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Am I a Cougar?

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Former student heats up and kinks up Natalie's summer.
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**This is my last-minute entry for the Summer Lovin' Story Contest 2022. It's a bit rushed, but it's enjoyable. I had intended it to be longer, but I lack free time to write lately. Please vote if you enjoy it.**


The morning air was balmy as I walked into the garden to check the water level in my fountain. The last thing I wanted was another burnt-out pump because the water had evaporated overnight. Southern summers were brutal, but I loved the heat. I grew up in it and planned to retire in it. I wasn't close to retirement age yet, but I had hit the dreaded thirty-nine and suddenly felt I should be planning my funeral. Forgive me for being dramatic. I grew up with a baby face and an athletic body. I was used to being the center of attention because I was cute. I married young and had a child at twenty. My son, Joseph, was already a college sophomore, making me feel extra old.

My husband left me a widow at thirty-four. An aneurysm took him while he napped on the sofa one terrible Saturday afternoon. After five years, I'm still adjusting to the loss. Our marriage had never been great, but it was consistent. George was a good man in some ways and a louse in others. He damaged my relationship expectations. The sex was so bad I assumed good sex didn't exist for women. My best friend, Janet, begged me to start dating again. I tried it for a little while, but the dating scene was atrocious and soul-draining. Not to mention the thought of marrying again was utterly repulsive to me. I was enjoying my single life despite how boring it could be. I only had to clean up after myself. Cooking was suddenly easier without someone complaining about what I had made. I could simply live and be myself without someone judging me. I finally felt like a person again instead of a house servant. It was nice to be appreciated, even if I was the only one appreciating me.

My life really was full despite its simplicity. I taught philosophy at the university. I took the summer off to collect myself after turning thirty-nine in the spring. Despite the flirting from my male students and the friendly attention from random men in town, I still felt dejected by the number that was applied to me. I feared men would grimace at me if I told them my age. It was irrational, but my marriage taught me to expect disappointment at every turn. For most of my life, my pleasure was non-existent if I didn't generate it myself, and that was exhausting while serving another human being that was supposed to be my friend. My late husband was more of a life critic than a friend. He criticized everything I loved and made me think poorly of myself, and I never understood why. I was glad to be done with that negative bullshit. I quickly realized I was worth celebrating and I was an interesting person, and it was okay for me to want things that other people didn't want me to have.

I had always wanted a wall to make my garden private so I could install a pool. My late husband said it was a waste of money and would break HOA rules, but I kept dreaming about it. Then, earlier in the summer, I made it a reality. I worked my ass off and built a decorative wall out of clay bricks that completely hid my small garden. Then I bought a pool kit and put it together myself. I couldn't afford an expensive in-ground pool, and the subdivision didn't allow above-ground pools because they were "unsightly." So, I hid my forbidden pool with a pretty brick wall, and it worked perfectly. No one complained because they couldn't see it. They would have to snoop their way into my hidden garden to find it. I was smiling to myself as I watered my jasmine vines. I was thinking about taking a dip in my private pool with a pina colada after lunch. Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice interrupted my thoughts and almost gave me a heart attack.

"Good morning, Natalie. Whoa, awesome pool," he announced.

I gasped and spun around with my heart in my throat. A man was standing at the back of the garden where the wall ended. He was wearing a white button-down shirt paired with khaki shorts and leather sandals. His dark brown hair had summer highlights, and his skin was perfectly tanned. I immediately assumed he was a friend of my son and was looking for him.

"Oh, good morning. You startled me. Um, Joseph isn't here this weekend," I said as I studied his face, trying to put a name with it.

He looked familiar. It was difficult remembering all of my son's friends. The man could also be a former student. Either way, I didn't want to be rude and confess to forgetting him.

"Who's Joseph?" he asked with a smile as he walked over to me.

My anxiety spiked at that point. A strange man was in my private garden, he saw my secret pool, and he knew my name.

"Uh, I'm sorry. Who are you?"

"You don't remember me?" he asked in disappointment.

"Sorry, I don't," I blushed.

He was handsome up close but much too young for my tiny social circle. His eyes were a bright hazel in the morning light. I had seen them somewhere before.

"I'm sorry too. I was your worst student five years ago. I've grown up a bit since then. You probably don't recognize me without my buzz cut," he grinned and ran his fingers through his hair, pushing it off his forehead.

My mouth dropped open at that point.

"Oh my God, Henry! The long hair threw me," I laughed. "You were not my worst student."

"Really? That's hard to believe. I know I annoyed you."

"You did. You were a charming smart ass, but your test scores made up for it. I thought you were cheating at first. Then I realized you were playing dumb to pester me."

He blushed and nodded at that accusation.

"Can you blame me? I loved getting your attention," he grinned.

My face suddenly felt hot. I remembered Henry for a lot of reasons. I taught him the semester after my husband's death. Henry flirted with me a lot and was very kind when he wasn't being a pest for attention. He asked me out on a coffee date on the last day of school, and I refused him. He looked fresh out of high school to me then. Standing in my garden that morning, he looked more like a man but still too young for me to be comfortable with his flirting. He noticed my apprehension and sighed.

"Sorry. I have a knack for making things awkward with you."

"You do. Why are you in my private garden?"

"Oh, shit, sorry. I was excited to see you and ran over. I just leased the house next door."

My mouth dropped open again.

"Seriously? You must have gotten one hell of a job right out of college to afford that."

"I did, actually. I scored 179 on the LSAT and earned a paid internship with the district attorney. He hired me full-time after I graduated law school last year," he grinned.

"Damn, Henry. I knew you were smart, but hell. That's really impressive. Congratulations."

"Thank you. Why do you keep looking at me like that?" he asked.

"Like what?"

"Like you think I'm full of shit."

He was on the verge of laughter at that point. I laughed and shook my head.

"Sorry, I'm just shocked. Um... how old are you?"

"That's a rude question, Mrs. Harp. I'm twenty-six. How old are you?"

I almost bit my tongue when he turned my question against me. I knew he was pestering me again.

"I do not care to divulge that," I grumbled.

"Really? Forgive me for saying this, but you are too damn cute to be offended by someone asking your age."

"That's a bold statement, Mr. Thomas. How old do you think I am?"

"I'm smart enough not to answer that. I'm not trying to offend you, Natalie. I would just love a date with you. I'm a successful adult now. Please give me a chance to at least be your friend."

I scowled at him for a moment. Yes, I knew I was a cute woman despite my age, but I didn't understand how that made up for the thirteen years between us. He had more in common with my son than me.

"Henry, I'm not trying to offend you either. Your admiration flatters me a lot. You are very handsome and have your whole life ahead of you. I just... think your feelings for me are misguided. I'm honestly old enough to be your mother."

"No fucking way," he laughed.

"I'm thirty-nine," I grumbled.

He smiled hugely after that confession.

"Thank you for telling me that. The way you were carrying on had me worried."

"What do you mean?"

"I was afraid you were going to say you were forty-nine or a hundred."

I sighed and shook my head.

"No, smart ass. I don't have a ring of power that prolongs my life and youth, but I do have work to do. It was nice talking to you, Henry. Please don't tell the HOA about my pool."

"I won't if you be my friend," he grinned.

I scowled at him again, turning his grin into a big smile.

"Fine, get out of my garden."

"Yes, mam. See you later."

I continued scowling at him as he sauntered back into his own yard.

"What the hell was that about?" I sighed and turned my attention back to my flowers.

Henry stayed on my mind for the rest of the morning. My life experiences taught me to look at things negatively until they proved otherwise. I feared he would drive me insane, and I would have to build a bigger wall to keep him out. It freaked me out to think he might have leased the house next door just to get close to me. Then I wondered how he knew where I lived in the first place. I figured I mentioned my subdivision's name in class at some point. It could have also been a coincidence, but I knew from experience that Henry was crafty. If he wanted something, like my attention, he would seek it until he got it, and I feared he felt that way about the date I refused to give him five years ago. His stubborn persistence probably made him a great attorney. Whatever he was, I wasn't going to let him ruin my day.

After my morning gardening, I headed into the house to find my pink bikini. I pulled it on and admired myself in the mirror for a moment. My dark hair was cropped just below my jaw. It framed my small face perfectly and helped my big dark eyes stand out. My body had gotten fuller with age despite my consistent workouts and exceptional diet. I still looked healthy and sexy, and that was good enough for me. It was a beautiful sunny day, so I donned my big white hat and sunscreen before climbing into the pool with my pina colada. I relaxed on my favorite float and sipped my drink. A warm breeze stirred and tugged at my hat, reminding me to tie the ribbon at the bottom. As I was creating a big white bow under my chin, an obnoxious engine roared to life and made me flinch. It was coming from next door.

"What the fuck?"

I hopped off my float and climbed up the pool ladder so I could peer over the wall. Not surprisingly, Henry was sitting on a shiny new riding lawn mower. He was about to mow his new lawn and send dust and trash into my yard in the process, ruining my relaxing pool time. I was fuming, but I wasn't defeated. I climbed out of the pool and stomped into his yard before he could put the mower into gear. He looked at me with wide eyes and quickly shut off the engine.

"Whoa, Natalie, is something wrong?" he stammered as he looked me over.

"Yes. I was hoping to spend a relaxing hour in the pool with a frosty drink. Loud noises, dust, and gas fumes will sorta ruin that. Do you mind putting this off until later?"

"Sure, no problem."

"Thank you. By the way, a lawn service that does this work during the week is beneficial to the whole neighborhood."

"Sorry, I know. I've always wanted to try mowing my own lawn. These little tractors are awesome."

I rolled my eyes at him and nodded.

"To each his own. Thanks for delaying your work for me."

"Thank you for visiting my yard in a bikini."

I rolled my eyes at him again before returning to my own yard. I retrieved my drink and climbed back into the pool and onto my float. I took a deep breath and sipped my drink to relax again. My chin was suddenly sweaty, thanks to my cute bow and the extra walking, so I untied it to let my skin breathe. Less than five minutes later, a gust of wind removed it from my head. I let out a curse as it sailed over the wall and into Henry's yard. I groaned and laid back on my float, determined not to get out of the pool again. The sun was brutal on my face, quickly ruining my attempt to relax. I sighed in defeat and started to climb off my float again.

"I think you lost this," Henry announced.

He had just appeared beside the pool, holding my hat.

"Oh, thank you. Can you toss it to me?"

"Sure thing."

He tossed it like a Frisbee right into my lap. I smiled and quickly tied it back on.

"Sorry I upset your relaxation time. I'll leave you alone now."

"You don't have to apologize, Henry. I'm not mad at you or anything. You're allowed to enjoy your yard on a noisy mower if you want."

He smiled and leaned his arms on the edge of the pool.

"This is a nice setup. Very relaxing. I'll have to build myself a pool. I grew up in a townhouse. I had a parking lot instead of a yard. I enjoyed biking and skateboarding with my friends, but I always wanted a grassy lawn and a garden."

"That explains a lot. I'm glad you have a yard now. I know you'll enjoy it."

"I have a great neighbor too. Please let me know if I'm annoying you more than usual."

"I will."

"One more question. Can I stay and chat with you for a bit?"

I laughed and shook my head at him.

"Sure, why not? Want to hop in and relax on my extra float?

"I would love to!"

He quickly removed his shirt and sandals and hopped over the side of the pool. The splash that followed almost knocked me off my float. I laughed and clutched at my drink until the tidal wave settled. He popped his head out of the water and tossed his wet hair back.

"Shit, sorry, that was a bigger splash than I was expecting."

"No problem. I didn't spill my drink."

He grinned and dived under again. He did two underwater laps before coming back up for air. He sighed contentedly as he floated on his back.

"This is super nice. I'll definitely have to build one of these."

"It was a lot of work, but it was worth it. I would do it again in a heartbeat."

He straightened up and looked at me in surprise for a moment.

"You did this by yourself?"

"I did. The wall and the pool. I've never worked so hard in my life."

"Holy shit... you constantly impress me. Did you build the house by yourself too?"

"No, smart ass," I grinned.

He continued to stare at me with a look of admiration on his handsome face. It was starting to make me uncomfortable.

"So, Henry, do you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend to share your new house with?"

He smirked at my question and shook his head.

"No, sadly. My last two girlfriends were great people and all, but it just didn't work out."

"Why not?"

"They couldn't keep up with me. It was a huge turnoff when they couldn't engage in a deep conversation. On the other hand, I'm a bit shallow when it comes to looks. I like hot and smart women. That combination is hard to find."

"I see. Then why do you waste your time flirting with me?"

"Natalie, how the fuck can you think of yourself as a waste of time?"

He scowled at me after that, and it surprised me.

"I didn't mean it that way," I shrugged.

"Yes, you did. Wait, did you mean I'm a waste of time?"

"No, I meant myself."


I stared at him with my mouth open again. He was a good attorney. He had tricked me into confessing. He used my teachings against me.

"Shit. You excelled at discovering omitted or implied information. You are no fun to argue with," I grumbled.

He smiled hugely after that.

"And you wonder why I like you so much. You taught me something priceless. On top of that, you're really fucking hot, and it pisses me off that you refuse to admit it."

I laughed so hard at his comment I almost spilled my drink.

"Damn, Henry. I concede. You won that argument."

"Thank you," he smiled.

We stared at each other for a moment, and it didn't feel awkward that time.

"Henry, would you like a pina colada? I have extra in the house."

"I would love one."

We climbed out of the pool together and went into the house. I gave Henry a towel so he wouldn't drip all over the kitchen floor. He sat at the kitchen island and watched as I topped off my pina colada and poured a fresh one for him.

"Would you like some leftover cheese pizza to go with your drink?" I asked.

"That sounds amazing. Thank you."

I popped some slices in the toaster oven before I sat across from Henry to enjoy my drink.

"You never told me who Joseph was," he noted as he pulled his cherry out of his whipped cream and ate it.

"He's my son. He's nineteen. When I saw you earlier, I assumed you were a friend of his."

"Oooh, that explains a lot."

"Yeah. I'm sure you have way more in common with him than me."

"That's not fair. I don't hang out with teenagers. I'm twenty-six and done with college. I have a big-boy job. I make excellent money."

"Sorry. I'm trying to remember that."

"Thank you," he smiled.

I twirled my straw in my drink, trying to find a way to continue the conversation without making it more awkward. Henry read my silence loud and clear.

"Natalie, do you regret inviting me in?"

"No. Well, maybe a little. I would love to be your friend, Henry, but I don't know if I can."

"Relax, you're doing fine. It's not hard to be friends," he chuckled.

"I guess, but I..."

I trailed off before I made the situation more awkward.

"What? Don't leave me hanging. Please, say what's on your mind."

"Okay... I just get the feeling you want to be more than friends."

"I do. I won't deny that. Does that bother you?"

I sighed and nodded.

"I wish it didn't, but I totally understand. Set some boundaries, and I'll respect them. If I'm making you uncomfortable, tell me to leave. I won't be offended."

I laughed and nodded.

"Thanks, Henry. That means a lot to me."

"You're welcome. I know I should quit while I'm ahead, but I have to ask. Why are you so against having a relationship with me? I really don't think the age difference is that bad. Are you using it as an excuse? Are you not attracted to me? I won't be offended if that's the problem."

"No, you're very attractive. I just..."

I bit my lip as I tried to think of a reply that didn't reveal how out of touch I was when it came to intimate relationships.

"Sorry, Natalie, you don't have to answer that. It was too personal," Henry sighed.

The toaster oven dinged, saving me from the awkward conversation for a moment. I retrieved the pizza slices and carried them over to the island. Henry thanked me before devouring one in a few bites. He ate like he was starving.

"Damn, glad I heated up extra," I laughed and gave him another slice.

"Talking to you threw my whole morning into excited chaos. It was like meeting a celebrity. Thus I forgot to eat breakfast."

I blushed at that revelation. It revealed more about his feelings than I was ready for. He blushed as I stared at him in disbelief.

"I shouldn't have said that," he smiled.

"How long have you been this enamored of me?"

"Five years," he shrugged.

I gulped and sat down in front of my pizza. I had suddenly lost my appetite.

"Great, you think I'm obsessed, don't you?"

"A little," I nodded. "Why did you lease the house right next to me?"

His blush deepened as he finished his second slice of pizza. He swallowed and cleared his throat before he spoke again.

"When I was looking at potential houses to lease last month, I remembered the name of your subdivision and looked to see if any houses were available. I loved the thought of being your neighbor. It was silly. I didn't think it would come true. Then I arrived at the showing and saw you in your garden. At first, I didn't believe it was you. I just thought, 'damn, she's gorgeous, and she looks like Natalie.' Then I realized it was you. I signed the lease that afternoon."

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