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A Whore's Surprise

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A girl's shocking destiny is revealed to her.
4.7k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/28/2022
Created 02/21/2007
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Alex was so pleased with how Abigail had redecorated his home; he wanted her to be present when he showed it off. This wasn't the first time a client had requested this and she happily agreed. She dressed herself in a long, jewel blue, silk dress with spaghetti straps. She loved showing off her creamy, white skin. She wore her dark brown hair up to show off her long neck. She kept her makeup light, accenting her blue eyes with peach tones. Finally, she applied dusty rose lipstick to her full lips. There was a part of her that hoped to come home with a potential boyfriend, as well as additional clients.

She worked the room with confidence, collecting business cards for possible jobs. The many different work opportunities excited her, but nothing else at the party did. Abby went over to tell Alex that she had a lovely evening and was going to go home. As they were saying their goodbyes, she felt a hand on her left shoulder, traveling down her arm and sending shivers up her spine. She turned to see who was touching her...

He was handsome in a subtle way. Clean-shaven, medium build, had manicured features and strong hands. His touch was soft yet firm. His eyes were the most striking thing about him. Abby could feel them pierce her soul. She trembled slightly and he must have noticed by the way he looked at her. What Abby also noticed though was the way people at the party reacted to him. It was as if his presence commanded the attention of everyone in the room. He smiled at her. It was brilliant and inviting, but Abby could sense a trace of something wicked behind it. She was instantly intrigued by him.

"Jeremy!" Alex exclaimed, "I was starting to think you weren't going to make it." They shook hands.

"I almost didn't," said Jeremy, looking Abigail up and down, "but I am certainly glad I could. This must be your wonder girl."

"Jeremy Lee, this is Abigail Kensington." They shook hands and Abby felt a tremble run through her body. Time seemed to stand still and she couldn't find her words. Finally, she mustered up the nerve to speak, for he made her feel so nervous; she was unsure of the reason though.

"Nice to meet you Jeremy. I take it Alex has mentioned me?" Abby inquired, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Yes he has." Jeremy replied, "He speaks very highly of you. I must say though, the way he described you certainly doesn't do you justice." Abby tried not to blush. He turned to Alex. "Why didn't you tell me how beautiful she was?" Alex shrugged, trying to look innocent, winked at him and walked away. "Did I overhear you tell Alex that you were leaving?"

"Yes." Abby said, instantly regretting it, seeing the look of disappointment on Jeremy's face.

"That's a shame. I am in desperate need of an interior decorator." Abby could feel his eyes trace her ample bosom. His eyes shot back to Abby's. "I definitely like what I see so far." Abby could feel herself blushing this time and hoped that Jeremy didn't notice. He took a business card and a pen out of his jacket pocket. He wrote on the back of the card and handed it to Abby. Jeremy's gaze held hers so intensely that Abby couldn't take her eyes away, even to look that the card in her hand. "Come to my place tomorrow night, 8pm sharp. My address is on the back. If this conflicts with a previously made engagement, call to let me know. My office and home numbers are there as well. We have much to discuss."

Abby found herself speechless again. So she simply nodded and smiled. Jeremy touched her arm again and walked away. Abby drove herself home and put herself to bed, feeling like she was in a trance. What had just happened? She had never reacted to a man like that before. Jeremy was all she could think about as she drifted to sleep.

She went to work the next day feeling distracted. She spent the whole day thinking about her meeting with Jeremy. She put together a portfolio of her best work, hoping it would impress him. Abby couldn't shake the feeling that Jeremy had been flirting with her. She was most likely wrong. Her mind flashed back to the feeling that went through her body when Jeremy touched her. She could feel her pussy become moist. Abby shook the thoughts from her head. She had obviously been too long without a boyfriend.

When Abby got home, she had a light dinner and a quick shower. She dressed herself casually yet professionally, in a white dress shirt and a pair of black jeans. She kept her hair down and used very little make-up. She set herself to work on a few rough ideas that Jeremy might like, just in case there was nothing in the portfolio that peaked his interest. She wanted to show him she could work from scratch if the situation called for it. Abby got so involved in brainstorming ideas that she lost track of time. She looked at the clock, grabbed what she needed and ran out the door.

She arrived at Jeremy's house at 8:10pm. She hoped this didn't reflect poorly on her business manners. She knocked on the door... nobody answered. She knocked again... nothing. Abby began to walk back to her car. She would leave Jeremy a message when she got back home about rescheduling.

Suddenly she heard: "Tardiness and impatience. We'll have to work on those." Abby whirled around to see Jeremy standing in the doorway. She looked at him quizzically. "Come inside please." Jeremy smiled.

Abby entered the house, somewhat cautiously, and looked around. From what she saw so far, Jeremy's place was already immaculately decorated. Maybe he just wanted a change. "I want to apologize for being late. I was sitting at my desk...." Abby began. Suddenly Jeremy placed his finger over Abby's lips, leaned into her ear and whispered, "Shhhhh. We will deal with that later." He moved his hand down to Abby's back. "Shall we sit?" He led her to the couch in the nearby living room.

"Your house is beautiful." Abby complimented, "May I ask what you would like changed?" Jeremy smiled at her and Abby noticed that something wicked show itself briefly. He put his hand on Abby's shoulder and slid it down her arm. The same feeling shot through her as it had at the party.

"I never said I wanted to redecorate," Jeremy said softly, looking deep into Abby's eyes. He noticed Abby about to argue and interrupted. "I said I was in desperate need of an interior decorator. I want you, Abby. You have the makings of an ideal slave. I want to train you and take you as my property. Let us begin, shall we? Kneel. Now."

Abby felt her brain explode in a mixture of confusion, incomprehension and ... excitement? She sat there speechless. Her? A slave? What kind of person did Jeremy think she was? He watched intently as Abby struggled to understand what was going on. He could sense Abby's confusion, but could he also see a glimmer of interest? Jeremy could tell that Abby would be a great slave after some training and he wasn't going to give up this opportunity.

"What?!?!?" Abby finally spat out. She couldn't get past that word, 'slave'. She could feel herself becoming angry. Abby sprang from her seat. "How dare you! Who do you think you are? First, you bring me over here, pretending to be interested in my work. Then you tell me that you want me to be your servant. You have a lot of nerve." Abby reached down, grabbed her portfolio and turned to walk away. Jeremy stood up and held her arm firmly, pulling her back to him. "Let me go!" Abby demanded.

Jeremy kept hold of her arm and pulled her close. He spoke calmly but with an authority that made Abby's pussy react in a way she had been trying to repress since she got here. "I am not accustomed to be spoken to in such a manner. However, you are new to this so I will let this one slide. In the future, you will learn never to undermine me and never, ever tell me what to do. If you wish to leave, you may go. But I promise that you will come back, begging me to be my slave. I know you want what I am offering. You need a strong hand. Someone who will love, care for you and keep you safe. I will be here when you realize it for yourself. Then I will decide if you are worth the trouble."

Abby could feel her heart race. She wanted to kiss him, but was also so incredibly insulted by the way he was treating her. She decided she wouldn't give Jeremy the satisfaction of knowing he might be right. Abby ripped her arm from his grip and walked towards the door. "Like hell I will," she said trying not to look back. But she hesitated at the door long enough to look at him one more time. Jeremy gave her a smile that made Abby want to walk back over to him and slap it right off his smug face. Instead she slammed the door behind her and practically ran to her car. She was so upset that she couldn't even get the key into the ignition.

Abby sat in her car, clutching the steering wheel for dear life. She felt like if she let go she would be sucked into a bottomless pit. A slave! Of course the proposition insulted her, but if she was that upset, why was she still in Jeremy's driveway? She could feel her pussy throbbing and reached into her jeans. Her panties were absolutely soaked. How could she be this angry and this aroused? A part of her had to admit she was curious. She had never told anyone, but she had always found the idea of being dominated fascinating. Once she had tried to download a video clip of standup comedian Dane Cook. When she opened the file, it showed a woman in handcuffs, blindfolded, being flogged by a man. She was moaning in pain but the pleasure she was receiving was obvious. Abby knew she should have deleted it but she kept it, hidden under the name "Pregnant Lady."

She thought about that clip, substituting her and Jeremy into it. Abby closed her eyes, spread her legs and started caressing her moist pussy. She inserted two fingers, thrusting them in hard and fast. She could feel her orgasm building quickly. As she continued finger fucking herself, her thumb moved to massage her hard clit. Her orgasm was imminent and Abby wanted it badly. She leaned her head back and prepared for sweet release.

*knock knock knock*

Abby jumped, shot her eyes open and her hand went motionless at her pussy. Jeremy was standing there watching her with an evil smirk on his face. Abby hung her head down, avoiding eye contact with him and feeling completely embarrassed. Jeremy opened the car door. "Give me that hand." He demanded. Abby withdrew her wet fingers from her denied pussy with a low groan and offered them to Jeremy. He brought her hand to his mouth, sucking the juices off her fingers. It felt so good. Abby closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensations. So soft and tender, but with an unmistakable hunger.

"Get out of the car and come back inside with me now," Jeremy said, still holding her hand. Abby could tell this was not a request. She followed Jeremy into the house, silently. The door closed behind them and Abby heard the deadbolt lock with a finality that scared and excited her. She stood in the living room, facing away from Jeremy, and she could feel his gaze on her. She was so embarrassed she didn't know what to say. She heard his footsteps stop and could feel him a few feet behind her.

"Abigail, turn around and look at me." Abby just stood there. She couldn't face him. "Turn around, now!" Jeremy demanded, his voice slightly raised. Abby turned slowly. She continued to avoid eye contact, not wanting to see the anger and disappointment in his eyes for her inappropriate display in his driveway.

"Jeremy, I am so sorry..." Abby began.

"Quiet! First things first. You will address me as Sir, until I decide if you deserve to call me Master." He could see the shock on Abby's face. He wasn't concerned. He had seen it before. They always succumbed though. He had a feeling she was going to be more of a challenge, but he looked forward to breaking her. He admired her spirit but it needed to be controlled and focused. He walked to an armchair, sat down, never taking his eyes off her. "Beg me! Beg me to take you as my slave, as my whore."

"Beg you?!" Abby's anger resurfaced. "I came back in to apologize for my inappropriate actions in your driveway. If any of your neighbors..."

"Silence! This is not what I want to hear. Beg me now or I will make you. Don't make this any harder than it has to be, girl." Jeremy's commanding voice made her heart stop. As much as she wanted to resist him, she wanted to obey also. Abby had been ready to storm out of here for a second time but hearing Jeremy call her 'girl' stuck a chord deep inside her. She couldn't move, like she was frozen there. She looked at the ground but could tell that devilish smile was on Jeremy's lips again. He stood up and walked over to her.


Abby closed her eyes. She slowly unbuttoned her shirt, letting it fall to the floor. "Eyes up, girl." Abby opened her eyes, keeping eye contact with Jeremy until she was completely naked. He was happy to see she was already shaved. Abby saw him inspecting her body, she felt so vulnerable, so exposed, yet safe.

"Very good, girl. I am pleased you acquiesced without hesitation this time. I expect this from you at all times. I know a slave when I see one. You want to be mine. You want to devote yourself to me completely. I can see it in your eyes. I can show you a life you have only fantasized about. You do want this, don't you girl?"

Abby could feel her heart practically beating out of her chest. He could see her inner most desires and was offering to make her dreams come true. She could feel him staring at her, waiting to hear what he already knew. "Yes," she whispered.

"Yes what, girl?" Abby knew what he wanted to hear but the words caught in her throat. The hesitation did not go unnoticed. Jeremy raised his hand and slapped her across the face, hard. Abby's hand flew to her stinging cheek. Tears swelled in her eyes. She opened her mouth to give him a piece of her mind for striking her in such a manner, when his hand landed across the other cheek. "Keep your hands at your sides unless I say otherwise, bitch. Yes what?"

"Yes Sir." Abby said, as tears streamed down her face. Her arms glued to her sides.

"You will show me respect at all times, girl. When I give you an order, you will obey. Hesitation or refusal will not be tolerated. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir." Abby replied quickly. She could feel her pussy throbbing again. The power he had over her was overwhelming. She was scared but at the same time knew this was what she needed. To be controlled, dominated by a man, kept in her proper place. Jeremy walked over to a chest by the window and removed something from it.

"Kneel. Legs apart," he demanded.

Abby fell gently to her knees immediately, knowing what hesitation would bring her. Jeremy stood behind her and slipped a stiff leather collar around her neck, locking it tightly. Abby brought her hands up to it, running her fingers over it. She felt a metal ring at the front and shuddered to imagine what its purpose was. Jeremy reached down and slapped her ass hard with his bare hand. Abby cried out.

"Did I say you could move?" Jeremy asked softly.

"No Sir. I am sorry, Sir."

"You are now wearing my collar, girl. This is a symbol of my ownership of you. I am your Master. You are my slave. This will be so until the day I decide to release you. Your life belongs to me. I will use you as I see fit for my pleasure, not only sexually but domestically as well. You will attend to my every need. In time, I may choose to share you with others. Do you understand, slave?"

"Yes ... Master."

"Good girl." Abby could feel her new Master stroking her hair. She wanted those hands all over her. She needed to feel him: his lips, his tongue, his fingers, and especially his cock. She could see the bulge in his pants. It was right in front of her face, so close. She imagined what it would taste like in her hungry mouth, what it would feel like inside of her needy pussy. She wanted him to take her and fuck her right now. As if he could read her thoughts, Master lifted her chin up to bring her eyes to his.

"In time, slut." Master smiled. "For now, your tardiness, the insolence you displayed earlier, and the pleasure you tried to bring yourself must be dealt with." Master reached between Abby's legs. He ran a finger along her moist slit then thrust a finger deep inside her. Abby moaned loudly. "Feel that, girl?"

"Yes Master," Abigail gasped.

"This is my pussy. The pleasure you feel now happens because I allow it. You will never touch my pussy for your own pleasure; you will never cum without my permission," Master explained. Abby could feel her orgasm building as her Master's finger penetrated her dripping cunt. "Do you understand, slave?"

"Y-yes Master," stumbled from Abby's lips. No sooner had she expressed her comprehension, when Master shoved a second finger inside her. She hadn't felt a man touch her quite like this ever before. It was different somehow. She didn't want it to end. She was on the brink of orgasm already. Remembering her Master's orders, she tried to stop it. He brought his thumb up to massage her clit. Suddenly a powerful orgasm ripped through Abby's pussy. Master smiled and kept the pressure on her clit. She screamed loudly with pleasure and burst into tears. Abby realized Master was going to punish her for her disobedience.

Master stepped away, looking down at his slave, collapsed and crying. "You obviously don't listen well, you worthless little bitch. Stand up, now!" Abby brought herself to her feet; tears free flowing down her face.

"Master, please? How could I control it? I didn't mean to..." Abby began.

"Shhhh. Silence my pet. I am not disappointed with you. However, you will still be punished; for this and the night's previous infractions. That can't be helped. You must learn your place, slave."

Master walked over to the chest again. He lifted a pair of handcuffs out of it. Abby's eyes widened. "Your hands – behind your back now." Abby placed her hands behind her back and felt the cold metal imprisoning her. The helplessness she felt was immediate and suffocating. She couldn't help but wonder if she was in over her head; naked and handcuffed in a virtual stranger's home. Still, it excited her. The proof was in her throbbing pussy – no, Master's throbbing pussy.

"Follow me, slave."

She followed Master into the bedroom. The first thing she noticed, aside from the plush surroundings, was a table covered with a cloth. She had a feeling the items underneath that cloth had been prepared for her. "Go stand in the corner. Place your feet in the bindings on the floor."

"Yes Master." He followed her and secured her feet into the bindings he had installed on the floor, keeping her legs in place and spread apart.

"Keep your eyes glued to the wall, girl." Abby could hear Master moving and resisted every urge to turn around. She heard him approaching her. Abby's entire body tingled in anticipation. She could feel Master's hands running over her back, moving around to her stomach. He pressed his body up against hers. She could feel his hard cock through his pants. Master's hands caressed her breasts lovingly. She closed her eyes, letting the feeling wash over her. Abby could feel his breath on her neck. "Good girl. Give into the sensations. I am going to take you to a world you never thought possible. Are you ready, slave?"

Before she could respond, Master pinched her nipples hard causing her to cry out in shock. He grabbed her by the neck, pulling her head back. "Silence. You will take all I have to give you and like it. I don't want to hear another noise from you. If I do, I will silence you myself." Master raised the flogger, bringing it across his slave's back. Abby cried out again. Master quickly inserted a ball gag into her mouth, attaching it securely in place.

"I told you to be quiet. The sound of you moaning in pain through the gag will be most satisfying though." Master chuckled.


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