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Just before their departure, Fayad returned to Andjuran's suite.
*Esteemed Elder, I have what you need,* Fayad advised while placing a memory stick into Andjuran's hand. *To let you know, most of the information found on the Pirate's vessels is of little use to the Navy. It points to locations that are already known and abandoned. Those that are new, have already been surveyed and two have been found to have Pirate Fleets around them. The Navy, however, is not ready to strike against them. The information is there,* he finished, pointing at the memory stick.
*Thank-you Fayad. You have done well. We will be able to pass this information on to our fellow Senators for their use,* Andjuran concluded. He didn't let on to Fayad that he had confirmed Najmaddin's sources nor that he had no intention of passing on these secrets to his fellow Senators. He had reasons for keeping this information to himself. Reasons he shared with only a very select few.
Cmdre Fiona Marsh once more stood at the airlock to the SPV Katran's shuttles. Only this time it was to tearful farewells of the citizens that had been rescued from slavery.
The citizens had been assigned cabins in preparation for departure. They had been teamed up with members of the medical team that would continue treating them back on Terra.
The farewells were long and sad, as the former slaves had formed unique bonds with the medical and mining staff of the platform. Each had been given a duffle bag with toiletry items, clothing, and even an emergency EVAC suit in their size from the platform's stores.
The recipients were grateful, as many of them had come aboard the platform naked, bruised in body and mind, and badly in need of real human interactions, vice the abuse they had shared. The bonds that had been created on Liramor-23 would last a lifetime, never to be forgotten.
Fiona was in her element, reaching out to touch each of the recovered citizens with appropriate hugs, or handshakes, or slaps on the back. Hollo-images were taken by many, with smiling faces aplenty. Contact info was being passed back and forth.
Many left written notes of praise for the staff of the platform tearfully accepted by the recipients, who informed their fellow citizens that they did not do what they did in search of praise but to help citizens in need.
As the newly returned citizens passed by Fiona, she gave each of them a Liramor-23 patch, a cherished memento that few of them would ever let go of. By necessity, it took several hours to get all of them onto the Katran.
The Senator and his entourage were some of the last to arrive. They had attended many meetings on the platform and, as Fiona had predicted, had asked for access to meetings they would normally not be allowed into by dint of their presence on the platform as the only representatives of the Terran Senate.
"I must commend you for your support during our brief time on your platform Commodore," Andjuran said in lofty tones, the smile on his face once again not reaching his eyes, nor did his eyes stray to Cdr. Noor, remaining fixed on Fiona.
"Think nothing of it, Senator," Fiona replied. "I was obliged to render you my assistance as both Commodore and as Director. I will pass along your comments from our meetings to my political superiors on Liramor Prime. I'm sure they will be in touch."
Andjuran gave her a slight bow, and Fiona gave him a snappy salute. Without further comment, he turned and entered the Katran, his staff on his heels.
Adm. Ramison and his aid slid in behind the departing Senator. "Thank-you for everything, Fiona. As FAdm. Thenton always says, it is never a dull moment on this platform!" he quipped with a smile.
Ramison gave her a salute (perks of receiving the Cross of Valour), which she returned, and did the same for Capt. Clark, Cdr. Noor, however, had to salute first. With a smile and a wave, Ramison and his aid walked onto the Katran's shuttle.
The Captain of the Katran came to the lock and formally thanked Dir. Marsh for all she had done for the Katran, her crew, and their new charges. He then asked for permission to undock from the platform.
Permission being granted, he shook hands with Commodore Marsh, Capt. Clark, and Cdr. Noor and entered the last shuttle. Twenty minutes later, the Katran came to speed and activated its FTL drive, disappearing into a cloud of electromagnetic 'snow'.
Fiona wondered if they had successfully charmed the snake, or if it had just decided to look elsewhere before it struck.
End of Chapter eight.
I had originally planned to write ten chapters to 'Glitters', but it has taken a life of its own and I will be extending that number somewhat. I still have two alien species, political intrigue, pirates and a 'secret Navy ship' to deal with, so there is much food for thought and many plots and twists still to come.
I'm grateful for the comments that have been made and the e-mails I have received suggesting plot twists. I will use some of those suggestions, but I have twists from my own devious mind to push through. Do not be offended if you do not see your suggestions being used in this storyline. I can't please everyone and will not try to.
Please rate and comment but remember to keep your comments respectful.
Thanks, Bigtddybr
Also you've stated humans didn't know any aliens existed. in the notes for the story one of the first things mentioned is aliens gave ftl tech to the humans
while i'm not religious i think the blatant slurs to those who are, definitely drag down the story. It almost made shelve it as unreadable
Umm. I gotta say, it sounds like these "generators" are what I'd consider "capacitors" seeing as how they need to be "charged" and they "discharge" rapidly, as needed. No? Never heard of a "generator" needing to be charged, unless it's not a *power* "generator" a wormhole generator or something. But that's not what that conversation sounds like. *Shrug*
What Lord_Johnny said.
The religious right? Seriously? Lol. And water to suppress fire on a space station? Dude. C'mon.
I will say, however, the use of "vice" in this way is unusual in a modern context, but absolutely not inappropriate. Vice, in Latin, literally means "instead of" or "in place of". Readers who struggle with the way you're using it need to brush up on their vocab, not you. It's a bit odd, but perfectly legitimate.
Despite the stuff that makes my teeth itch, in still intrigued enough to press on. There's a lot of potential here.
Writing quality has been consistently dropping th3 last couple of offerings. Using modern political assumptions in order to denigrate a group of people, especially in a setting hundreds of years in the future is just plain bad writing.
I absolutely love the setting you're postulating. The effort put into building things is...not close meeting potential.
This story reminds me of Three Square Meals where a man comes into a fortune and purchases a “decommissioned” naval ship for personal use. Looking forward to see this story’s unique plot points though.
Why does the author keep using the word vice throughout the story when it doesn’t fit AT ALL?!? Once was a mistake, a 1/2 dozen times or more brings on irritation because you get pulled from the story by having to decipher the sentence and what word should be there in the place of the word vice.
This Chapter of the story seemed way to soon to start introducing some Illuminati/Scientology group. Not saying it’s a bad idea, but there was already enough going on without that. The moment I saw that and the weird additional language I was completely disinterested in reading the rest of this story.
Wonderful Sci-Fi Space adventure, (I'm including all 8 chapters). Five Stars just does not seem enough. Wonderful characters, along with details that may be unknown to non military readers. I'm loving this, and looking forward to Future chapters!
Semper Fi!
I think bigtddybr is onto something here. An unusual first contact story with really fun characters. If they can grow as the story evolves we'll all keep coming back!
.....but unless you have decided to produce essentially a full length novel with this series—-and that WOULD be cool!—this story needs to start getting somewhere pretty soon, in my opinion.
I think you’ve produced plenty of both character and “universe” exposition by now. Maybe even too much here and there. I would humbly suggest that it is time to focus closer on one or two characters now — Capt Clark being the obvious first choice — and start telling the story mostly thru his eyes. Get him in that special ship and send him to find the aliens! The makings of a very entertaining First Contact story are here....heck, you have TWO alien races to play with! Get this story out into space and let us ride with Clark on an adventurous journey to new and fun and weird and puzzling and exciting things!
Looking forward to future installments!
Looking forward to more! This series definitely has my attention!
One editing comment. I believe you are using the word “vice” where you mean “versus”.