can almost feel their bodies smack together when they charge against each other. And it's usually all over in 10 to 15 seconds!

We stayed at the sumo stadium for about an hour. Unusual as it is, unless you're a true aficionado of the sport it's hard to really appreciate the finer nuances of sumo. So we left to return to our hotel.

"Why don't you pack an overnight bag and we'll visit an onsen that's located just outside of town," Keiko instructed us. "We'll have dinner and stay the night then return tomorrow morning."

With our bag packed, Niki and I rejoined Keiko and her driver in the lobby of the hotel. We drove back to her home where she ran in to get her own overnight bag, then we were off.

The drive to the onsen took us about an hour. We passed through the suburbs of Tokyo and on into the foothills of the central mountain range that serves as the spine of the island. As we left the city proper, we drove through rice fields and acres of vegetable farms. It surprised me at first to see how much agriculture there was but when you think about it, the people have to eat and they must grow a lot of what they eat. It shouldn't have surprised me.

As we neared the foothills of the mountain range, we crossed a series of rivers and small waterfalls. It was so picturesque. Niki was also captivated by the scenery, "we need to come back and spend more time here, James. Just you and me when we're not on a schedule…." punctuated by a quick kiss.

Our trip ended in front of the closed gates to a medieval looking compound. "This is a private onsen club," Keiko explained. "It is very beautiful and serene inside. And, only one member and their family are allowed at a time so we will have the place to ourselves."

"Interesting." Niki responded. "This must be very exclusive. How does one join this club?"

"This club has been in existence for several generations. There have been no new members allowed in for as long as I know." Keiko responded. "The families who are members guard their memberships very jealously. I don't know when our family became a member, but we've been coming here for as long as I can remember."

The gates opened and Keiko's driver deposited us in front of a monastery looking building that served as the compound's reception facility. It reminded me of the type of wooden and stone structures that were built in the feudal era. Keiko led us up a short flight of stairs to the wooden walkway that surrounded the outside of the building in front of us.

We were greeted by a maid who was clothed in a traditional kimono (formal Japanese dress). "Konbanwa (good afternoon)" she greeted us. "May I take your bags please?" she continued.

After depositing our bags with the maid, Keiko led us in a tour of the compound. The reception building was surrounded by exquisitely manicured gardens that were interspaced by small expanses of raked sand or pebbles and lush lawns. And meandering through all of this was a series of flowing streams that flowed through a series of small ponds. As we followed the stream, we came to a small building that was our changing room.

"We will change into yukata's (Japanese robe-like gowns) here," Keiko said as we walked into the one room building. There were doorless lockers built into one side of the room with benches placed strategically in front of the lockers. Our bags had been placed next to three lockers that stood side by side. Several sizes of yukata's hung on hangers on one of the clothes racks that we found next to the lockers.

"After we have changed, we will have a light supper, then adjourn to the hot baths," Keiko advised us. "Its best not to eat heavy before our baths as the heat of the hot bath may make you feel uncomfortable."

As we undressed, Keiko suggested that we remove our undergarments as well so that we can go straight to the bath house directly after dinner. As Niki and Keiko undressed, I couldn't repress my excitement as I glanced at their lithe and sexy bodies. As I removed my underwear, my condition became very apparent causing Niki to laugh and reach over to grab my cock and stroke it a few times.

"Honey if you keep doing that, we're not going to make it to dinner!" I told Niki. "This is going to be difficult knowing that neither of you have anything on under your yukatas!" Both of Niki and Keiko laughed wickedly, and teased me by leaving their yukata's open, flaunting their sexiness!

I put my yukata on and tried to tie the sash around my waist to hide my excited state! However my erection made itself known very obviously as it tented the material in front of my crotch! I closed my eyes and tried to think of the promotional campaign that Keiko's dad and I were working on that morning. It also helped that Niki and Keiko finally tied their yukata's around themselves! God help me! That seemed to help as my erection began to fade. At least my aroused state wasn't so obvious now.

Keiko led Niki and me through the gardens to a hut that sat next to one of the small ponds. The hut opened on three sides to the surrounding gardens and pond. We sat on cushions on the floor and took in the beauty of the gardens and pond, and the silence of the moment. All I could hear was the soft babbling of the stream as it emptied into the pond.


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