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All Comments on 'AMA - The Boyfriend Ch. 001-010'

by BreakTheBar

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BreakTheBarBreakTheBarover 1 year agoAuthor

Hello readers!

I'm super excited to be working on this series! I've had this idea for a few years now, and my PATRONS ended up voting for the AMA to be my next ongoing project alongside Font of Fertility, Quaranteam: North West and OnlyFans Girl. Consider checking out my PATREON (patreon.com/breakthebar) where you can get access to chapters ahead of time and help support and give early feedback to all of my ongoing series and stories.



AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Thanks for the pre warning, think I will have to wait for you to get several installments in before I venture into this one.

shadrachtshadrachtover 1 year ago

Good (but rough) start. A whole lot of realism in the reactions and consequences mentioned in the first five chapters. A little slow getting going, but that's what gives any of the events gravitas rather than just porn plot logic. Very interested in seeing where things go.

anubeloreanubeloreover 1 year ago

300+ women? Over three hundred?! Seriously, what the actual fucking fuck? Cassidy should be banned from using the words "I" "love" and "you" in that order, for the rest of her life.


You don't get to cuckold your adoring, caring, loving partner, male or female, with literally *hundreds* of people...then subsequently swear that you "love them" tearfully. At least you don't get to do that and expect to be taken seriously. It's not even a lie, it's a fundamental inability/incapacity to comprehend the very concept. It's not that Cassidy doesn't love Robbie. It's that (by her actions Cassidy has demonstrated that) she is fundamentally, constitutionally incapable of truly loving *anyone* ever, other than herself. Even one or two betrayals would be vile and reprehensible. A few dozen would be even worse. But hundreds? No. That's a sociopath. It just makes no sense whatsoever. The sheer scale of the contempt...


Anyone capable of displaying that kind of contempt for their partner, of enacting a betrayal of that astronomical magnitude...would never seek forgiveness for it. And they wouldn't feel guilt or depression either. Almost four. Hundred. Others. Not 10, not 20, not 100. 400.


But yeah, Cassidy has totally finally decided to just confess, throw herself on Robbie's mercy, and use this mind control ability to help her blissfully ignorant cuckold to screw a whole bunch of women (women he was never inclined to screw to begin with btw)...women that she'll end up screwing too, totally coincidentally, as she "plays" with Robbie and his flings...and oh, yeah, she's not going to, and hasn't done, anything to warp his mind with that powerful tool. Sure.


How in the hell is it possible to ever trust her, or himself, again? How is he supposed to believe that she didn't change him mentally to make him able to forgive her/be okay with an open relationship? He can't. It's impossible. She, and she alone, has the power. She's already proven she's faithless, and untrustworthy, but his only guarantee that she hasn't mindraped him...is his trust in her.


Why didn't she confess after the hundredth woman? The two-hundredth? The two-hundred-ninety-ninth? She just hit 350 or so, and went..."hmmm. I should throw my endlessly devoted boyfriend a bone, convince him to screw a few women, then convince him to share them with me. That'll totally make up for sharing myself with literally hundreds of other women, right? Yeah."


The way this is looking, Robbie is going to screw one or two women, reluctantly, then Cassidy is going to join him in the effort, and Robbie just gets to delight in knowing that his beloved girlfriend has screwed hundreds more women than him, all of them *while they were together*, but...at least she apologized and now she's letting him screw other women *with* her, even though he never wanted to, I guess? Lovely.



Tldr: Cassidy is a PoS of a person. There's no coming back from this level of betrayal, and Robbie will never be able to know, 100%, that she hasn't ever, and/or will never, mindrape him.


I'm intrigued anyway, despite my present inability to suspend disbelief enough to accept that Cassidy is anything other than a despicable pile of walking garbage who will be getting off with effectively zero consequences, so I'm not going to rate until I've read more entries. Right now though, I just feel terrible for Robbie. And I wish someone would slap the shit out of Cassidy. Then go back in time and slap her senseless before her first betrayal.


My kvetching and angst aside, the story is as well crafted as usual. Thanks for sharing it with us.

GreenGrizzlyGreenGrizzlyover 1 year ago

Agree with anubelore. The main issue for me is the fact that the central characters are so unlikable. Cassidy for obvious reasons but Robbie… He still went to that boat trip?

The shock of it can explain away a good deal of Robbie’s initial character we’re introduced to but it felt weak overall. The anger was far too little for anything resembling your stated desire of trying ‘to make it Real’. I know this isn’t the case, but it felt like all he really asks about is the name of the app. Really? This is a massive opportunity to deep dive into specifics that went unexplored.

First chapter, I get it, a lot to unpack but this is key. The indiscretion(s) is a catalyst for your entire premise and the app itself is powerful means.

If you really wanted the infidelity to be the short-term inciting incident it would have been better to happen once, a month after she got the app. The guilt of it, the suddenness, the realization that she’d been denying a core part of herself (her sexuality) for so long, all of this confessed a week after she cheated makes her a more sympathetic character and thus more relatable. From here they could discover the app’s functions together.

As it is, you’ve created a character that has no agency in honesty seeing as how she’s been cheating on him practically since they started dating.

I’m a huge fan of your other work but this wasn't for me.

BreakTheBarBreakTheBarover 1 year agoAuthor

- Short form: Yeah, pretty much.

Long form: A big part of this set-up with Cassidy is poking a bit of fun at the many Mind Control stories that are written about Teens who get some sort of MC/Freeze Time/Other power. These usually aren't the big, popular stories (with the exception of SilkStockingsLover) - I'm talking the gonzo stroker 'porn logic' stories. Cassidy got the AMA as a sexually repressed, super horny 18 year old in target rich environments - her senior year of high school and then college. This isn't an excuse for what she did, just my thinking on the set-up and the number that I quoted. I've had others bring it up as well as a reprehensible number. Another part of my thinking on the number is also seeing a lot of 'Red Pill' online talk about body counts and how it's excusable for Men to have a body count in the multiple hundreds but not Women, so it was a bit of that, too.

In all, and without spoiling things, this isn't a throw-away element of the story. As I mentioned in the warning up front, Cassidy's cheating is a major part of this early segment of the story and I'm not treating it as a Kink. The effect of the AMA on Robbie is also not going to be overlooked.

Even though it brought about such a visceral reaction, I'm glad the story has reached you so powerfully! I hope the next chapters can start bringing you down the longer journey.


Underdog_13Underdog_13over 1 year ago

You've republished the first 10 chapters?

BreakTheBarBreakTheBarover 1 year agoAuthor

Please Note: I did not republish the chapters. Something weird happened on Lit's end when I published Ch 11-15, and they re-published 1-10 at the same time. I have no answers other than I saw 1-10 disappear from my Works page and reappear on my 'Pending' page.

upyoursixupyoursixover 1 year ago

Is the other authors name just Fantasy? Wanted to read the other stuff too and can't find it searching 'AMA' the full name or the authors name

anubeloreanubeloreover 1 year ago

Didn't expect a reply, very cool!

Yeah...if/when I have a daughter, if her guy has a "bodycount" that high? ...I will suddenly realize that either my daughter has lost her mind, this dude has hypnotized her, or I was an absolutely terrible parent. And I'll probably suddenly have a literal bodycount shortly thereafter. Unless I manage to get her to wake up and dump his slutty ass.


Internet moron douchebags (although not all red pill people are that...the PUArtists definitely are) and their idiotic, fantasizing pontificating are just that. I don't give a damn *what* you've got twixt your legs, if you're interested in a committed relationship, you won't be sleeping with hundreds of people. Or even dozens. In my opinion.


Maybe I'm warped, but when I was a horny 18 year old... (oh god...was that that long ago? Damnit I'm a late millennial, I'm not old!...crap...) ...I was saying: maybe I'm warped, but when I was a horny 18 year old, if I'd gotten that kind of power...I would have probably tried to convince Kate Upton she lusted after my body for a couple weeks (assuming she wasn't a virgin...yes, I would have cared, so yes, I guess I'm warped after all) or, barring her (bcuz virgin) maybe... Adriana Lima. Yeah.


And after that? I'd have used it to be sure I could trust people, and maybe (guiltily) to ensure fidelity from my partner. Then I might try curing some addicts and stuff like that, to convince myself I wasn't a bad person and because come on, if you can, you've gotta.


What I *wouldn't* have done is cut a swath through the women and girls around me. Especially to the point of sleeping with 400+ women. Sex like that is like complicated masturbation, first of all, and I would have felt suicidally guilty after the first one! (Possibly including Ms. Upton (now Mrs. Verlander, curse that man...) but... c'mon: worth it!)


I just cannot wrap my head around the level of self-centered arrogance and shittiness (it's a word) required to do what Cassidy did. Especially if I had an adoring partner at the time. Actually, if I had a partner like Cassidy, I would have just stuck to the addiction curing thing, plus the (guilty) fidelity ensuring thing. But despite the way Cassidy repels me, I'm intrigued, and you're skilled, so I'll read on. (I've been reading and doing other stuff since I wrote that first comment, lol, so I'm not at all caught up)

I just really don't want Robbie to be a squishy spineless fool, or to get his heart shredded into even smaller pieces than Cassidy has already done. God... 400+... I think I would have died from the pain. Would've wanted to, for sure.

BreakTheBarBreakTheBarover 1 year agoAuthor

- The AMA story was originally created over on CHYOA as 'The Affection Multiplier' by Fantasy

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Found no desire to read past the first page and couple paragraphs in the 2nd page. This is plain stupid. I get it is fantasy, but no one in even their most deranged stupor would ever do this. Yes, you need couseling for even writing this type of crap. Can't even assess the worst score possible to assign to this load of crap.

BreakTheBarBreakTheBarover 1 year agoAuthor

- If that were true, you wouldn't have read the next 5 parts and commented how much you hate each one of them. You are legitimately hilarious and made me smile. Thanks for the pick me up!

jiukkuijiukkuiover 1 year ago

i only have a question.



SmellerSmellerover 1 year ago

You have to understand that the premise of the app is that every positive feeling is multiplied towards the user. So in the context of the story the MC would have to have an extra strong will. Whenever he sees her and feels affection, love or lust for her he feels double the normal amount.

brik331brik331over 1 year ago

Great story! One of my Favs...

LacastrianLacastrianabout 1 year ago

No man with an ounce of dignity would forgive Cassidy betrayal

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This is too goofy to read any further.

As for the sex it is called cuckolding and no wouldn't continue the relationship.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

By the way only read the first two screens (pages) of this and none other. Was to grossed out with this fantasy that would only lead to relationship dissolving. Couldn't discern the excuses that were being promoted as even close to being rational and someone going down that rabbit hole.

WargamerWargamerabout 1 year ago

The premise is just too silly. Cassidy cheats with hundreds of women, 23 in one orgy, over a period of years. Lying to her partner all through the cheating.

Robbie in essence literally forgives her on the spot and thus becomes the biggest cuckold in all of Literotica!!!!


And to make up for her revolting and disgusting actions Cassidy wants Robbie to fuck around and so make himself, nearly as as bad as she is. Add in the fact some of the people she wants him to fuck are in relationships themselves and Cassidy will use her magic App to make them respond to her partners advances. Sound off to you???

It does to me.

Also, despite everything, Cassidy wants to continue playing the lesbian lover as well. In essence to use the App to let her cheat more.

I had to work extremely hard to suspend my credulity to such an extent it wasn’t funny.

No self respecting person would put up with cheating on such a grand scale, that relationship would be deader than a doornail.

But no, not our intrepid hero, Robbie, he can not only put up with her off the planet cheating, but he can consider joining in on it to make Cassidy feel better about what she’s done and with what she is going to do. He’s going to facilitate her in fact and become a cheater himself knowing what the App can do.

I loved your Quaranteam story, it was brilliant.

So l’ll continue reading this tale despite my misgivings, and see if you can make me feel better about this stupid plot. Part of me wants me to see Robbie fuck the singles not the couples and keep Cassidy out of it to punish her. She has to watch him and not be allowed to join in the orgies.

Will that happen?

No, l suspect the worst with the outcome of this story, let’s see if lm right.

If l am l’ll ditch the cheaters tale and move on to another of your stories.

Scores thus far 3/5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

So wait she feel guilty for having sex with other women while already have a boyfriend, and so she let her boyfriend have sex with other women too? That sounds fine and good...But those women have boyfriends too?!!! Why? She make the other women cheats on their boyfriends? Why can't she just make him have sex with other single women so there is no furter adultery yet involved.

TeddySmutWriterTeddySmutWriterabout 1 year ago

As a practical matter, the info dump of names and descriptions is far more than any reader should ever be expected to remember.

DistantConstellationDistantConstellationabout 1 year ago

It's hard to set the frame of a multipart story effectively. Kudos - well done.

muskyboymuskyboy11 months ago

Hard to swallow cuckold tale. It's not even like she intends to stop cheating! I wish you had added to the number of characters a little more slowly. I'll try one more chapter to see if you can rationalize all this lying and cheating. I like a good mind control story but this seems like nothing but a cheater's fantasy with a poor cuckold. FIrst additional guy on the scene and I'm done. I like your FoF story so far.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Cassidy is messed up beyond belief. Her concept of forgiveness, reconciliation, and restoration is so warped. First principles, forgiveness cannot be bought. You don’t achieve reconciliation by suggesting the injured party engage in the same behavior that made the mess in the first place. If she truly wanted to make amends, she should go to each of the women she exploited and seek their forgiveness then commit to a year of Robbie monitoring her phone twice a day. There’s an old axiom that goes like this: you can make your choices, but you can’t choose your consequences. Forgiveness doesn’t wash out blood.

I like your Font of Fertility story because the protagonist has a conscience. Cassidy had to exploit almost 400 women before hers kicked in. I’m done.

ironman1017ironman101710 months ago

She’s a cheating sl*t. She was never his. You don’t cheat on someone 300+ times with 300+ people, lie to their face and hide it from them while knowing it’s wrong and get to claim she “loves” him. She has no clue what that means and she certainly doesn’t give a crap about him or his feelings. I could see if it was once or twice, but 300+ times? Then the fact that he acts angry but makes it obvious he’s going to cave to her and her ridiculous plan is bad too. Him sleeping with random women just makes it so he goes “oh this was fun no wonder she did it” and then he’ll let her off the hook and then she’ll just go on screwing him and any women that get near him most likely. You can’t believe a single thing she says. Cassie is the undisputed winner of this story. She had 300+ affairs and all she has to do is cry a little and apologize then throw some extra p*ssy at the MC then she gets to have her cake and eat it too. The MC should’ve dumped her and moved on. The idea that her giving him permission to screw random women just emphasizes her control over him and his behavior, not to mention in no way makes her a more trustworthy person. If the author is dead set on the MC doing this “plan” I wish they would have had the MC meet a girl who would actually be faithful, honest, and loyal to him and dump Cassie and go be with her. Cassie doesn’t deserve the app or the MC, but oh well it’s not my story.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Ok, so i read all 220 chaps currently available and I have opinions. The story rides the edge of what i'd normally read, i really really have an issue with NTR material normally, but this only just skirts of what i'd be able to accept, though after how the novel began the way it did i had near panic attacks every time a social situation with anyone outside the group came up. Author's biggest slip in my opinion was the way he dealt with MC's emotional state, and i can totally tell that he made adjustments according to reader's input, which is fine, but it ended up looking like MC was seesawing between different states of mind erratically, which... in a weird way seemed appropriate, but also odd. The setup is also a bit of a horror story, makes the MC feel like a hostage of his wife's lust. The correct, perhaps only correct answer to "i cheated on you with hundreds of people" would be to break off all arrangements and drop her like she's on fire and run away. But then she has a mind control device in her pocket she can't even get rid off, so if she gets sufficiently desperate or angry, there's little stopping her from turning her into a sex zombie, which is terrifying. In conclusion, if this was any other genre, i'd be dropping the novel completely in the first 30 sec of reading, but since it is the genre it is, i had a bunch of fun with it. It's competently written, even though it shows that it's a web novel with short duration between chap releases, by the lack of refinement that some bits of dialogue show. Even so, it's really good and well worth a read. If you are reading this and thinking weather or not you should read it, based on my review/comment, DO IT. I am a tough customer with thousands of novels of various genres under my belt, and me taking the time to review it is more than most novels merit. This one i have gripes with, but also really liked it, odds are good that i'll go to patreon too and give the guy some money for the fun i had.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago




Wow she's fucked in the head. Who knew.

AardieAardie5 months ago

We can’t even know if he really forgives her or if she used the application.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Man. Cassidy Is kinda twisted. I mean…. Anyone who would get an app like that would probably get pretty damn twisted from the power it would give. So. Ya know fuckin fair. I 100% believe she loves and adores Robbie, but got swept up. Especially if you go from believing no one cares except maybe your friend… to being able to get anyone? Heady stuff.

I’m glad that therapy, both individual and group, weren’t just mentioned but are scheduled in. There’s a lot of work they have to do as a couple and there’s a ton of stuff they’ll need help with.

Side note: I appreciated the content warning. When I first picked this piece I didn’t really have time to deal with the emotional stuff… so I waited to read until I had time to get through and deal with it ^.^

Runelord20Runelord20about 2 months ago

I can see why this is such a polarizing opening. It requires the reader to accept that Cassidy was a serial cheater with mind control magic powers. It also requires us to accept that she gave it up the first time reality hit her in the face with a bucket of ice water. She went from being the weird kid wallflower to a hottie capable of seducing anyone and got caught up in a three year bender with no time to reflect on herself. She may have known what she was doing was wrong in a back of her mind kind of way, but took someone to reject the best of Cassidy's advances to really come to grips with it. Then, we have to accept that the sheer guilt sent her into a crippling depression cycle.

It's kind of a lot.

We know very little about their relationship before this point. We know Robbie is caring and has been pulling Cassidy out of her depression cycle for a while now. We know that he is supportive of her cosplayer/influencer life style. Honestly, he seems pretty cool.

Cassidy says she cares about him and that she regrets everything she did. She also wants him to sleep with other women as some kind of reward for his loyal behavior.

Ultimately, the reader has to decide whether to trust Cassidy at her word despite her having access to something that harms the concept of trust. I choose to follow the story and hope that she's a kind but misguided Jean Grey type character rather than an intentionally manipulative Phoenix.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

wow, amazing that all his GF could say was I want, I want, I want. Let the guy get a grip!

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