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Amy Sue and Maxine Ch. 01-04


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Just as I am about to look at Amy Sue and tell her to keep her mouth shut no matter what happens when we get in front of that Judge, I feel a cock probing my asshole. I turn my head and see that Amy Sue is getting the same treatment. Our dyke cops are back with their strap-ons. "Open wide, cunts," the one dyke cop says to Amy Sue. "You're fuckin slaves now. Lesbonian law allows any free woman to fuck any slave at any time, any place, and any where she wants. We want to fuck your asses right now before you get branded as slaves."

"That's right," the second dyke cop says into my ear. "You're scheduled to get the 'S' branded onto your cunts very soon. Then, once you go before the Judge, she will think that you're both escaped slaves. After all, we cops are never wrong. I hope you enjoy hanging from the cross for 30 days. But, after all, we both know how much you love being naked in public. Now you can do that for the rest of your life."

Just as she sadistically makes that statement, she equally sadistically plunges her strap-on dong into my asshole. I hear Amy Sue grunt, too; she is getting the same treatment. We have no choice but to stand there and bear it. We still have our hands cuffed over our heads and are totally defenseless. I also look down the line and see quite a few of the slaves similarly cuffed also getting fucked by Lesbonians with strap-on dongs.

Just as the two dyke cops are getting themselves off, I hear a rattling wagon pull up beside the line of us waiting for our chance to go before the Judge. The wagon is pulled by two naked slaves while a third naked slave is walking alongside. I look at the wagon and see that it contains a portable oven, and there are about six long rods stuck into the red-hot coals located in the middle of the oven. No doubt in my mind that this wagon is for branding slaves.

"OK, disobedient Lesbonians and visitors to Lesbonia," the naked slave attending the wagon's oven says. "It's time for your slavery marking. Don't give me no shit, and there will be none in return."

"Also," one of the dyke cops says. "Giving her shit is a punishable offense. The penalty is mandatory: 25 lashes, 7 days on the cross, and 2 years of slavery. There will be no trial. All that's needed is for two police officers to witness the event. Plus, that penalty is in addition to whatever penalty the Judge gives you for your crimes against Lesbonia."

The naked slave attending the oven quickly pulls out the first rod from the fire. On its end is a three inch tall letter 'S'. It matches all the 'S' brands on all of the marked slaves. The end of the rod bearing the 'S' is red hot. I know the second it touches me my skin will fry. But, that's the purpose of branding. A brand is supposed to be a permanent body marking that will not wash or wear off.

"OK, slut," the slave with the branding iron says to me. "Spread your legs as wide as you can. I want to see your pretty little clit smiling back at me. Failure to do so will earn you the penalty the two police officers just described."

I am scared shitless. But, I also am afraid of what will happen if I fight, so I open my legs as wide as my cuffed arms permit. "Bare pussy," the slave with the branding iron says. "Good. Less mess that way."

She then steps forward, grabs a hold my pussy, sticks a finger into my slit, and pulls my twat upwards just a bit, giving her a better angle for the red-hot branding iron.


"Oh, my fuckin shit!" I scream. "What the fuck have you done to my pussy?" I am crying now. It's the worst pain that I have ever felt, and I consider myself a pain slut.

"Fuck you, you no good fuckin' whore!" I scream at her. "I will get you for this!"

"Mistress, this whore just threatened me," the slave with the branding iron says to one of the dyke cops.

Both dyke cops agree that I have just threatened bodily harm to another Lesbonian. Therefore, they also declare that I am in violation of a law that requires immediate and mandatory punishment without appeal.

"OK, take her to the whipping post, give her 25, and then put her on a cross for seven days," the dyke cop says. "After that, schedule her for the Judge. Also, please make a note in her file that 2 years are to be added to whatever penalty the Judge orders."

As they are leading me away towards the whipping frame, I hear the hot iron burning flesh again. Then, I hear Amy Sue screaming profanities, and eventually she repeats my threat to the branding iron slave.

"I'll get you for this, you fuckin' whore!" she screams at the top of her lungs.

"Same as her friend," the butch dyke cop says. "25 lashes, 7 days on a cross, and at least 2 years in slavery."

When I get to the little stage containing the whipping post, the slave who had been sentenced to 200 lashes earlier is still getting her whipping. The slave doing the whipping turns to the butch cop escorting me and says that she will be the last one for the day. But, that I will be first one whipped in the morning. The guard agrees and then takes me over to crucifixion area.

"Since these sluts haven't been whipped yet, tie them in the ass fucking position," the butch cop tells the slave tending the crucifixion area. I see two crosses lying on the ground. I am told to lay face and cunt down on one of the crosses. My arms are quickly, but securely, tied to the horizontal arms of the cross. Then they have me pull my feet up so that my ass is pointed up and out slightly and then very securely tie my ankles to the cross. I try to wiggle free, but all three knots are very tight. The slave doing the tying really knows what she's doing. A few minutes later Amy Sue is tied to the other formerly empty cross in a similar fashion, and then we both are lifted upright and our crosses are planted into adjoining stands. There are at least 12 of us slaves hanging from crosses, but only Amy Sue and I are hanging with our asses pointing out.

"Fresh meat!" the attending slave yells. Shortly afterwards, I begin to see a bunch of Lesbonian free women coming towards us; all are sporting strap-on dongs. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that we are about to get our asses fucked -- again, and again, and again.

"W-T-F (What the Fuck) are we gonna do?" I ask Amy Sue when I realize that we're about to get ass fucked by a bunch of horny lezzies.

Suddenly, we hear two police cars pull up. We look and see four Native American guys get out of the cars. That's when I notice that the cars are labeled 'Tribal Police'. These aren't Lesbonians. They're Native American cops. We'd forgotten that Lesbonia is officially on Native American reservation land. The Lesbonians are only renting the land, and we're about to find out that there are certain conditions that must be met for them to continue.

"Who's in charge, here?" one of the Native American cops asks.

"I am," the dyke behind the Judge's bench says. "I'm Judge Jeanie Bean, and this Courtroom you are invading is mine. What gives you the right to invade my Courtroom?"

"Well, Dyke Jeanie," he replies. "We found a car abandoned near the entrance to your property limits. The car has New York State plates, so we don't believe that it's owned by one of your cunt lickin' sisters. Therefore, we want to investigate and see if there are any strangers that your cops have kidnapped and forced into slavery."

Suddenly, the big dyke cop who arrested us earlier steps forward. She's almost as big as the biggest Tribal policeman.

"Listen, big boy," she shouts at the cop. "You don't have any legal right on this land any more. This is sovereign Lesbonian land. Now, get your fucking cocks off our property and go blow each other somewhere else."

"Officer," Judge Jeanie yells. "Back off. This is a legal matter. If not, you may be joining some of your friends on the cross soon."

The dyke cop quickly steps away from the Native American cops.

"Captain of the guards," Judge Jeanie yells. "Front and center."

After the dyke who appears to be the head Lesbonian cop steps forward, the Judge asks her if any foreigners were arrested today. She tells her yes, and points over to us hanging on the cross. The lead Lesbonian cop then tells the Judge that we were arrested for being totally naked and baring our pussies in public. We are on the cross because we were disrespectful when branded.

The Judge then begins ranting about why we were branded before we were brought in front of her Court.

"Those bitches are not slaves until I say that they're slaves," she screams at the chief cop. "Now, who put them on the crosses?"

The Captain of the Guards points over to the two Lesbonian cops who arrested us.

"OK, here's what we're gonna do," the Judge says. "Take the two foreigners off their crosses, and bring them to me. Put those two cops who had these two branded illegally on the crosses, and leave them there for one week."

"Fuck you!" our dyke cop says. "You can't do that!"


"OK, have it your way," the Judge replies. "I hereby sentence you to 100 lashes, 30 days on the 'cross', and then a lifetime as a Lesbonian sex slave. Now, care to try for 200 and 60?"

The dyke cop realizes that she's in real trouble now, and shuts her mouth. The other Lesbonian cops come over and strip her of her skort and gun belt, and then escort her towards the crosses. Her femme friend is getting a similar escort directly right behind.

After we are released, we are taken to stand in front of the Judge. She then asks us for our version of the story. We tell her that since the weather was so warm today, we decided to sunbathe naked while driving to Seattle. We did not see the signs telling us that baring our pussies is illegal in Lesbonia, and we did not know anything about how most Lesbonians with naked pussies are considered escaped slaves.

"We are not, and do not want, to become dyke slaves," Amy Sue tells her.

"Well, you are in violation of both Tribal and Lesbonian law," the Judge says. "I cannot ignore the law."

"Pardon me," one of the Tribal cops says. "I believe that because they first broke Tribal law, this falls in Tribal jurisdiction. Therefore, we are taking control of the prisoners and are moving their trial to Tribal Court."

"Also, the actions of your officers are in violation of the Tribal-Lesbonian Land Lease Agreement. So, any further complications and the Lesbonian Lease could become null and void," he adds.

"Bailiff," the Judge says. "Release these two prisoners into the custody of the Tribal Police. However, please notify the Tribal Court that there is an outstanding warrant for both, so we expect their return once the Tribal Court is finished with them."

"So noted," one of the Tribal cops says. "However, you and I both know that claim probably will not be honored. But, you still have the right to file it."

Then, the lead Tribal cop tells his buddies to lock us in the back of separate squad cars, and says that they're going to recover our car before going back to Tribal Police Headquarters. However, we are not offered any clothing by the Tribal cops. We are quickly cuffed with our wrists behind our backs, have ball gags inserted into our mouths, and then are taken away still totally naked. Plus, the big 'S' brand is now, more than ever, apparent just above our pussies.

Next, we are placed in the rear seats of separate squad cars, and eventually are driven away from the Lesbonians. When we arrive at our Camaro, one of the Tribal cops opens the trunk, takes out our Micro G-string bikinis, along with our suitcases, and tosses them a good distance away from the side of the road. Then, he gets into our car and drives away. The two Tribal Police cars follow, leaving our 'kinis and suitcases trashed along the side of the road in Lesbonia.

Shortly, we cross back over the Lesbonian limits line and are on Tribal Land again. We turn south, and head deep into 'the res'. Eventually we arrive at a single cabin located in the middle of nowhere. We're told to get out of the squad cars and then to get down on our knees on the ground. I look at Amy Sue and she looks back at me. We both know that this is not the Tribal Police Headquarters, and we are not about to face a Tribal Judge.

Suddenly an older Native American comes out of the single cabin. He takes one look at us, sees that we're already naked, and then spots the 'S' brand just above our twats. "Well, it looks like we've captured two more escaped Lesbonian slaves," he says. "Take them down into the caves and lock them up. I will contact the Tribal Council and see what they want us to do with them."

Suddenly, we are jerked back to our feet and begin marching towards one of the cliffs encircling the area. That's when we notice an opening at the base of one of the cliffs. It appears to be the entrance to an abandoned mine. However, once we get inside we see that the entire area is nothing but a gigantic underground jail.

It is a huge cave, with jail cells built into the walls encircling a big amphitheater in the center. Hanging from chains in the center of the amphitheater are several female prisoners. Each one is naked, and each one has the letter 'S' branded just above the top of her cunt. Each one also has two sets of numbers branded on her tits. "Are these cunts for branding?" the jailer asks.

"Not yet," our Tribal cop tells him. "We still need to check with the Chief about what he wants to do with them. However, their cunts are available for anyone needing relief."

Again, Amy Sue looks at me and I look at her. But, then, we've been fucking strangers ever since we left the city. Why would these guys be any different? Hell, they're probably cleaner than all the guys we've been fucking as we travel across the country.

"OK," the jailer says.

Then, turning to one of his assistants, he tells them to lock us in the floor box stocks. We are taken over to another area, where we see two floor mounted box stocks. They open one side and force us to step inside two semi-circles. Then, they close two other semi-circles around them, locking our ankles in the device. Next, they force us to bend at the waist and place our wrists in similar, but smaller, circular openings, locking our wrists. We now have both our wrists and ankles locked inside a wooden floor mounted box style stockade, forcing us to stay bent at the waist. This position also exposes all three of our holes for use and abuse. It also exposes both our asses and pussies for spanking and whipping. Just as the jailer walks away, two of the Tribal cops come over to us and drop their pants. Suddenly, we are both impaled by two big American Indian cocks. It's been about four days since we've had any real cock in our cunts, and it feels so good. Much better than those dykes and their strap-ons. As they're pounding away at our pusses, Amy Sue looks over at me and says that it's been at least three days since she last took any birth control pills. Then she says that she's right in the middle of her cycle, so she hopes she's not fertile. I tell her that it usually takes more than a couple of days, but you never know for sure.

As the Tribal cops are finishing in our snatches, I hear the old guy we saw outside tell the jailer to keep us locked up tonight, but the Chief wants us in his Court in the morning. "He'll decide then if they're escaped Lesbonian slaves. If so, he'll probably have them branded, and then converted into Tribal sex slaves."

Again, I look at Amy Sue, and she looks back at me. I mouth the words, 'Tribal sex slaves? W-T-F?' (What the fuck?) She just shrugs her shoulders, indicating that she doesn't know any more than me. Our desire to sun bathe naked while driving has become a very expensive pleasure. It's a decision that could cost us the rest of our lives in slavery.

Chapter Four

Just as we're wondering about what we've heard, the other two Tribal cops come up behind us and drop their pants.

"Boy, I hate sloppy seconds," one says to the other. "But, fucking this prime white pussy sure beats banging one of our old squaws."

Just as he says that, I feel another cock plunging into one of my holes. Only, this time the hole is my asshole. God, even that feels better with a real, live cock than with one of those dyke strap-ons. Then, the two other cops -- the ones who just finished fucking our pussies -- come around and shove their cocks into our faces.

They tell us to give them a good BJ if we don't want our pussies whipped later. To be honest, it's been a while since I had my pussy whipped. That might be fun with somebody else. But, we don't know these bastards, so we better not push them. I can see Amy Sue giving her guy her best, so I decide to do the same with mine.

I must admit that it's also been a couple of days since I had a real live cock in my mouth, too. Boy, I do like sucking the real thing. It, too, is much better than some dyke's strap-on. I am in seventh heaven; one cock is pounding my ass while another is pounding my mouth. Now I really want to taste a load of hot cum.

Suddenly, my slut genes kick into high gear. I am now concentrating on giving him the best BJ that I know how while also trying to squeeze the cock in my ass with my sphincters. The harder they thrust, the more I am trying to capture their meat, and therefore their cum. I can feel both rods getting longer and wider as they get closer to blast off. I'm now in cum slut mode, and all I can think about is how good that cum will taste.

Suddenly, I hear a moan beside me. I glance over to Amy Sue and see the guy fucking her face is exploding in her mouth. Shit, the guys in our mouths should not cum before the ones in our asses. After all, they're on round two. But, I keep forgetting that Amy Sue is a great cocksucker. Maybe she's better at giving a BJ than an assfuck.

Just then, I feel the guy in my ass grab my hips and plunge his meat deep in my asshole, then holds on for life. Suddenly, I feel his blast rocketing into my bowels. I've forgotten how good that feels. Then, seconds later, the guy fucking my face grabs the back of my head. Round two is a go. He coats my throat with his little baby makers. God, it tastes great. Real cock is so much better.

Shortly after the guy in my ass finishes and pulls his now limp dick out, I feel another probing. Only, this one is probing my pussy. "Amy Sue," I say. "I think there's a line of horny cops behind us. We may be here for a while. I think we're in the middle of a Tribal cop gang bang."

I am right. Before the night is over, we fuck and suck more than 20 guys each. Some of them do us more than once. But, who's complaining. We are both horny as Hell for the real thing, and we definitely get the 'real thing'. After about three hours of fucking and sucking, the jailer finally comes over and releases us from the box stocks. After standing, and while getting my ankles released, I look around the room and still see several naked women hanging by their wrists from the ceiling. Suddenly I am afraid that we will be next.

But, they take us over to the only open cell and lock us inside together. The jailer then tells us that the Chief will determine our fate in the morning. As he's walking away, he smugly says, "Don't worry. You'll be back tomorrow to get your tits branded. Then, you'll be mine to train as a white sex slave whore."

As he walks away, Amy Sue begins to cry. She's scared and her emotions finally get the best of her. I want to cry, too. But, I suddenly feel the need to comfort her. I look at her, and she's a mess. No wonder, after what we've been through the last two days. Now she's got cum dripping out of both her puss and her ass, as well as splattered all over her face. I lean over and begin to lick the cum from her face. That takes her by surprise.

"W-T-F!" (What the fuck!) she says.

"You're covered with cum," I reply. "It's against one of my personal laws to waste cum."

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