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An Obsession...or Two


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Being so bold excited me, especially once we were inside the house and Greg was introducing me around. Most of the attendees didn't make much effort to disguise their staring. I loved it.

At one point in the evening, while waiting in line in the hallway for my turn in the bathroom, one of the other females pointed at my chest and asked me, "Don't those hurt?"

I looked her right in the eyes, "A little, but in the most delicious way. Would you like to try them?"

I couldn't help but laugh when she declined.


It was probably an hour later when I was in the backyard and sipping on a Screwdriver, that another girl approached me. "That is one sexy look" she told me after introducing herself as Jana.

She was a cute blonde, about my height, and also wearing a practically see-through blouse which did little to hide her long dark nipples. They were perched proudly on what I guessed were C cup, perky tits.

"Thanks, it's the first time I've tried it." I told her with a big smile.

"Well, if I may say so, it fits you perfectly. You might even tuck it in a little further around your waist."


"May I?" she asked, looking me right in the eyes.

When I raised an eyebrow and nodded, she slid her fingers inside the hem of my jeans and slid them out and pulled the tails of my blouse around me further. That made the V wider, just enough to allow a portion of my nipple clamps to show.

I giggled, "You don't think that's a bit . . . much?"

"Not at all." She said with a chuckle, "Everyone can tell you're wearing clamps, so you might as well give them a little peek at them."

"Have you ever tried wearing clamps?" I asked her.

Jana took a sip of her drink, "I have, but I need to be in just the right mood to enjoy them. The guy I was dating loved it. He liked hanging small gold weights on the chain to intensify the harshness."

"Ouch!" I exclaimed perhaps a bit too loudly, "I still have mine set on the mildest setting."

She put a hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry, hun. You'll be tightening them down to the highest setting before you know it. And, if you have a long enough clit, you'll be amazed at how hot you'll get wearing one there too. Do you think yours is long enough?"

I couldn't believe we were standing there, total strangers, and discussing the size of my clit. I shrugged, "I don't know."

"Well, if it won't freak you out, I'll be happy to have a look sometime and give you my opinion. You don't have to answer right now. If you ask for my number before leaving, I'll take that as a yes." And then she gave me a playful kiss on the cheek. When she turned to walk back inside, she paused just before stepping inside, looked over her shoulder at me, and showed me a sexy grin.

I did get Jana's phone number before leaving the party.


When Greg and I got home, we were barely inside the front door when he ripped down my jeans and panties and bent me over his stuffed chair. At least he was kind enough to moisten his dick with spit before forcing it into my ass.

Very unlike him, he came within a couple of minutes. "I'm sorry" he apologized, "It's just that you were so hot tonight, I couldn't wait."

I turned and wrapped my arms around his neck. Before kissing him, I purred, "That was the whole point.


Jana wanted to meet me at the Diamond Club for afternoon cocktails. I told her I was only nineteen, but she insisted it wouldn't be a problem. "I know everyone who works there."

When the waiter had delivered our drinks, a Screwdriver for me and a Rum and Coke for her, she said, "Well, get that clit out here and let me have a look at it."

I'm sure my jaw hit the table and my eyes shot open wide. And then she laughed so loud, it echoed through the whole club. "Oh my god! Girl, you should have seen your face just now. Too bad I didn't have my camera ready."

And then the humor of it hit me and I started laughing too.

"So, the guy you were with . . ."

"Greg" I offered, "We live together. He has a nice house off campus, pool, hot tub, the works."

"Lucky girl." She mused, "So, does he know you're bi?"

I played coy, "What makes you think I am?"

Jana showed me a stern look, "Just a second." She got up and scooted into the booth beside me, and then she immediately kissed me. When she broke our kiss, she smirked, "That's how I know. Now, I only have a couple more questions."


"Is Greg going to freak out when you bring me home? And are you going to freak out if I fuck him?"

I looked her right in the eyes, "No to both."

"Good, then set it up for a weekend in the near future."

"I will." And I leaned in and kissed her again.


When I got home, I was so horny, I almost took care of myself, but I managed to wait until Greg got home. "I need your dick in my ass, and I mean right now."

I waited until Greg was behind me and slamming his hard dick into my ass, and until I'd already cum twice, "I met a girl for drinks this afternoon. She wants to fuck both of us."

Greg never missed a thrust. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head back roughly, "But do we want to fuck her? What does she look like?"

"Shoulder length auburn hair, green eyes, my height and general build, firm tits a little smaller than mine, and she has an incredible ass. And yes, I want to fuck her. You'll like her too. She has a kinky side."

That's when he pulled my head back even more and started filling my ass with his cum.


Friday evening at six p.m. sharp, Jana rang our door bell. Two steps inside the house, and after dropping her beach style shoulder bag onto the floor, she pulled me in for passionate kiss. And then she released me and gave Greg a similar kiss. "Okay, now that the ice is broken, where's the pool?" She asked with a laugh.

Greg just looked at me, raised his eyebrows and shook his hand as if it was hot. I giggled, "I told you she wasn't shy."

By the time I got to the back door, Jana was just stepping out of her panties. That's when I got my first look at her naked body. Her tits and ass were incredible. "Do you want something to drink? Rum and Coke?"

She turned and showed me a smile, "I'd love one, thanks." And then she turned and dove into the pool.

I peeked my head inside as I was peeling off my clothes, "Bring a Screwdriver and a Rum and Coke, please."

When Greg came out with our drinks, Jana and I were making out in the shallow end of the pool. When we heard him say, "Here ya go," and we looked around at him, we both giggled when we saw he was already naked and semi hard.

I loved the way Jana's perky tits felt against mine. They had a much different feel than Angie's, firm with very long taut nipples. It was all I could do to turn loose of them long enough to take my drink from Greg.

"Nice tits." Greg told Jana when handing her the Rum and Coke.

Seeing he'd grown to almost full erection, she giggled, "Nice cock." And then she let out a "YeeeHaaa, there's going to be a hot time in the old town tonight."

Greg added, "Save a horse, ride a cowboy." When he stopped laughing, he told us, "I'm going to head to the hot tub and let you two have some time to yourselves."

"Awwww" Jana said, "You didn't tell me he was such a sweetie."

Greg laughed again and looked over his shoulder as he was walking away, "Hey, don't go blabbing it around and ruin my reputation."


"So, is there anything special I need to know?" Jana asked me when Greg was out of earshot.

"About me or Greg?"


"When he's fucking me from behind, he likes to pull my head back by my hair. Sometimes it gets a little intense."

"Sweet! I love 'intense'. Now, how about you?"

"Just two things: I prefer it in my ass, and I like to watch him pee with a hardon . . . sometimes on me."

"Awesome!" Jana said with a giggle. And then she put her hand behind my neck and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. When our lips parted, she purred, "We're going to have a lot of fun."

"You don't think that's too weird?" I asked her.

She laughed, "Tina, on the weird or kinky scale from one to ten, those things combined put you at about a two. He can pull my hair all he wants . . . the harder the better, and as for the other thing, I've never seen a guy do that. I didn't know they can. Count me in."


Jana and I went inside and mixed ourselves fresh drinks, and then I grabbed three beers and three bottles of water out of the fridge. When Jana gave me a questioning look, I giggled, "This oughta be enough to make sure he really has to pee. Oh, and by the way, when he's finished peeing, I always get him off as a reward, and-"

"I'll take care of that."

"Okay then, we'll add 'mind-reader' to your list of talents."

Before going back outside, Jana went to her bag and pulled out a set of nipple clamps. "Go get yours."

I pinched my nipples hard to numb them on my way to our bedroom. When I got back to her, both of us had our clamps in place.

"Very nice!" Greg said when he saw us wearing the clamps. And then he laughed when I sat the three beers and water on the ledge of the hot tub. "Have you two been conspiring against me?"

Jana spoke up, "Against you—NO—FOR YOU—absolutely."

"I like the sound of that." He said, looking at me as he reached for the first beer.


Jana stood up and walked across the hot tub. She stepped up between Greg's legs, and then reached down under the water. Just as quickly, she spun around to me and said, "I was just checking, and YES, he's still hard." And then she walked back to me, bent over and kissed me passionately.

When we came up for air, I told her loud enough for Greg to hear, "You should keep checking every few minutes. We don't want any surprises."

"Oooooo, I'd love to."

When I looked at Greg, he was tipping up his beer and taking a long tug.


Jana and I were sitting side by side and playing with each other's tits when she said to me, "It's pretty progressive of you not to care if your boyfriend fucks me."

I chuckled, "Hell, it wasn't that long ago I was you. He was fucking my roommate when she brought me into it. And then she couldn't come back this semester, so here I am—we are."

I was being totally honest with her. Even though my feelings for Greg had evolved into more than just 'liking' him, the whole sex thing didn't bother me one bit. If you'd told me six months earlier I would feel that way, I wouldn't have believed it.

I guess I'd feel differently if I found out he'd been sneaking around and fucking someone else behind my back, but that wasn't the case.

"Sweet." And then she looked at Greg, "Do I need to check you again, Cowboy?"

Greg stood up and shifted his hips back and forth, causing his hard dick to swing to and fro. "You can check if you want, but I think I'm good."

I laughed, "I think he likes watching us make out. What do you think?"

She looked over at me, "Then I think we should do some more of that."

So we did.


When Greg notified us that he needed to pee really badly, Jana turned to me and asked, "Okay, show me how you do it."

I crawled out of the hot tub, "I'll be right back."

I returned a minute later with another beer and another bottle of water. Even before I got to the hot tub, Greg was pleading for relief and Jana was laughing her ass off.

When I handed Greg the drinks, Jana said, "Ooooo goodie, 'pee deprivation torture.' I love it."

I laughed, "They actually have a name for it?"

Greg spoke up, "Yes, the name is 'pay back is a bitch'. Just remember that."

Jana looked at me, "I'm scared. Are you scared?"

"Shaking in my boots . . . oh wait, I'm not wearing boots." And we both laughed.

Greg was a real trooper. He resisted the urge to pee while he downed the beer and water, and for the fifteen minutes after that. Of course, it didn't hurt that Jana increased the trips she made over to him to 'check' that he was still hard.

Finally, I thought it was time to let Greg off the hook. "Outside is the best." I told Jana, "No cleaning up afterward."

I stood on the grass a few feet in front of Greg and told Jana, "Sometimes I like to go down on him until he's ready, kinda like siphoning liquid from a hose. I'll warn you though, if you want to do that, you may get the first shot in your mouth."

Jana responded by dropping to her knees in front of Greg and immediately taking his hard dick into her mouth.

"I'm there." Greg warned her, but she just kept sucking on his hard dick for another minute.

When she finally removed her mouth from him, his pee shot out and arched high into the air, landing on my shoulder and chest. She then stood up and turned to me, letting a mouth full of Greg's pee dribble out of her mouth.

And then Jana grabbed his dick and began aiming it so that his arching pee fell on my tits and stomach. She then turned to one side and moved in so that his stream hit her tits on the way up.

I was shocked when she didn't seem the least bit affected when it missed her tits and splashed against her face. She even opened her mouth to take some in before aiming his stream back to where it would land on me.

When he was almost finished, she dropped to her knees again and took his dick into her mouth.

Finally, Jana stood up and said, "Don't move. I'll be right back." And then she dove into the pool, immediately crawling out and drying herself briefly before running into the house.

When she was out of earshot, Greg raised his eyebrows and said, "WOW! She's a little freaky, huh?"

"Well, are you complaining?"

"Hell no, not at all. I love it."

"I'll keep that in mind." I told him with a grin.

When Jana returned, she had a small item covered with plastic as if it'd been taken from a peg at any store. When she opened it, there were five rubber rings of various sizes. All of them had little knots or bulbs on them.

She pulled out the smallest one, licked it, and then stretched it until she could work it over the head of Greg's dick. And then she rolled it down until it was at the very base of his dick. "There! That should keep his cock hard until we're ready."

"We're not ready?" I asked her.

"Nah, not yet. Tonight should be about us. We can make it up to him tomorrow."

"Any complaints?" Jana asked Greg.

He shook his head, "I'm all yours, except this thing is pulling my hair."

Jana laughed and looked at me, "We should shave him later."

"Later? Why do we have to wait?" I asked her.

Jana laughed, "Hell, go get a razor, hot water, and some shaving cream."


When we were done shaving Greg's dick and balls, which he seemed to really enjoy, instead of putting the constrictive ring back on his dick, Jana suggested we give it a break, "Remember the four hour rule", she said while laughing.

Greg and I both got her reference to ED commercials on TV. "Go take a shower and rest up." I told him, but then I admonished him, "But no peeing and no beating off."


Jana and I were sitting side by side on the steps of the pool, both of us enjoying the sun and the cool water when I confessed to her "I don't know what it is about the whole pee thing that I like so much."

She chuckled, "I do. It makes perfect sense."

I turned to face her, "Oh? Do tell."

"Two years ago, right after high school graduation, a bunch of us drove down to Corpus to party. On our second evening there, the guy I was with dared me to go skinny dipping. Everyone else was wearing suits, but I did it. After a brief swim, I walked out of the water only to find the asshole had carried my bikini back to the bonfire."

"Oh my god! What did you do?"

"What could I do? I walked past all the others, up to him, and held out my hand for my bikini."

"Okay, so you had guts. I don't see your point."

"Tina, the point is how I felt between walking out of the water and getting my bikini back on—defiant for sure, but it was much more than that. It made me feel naughty as hell, and I loved it."

"Naughty, huh?"

"Yes, I call it the 'Naughty Factor'. Your roommate last semester, what's her name, was she your first girl-girl?"

"Angie, and yes, why?"

"I'm sure it made you horny as hell, but didn't it also make you feel a little bit naughty?"

I chuckled, "More than a little."

After nodding, she continued, "And the first time you took it in the ass, and when you walked into that party with your nipple clamps showing, and every time you have Greg pee with a hardon?"

"I guess, yes to all of the above."

"That's the 'Naughty Factor'."

"I'm afraid I'm not as bold as you are." I told her.

When Jana stopped laughing, she looked me straight on and said, "Before this night is over, you're going to watch your boyfriend fuck me, and we're going to get it on in front of him. I'd say that's pretty bold."

"That's just the three of us."

She showed me a scolding look, "It was more than the three of us at the party last week."

After considering her words for a few moments, I had to admit, "True".

"And I'm guessing the sex that night was incredible. Am I right?"

"Yes, it was mind blowing. We barely got into the house."

"Okay then. It turned you on, and it turned him on. Naughty is hot. Nuff said!"



"Greg" I called out, "I need to pee."

He understood what I wanted, so he crawled out of the hot tub and walked over onto the grass. He immediately lay down on his back.

Jana giggled as I squatted over his hard dick and started peeing on him. Even before I was finished, Jana was squatted over him facing me. She pulled me in for a passionate kiss and then let her pee begin splashing down onto his chest and stomach.

While she was kissing me, Jana put her hand over my pussy, causing my pee to splash all over the three of us. Without thinking, I did the same to her. Greg yelled, "Hey!" and I realized that my hand was causing her pee to splash onto his face.

Jana laughed and said, "Shut up." And with that, she moved backward, causing the last of her pee to hit him right in the face.

"That wasn't nice." He said when she was finished and the two of us stood up.

"Get over it." Jana said while still laughing.

He responded, "Payback's a bitch." And we all jumped into the pool.

* * *

A few minutes later, Jana rolled the rubber ring off of Greg's dick. "Would you be a doll and give us some alone time? I promise we'll take good care of you later."

"Sure." Greg answered.

Jana and I dried off and went into the house and to our bedroom. The first thing we did was remove our nipple clamps. God, what a relief. I massaged my poor nipples, trying to urge the blood to reenter them.

After making out for awhile, Jana told me to lie down on my back, but I asked her, "Please, can I do you first?"

Without answering, she lay down on the bed. I started by kissing her a couple of times before moving down and spending a long time licking and sucking her beautiful firm tits.

When I moved between her legs and began licking her pussy, I got a wonderful surprise. I couldn't believe how sweet she tasted—much sweeter than Angie. I made a mental note to ask her if she did something special to her pussy or if it was just the way she was.

It took me a long time to give her a first orgasm, and I could tell it wasn't a great one. "My clit" she answered my questioning look, "Suck it in and bite it. Don't be gentle."

I was tentative when I first closed my teeth on her clit. When I looked up at her, she was pulling and twisting her nipples so much, it looked like she might actually pull them off. "Harder" she instructed me. So I applied more pressure with my teeth. "Harder" she commanded.

I was afraid I'd hurt her, but I thought it best to trust her, so I really clamped down hard with my teeth, flicking her clit with my tongue the whole time. Her response was almost immediate. She began bucking her hips up and moaning loudly. "filled me with" "her cock"Literocita stories High school"incest taboo stories"nevada brothel sex story orgasmsxxx/stories written/dogging wives"literotica massage""crossdressing sex stories""literotica ffm"/s/penal-slavery-pt-04அக்காவுக்கு அம்மா உதவியுடன் குழந்தை கொடுத்த கதைLesbian orphanage sex stories"sex vid"Black fat ass literotica ms jigglestwins and brother:lyricsmaster.rumy wife,black men,oooooh fuck me hard,cuckoldstories"family sex stories""underwater sex"Litirotica story of brother's revenge on sister and her friendslovely minx literot/ica .,. incest tabooSeduce grandfather storiesbelly vutton literotciasubmissive little sister porn storiescockoldmy wife,black men,oooooh fuck me hard,cuckoldstoriesBending housemaid on the kitchen table and banging her lesbian literoticlitterotica braImpersonation episode 13 coolvaljonmartin22"sister seduces brother"SLUT MOMMIE CHAPTER 22lyricsmaster daughter pregnant/s/mary-grows-up-ch-03Falling for emma literoica"xxx free" school tackledwife pleasing her boss litterotica"pretty pussy"multiple orgasm from thick long cock and she pass out literoticaliteraticamy wife's slave lost bet story femdom"surprise fuck""wife sex stories"college quarter back-literotica.comliterotica fuck robot son"wife sex" school tackled"cum dump""kat dennings nude"Btb erotic stories"illustrated sex stories"INNOCENT INDIAN WIFE'S DEGRADATION sex stories"literotica" bbc shared gfT'pol fan fiction fuck stories XNXX"public feet"Intruder literatica Younger sister catches brother in her panties lliterocia"cum in my mouth"Prof stop please ahh moan cum ohh fuck literoticablue shirt literotica stories"thick alpha cock" ficrionAphrodites curse literoticaliterotica humiliated party favorlimo mother litoricaLiterotica stories my wife who works in a charity shop gets fucked by a pensionerSaving a slave girl - literotica stories and newsexstoriesliterotic mom falls for peacher sonRead gay novel-fucking my bully asshole(smut)story i have just had my first gay fuck massage/s/ "bully" "mom" "thong""wife sex story"illic granny show taboo incest family the happynes a cumshot give for familyOvary litrotica sci fi/s/punishing-the-unruly-son-ch-03/commentssex stories virgin ballet dancer literotica festival musicasstr nonono69 secretary haircut bdsm storiesjanitor fucking boss sex stories"breast expansion comics"