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Amber 19

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We return from our vacation and Amber shows her appreciation.
4.6k words

Part 19 of the 32 part series

Updated 05/29/2024
Created 02/09/2024
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When the alarm on my phone sounded, Amber and I rolled over facing each other. Lying there together in that warm bed, neither of us wanted to move. It was the last morning of what had been an unforgettable trip. After visiting Amber's family on Sunday and Monday, we spent the rest of the week at her uncle's cabin. For three days, it was just the two of us, completely alone and to ourselves. On the first two days, we went hiking during the day while our evenings were dedicated to relaxation and pleasure. On Thursday though, a strong winter storm struck and we were snowed in together. We had no problem filling the time.

Our trip had been absolutely perfect; but now it was time to return to reality. I could tell Amber was particularly sad about leaving; so I gave her a kiss and repeating something that I had said the night before, "Nothing changes about us when we get home. Everything we had here, we'll always have."

Managing a smile Amber said, "You're right; we can always trade freezing weather and a hot tub for hot weather and a freezing hose."

I laughed and said, "Yeah, and you love every second of those trips."

Pulling me close she groaned, "Mmm yeah I do."

We kissed again and I excused myself to the bathroom. After getting ready for the day, I gathered up my things and carried them to my suitcase to pack for our return. While Amber took my place in the bathroom, I pulled on some clean underwear and then finished getting dressed in a pair of jeans and a sweater. Putting the rest of my clothes back into the suitcase, I zipped it up before carrying it downstairs and leaving it by the front door.

Heading into the kitchen, I got another pot of coffee started. As I waited for it to brew, I walked around picking up the room. I heard Amber moving around upstairs and hollered up to her, "Hey, are you ok with something small this morning?"

She shouted back, "Why? Have you been out in the cold again?" I couldn't help but laugh and then I heard, "Yeah, of course. I'll be down in just a minute."

I went back to the kitchen, poured myself a cup of coffee for myself and then started toasting a couple bagels. As I stood there, looking out the window at the snow-covered trees and mountains, Amber walked up beside me. As she poured herself a cup of coffee, she said, "For the record, everything you've given me this week has been just the right size."

Despite trying my hardest, I couldn't stifle my laugh. Amber smiled at me and everything seemed right. We both stood in the kitchen, drinking our coffee and eating. Just as she and I were finishing, there was a knock at the door. "Must be Mike," I said as I hurried to let him in.

Opening the door, I was blasted in the face with cold air and couldn't see but I heard Mike's booming voice, "Hey guys, sorry for dropping in on you early."

I ushered him in and closed the door so my face could begin thawing out. Taking off his gloves, Mike said, "How are y'all doing? Was everything ok with the place?"

Amber and I shared a quick smile and I said, "Mike, it was perfect. It was everything we could've wanted. Thank you again."

With a chuckle Mike said, "Good good, you both look well... rested."

I just smiled and shook my head. Then Mike spoke up, "Hey, sorry again for dropping in early. If you all are packed and ready to go, I figured I'd give you an earlier start. The roads are clear but they're a mess so it's going to take a while longer for you to get you back down to Little Rock."

I looked around and, not seeing anything out of place, said, "Yeah, I've got everything I need. Let me just go up and grab Amber's bags and we'll be ready to go."

When I came back downstairs, Mike took her bags from me and loaded them in his truck, having already done mine while I was upstairs. With one final look at the place where so many great memories had been made over the past week, we put our coats on and hurried out to the truck. Thankfully the heat was all the way up as we piled in and closed the doors. Mike then got in and drove us down to the street. On the way down he said, "Good thing I got here early. Your car had a pile of snow against it from when they plowed this morning. I went ahead and dug you out before I headed up."

After thanking him profusely, we pulled up to the car. Mike handled loading our bags while Amber and I got in and got the car started and warmed up. After saying our goodbyes and thanking him once more, we slowly pulled away and started making our way down the road.

As we drove away, I squeezed Amber's hand and said, "We'll definitely be coming back."

She smiled and said, "Yeah, that was..." She didn't even finish her sentence. She just chuckled and looked out the window with a smile on her face.

The drive back seemed to take twice as long as the drive up. Despite the interstate being cleared, there were definitely still icy patches and the going was slow. It was stressful; so there wasn't much in the way of conversation and Amber took the opportunity to catch a couple short naps. Thankfully, we were some of the only fools out on the road so traffic wasn't an issue. Eventually we made it back to the airport, where we returned our rental car and then hurried into the terminal and out of the cold. Standing there, we both took a deep breath knowing the worst part of our trip was over. We had made it with a couple of hours to spare and miraculously our flight was still listed as being on-time.

After checking our bags and clearing security, Amber and I found a restaurant where we could get an overpriced burger and a beer. Our food came quickly; and as we each finally ate something of substance for the first time in the day and with the stress of our drive now behind us, our moods quickly changed and we were back to our old selves. We were enjoying our time together, just making small talk and sharing a meal, like we did on the first day we met. But now, the topics of our conversations were much more salacious. We reminisced on the week, sharing our favorite moments. For me, it was the night when Amber surprised me in lingerie. For her, it was the bathtub. We both smiled, reliving those moments in our minds.

Before we knew it, it was getting close to boarding time. I paid the check and we made our way to the gate. We didn't even have a chance to sit down before the boarding process started. Soon, we were at our seats and settling in for the flight back home. I again took the window and despite the plane being relatively empty, Amber stayed in the middle seat and snuggled against my arm. Before she had a chance to fall asleep, as she was so prone to do on flights, I nudged her and asked, "Hey, so I've still got one nagging question. Last night you mentioned having something special planned for me. Any word on what that was going to be?"

Amber just yawned and said, "I guess you'll just have to wait and see..." Before I could protest further, I felt her slump against me, fast asleep. I was still too keyed up from the stressful morning and was awake for the whole flight back home, managing to finish my book in the process.

It was well after dark as we approached for landing. Amber was again awoken by the shudder of the landing gear touching down on the runway. With a satisfied smile, she reached down, retrieved her bag and was ready to disembark. It didn't take long to collect our bags and make it back to our car. Headed home, we just stopped for some fast food and ate on the way back to the apartment. Amber still looked tired when we got back so I offered for her to go ahead and go inside and get a shower while I unloaded the car. She gave me a little kiss to say thank you and headed inside.

We hadn't packed much for our trip so it didn't take me long to get the bags inside. When I had them all in the bedroom, Amber was still in the shower so I went ahead and opened mine and started sorting clean and dirty clothes, either putting them away or in the hamper. When I was done I stowed my suitcase back in the closet; and when I came out, Amber was standing at the bathroom door.

Still drying her hair with her towel she said, "Hey, thanks. I'm sorry, I don't know why I was so tired. Actually, I think I slept too much on the plane. After that shower I'm wide awake now."

Seeing her naked body, I couldn't help but go up to her and put my hands on her hips. Giving her a kiss I said, "Let me get cleaned up and we'll find something to do." Then I added, "Hey, I left your bags there by the bed."

I took my time in the shower, letting the hot water beat on my muscles. It helped a little but I was still tense from a long, stressful drive and just a long day in general. I eventually got cleaned up, dried off and then finished getting ready at the sink. When I exited back into the bedroom, Amber was wearing a pair of thin pajama pants and a tank top. As she was just finishing sorting through her clothes, she looked up and saw me admiring her choice of sleepwear. With a grin and a flash of her eyebrows she turned and took her suitcase into the closet.

When she came out, I was just finishing pulling on my gym shorts followed by a long sleeved tee shirt. As I followed her out to the couch she said, "You know, it's weird that there's no guy's version of lingerie."

I laughed and said, "Some weird shit goes through your mind, Amber... but I love it." Then I added, "So... you don't like my gym shorts and t-shirts?"

As I stopped in the kitchen to get us some water, Amber continued to the couch. Sitting down she looked back at me and said, "No, it's not that at all. Wear what's comfortable, totally. But imagine... you're feeling horny, you want to surprise me coming out of the bathroom and get me in the mood. What's something you could wear to signal to me that you want to do it?"

Thinking for a moment I shrugged my shoulders and said, "A hard-on and a smile?"

After laughing she said, "That's my point! If I come out of the bathroom naked and playing with my tits, you'll know I want to go but it's not the same as if I come out in my lingerie. There's something more seductive about that, the preparation that goes into it."

Seeing her point I carried her glass over to her and sat down. I thought some more and said, "Well, there's silk robes... but I don't think you want me looking like Hugh Hefner. Then there's speedo-style underwear... but I really wouldn't feel sexy feeling like an old man walking down the beach. Oh... and then there's just like silk shorts."

At the mention of that Amber's eyes showed definite interest. "Oh?"

I said, "Yeah, they're thin shorts, kind of like boxers only silky and no front flap. Just wear those with no underwear..."

Without saying anything, Amber got a smile on her face. I just nodded in understanding and an unspoken plan for the future was apparently put in place. Amber leaned over and kissed me saying, "I'd like to see that."

Amber flipped on the TV and after running through the channel guide, settled on the local news. A few minutes in, I started getting a terrible pain in my neck and between my shoulders. I got up and went back to the kitchen, taking a couple pain relievers from the medicine cabinet, I came back and washed them down with my water.

Amber looked up, concerned she asked, "Are you ok?"

Reaching up and rubbing my neck I said, "Yeah, sorry, I'm just really sore. That drive today was brutal and then a couple hours in an airline seat and my back is messed up. It'll be fine."

"Here, let me help," she said, directing my to sit on the floor in front of her. Sitting cross-legged on the couch behind me, Amber started gently rubbing my shoulders. As she did, she said, "Do you realize, just one week ago you were sitting in this very spot and I came through that door after work and had no idea how my life was about to change?"

With a chuckle I asked, "For real though, how pissed were you when you came through that door and saw me just chilling in clothes like this and literally nothing different in the apartment?"

Amber laughed and said, "I mean, I wasn't pissed but I had a sinking feeling that perhaps your plans had been a bit over-sold."

I tilted my head back and smiled at Amber asked, "...and?"

Giving me a kiss she said, "I was so fucking wrong."

Amber then switched the TV off and got back to rubbing my shoulders. She then said, "Speaking of over-sold plans, I've still got something special I want to do for you. I think it actually would help you right now too. What do you say we go back to the bedroom?"

I started to protest, "Babe, I'm so sore right now..."

She cut me off and said, "I know. Just trust me." Standing and helping me up from the floor she said, "Come on... I promise you'll feel better."

Turning off the lights in the apartment as we headed back into the bedroom, Amber looked back over her shoulder at me and smiled. When we got to the bedroom, she told me to sit while she got ready. I watched as she turned up the temperature on the thermostat, lit the candle on the dresser, and then turned off the rest of the lights.

In the flicker of the candlelight she walked up in front of me, bent down and kissed me and said, "Just relax. This is for you; let me do everything." I did my best to relax while she pulled my shirt off, dropping it on the floor. She then seductively kneeled down between my legs and keeping eye contact with me, slowly pulled my shorts and underwear down.

Standing back up, she kissed me again and whispered, "Watch me." Then stepping back and maintaining eye contact with me the whole time, she sensually took her shirt off, slowly exposing her breasts to me before pulling it up over her head and letting it fall at her feet. Then turning around, she looked back over her shoulder as she slowly teased her pants and panties down together. She sexily swayed her hips as she worked her pants lower, slowly exposing her beautiful, voluptuous backside to me. The pale skin seemed to glisten in the candle light. I let out a soft groan, "Oh Amber..."

When her pants and panties fell to her ankles, she stepped out of them and then slowly turned around. As I saw her naked body from the front, her gorgeous large breasts, her curvy hips, the patch of trimmed pubic hair and her sexy, shapely thighs, I let out a long sigh as I felt myself getting hard. As Amber then slowly made her way back to me, I groaned, "You are so fucking hot, Amber."

With a smile she stood before me and bent down for another long kiss. She then whispered in my ear, "Lay down."

I lied back, staring up at her beautiful body, my erect penis quivering with my pulse. Amber looked down and seeing my already aroused state, smiled and then shook her head, saying, "Roll over."

I tucked my penis up and rolled onto my belly. Lying atop the comforter, I was lengthwise on the bed with a pillow under my head. I watched as Amber walked around the bed and retrieved a bottle from her nightstand before crawling on the bed and kneeling beside me. As she knelt there gently rubbing her hands across my back she said, "You've worked so hard making every moment of the past week special for me. It's easily been the best week of my life. I just want you to know how much I appreciate it and how much I truly love you. Let me help you feel better."

Amber reached over to her nightstand and with a couple taps on her phone, calming ambient spa music began playing. I then heard as she flipped the top on her bottle and squeezed something out into her hand. The next thing I felt caused me to let out a long, satisfied moan. Amber's hands were placed squarely and my shoulders and she was rubbing a warming massage oil into my skin. As she rubbed the oil, which left behind a tingling, warm sensation on my shoulders she asked, "Does that feel alright."

Letting out a long sigh, I replied, "It's perfect."

With the soft music in the candlelit room, it was truly relaxing. After rubbing the oil all across my back and shoulders, Amber crawled closer, then straddled atop me. I groaned as I felt her bare ass sit on my backside. From there, she leaned forward and started working.

For the next half hour, Amber dedicated all of her attention to working on each knot and tender spot on my neck and shoulders. Each time she relieved one of these spots, I let her know with a quiet, appreciative sigh or moan. The warming sensation from the oil added an extra dimension to each touch, rub and knead. After she massaged my deltoids, I groaned as she grasped them in her hands and pulled them back and then pushed forward, stretching out my shoulders and chest. A long, satisfied sigh told Amber that she had completely achieved what she set out to do.

Grabbing the bottle again, Amber said, "Don't worry; I'm not even close to done."

Squirting some more oil directly on my lower back she rubbed up and down the muscles along my spine. That was exactly where I needed it and I groaned, "You can do it harder."

Amber put all of her weight into it and I groaned as she dug her fist into my back and up along the muscles, relieving some long-held tension. Placing her hand above my hips, she dug her thumbs in, massaging deeply right above my pelvis causing me to groan in both pain and relief. She then spent the next few minutes massaging the rest of my lower back and sides. As she briefly rubbed back over my shoulders she asked, "Has this helped?"

I chuckled and said, "Amber, I don't remember ever feeling this good."

"Good," she replied, "now just lie there and enjoy the rest."

I took in a deep breath and let out a calming exhale as Amber changed her position. Settling near the foot of the bed, she reached for the oil bottle. I next let out a long exhale as she grasped one of my feet and gently rubbed it. I sighed as she massaged my heel but involuntarily moaned when she pressed her thumb along my arch. When she finished by gently rubbing my foot again I gasped, "Holy shit... I can see why you like that so much."

With a chuckle she said, "Right?" as she set my foot down and picked up the other one. She repeated the process and got the exact same reaction. When she set that foot down, she grasped both feet at the same time. As she rubbed my arches again, I moaned as she also spread my legs apart.

Now kneeling between my legs, Amber massaged my calves before working across the back of my knees and finally up to my thighs. Starting on the back of my legs, she squirted out some more oil and worked on my hamstrings. As she loosened up the back of my legs, I again groaned in pain but also appreciative of the relief she was providing. She similarly rubbed and then massaged the band along the outside of each thigh, eliciting a similar groan.

With a little laugh, Amber said, "Ok, enough torture. How about some pleasure?"

I moaned in agreement as Amber rubbed the backs of my thighs. With her hands back near my knees, she slowly rubbed up the inside of my legs. As her fingers teased closer and closer to my groin, my sighs and moans grew louder. I exhaled loudly when she finally teased her fingers just briefly across my scrotum.

But that was all there would be for the time being. With a mischievous laugh Amber stopped touching me and squirted some more massage oil into her hands. I quickly forgot my momentary disappointment when I felt her hands on my backside. I groaned as she rubbed the warming oil all across my ass cheeks. She grabbed me in both hands and then massaged my glutes. I sighed as her hands rubbed harder, massaging more deeply. Afterwards, she just gently rubbed her hands across me, her touch reactivating the warming oil.

As her hands rubbed across my backside, she purposefully let them brush across and linger near my butt crack. I moaned every time she teased me. Then leaning down with her face next to mine, she placed one hand firmly on my shoulders and whispered, "Lift you hips up. I know it'll feel weird but trust me... raise up on your knees. I need you to so I can rub your ass better."


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