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Amy - June: Weddings & Revelations

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Rose Gets Married and Amy & Dave Find Answers.
12.6k words

Part 8 of the 13 part series

Updated 01/03/2024
Created 06/10/2023
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This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to ANYONE is completely coincidental. Anyone who engages in any "activity" is well over the age of 18.

Author's Note: Authors love hearing from their readers and I'm no exception. Thank you to everyone who has hung on through Dave & Amy's story. It's about to take a roller coaster ride and I hope you're ready. Sorry for the brevity of the last installment, I didn't want to make everyone wait potentially two weeks between chapters. And thank you for your patience while I was away and unable to write. This should be a bigger one.

Amy -- Summer Begins: Problem Solving & Celebrations

Part One

I told Amy that we had a busy day lined up for Friday and I wasn't lying. After waking up to the sound of Amy in the shower I joined her for a quick hosing off and we went down to breakfast. Sophie and Lys took the whole weekend off to help with the wedding. Their job today was to make sure the tents and the catering was all set up for the wedding the next day. Amy and I had to stop at my lawyers to sign the partnership contracts, go to the bank to pick up the cashier's check, and then run by the funeral home to buy it. On top of that I had to find time to get to the tailor with Chris to pick up our tuxedos.

After breakfast, Sophie checked my eyes and asked me a bunch of annoying questions before pronouncing me okay to drive. About damn time.

With Chris in tow, we set out and stopped at the lawyer. The firm had represented my father and grandfather and held in trust the accounts of our inheritance. In short, they'd been protecting my family for over 50 years. The three of us were shown into the attorney who was currently handling my business, Mr. Thomas Swift (no kidding, that's really his name), Esq.

While Amy carefully read the contract, Tom asked to speak to me in private. "I spoke to your brothers, this week," he said, "and they're asking about allocating a share of the inheritance to your...sister?"


I was pleasantly surprised and impressed that my brothers thought of doing something like this; effectively the "right thing."

"Yes, David. What are your thoughts on it?"

"Let's do it, Mr. Swift," I replied.

"We should wait until the proof is furnished. I assume you've had a DNA test?"

"Yes. It should be in in a few weeks."

"Good. We'll be able to move forward then," Tom said.

"Don't you want to know how I 'suddenly' have a sister, Mr. Swift?" He looked at me with a knowing gaze but didn't answer. Son of a bitch. He knew.

"I take it you knew," I asked.

"Yes, David, I knew. The details were in your grandfather's will. I read it recently."

Holy shit! I was on the cusp of answers.

"Why did he make my parents give her up," I urged.

"I am not permitted to divulge that," Tom answered.

"Goddammit, Swift! My grandfather has been dead for 42 years. I have a right to know."

Tom smiled apologetically. Jesus, even now, 42 years later, people were still scared of my grandfather. How did I never know what a bastard he was? I considered arguing with Tom but I realized he was barely older than me. He wasn't part of the original fuckery that led to this situation. And the men who were responsible for that bucket of fuckery were long gone. Yelling at Tom wouldn't get me anywhere.

"As a beneficiary I want to see my grandfather's will, Mr. Swift," I said, changing tactics.

"I can have it pulled from the archives again, David. But the archivist is off until Wednesday."

"I'll make the appointment, Tom," I said and we shook hands. As I turned to rejoin Amy, I had a thought. "Hey Tom," I said, "can a minor sign a non-disclosure agreement?"

"I'll have to look into that but I suspect if the parent or guardian sign that they'll be responsible it may be possible. Why?"

"The kid is a fan of my games. I'd like him to be a tester but he'll have to sign an agreement."

"Hm," Tom mused, "it is a good question. I'll have an answer as soon as I can."

I rejoined Amy who was just signing the contract. When she was done, I scanned the document for important information then signed it as well. Amy and I were now business partners.

Chris, who had been growing ever more bored asked, "Do I need to sign anything?"

"Not today, bud. You're good," I said, clapping Chris on the shoulder with a laugh.

Our next stop was the bank and it was much quicker. We were in and out in a few minutes and then we set off to the funeral home, check in hand.

We pulled up to the funeral home and Amy asked, "Coming in or staying in the car?"

"The last time I saw the Feinbergs was when Grace died," I said, "If Chris doesn't want to go in, I'll stay out here with him. I'll keep him from getting bored." Chris didn't particularly want to go into a funeral home either, so we stayed put while Amy went inside.

Fifteen minutes later, while Chris and I watched a Twitch stream of a guy playing the last Blade and Bolt (Chris assured me the guy sucked at it), Amy came out with a stack of papers and a nervous smile.

"Well in two weeks," she said, "We own a funeral home!"

I gave her a congratulatory kiss on the cheek and Chris reached over the seats and gave her a hug. With that, we were on to our last stop.

We walked into the tailor and Chris and I were taken to the fitting rooms. While I tried on my tux, the tailor taught Chris how to put his on complete with bowtie and cummerbund. I said to Chris that we needed to show his mom before we were done. We went out front to present ourselves to Amy.

"You need to wear one of these more often," Amy gushed at us and then she whispered to me, "you are fucking hot."

I gave her ass a little, secret squeeze and Chris and I went back to change out of our penguin suits. Once back in street clothes I sent Chris out to his mom while I paid for the rentals.

"Has my daughter-in-law picked her tux up, yet," I asked.

"Yes, Mr. Drake," he responded.

"Did she pay up front?"

"No, she put a deposit down and is going to pay the balance on return."

"Add it to my bill," I said. "In fact, can I order a tux in my measurements? Same style but I'd like to purchase it. You never know when it'll come in handy."

The tailor was more than happy to accommodate my purchase.

When I came back to the front room, Amy was just hanging up her phone. "That was Glenn Ross," she said, "he's going to bring Aiden and Clare's friend, Jess to the wedding so they have a familiar face tomorrow."

"Great," I said. Then another inspiration struck me and I pulled my phone out and dialed J.R. Ross.

"David! It is nice to hear from you," J.R. boomed. "Sorry I haven't called you but it has been a shit week."

"Don't I know it, J.R. I started the week in the hospital."

"Oh shit, son. What happened?"

I explained to J.R. what happened and despite the seriousness of it he chuckled and said that I had my mother's coordination. He wasn't wrong. I neglected to mention exactly *what* caused me to trip.

"J.R., Rose is getting married tomorrow. She always thought of you as another grandfather and she'd love to see you. Your son is bringing Aiden out to keep Amy's son company. Why don't you come out? It would mean a lot to my girl."

"Heh," J.R. grunted, "and give us a chance to talk, too. Is your Aunt going to be there?"

"Yup. She'll be there along with my uncle,"

"Well, can't be a perfect day, can it?" J.R. always had a thing for my aunt. Even when he was married, he always said that if they both wound up single, he'd want a shot at her. J.R. said that he'd be happy to come and I gave him the details on when to be there.

"Let's get home," I said to Amy and Chris. Tomorrow is going to be one hell of a day."

We had our meals and spent the rest of the day making sure everything was where it was supposed to be. By evening all of us were tired and ready for bed.

As we climbed the stairs, Chris asked, "Uncle Dave? Would you tuck me in?"

"What," I began in mock outrage, "You want to be tucked in? By me? What are you, *eight*?"

Chris giggled and said, "Yes, Uncle Dave. I'm eight!"

"Well," I said, "okay then!"

"Brust your teeth and get changed," Amy said, "Uncle Dave will be there in a minute. As soon as Chris was out of sight Amy and I locked in a deep kiss.

"Thank you for everything, Dave," Amy started, "I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay what you've done for us."

"I don't think you understand," I said, "I'm repaying you."

Amy looked puzzled and shook her head.

"You saved me, Amy," I said as we both bent our heads toward each other until our foreheads touched.

"I'm ready, Uncle Dave," Chris interrupted the moment.

I let Chris pull me into his bedroom and he climbed into bed with a yawn. I trucked the blankets around him and said goodnight. I turned to leave.

"Uncle Dave," he called sheepishly.

"Yeah bud?" I looked at Chris and he looked so much like Rose looked at his age that I had a serious moment of Déjà vu.

"Do you love Mom?"

"Yeah, of course I do. She's my sister, bud. You love Clare, right?"

"No," he protested, "do you *love* love her?"

"That's a big question for a little guy who has to be up early in the morning," I said. "Get some sleep."

"Okay, Dad....uhm...I mean Uncle Dave."

I was grateful I was already facing away. My eyes misted over and I again thought of how much of an idiot Amy's ex, Christopher was. His loss was my gain.

"G'night bud," I said and I clicked the light off.

I went into the hall and quietly closed Chris's door. As I turned around, I walked right into Sophie's arms. I heard her sniff and realized she'd been crying.

"I take it you heard what he said," I asked.

"Yeah," she said, "is it okay if I wished he was my little brother, too?"

"Yeah, Soph. It's okay."

"Love you, Daddy. Go get some rest. You have a rough day coming. Go be with your girlfriend."

"Thank you," I said giving her a kiss on the forehead.

I walked into my room and closed the door behind me. Amy was sitting on the bed talking to Lys. When I came in, Lys gave me a little smile and left the room while I went into the ensuite and washed up. On the vanity, in plain sight, was the home waxing kit. I grabbed the wax from it and walked back into the bedroom.

"Are you sure you want me to do this," I asked, holding up the container of wax.

In answer, Amy threw back the covers. She was lying there, butt naked, having stripped quickly while I was in the bathroom. She spread her legs wide and rubbed her hand over her pussy and pubic area.

I shook my head and told her that I'd be right back. I ran downstairs and grabbed the instructions. I started heating the wax and while that was happening, I grabbed some ibuprofen and an analgesic burn cream. I ran back upstairs with my supplies and looked at Amy on the bed. She was lightly teasing her clit while waiting for me. I slowly ran my hand along her mound feeling the light hair that had been growing there. Sure, there was growth but it was far from "wild" as Amy had put it.

"This is going to hurt," I said.

"I'm ready," Amy assured me.

"Have you ever had this done before," I asked.

"No," Amy smirked, "have you?"

"No. But Grace bought a kit once. She couldn't bring herself to use it, though. When Rose was fourteen, she had this dick of a boyfriend who, though we didn't know it, was trying to pressure her into shit. One night we came home from a dinner out and Rose came down the stairs with a towel around her waist, walking funny. She got one of her numb-nut friends to help her use the kit and she apparently screamed so loud that the friend fled the house. Grace said that Rose's pubic area was so red that it glowed."

"Guessing that Rose never did that again," Amy giggled.

"If she did, she did a better job of hiding it."

I put the wax on Amy per the instructions. As an after-thought as I let the wax set, I grabbed my leather wallet and handed it to Amy.

"Uhm...thank you?"

"Bite down on it. Trust me. This is going to hurt."

"You keep saying that," Amy said, giving me a wry smile. She put the wallet to the side.

"Okay," I said with a shrug. I was pretty sure how this was going to go down, so I made sure the door was locked and uttered a quiet thank you that I didn't have neighbors within ear shot.


Amy nodded.

"3, 2, 1..."

I ripped the strip of paper from the first stream of wax. As it came free, bringing the sparse hair with it, Amy howled and her hands flew to protect her mound.

Almost immediately, there was a knock at the door and three people demanding to know if Amy was okay.

"We're fine," Amy stammered out.

"Why'd you scream, Mom," Chris asked with panic evident in his voice.

"She saw a mouse, Bud," I answered.

"Aw, Mom. Mice aren't scary," Chris replied and we heard him retreat back to his room. My phone dinged.

Lys: "A mouse? Really? What happened? Wrong hole?

Yeah, Lys went there.

I snapped a picture of the kit and texted it back. A moment later we could hear Lys and Sophie howling themselves but with laughter. It was infectious and I started to laugh as well.

"You three suck," Amy said, sullenly.

"Do you want me to stop," I asked when I got myself under control.

"I'm not a quitter. Get it done."

This time, as I readied to pull the next strip she grabbed and bit down on my wallet.

I finished waxing Amy smooth. When I was done, she had tears streaming down her face. I kissed them away and she clung to my neck.

"I am never doing that again," she said, "Fuck your jealousy. I'm getting it lasered."

"Whatever you want, baby. It isn't my body."

I handed Amy the ibuprofen and the she gratefully swallowed them with water. I began to put the cream that I had brought up over the inflamed area.

"That feels nice," she said."

"Yeah, it is an analgesic burn cream. It cools the skin while it helps with the pain."

"Thank you, Dave," she said, sleepily.

"I'm sorry about...," I said, pointing to Amy's crotch.

"You tried to warn me. But how does it look?"

"Red but pretty fucking hot. I can clearly see your pussy."

Truth be told, it looked fucking delicious.

"Come to bed," Amy said, "no touching tonight, though."

I nodded and climbed into bed next to her. I put my around Amy and she stayed the entire night with her legs splayed open and with no covers.

I did warn her.

Part Two:

My alarm went off at 6:30. Amy was already out of bed and out of the room when I opened my eyes. I took a quick shower and trimmed my beard back to something a little less "hermit-like" and closer to "eccentric computer guy". After dressing, I wandered downstairs. My knee twinged a bit; I still had to take it easy on the stairs.

I went into the kitchen to find the ladies and Chris around the table eating breakfast. I got several "good mornings" and one annoyed grunt (from Sophie). She was never a morning person.

"What's the plan," I asked, grabbing cereal and my BP pill. The breakfast of washed-up champions.

"Lys is going to coordinate the caterer when they get here," Amy said. "I'm going to get the tent people set up. It is close enough to how a funeral is set up and the locals should meet the new funeral lady."

Sophie added, "I'm going to get Uncle Cal to help figure out the parking when he gets here." Cal was a civil engineer and had a brain for that type of organization. It would also make him feel involved and that would make him happy.

"What's my job, boss," I asked Amy.

"When Steven gets here you need to go over to Rose's and keep her busy until it's time to come here."

"Is she getting her hair done or anything? Did anyone think of that," I asked. I was impressed that I thought of it.

Amy fixed me with a dirty look, "of course we did. She and Clare went to get their hair done first thing this morning. Steven will come over when they get back."

"Great. What time do I have to be back here with everyone?"

"Shoot for one. We'll text you."

It felt like we were breaking from a huddle. I got up and looked at Chris. "You're with me, kid."

"Cool," he cried out and did a dance in his seat.

Steven showed up a little after 11:00 with his tux and all the dresses. Amy sent Clare a quick text to make sure everything was ready and told her to meet Chris and I at a local diner for lunch.

Chris, to my delight, never once let on that there was something special about today. The kid was a pro. We finished lunch and Clare got the "all clear" message that we'd been waiting for.

"Mom needs me to stop at Uncle Dave's before we head back to your place, Rose. Is that okay?"

"Sure, sweety," Rose said. She seemed to genuinely love spending time with her cousin.

We drove out to the homestead with Rose and Clare following us. Pulling into the drive, I was impressed with how things were going so far. The ladies had managed to keep the tent directly behind the house and out of sight. The cars must have all been parked behind the RV garage; another advantage of having a lot of property.

Chris and I entered through the garage and Clare and Rose came thought the front door. Rose stopped cold in the living room, confronted by the sight of Steve kneeling in front of her wearing his tux. Amy and Sophie stood on either side of him in their dresses.

"Wha...what's going on," Rose asked, "and why is everyone dressed up?"

"We're getting married," Steve said.

Rose looked at me and I pointed to the back of the house. Rose waddled (sorry) over to the kitchen window and looked outside at the crowd waiting for her.

"How did you do all this," Rose asked me.

"Wasn't me," I corrected her, "this was all your fiancé."

Rose was becoming understandably emotional. She embraced Steve and started to cry. Amy and Sophie looked on with goofy smiles.

"This is okay, right," he asked nervously.

"Of course, it is, dummy," Rose cry-laughed.

"Alright," Amy went back into General mode, "let's get this moving." She pointed to Chris and me. "Get dressed." She pointed to Steve. "You: Outside. No seeing the bride in her dress before the ceremony."

Steve scuttled out of the door and I said, "I'd like to speak to all the Drakes before we go out. Meet back here, please."

"Am I a Drake," Chris asked.

"Close enough for government work," I replied.


"He means yes, Chris," Amy laughed.

I grabbed the kid and we went upstairs to put our tuxes on. Lys came out of her bedroom wearing a tux of her own. She gave me a "Groucho Marx" eyebrow wiggle and went down to join the others. The tux suited Lys.

I heard from downstairs Sophie say, "Okay, Rosebush," (Rose hated that nickname, it was a reminder of the waxing incident. "Let's get you stuffed into your dress." I shook my head and went into my room.

I was able to get dressed and then help Chris with his bowtie. He gave me a smile and tugged at it, saying, "I wear a bowtie now. Bowties are cool."

Hm: At least someone taught him well. I suspected it was his uncle, Allen.

We joined the gathering in the living room. Rose, Clare and Sophie were still upstairs dressing Rose. Amy was pacing nervously until she saw Chris and I in our tuxes again.

"Look at you two!" She gave us both a hug.

"I'm handsome," Chris announced.

"And modest," I added.

That brought a round of laughter. Amy grabbed my arm and picked at her dress; I think she was more nervous than the groom and the bride.

"Hey," I whispered, "What did you and Lys talk about last night while I was tucking the kid in?"

"Oh," she smiled sheepishly, "you know how Bill gave you the brother to boyfriend speech? I got the daughter to girlfriend speech."

I laughed and shook my head.

"Seriously. That girl really looks up to you. She considers you her dad as much as her own. She is VERY protective of you."

"Grace and I always considered her one of our own," I said, "right from the beginning."

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