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DISCLAIMER: ALL CHARACTERS HEREIN ARE OVER THE AGE OF 18. I do not condone any abuse of any kind IRL, and everything herein is just fantasy. Do not attempt to re-enact anything you read here. All BDSM activities should be Safe, Sane and Consensual. What I describe in my stories is varying degrees of abuse which make for wonderful fantasies, but would in reality be awful. To quote the wonderful Gigglinggoblin: Real-life con-noncon requires a lot of trust, safewords, and other things a fantasy can fudge a little. Enjoy the kink responsibly, and enjoy the story! If you feel inclined, please get in touch, I'd love to talk about my writing or any related kink stuff!
Summary: A guy escapes from a confined walled city to explore the world that was abandoned years ago. What will he find? Monstergirls. Lots of em
Contains: F/fm, monstergirls, gentle femdom, femdom, bondage, lots of tickling, milking, tease and denial, edging.
DARK THEMES: Bad-ends aka permanent/semi-permanent slavery or capture, semi-creepy monstergirls.
Dully, he came to some time later, and he was aware from the gentle sway of the breast - with its thick nipple still firmly lodged in his mouth and a trickle of honey slipping down his throat unbidden - and the subtle shiver of the massively thick body that was holding him aloft, that he was being carried somewhere. Yet his now sloshing stomach, utterly swollen with honey, suddenly felt a slight jolt as both girls took off into the air, their faint wings a blur.
Rick managed to force his head to one side far enough to look down, struggling with the stiff nipple gagging his mouth, and the vertigo of suddenly being so far aloft within the hive was enough to earn a panicked groan from him. Yet his captor merely lodged her nipple more firmly in his throat in response, squeezing her breast with an entire arm to assuage his worries under a thick layer of syrupy warmth flooding down his throat.
Up they rose, and as they did the true scale of the hive was becoming clear to him. It was easily taller than any building he had been in. Soon they entered a massive alcove which hung from the hive's ceiling, and Rick could only try to blink away the haze of arousal flooding his body.
The sight that met his weary eyes made any hope of lessening his libido hopeless, however. The entire alcove interior was a room formed of hardened honey. Upon a mix of honey-furniture were a further ten massively voluptuous bee girls lounging around within, in various and increasing degrees of luxury.
As his captors landed with surprising dexterity, despite their immense size, they passed by one girl then another, who each turned to stare and smile at their new guest. Somewhere up ahead, he heard a mix of shrieking laughter and guttural sexual groans, and began to squirm in his captors' arms once again.
Yet, as he nervously met the eyes of each girl they passed, he at last realised he had missed something at the back of the room - where those noises were emanating from.
When they at last came to a stop, the body of his captor jiggling long after it had done so, he was at last placed gently upon the floor - albeit held firmly by the shoulders from behind. Only then did he finally realise what his honey and post orgasm addled mind had not previously been able to comprehend... lounging at the back of the room was by far the largest woman he had ever seen.
A massive bee girl. That was what Rick now stood before as her towering bulk loomed from the ceiling. She was double again as tall as the girls who had captured him, lounging on her side atop a wide throne of dried honey that took up the majority of the rear wall of the alcove. Her body lay so wide in his vision that now he was so close to her he couldn't actually take in her whole body at once.
Her legs were each longer than Rick was tall, and her thighs were simply monumental. They were so massive that they ballooned out even further from her already prodigious waist. So thick that had he been standing in front of them they would be taller than him. Her stomach was, like her comparitively smaller progeny, plump yet toned. However, what truly drew his eyes were her breasts.
His poor mind simply could not process the sheer colossal mass of her breasts. If he had thought the giant bee girls before had been well endowed, this woman's breasts were simply beyond compare. Each was wider than her already ridiculous hips, and swole out from her body to fill half the space between himself and her.
And, of course, from her two gigantic nipples drooled an endless stream of thick, dark orange... delicious looking honey.
Now it was clear. If this was a hive, and those women the workers, then this giant creature was the Queen.
Yet the source of the erotic laughter was what stunned him most. Held aloft and captive in eight pairs of this massive woman's black toned arms was the wasp girl from before. She was frantically thrusting into the drooling honey-slick mons of the giant woman, wrists and ankles held firmly and keeping her limbs held helpless, affording her only the ability to thrust her hips. The dickgirl's prodigious black dick was being hungrily milked by the giantess' swollen lips, yet that was not the sole reason for her relentless rutting.
With each of her remaining hands the multi armed queen was tickling and teasing some part of the poor wasp girl's body. Two were mercilessly digging into her armpits, as two more delicately tickled the wasp girl's nipples, now producing their own honey. Two more were taking turns spidering her jiggling ass cheeks, or caressing and tickling her massively swollen balls, encouraging the churning load within. The last two hands were, of course, tormenting the poor girls' captive feet, which were frantically writhing in the Queen's grip.
Rick, much like during her capture, could only stare in abject shock at the utterly lurid scene before him. He couldn't help feeling his own cock stiffening in response, although that may have been partly due to the bee girl beside him casually stroking his cock, as if caressing a beloved pet idly.
The wasp girls ecstatic torment soon seemed to be reaching a climax, as hers was evidently fast approaching. The Queen however made no effort to lessen the ticklish torture, indeed if anything her multi armed assault seemed to become more brutal in its desire to drive her captive well and truly insane even as she pursued what would evidently be a truly unearthly orgasm if her cries were anything to go by.
At last, the Queen grinned slightly, her otherwise passive expression barely shifting, as her hands switched to a far more sensual - yet evidently still ticklish - tact. Her hands now massaged the wasp girl's hypersensitive body, fingers pressing into her tired feet, caressing the swell of the wasp girls breasts and gently pinching her nipples. Lastly, one hand was clamped around her ass, pressing her captive into her even more vigorously, as the other squeezed her now massive balls.
The wasp girl shuddered in paroxysms of total bliss as, inevitably, her orgasm crested with a heart-wrenching scream. Rick could almost hear the poor girl's mind audibly snap from sheer pleasure.
Thick honey poured across the Queen's massive thighs, pumping out from the point of copulation where the wasp girl's visibly throbbing cock, pumping load after load, was trapped in the clinging lips of the Queen's royal pussy which was now overflowing.
Visibly exhausted, two bee girls kindly took the shuddering, heaving form of the wasp girl and slowly slid her length out from of the clenching vice between the Queen's thighs, and with a honeyed slurp it came free, drooling honey all the while.
The Queen turned her head slightly to stare at him. Hungrily.
Swallowing audibly, Rick was moved closer.
"My Queen, we have another... visitor." One of his handlers announced, wryly.
For a long while the Queen merely stared at him, until a small smile finally developed.
"How delightful... it is rare I get to have two... mmm... visitors in one day. Quite fortuitous. Visitations do tend to leave our guests quite... mmmmm... drained."
Despite his fear, the obvious implication of her words was having the intended and desired effect. As the two girls holding him took the opportunity to begin to caress him once more, gently tweaking nipples or groping his ass, his cock throbbed once again to life, despite having so recently undergone such a rigorous welcome.
Temporarily distracted from the otherworldly scene around him, he stared down in amazement at his own recovery.
"Many find our honey has... this kind of effect." The Queen murmured, voice utterly dripping as she rested her chin atop a comparatively dainty hand, compared to the rest of her giant form that was.
The two girls flanking him either side, their thighs easily keeping his arms pinned as a steady stream of honey from between lubricated them. Now they cupped his balls, and gently coaxed his erection.
"Mmmm..." the Queen moaned, and shifted a little closer to him on her throne. Rick could barely focus as he watched her massive breasts, each individually no doubt weighing more than his entire body, jiggle in absurd ways with even her slight movement. "I see our honey has already done its work on you well..."
He did feel his heart racing, indeed, his libido felt more alive than ever. Her eyes remained fixed upon his cock as she spoke.
"You may have noticed, young human, that there are no males among our kind."
Blinking, he turned to look back through the valley between his captors' massive breasts clouding his view, at an entire room full of buxom giantess bee girls. He swallowed again.
"The nature of things being what they are, as you can imagine, that does make procreation among our own kind quite challenging... albeit not enjoyable."
At her words, or perhaps out of simple lascivious desire, two bee girls lounging nearby began to passionately kiss as the hands of each drifted down to stoke the honeypot of the other.
As his gaze at last returned to the utterly gargantuan Queen, her fingers were now stroking her own absurdly large nipple in a none-too-subtle masturbatory gesture. Indeed, the cascade of honey this gentle movement caused only served to complete the image.
"Thus all our guests who are... suitably endowed..." at those words, a collective giggle went up among the bee girls around the room, and for a moment he was reminded of the aching effort it had taken to remove the wasp girl's cock from that royal pussy, "must help us continue our hive."
While unashamed by his own tumescence, at least not when it wasn't being ogled by a dozen giant women, he couldn't help but feel slightly emasculated when compared so openly to the girl who had come before him. As human standards went he was perfectly happy with his cock, but genetics had evidently blessed the wasp girl to an entirely new level.
"Oh, no need to be shy..." the Queen offered softly, smiling still, as Rick reflexively tried to shirk away and hide his now throbbing cock, his hands held fast between honeyed legs. "It is a fine offering you bring before me, and her majesty approves..."
The hands at his nipples now moved to gently stroke his hair and neck, causing the over-sexed and overly-sensitive boy to shiver.
"You see, it's not just your cock we need, but the seed it can provide, little flower. Not that we don't enjoy the methods of obtaining it, of course." Another round of giggles. "You see... your cum will keep me and my kind healthy, give us vitality. It makes our bodies swell and our honey flow... and in turn, that seems to help our guests produce more delicious cum."
At that she tittered politely, and that alone was enough to make her pendulous breasts shudder in waves that took a few moments to settle.
"Now allow me to welcome you to our hive... personally."
"B-but..." Rick stammered, as he was slowly marched closer to the Queen.
"Hmmm?" She asked, although she seemed pleasantly at ease.
"I'm s-sorry I entered your hive, please..."
"Oh... don't be sorry. We certainly aren't." She mused, and began to once again lift her colossal thigh from atop the other.
Viscous strings of honey, thicker than his arm, connected the two as she did so like so much slime. Rick's eyes widened as it became clear what they wanted of him, yet his cock merely throbbed all the more, trickling precum down its now increased length.
"Wait - you said... the honey?" He gasped, beginning at last to grasp just how perilous his situation had become.
"That's right, our honey does seem to attract so many visitors once they've had a taste... it makes them so needy, so virile, just as it's doing to you now."
Now it all made sense. The honey was what had brought him here, and as he had so blindly drunk it down it had sent his libido into overdrive. Hell, his cock even felt larger, swollen, and his balls felt heavy.
"That's right... the more you drink, the more cum you produce..." He felt his cock singing as a honey-slickened hand began to rub around his head, making it difficult to see straight let alone speak. The Queen seemed content to speak for him, however. "And that means you help us make more honey!"
Now he was being held aloft, a hand under each knee, as his captors brought him towards the throne... and towards her legs.
"Of course, as lovely as our hive's honey is, my own is quite something else entirely. As you saw with that lovely wasp girl before you, once you've had a taste of my Royal Jelly... well, for some reason no one who has tasted my divine nectar has ever wanted to leave. And of course, once they cum inside me... well, their poor little bodies just can't resist."
Trembling now, he felt his handlers move to keep his arms well pinned behind his back, while one began to vigorously stroke his cock between a single thumb and forefinger. Any further objections quickly found themselves trapped in his throat as her rapid masturbation brought his bubbling libido to a peak.
"However, I'm not uncivil. I will make you the same deal I make all our visitors. If you can have your cock inside me and tell me truthfully you don't want to fuck me, you may leave my hive whenever you wish."
Like a gaping maw the Queen's colossal thighs prised themselves apart, and he felt hot drips of honey coating him as they dropped from above. Helpless in his captors' grip, they forced him forwards, his legs parting as he had to slide across the plateau of the Queen's soft thigh, physically brought to his knees.
"Of course, you can leave anytime you like after that, but nobody ever seems to manage to..."
The air in the hive had been close, but here between the Queen's thighs it was thick and cloying. He could feel the moisture of her body clinging to every inch of him as he was pushed closer and closer to her drooling sex, and with every deepening breath he could taste her essence filling him from within.
"That's it, good boy..." one of the girls assured him, sliding him across the Queen's thigh and bringing him closer to the Queen. Even with his hands now free he was powerless to stop himself as the Queen's thighs were so slickened with honey he could get no traction.
"Don't fight it, just give in... your body knows what it wants..."
Stifled cries of a mix of fear and unbridled hormonal lust warred in his throat as, inches away from him now, the Queen's pussy drooled an endless flow of thick, dark amber honey. Deep within him he knew just how dangerous that substance must be, if their honey alone had already done so much to him. Yet even stronger was a rapidly growing insatiable hunger. After all, their honey had tasted so good... he couldn't even imagine how her Royal Jelly would taste...
Wincing, he tugged at the girls holding his shoulders and gently pushing him forwards, but they easily manoeuvred him in line with the Queen.
With an ominous encroaching doom, he felt his cock dipping into her thick jelly... and his cock sunk home within her. Instantly, the sheer heat of her sex was enough to make him gasp, but as he was pressed against the Queen's upright thigh - like a slippery fleshy tree trunk - he swiftly felt her sex begin to churn around him, forcing a shuddering cry from his wavering lips.
Male instincts overrode any higher thoughts, as his grip upon her sticky thigh tightened, and he felt his hips swaying as he rode the slippery valley of heat now suckling at his cock.
"A.." one of the girls mewled with saccharine sweetness, "your Majesty, I think he likes being inside you."
"All cocks do..." cooed the queen, her grin broadening with relish. "None can resist me once they're inside..."
Tears flowed down his cheeks as Rick tried to force himself to stop, biting his lip, fighting his every instinct, but it was hopeless. Her pussy seemed to mould and contort to perfectly encompass his cock.
He threw his head from side to side, raging against his own inability to control himself, but the heat rising to his collar was steadily eroding any will he had to resist.
It was simply indescribable. So perfectly slick, tight, wet, hungry... she was right. No male could have resisted this sheer guttural pleasure.
"That's it, fuck my pussy little boy..." the Queen taunted, giggling at his predicament. "Doesn't it feel good?"
Sinking his cock as deep as he could, he felt her clench down onto him almost painfully, yet it was breathtakingly satisfying. Yet he managed, if only through sheer overload of his senses, to remain still.
"A.. he's trying to fight it. Such a silly boy..." the Queen continued, and he felt her pussy begin to move once more, preternaturally... until it felt as if a fleshy hand were perfectly stroking his cock from inside.
Whimpering, he felt his fragile willpower cracking as the perfect pussy gave him an equally perfect handjob.
"Don't you want to thrust? Wouldn't it feel lovely to cum in my Royal pussy? Doesn't it simply feel better than anything you could have imagined?"
He groaned in sheer frustration as he felt her Royal Jelly coating his thighs, sinking into his cock and making it tingle awfully, like an itch he couldn't scratch, only far more pleasurable. As his cock basted within her boiling hot jelly, he could feel his body reacting to it. He knew if he was to have any chance of escape it would have to be now.
Slowly, but deliberately, he forced himself to push against her thigh. Gradually, with painful progress, he managed to pull himself free one inch at a time.
"Such a strong lad..." the Queen murmured, almost sounding a little impressed, "I can't remember the last time someone willingly pulled out of me for any reason other than to fuck me harder... to thrust their throbbing cocks deep and hard into my tight wet cunt..."
Forcing his eyes shut, trying not to listen to her libidinous words, he felt her pussy clinging to his cock and fighting to hold on to it as if unwilling to let its prisoner go. Even so, he could feel he was nearly free.
"I suppose if you were to pull your cock free, I would have to take that as a sign you don't want to cum inside me..." The Queen offered, tantalisingly. "Then again, maybe he just needs a little convincing. Girls, do make sure he's not getting bored, won't you?"
The two girls from before were suddenly at his sides, and he felt their hands moving down his back.
"No, please!" he whimpered, his arms shaking with the effort needed just to push himself out of the Queen, barely able to stop his grip slipping and sending himself sliding back inside her.