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Amber 10

Story Info
A camping trip leads to sensual sex between lovers.
6.1k words

Part 10 of the 33 part series

Updated 06/02/2024
Created 02/09/2024
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I awoke in my bed fully energized. Amber's naked body still lied next to me and I smiled, thinking back on the night before. After work, I had returned to my apartment and made dinner for the two of us. While we ate, we talked. Our conversation spanned the range of seriousness from relationship-related issues, to the more erotic. Dinner turned out perfect and Amber seemed impressed with this newly discovered talent in me. After eating, we washed the dishes together then had quick, passionate sex on my couch. Following an intimate shower together, we lounged in my bed, planning the rest of our weekend together. Finally, before bed we pleasured ourselves for one another, recreating our first night together.

Now this morning, I awoke excited for the day. Kissing Amber's exposed shoulder, I slid out of bed and made my way to the bathroom and closed the door. After relieving myself, I flushed and moved to the vanity where I began to prepare for the day. Halfway through my preparations, I saw the door open behind me and Amber walked in, still rubbing her eyes to wake up. Taking a seat on the toilet she turned to me, smiled and wished me a good morning. When she was done, she took her place next to me at the sink. I smiled at the scene in the mirror, the two of us going about our morning business, brushing our teeth together. I turned and kissed her on the neck and said, "I want this every morning."

With a shrug, Amber turned to face me and said, "Why can't we?"

A flood of thoughts ran through my head and she could see that I was carefully considering my next words. As I finished applying my deodorant and and turned to the door I said, "Well..."

Amber followed me back out into my bedroom. I stood at my dresser, picking out clothes for the day as she rummaged through her bag doing the same. Finally with a handful of clothes, I turned and asked, "What would that look like? I mean, I've only got this tiny apartment and you've got your house. But... my shower is much nicer," I added for some levity.

As we each pulled on our clothes, I now waited for Amber to consider her response. When she finished putting on her shirt she said, "Yeah, I've actually been thinking about that a lot. I don't know." Then with a smile said, "We don't need to figure it all out right now. I'm just glad we both want the same thing."

It was the first week of February and the previous weekend had been unseasonably warm. This weekend was much more mild so Amber and I dressed slightly warmer compared to the last time we went out to her uncle's ranch. I had on a long-sleeved grey t-shirt and pair of black athletic shorts over a pair of grey boxer briefs. Amber still had her silky black soccer-style shorts but a pink long-sleeved hoodie shirt. We looked at each other, a flood of memories from the previous weekend rushing back. Shaking myself from my flashback, I asked Amber, "So I've never really asked; are you a breakfast person or no?"

With a shrug she said, "Honestly it depends. If I'm hungry, I can go for a huge breakfast. I actually really enjoy getting breakfast out. But then other times, when I've had a big dinner the night before, I'm fine with just a cup of coffee and a banana."

With a grin and rubbing my belly I asked, "Sooooo, coffee and banana?"


Amber sat at my dinette as I made us coffee. While I waited for it to brew, I leaned on the counter and asked, "So what all do we need to get this morning? I have some extra pillows, some towels and blankets, and I've got a big, battery-powered lantern in my hurricane supplies."

Amber said, "Well, I was thinking we could get a tent and a nice big sleeping bag. We should also stop at the grocery store and get some drinks and some food. Other than that, I don't know, I guess we can just wander around the store and see if we think of anything else."

By now, the coffee had finished and I had sat in the chair next to Amber as we ate our meager but sufficient breakfast. When we had both finished, I asked if I could get her anything else. She declined and suggested that we go ahead and load up my car and get on with the day. I couldn't wait to get started. I grabbed my backpack and threw in a clean set of clothes. Then heading into the kitchen, I threw in some bottles of water and protein bars. As I was packing some extra things, I heard Amber holler from the bathroom, "Hey, do you mind if I bring one of these spare bars of soap?"

"Sure, but what the hell are you going to do with that?" I hollered back.

Amber stuck her head around the door and said, "Well, I was talking to Uncle Mike earlier in the week. I told him how much fun we both had and told him I was looking forward to taking you out there to camp over night."

"You what!?" I said, sure that her uncle knew more about us than I had realized.

Smiling she said, "Babe, it's ok, trust me. Here, let's load the car and I'll tell you all about it."

Feeling uneasy but trusting her, we made multiple trips to my car to load the trunk. She then transferred her cooler from the back of her car to mine. Convinced that we had everything we needed, I made one more sweep of the apartment turning off the lights and then locked up as we headed out. Starting up the car and pulling out of the parking lot, I turned to Amber and asked, "Ok, so how exactly did this conversation with your uncle go?"

With a conspiratorial look, she said, "Well... I told him we had fun. I told him that we used his Polaris to explore a lot of the property but that we most enjoyed hiking through the woods."


"Yeah, I told him that we found that lake and... that we spent most of our afternoon there," she added with a wink.

For some reason, I felt completely embarrassed. Surely her uncle knew that we weren't out there fishing all afternoon. Finding out that someone else knew what we had done left me feeling awkward. Sensing my unease, Amber reached over and put her hand on my knee. "I'm sorry, honey. I didn't mean to embarrass you. Please trust me when I say that of anyone, Uncle Mike is the last person on earth who would judge us. He was legitimately happy. He also apparently has someone he still pays to come out occasionally to look after the place and do minor upkeep. He said he'd send him out this week to take care of some things. Oh, and he told me one more thing. So apparently on the backside of the big garage, there's a concrete pad with a hose. It might not be the warmest water but it's better than nothing."

"Hence the soap?"

"Exactly," she said, waiting to see my reaction.

I quickly swallowed my previous embarrassment and smiled. "I'm sorry, it just all caught me completely off guard. Really, its fine."

Stopped at a light, we shared a brief kiss and I asked, "You uh, didn't give him any details of what we did by that lake did you?"

Amber shook her head and said, "No, I only told him that you ate me out. I didn't mention that you made me squirt for the first time."

As the light turned green I simply stared back in shock. Amber laughed hysterically and said, "Of course not! Come on, let's go."

I could only laugh at my own gullibility as we finished the short drive to the sporting goods store and walked in holding hands. We made our way to the camping section where we set to picking out a tent. Running the dimensions through my head, I realized a two-person tent wouldn't leave much extra space so we agreed on a larger four-person version. We selected a large, two-person sleeping bag and then browsed for other things we might need. Stopping at one shelf, Amber grabbed a package and held them up saying, "We definitely might need these," before tossing a some wipes into the cart. I grabbed a large bag for us to put stuff into and couldn't think of anything else we might need so we made our way to the front.

We got to the checkout and put our items on the counter and when the total came up on the register, I beat Amber to pulling out my credit card. After a short argument over paying, I simply kissed Amber and said, "It doesn't really matter any more does it?" She could only smile as the oblivious teenager finished stuffing our items into shopping bags.

After loading the remaining items into the car, we looked across the roof at one another and I said, "So how about this, it's almost 11:00; let's stop at the grocery store. I have some water and some protein bars but let's get some other drinks, and something we can have for dinner. Then let's go ahead and stop and get a big lunch on the way."

Amber smiled and said, "Sounds perfect."

It took only a couple minutes to get to the grocery store and we quickly went inside and grabbed a few sports drinks, some apples, a bag of ice and then a sub to split for dinner later. After loading up the cooler, we got back in the car and decided on a place for lunch.

"What are you feeling?" I asked.

With a shrug, Amber suggested, "Mexican?"

I chuckled and said, "Look, you know how much I love Mexican and I could absolutely tear up a plate of it right now. But I really don't want to have to take a dump in the woods so let's save that for when we get back."

Amber let out a hearty laugh and said, "Good point. Sam's?"

With a nod, we agreed and headed to our favorite sports bar. The conversation there generally revolved around the opinions coming from the talking heads debating the same tired talking points ad-nauseam on the various televisions. Amber and I both loved sports, specifically baseball and college football, but we abhorred the pundits that made careers out of challenging each other for who had the hottest take. As we each sipped our beers and talked football, I was again reminded just how lucky I was to have her.

When the waitress cleared the table and brought the check, Amber insisted on paying. I relented without much protest and we made our way back out to my car. On the way, I let my hand slide down from the small of her back to the smooth, thin fabric of her soccer shorts and gave her butt a playful squeeze. She whimpered in response and said, "Just wait until you see what I have in store for you." I felt a flutter in my chest and when she saw the look of astonishment on my face, Amber just winked and we got back into my car.

The drive out to the farm would take over an hour so we both settled in for the long ride. It was still early in the afternoon when we got back on the road so I figured we'd still have plenty of light. Amber and I were quiet and just listened to music as we drove through town. Turning onto the highway, my mind was completely consumed with trying to find a solution to our dilemma. Amber and I wanted to move in together but where would we live? How would I even begin to talk to her about it? I had no idea but I knew what I wanted.

After about a half an hour, Amber broke the silence and asked if everything was ok. My attention was pulled back to the present and I said, "Yeah, I'm sorry. I was just thinking of how best to make this work. You and me, so that come Sunday we're not going our separate ways anymore."

With a smile she squeezed my thigh and said, "Let's not worry about that today. I've got you all to myself for the next two days and I just want to enjoy it. We'll figure it out. I'm just happy knowing that we both ultimately want the same thing."

I put my hand on Amber's leg and said, "Deal. Me too." The remainder of our drive was still relatively quiet but I had a feeling that if Amber was thinking the same things as I was, we were both looking forward to the rest of the afternoon and evening.

Soon we were pulling off the highway, onto rural roads and finally up to the shell rock drive that lead into the ranch. I again waited and watched as Amber got out and ran to the front of the car. Her curvy body bounced sexily as she moved around to unlock the gate. After I drove through, she closed and relocked the gate before we made our way down the road that lead through the woods and into the parking area.

Coming to a stop by the now-familiar buildings, I noticed that the Polaris was parked in a much more convenient location near my car. We got out and looked around, again impressed by the immensity of the site and the relative isolation. It was already mid-afternoon and given the time of year, the sun was already getting lower in the sky. Making eye contact, we smiled knowing we had a special evening ahead of us.

For the next few minutes, we meticulously loaded the cargo area of the side-by-side, ensuring that we left nothing behind. At last, I grabbed my backpack and Amber loaded her overnight bag. The car was empty so if anything was missing, we would have to do without it. Closing the car doors, we again looked across the roof at each other but Amber quickly rushed to the passenger side of the Polaris. Sitting down she called out, "Come on, let's go find a place!"

I smiled and moved to join her. Turning on the vehicle, I noticed the tank was full, another thoughtful gesture from her uncle. Remembering the powerful acceleration from last time, I slowly pulled away from the barns and we gently made our way across the landscape. As we cruised I asked, "So what do you have in mind? Do you want to be tucked away back by the lake again or--"

Amber cut me off and said, "No, I want a spot out here in the wide open. Find a nice flat spot on top of one of these hills. I want to be able to see the whole sky and feel like it's only you and me in the whole world."

I scanned the terrain and suggested a knoll off in the distance. Amber smiled and said it looked promising. As we drove, she placed her right foot up on the dashboard and pulled the bottom of her shirt up, exposing her smooth belly to the cool air. She leaned back and sighed. My attention was split between driving and admiring the beautiful sight beside me.

As the vehicle crested the chosen hill, I came to a stop on the back edge. Amber sat up and stepped out to take appraisal of the area as I secured the side-by-side. Then looking around I could see that this would indeed be a perfect spot. The little hill had a broad flat area plenty big enough for a whole host of tents, let alone our single one. Down in the gully to one side was one of the many ponds that dotted the land. As they once served the cattle, their banks were gradually sloping, almost completely flat. Looking out in the distance, only rolling countryside could be seen in every direction and the horizon was dominated by the trees of the thick forest that ringed the property. It wasn't just quiet out here; it was nearly silent. The only sounds were that of the wind and an occasional bird.

We realized that the afternoon light was fading quicker than either of us had anticipated so we moved to get the tent set up. It was remarkably easy and without any practice and only a cursory glance at the instructions, our spacious shelter was complete within minutes. It had windows on each side, which could be zipped closed for privacy and a large zip-up door, all of which we left open. After laying out the large sleeping bag, we threw in the pillows and extra blankets and set our bags inside the door. Amber spread out my large beach blanket from last time a little bit in front of the entrance and then we both carried the cooler and set it front of the tent along with the lantern.

I put my arm around Amber's waist and drawing her to my side, we both proudly looked upon our first attempt at a camping site. She turned to me and pulling in for a kiss said, "This is going to be perfect."

Looking at the blanket I asked, "What are we supposed to sit on?"

Realizing we hadn't brought any sort of chairs, we both chuckled and Amber said, "Our asses?...and maybe later your face?"

I smiled and said, "Well then I'm glad we forgot chairs."

I rustled through the tent and found some towels which I threw out onto the blanket. We bunched them up and then sat back on the blanket, watching the sky change colors as the sun set lower in the sky. Amber opened the cooler and with a sly smile tossed me a small, individual sized bottle of sparkling wine. Taking one out for herself she admitted, "I bought these a few days ago when I started thinking up this plan."

As she sat back down beside me, we opened our bottles, toasted to each other and took a sip. The cold, bubbling liquid felt great as it went down. We watched as the sky seemed afire in a reddish glow, interrupted by purple-tinged clouds off in the distance. As the display of colors dissipated and the sky began to darken, Amber excused herself for a minute. While she disappearing off into the tent, I laid back, watching the dying light of the sun. I felt completely at peace, happy to just lie there, letting time pass. In the pale twilight, Amber reemerged, wrapped in a large oversized blanket. She sat back down next to me and let the blanket slide seductively down from her now-bare shoulders.

With an understanding smile, I got up and went back into the tent. Seeing Amber's discarded clothes off to the side, I too undressed and wrapped myself in our other large blanket. Sitting down next to her, I too showed her my bare shoulder and smiled. We scooted together so that we were sitting side-by-side.

It wasn't cold but there was a distinct chill in the air as we sat wrapped up in our blankets, snuggled next to each other sipping on our drinks. We watched as the sky, now completely dark transformed. At first, only a few of the brightest stars were visible. I pointed two of the brightest out to Amber telling her they were in fact the planets Jupiter and Saturn. Then as our eyes adjusted, the sky was awash with specks of light. The constellation of Orion dominated the winter sky and I pointed out the grayish band of the Milky Way stretching across the sky, usually not visible from the light-polluted town we lived in. Amber tried to suppress being impressed and instead teased me and said, "I didn't know I was fucking a nerd."

I laughed and said, "Honey, we're engineers. I've known all along that I'm fucking a nerd; I just don't know what you're nerdy about yet."

We laughed and she hugged me and said, "No, that's actually really cool. I've never seen this before. It's beautiful. Thank you." Then after another a minute she said, "If you must know, I take an unnatural interest in plants and gardening. You wouldn't know it from my current house but yeah, I can completely nerd out over flowering plants and shrubs."

We snuggled closer and watched the sky. I was really excited when I could point out to her a dot, seemingly a star at first but moving noticeably fast against the other stationary stars. "Look at that one! That's a satellite. See how it's going directly north to south? That one's in a polar orbit. Pretty cool huh?"

In the dark I could see her shaking her head. Then she said, "I'm sorry, I wanted to make fun of you but yeah, that's actually pretty cool."

We snuggled closer, each of us wrapped in our blankets. The feeling of sitting out in the wide open, feeling the soft blanket against my naked skin was exciting. After a while longer, I turned to Amber and said, "You know, it'd be warmer if we shared a blanket."

Amber moved closer as I raised my elbow, creating an opening at my side. She snuggled through and I lowered my arm, wrapping the blanket round the both of us as she reached and threw her blanket across us as well. Wrapped tightly together, I could feel Amber's warm, smooth skin rub against mine. We each let out a low groan of pleasure as we felt our naked bodies come together. And there we lied, holding each other close, snuggled warmly in our blankets beneath a cloudless, star-filled sky.

As we cuddled, I don't even remember thinking before speaking but I said, "Do you think you'd like setting up a garden at a new house? One you could plan for yourself?"

Amber turned towards me, pulled herself tightly against me and draped a leg across my body. She didn't answer; instead she waited, looking at me to continue my thought.


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