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A Walk on the Beach

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Cum walk on the beach with me.
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Disclaimer: All parties involved are over the age of 18 and consenting. Hope you enjoy!

"What do you say we go to the beach tonight?" she said as she picked me up in her rather large SUV.

"Sounds like a good idea to me, did you have anything in mind for our beach trip?" I asked.

"You'll see, but tonight you are going to have to be good and obedient. You cannot chicken out and you must do what I say!" she said somewhat dauntingly.

Around 8:00 pm she picked me up at my house. She told me to wear comfy and easy to remove clothing. She wanted me to wear shorts, boxers, flip flops and a loose fitting T-shirt. I got in her car and she leaned over and began rubbing my crouch, as she kissed me. Before I knew it I was hard as a rock and that is when she shifted into drive and we headed to the beach. She told me she brought a big blanket for us to sit on at the beach and I started to wonder what was going to happen tonight.

"Why don't you go ahead and slide that shirt and those shorts off?" she said to me.

I said "yes ma'am" and dropped my shorts down to my ankles and then pulled my shirt off.

"Hand me your shirt" she said.

I handed it to her.

"Now hand me your boxers" she said demandingly.

I slid my flip flops off my feet, slipped my shorts off and then slipped my boxers down and handed them to her.

"Good boy, you can sit there naked on the way to the beach!" she said.

I said "Yes ma'am".

She reached over and moved her hand between my thighs motioning to spread my legs. She had me lean the seat back just a bit and as she drove she touched me.

"Close your eyes, and enjoy my touch!" she stated.

I laid back and she caressed my cock and balls and kept me rock hard. I shut my eyes and then I heard my window go down.

She rolled it down and told me to keep my eyes closed. I could feel the wind brush over my naked body as I felt my cock between to twitch. Right about then she removed her hand from my cock and tapped her hand on the dash.

"Put those feet up on the dash and try to hold your body up. I want your cock nice and erect. I want it above the window sill" she demanded.

I lifted my feet onto the dash and pushed myself up. My cock bounced up into position and I knew if anyone was next to us, driving by us or walking down the sidewalk they would see it all.

She could sense my nerves and told me to open my eyes and peak for just a minute. There wasn't a car or person in sight.

She asked me how I was feeling and I told her I was feeling exposed and incredibly horny. She then told me to go ahead and sit back down and slip my shorts back on. then my flip flops.

We got down to the beach and she parked on the street. She said that all she was bringing was her big beach blanket and she was leaving my boxers and shirt in the car.

That left me with shorts and flip flops.

We walked down the sidewalk to the public beach access and as soon as we cleared the last street light she said "go ahead and pull that cock out of those shorts for me. I want to see it the rest of the night.".

I reached down and flipped it out of my shorts as we walked down onto the sand. She instructed me to leave my flipflops by the beach access so we knew which one to go back to. Then we began walking down the beach. She asked me to hold the blanket in one arm and hold her hand with my other arm. I had my cock out and I had nothing to cover myself with.

As we walked further she said "this looks like a good place. let me see my blanket please!".

I handed her the blanket and she spread it out on the sand. She instructed me to sit down and remove my shorts. Then she told me to give them to her.

Once I did that she kept walking down the beach with my shorts and sensing that I was going to follow she turned and said "you won't be needing these anymore, stay there and stroke for me!"

She walked far enough away that I couldn't see her in the dark and there I was totally naked and alone stroking my now rock hard exposed cock.

Not to long after that she came skipping back and she didn't have my shorts. I realized she dropped them somewhere and they were gone.

She sat down next to me and pulled out her phone. She turned on her phone flashlight and held it over me. She put me in the spotlight and I panicked and covered myself.

"Uh uh uh!" she said! "Keep stroking that cock good boy!".

I uncovered myself and kept stroking.

She told me to lay down on my back and I did. That's when she put her phone down and took over. She stroked my cock so gracefully and she also rubbed my balls.

She eventually crawled over and spread my legs and sat right between them. She kept stroking me. I began to let out a little whimper and moan. She encouraged me to be vocal. As my moaning grew a bit more intense she stopped and stood up immediately.

"I think we need to go get your flip flops!" she said.

She reached her hand out to me and I sat up and took her and and stood up.

She walked me out to the middle of the sand and we began walking down the beach.

That's when she let go of my hand and said to keep walking. She walked behind me and kept coaching me to walk until I didn't hear her voice anymore. I turned around and she was gone.

There I was totally naked, extremely hard and fully exposed on the beach. I stood there for what felt like forever. I was so nervous and so exposed. My cock began to bounce and I realized it's because I was shaking a bit. Then that's when I heard a soft voice.

"Hey baby, do you want your shorts back?" she said.

I turned around and there she was holding out my shorts.

"Yes...please..." I said sheepishly.

"That's to bad because you haven't finished your walk yet!" she said chuckling at the sight before her eyes.

"Turn around, keep walking and stroke while you do!" she said.

At this point I was on the edge of exploding but because I was having to stroke and walk it kept me from cummimg.

Pretty soon we heard voices and she said to stop. We saw a phone flashlight in the distance and she asked what I was willing to do.

I told her I didn't want to get caught and so she kindly handed me my shorts and I slipped them on. Then she wrapped her arms around me and began kissing me. We stood there making out and while we made out she reached into my shorts to touch my cock.

At this point the voices were much closer and I knew any second people would walk by and potentially see us. She must have heard the voices to because she reached down and flopped my pulsating rock hard cock out of my shorts. She did turn us at a slight angle away from the sounds of the voices. Then she kept making out with me and touching me.

Eventually, we heard the voices die off and she reached down and in one full swoop pulled my shorts to my ankles. I looked all around and thankfully the people were gone.

"Take a step and let me have the shorts back please!" she said.

I lifting my foot and then took a step and she picked my shorts up and told me to keep walking.

We finally made it back to my flip flops and we were right near the beach access.

She said it was time for me to cum.

She got down on her knees in front of me and told me to stroke. She began encouraging me to jerk my cock and cum in her mouth. She told me to moan and moan louder and louder.

She told me to stroke faster and harder and finally she saw I was on the edge. She took me in her mouth and with very little effort she made me finish and fill her mouth full of my hot juicy cum. She kept stroking and I kept cumming and cumming.

I began to moan so loud I know someone had to have heard us. Then she stood up and kissed me and transferred my entire load into my own mouth. She said to savor it and then swallow. That's exactly what I did.

Once we finished she kissed me and told me I did a wonderful job. She gave me my shorts back and we walked down the beach to get her blanket. We eventually got back to the car and she gave me my shirt when we got it.

She also had me put my boxers back on.

She asked me if I had a good time and I told her I had a fantastic time. I thanked her for the fun we had and she said "I just can't wait to go for another walk on the beach!".

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Great story! Would love for someone to do that to me.

ErosfanErosfan4 months ago

I love this. It fits in with some of my fantasies.

QwertoQwerto4 months ago

Nice story, good writing.

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