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Alex, the Good Son

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Loving mom is the best love...
4.2k words

Part 1 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 11/16/2022
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"Alex, let's make it at 11. OK?"

"Yes mom, just call me when you are ready!"

I looked at my watch. I still had 45 minutes.

Sitting in front of the TV, my thoughts wondered to the beginning...

I was born 22 years ago to Achilles and Helena.

You may have guessed it already. they had Greek ancestry, although both were born in the USA.

They named me after Alexander the Great, with the hope that one day I'll end up a winner...

My father was a great catch when he graduated from the university of Florida - He was very handsome. Being a member of the football team did not hurt either... He came from a rich family and was about to become a banker.

My mother was younger than him by 2 years. She attended the same university and was one of the cheerleaders.

Their wedding, following one year of courtship, was celebrated by the guests as one of the top events in the city.

I was born 9 months later to the joy of my happy parents.

Over the years so many things have changed, that I do not know where to begin...

My father became a distinguished banker. He now heads one of the branches of Chase Morgan.

His promotions came after long hours of hard work at the office. As a result he didn't have much time for other things in life. He did not exercise and developed a big belly. Early balding and his alcohol binging made him look older.

My mom was just the opposite.

She exercised on a regular basis and frequented a yoga facility at least twice a week.

She kept a strict healthy diet and rarely drank alcohol.

When I was very young, on occasions I heard men talking about mom's physical attributes. But most women seemed jealous of her and tried to bash her in front of others.

When I had arguments with dad, mom was always on my side. She was the only parent who helped me with homework.

She spent a lot of time teaching me about the history of Greece. She used to call Greeks 'our people'.

Because of mom I developed fascination in Greek mythology.

My love for her was unconditional!

One day, when I was in my early teens, I saw my mom coming out of the shower covered with a large towel.

Her long dark hair was wet. It was the first time she actually looked PRETTY to me...

Since that time I've tried, mostly unsuccessfully, to catch a glimpse of her in her underwear.

I recall one time, when nobody else was home. I walked up to her room and opened some of the drawers and... checked her underwear...

Most of her panties were very conservative, the high waist type. However, at the bottom I found a couple of barely used thongs. I sniffed them. They smelled mostly like fresh breeze (with a hint of her pussy juice???).

At a lower drawer I found her bras. On the left side the sports bras were piled one on top of the other, while on the right side a large number of colorful soft bras were displayed randomly. I inspected the size - Most were 36C...

I was scared to get caught, so I left the room soon after...

But for months later the panty's smell and the picture of one particular demi bra haunted me during the nights and led to infinite masturbations...

At 18 I was ready to move to Phoenix.

I registered to ASU, taking several courses, including a major in physical therapy.

The separation from my father was an easy one - A simple hug and "Take care, son."

My mother cried on my shoulder for several moments and didn't want to let go...

"Alex, you are the love of my life. I hope you'll be happy there, but I wish you studied closer to home..."

"Mom, I'll need to catch up with all the other students and work hard the first year, but I promise to be back during summer vacation. In the meantime our contact will be by mail, phone and on-line!"

"Yes baby, I trust you. Be safe and don't forget to keep in touch with your loving mom on a regular basis..."

University learning was easier than expected and I was doing well with my studies.

My body started changing almost immediately after I turned 18. Most noticeable, my height increased to 6'2".

I tried and was chosen to be on the football team. With intensive training my muscles became bulkier.

Two guys on my football team told me that they heard girls describing me as 'stud'...

Initially I was very shy to notice, but soon I observed several girls trying to get close to me.

Weeks later I began going out with my first girlfriend. She was good looking and had an amazing body.

We went to movies and restaurants together and fondled each other over and under our clothes, but no real sex.

A month later I was tired of her childish behavior and we split.

My second girlfriend was a student in my class. She was smart, funny and very attractive.

We hit it on immediately and had sex on the first night.

She had 2 boyfriends before me and was fairly experienced sexually. I was still a virgin...

Our first intimate encounter started embarrassingly and ended up nicely!

I began touching her breasts over her blouse and felt her hand rubbing my pants covered dick.

Within seconds my erection was stretching the front of my pants all the way to my navel...

"Ooh Alex! I see that you have a big one! I love a big cock inside me. My orgasm will be more satisfying!"

With some difficulty she was able to free my 8", but as she was touching it, I exploded in her hand...

She chuckled, "Alex, that's OK. I like you. Let's undress and hug in bed together."

I was still ashamed of my premature climax and hesitated...

She smiled at me and began a striptease show.

Her blouse and bra came first. Her B size tits were nice and perky with dark protruding nipples. While still looking me in the eye, she juggled them lightly and then pinched the nipples. Her skirt was next to go and revealed her pink thong. The tummy was flat and her belly button decorated with a light blue piercing. She winked at me and slowly lowered her panties. A narrow landing strip appeared...

She was now totally nude, standing still and glancing at me, as if challenging me to find a defect in her body... Her body was perfect!

I felt my cock starting to throb again.

I removed my pants and briefs and stood naked in front of her too.

She stared at me from head to toe, and then focused on my growing hardness.

She gasped, "You really ARE a hunk!"

She came closer and our lips met for a deep kiss.

Her little hand gradually moved toward my expanding pole. She touched the head and slid it along the shaft. She tried but couldn't quite wrap her palm around it.

"Alex, let's go to bed! I want to ride your magnificent tool. Seeing it making me so wet... Here touch..." She pulled my hand to her cunt. It really was dripping!

She wasted no time.

She placed me on my back, stood above my groin and slowly descended into a sitting position on my now erect cock.

I had no prior sexual experience and I wasn't sure what to expect...

It felt very tight... But then her vagina began stretching around my large organ.

Her abundant self lubrication helped and within 2 minutes she started riding me in earnest.

"Oh God! It feels so good... Your huge cock is invading my whole body!"

She kept riding me, allowing me ample time to admire and knead her amazing tits.

Minutes later she began moaning, followed by a series of short cries.

Then her body started shaking on top of me, finishing about a minute later with a big convulsion.

I was hyperexcited watching her climax... My arousal increased exponentially.

The feeling of her tight pussy contracting on my shaft took me over the edge too. Few seconds after she was done, I blew my load inside of her.

"Alex, this was amazing! BTW, we are lucky that I am on the pill, otherwise..."

Technically, my first complete sexual act could be summarized as a success.

However, I never let her find out that during the act my brain envisioned her body with... my mother's face...

During the weeks that followed, we had sex in different positions almost every day. But still, each time I was about to climax, mom's pretty face would be there...

I didn't want to lie to my girl anymore and found a lame excuse to terminate the relationship.

Summer vacation was about to start and I called my mom to let her know that I'd be coming home soon.

I'd be staying at home for 2 full months.

"Oh baby, I missed you so much! I promise to make your favorite meals and buy anything else you wish..."

"Mom, I am OK. You know me, I don't need much. But I'd love to be there with you around."

"Alex, you are at an age that many changes happen, both physically and mentally. Are you still my baby boy?"

"Mom, I always loved you and always will. Everything will be fine, you'll see!"

Of course I neglected to mention to her that I saw her face in front of my eyes during sex and masturbation...

I recalled my younger age obsession with Greek mythology... Do I have an Oedipus complex?!...

I arrived home and my father, who greeted me at the door, shook my hand and said, "Son, you have grown bigger. I hear from your mom that you are doing well in school. That's good to know."

And then he went back to read the financial sector in his newspaper.

Mom hugged me warmly and was reluctant letting go...

With tears in her eyes, "Is this my Alex?! You are so tall and muscular... What happened to my baby?"

She was right. When I left the house to move to Arizona, mom and I were the same height. Now I was towering over her...

On the other hand, HER face and body remained as attractive as before... I definitely missed her... A lot!

The first 2 week of my vacation mom and I found ample time to be together - Eating at home, going out to restaurants, watching TV, going to movies, and strolling in a nearby park on the weekend.

Next Monday evening mom went to exercise as usual.

An hour later I got a call from her, asking me to come pick her up. I hurried there and found her lying on a stretcher.

"Alex, I am so sorry to bother you, but I had a minor mishap and I can hardly move. Will you please take me home."

"Of course! Are you sure that nothing is broken? Shall I take you to an emergency room, just to be on the safe side?..."

"I don't think that's necessary..."

I took her to the nearest healthcare facility anyway.

She underwent a physical exam with few scans of her back and upper legs. An hour later the doctor showed up with the good news - Nothing was broken. A combination of rest, local compresses and light body massage should improve the problem in 2 weeks.

I was happy for mom.

I took her home, carried her to her room on the second floor and realized that she needed help undressing.

"Mom, you cannot undress by yourself and I think that you might need help going to the bathroom too.

What do you suggest that we do?"

"Alex, your father will help me with these chores tonight.

Tomorrow we'll decide together how to proceed.

But I it's your vacation and I have no intention to impose on you my own issues..."

"Mom, you are a silly goose. First of all, since I left to college, I do not have many friends left here, but more importantly, I love you and I ABSOLUTELY want to help anyway I can!"

She smiled at me and sent me an air-kiss.

She suddenly looked very tired. The exercises, the injury and hospital stress all took heavy toll on her, so I wasn't surprised.

I called dad, explained to him what happened with mom and asked him to be home soon.

I prepared her bed and waited for dad to show up.

Half an hour later he arrived home and I went to bed too.

I woke up at 8 am. Dad left the house earlier, at 7:30.

I had a short shower, shaved and went to see mom. "How are you doing?"

"The night was rough. Every turn hurt, but I am slightly better now..."

"Did you eat breakfast?"

"Not yet. Your father had to hurry to the bank. But I am not very hungry."

"Mom, you should understand that starting now, everything will change. From now on you'll be my baby and I'll take care of you..."

Smiling, "My knight with a shining armor... OK boss, what do you suggest?"

"First, I'll make us a breakfast. Do you like a toast with cream cheese, scrambled eggs, orange juice and coffee? Anything else you want to add?"

"Please bring also a couple of olives from the fridge..."

Fifteen minutes later I returned with the 2 trays. We ate quietly.

From the corner of my eye I noticed her gazing at me lovingly every now and then.

When we were done, I removed the trays, washed the dishes and returned to mom.

"Mom, you exercised yesterday and didn't take a shower yet. I think that it should be the next assignment..."

Mom chuckles, "Alex, is this a hint that I stink???"

"No mom, and I actually like your smell... but I know the feeling of being covered with dry sweat. It happens in the dorm a lot."

"I give up. But I won't be able to do it on my own..."

"Mom, I'll help in any way you want me to. Just let me know how..."

She stared at me silently for a couple of minutes.

"Alex, in order for me to take a decent shower, you have to undress me, soap my body, dry me and then help me dress up again. Are you up to the task?... Will you be able to watch your old mother naked body without being disgusted?"

"Mom, you are young and beautiful! And I love you... If you are all right with me helping you in the bathroom, I'll do it..."

It was 11 am and mom let me know that she was ready.

I was trembling while helping mom undress.

First I removed her nightgown and saw her in her underwear.

Her body was gorgeous - No signs of fat whatsoever! Her body tone was perfect and her tummy had a 'feminine 6-pack'.

Next came the bra.

I ogled mom's tits for a moment.

She noticed it and smiled, "Sorry Alex, I am no longer young. If you expected to see boobs of a Playboy bunny, that's too bad..."

I was blushing, "Mom, your breasts are amazing! Perfect size, very little sag..."

Then I smiled shily back at her, "Unfortunately, I am your son..."

"You are such a flatterer! I love you too..."

I removed her panties. She was completely bald... I was stunned!

Mom noticed my reaction, "I waxed it when I was much younger. Back then I was wild and was even thinking about having a little tattoo there, but I chickened out..."

"Mom, do you want to use the shower or the tub?"

"The shower is better."

I adjusted the water to the right temperature and carefully led her in.

She stood there, enjoying the hot water pouring from above.

I stared at her body again... It was definitely God's creation...

Her boobs were protruding forward. Her pink nipples now hard under the water stream...

My dick began to tent my pants...

"Alex, if you are going to help me in the shower, you'd better take off your clothes too and put your swimsuit on."

"OK mom. I'll be back in a minute..."

I was relieved.

By now my erection was too obvious, so taking a break to put on a swimsuit gave me time to settle down.

I reentered the bathroom 10 minutes later.

"Alex, last time I saw you in a swimsuit, you were a boy... Now you are taller, much more muscular - You are a handsome young man! I am sure that girls your age are all over you! How come you never talk to me about a girlfriend? I know for sure that you are not gay, so what is the problem?"

"Mom, can we talk about it some other time? Let me soap you, wash your body and dry it, so that you can rest outside this tiny room with all the vapors."

"As you say, Sir."

I soaped mom's body silently, starting from the back. The neck was first and from there I went downward.

When I reached her buttocks, she gasped but did not say a word. I continued with her thighs, calves and feet.

Then mom turned around facing me... She was staring at my face with a little smile...

I asked her to close her eyes and gently soaped her face and neck. Then I poured water to remove the soap residue.

Mom opened her eyes again and looked straight at me.

I did her shoulders and proceeded to do both arms.

When I was finished with her arms, I gazed at her eyes. They were focused on me.

The smile was still there...

With my hand mildly quivering, I began soaping her left breast... It was soft and smooth to the touch...

Within seconds her darker nipple hardened... I felt a sudden urge to suck on this sexy rubbery organ...

My cock was agreeing with me and a bulge was showing...

I continued massaging... sorry, soaping the right areola. Like it's twin, it looked so suckable... so delicious...

Mom lowered her eyes to my groin area. But she didn't say a word...

I went down, soaping her shapely tummy. Then I did her legs.

"Mom, there is one area left. Do you want to try and do it yourself?"

Softly, "No baby. You are doing an excellent job. Go ahead..."

She spread her legs for me and I tried my best to soap gently her cunt area from her clit to the ass crack.

Mom gasped again, while alternating her look between my face and my groin.

Yes, by now my erection was straining the front of my swimsuit, threatening to break the waistline...

I went behind her and aimed the showerhead water on her back until the soap washed away.

Then, still standing behind her, I directed it to her front.

Mom backed toward me, with her ass touching my boner.

I was shocked... and speechless...

Mom said nothing too... I am certain that she felt my hard cock, but she elected to keep it to herself...

Then I dried her body and helped her out.

I covered her with the nightgown, not bothering with the bra or panties and brought her to the living room.

Mom turned to me and whispered, "Now what?...

"The doctor recommended that you have a gentle massage everyday, until you start light exercises on your own.

Now I am not a professional masseuse, but as part of our curriculum we studied the principal aspects of a muscle relaxing massage. Would you like me to give it a try, or you rather I look for an expert masseuse?"

Mom whispered, "Alex, I want you!..."

"OK mom. Let me arrange the necessary stuff and I'll be back in 10.

I unhooked one of the room doors, put it on the single bed in the guest room and mounted another matrass on it. I covered it with a clean sheet and added 2 large towels on top.

I poured Argan oil into a soup dish (The oil was a birthday present from my second girlfriend. I used it on her only once).

Subsequently I brought mom to the guest room, removed her gown and helped her lay down on her tummy.

I started to massage her legs. Her right leg tone was terrific, thanks to her routine exercises.

When I began, mom was very tense. Gradually she relaxed her muscles and... I heard her purring.

Next I continued toward her outer thigh.

Later, when I moved to the inner part, she spread her legs slightly, allowing me a good look at her cunt lips.

I wasn't sure, but it looked moist to me...

I continued with the left leg. Every couple of minutes I heard mom moaning faintly.

Was it a sign of 'I enjoy the relaxing massage'? Or it was a sound of 'I am getting aroused'???

I didn't stop, but my cock started hardening again.

I was ready to move to her shoulders and upper back, but mom whispered, "Please, do my buttocks too."

I kneaded her strong ass muscles for like 5 minutes, enjoying the feeling of the perfect round shape as well as her smoot skin.

It dawned on me that I was touching and feeling my mother's naked body...

The same body I was fantasizing about for a long, LONG time...

My cock was in full mast again. I rearranged it somewhat inside my swimsuit, but it was too hard and long... The head was peeking above my waistline...

Unfortunately, I had no good excuse to leave mom for another 10 minutes in order to give my erection time to deflate...

I moved to stand in front of mom's head.

As I was doing her shoulders, she lifted her head slightly. Her face was now inches from my engorged cock.


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