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An Old Friend Ch. 03


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"Megan, may I please have permission to kiss the ground beneath your right foot?"

"Yes, Chris. Yes you may."

Lowering myself flat against the wood floor, I stretched my arms out directly to either side. I let my face rest just above Megan's beautiful pale bare feet. She moved her right foot back just slightly, letting it rest on her toes just behind where it had been sitting flat. Slowly, tenderly, intensely, I began kissing the wood of the board where her sole had just rested.

Kissing for several minutes, I felt light headed. All of the women, besides Megan, were chatting out loud now, and laughing. Megan remained silent, accepting my worship and adoration.

After several more minutes of pressing my lips to this consecrated stretch of board, Megan slowly returned her foot to where it had rested, near my face, and I withdrew. I raised myself up, and again assumed my position of adoration, arms stretched forward diagonally, ass in the air, face low to the ground, looking up at Megan's serious stare. Holding her gaze, I again addressed her.

"I worship you, Megan.

I worship you and I adore you."

A long sigh. Megan smiled just slightly.

"Megan, I adore you for your strength. I adore your athleticism, your discipline in exercising regularly. You are an amazing runner and a very skilled tennis player. Your body is strong and toned. You deserve to be recognized for how you take care of yourself and maintain your physical prowess. Megan, you are a very strong woman, and I adore you for it. I adore your strength, and I adore you."

Megan cocked her head slightly to the side, and smiled.

"I adore you and I worship you, Megan.

I worship you, Megan."

I let out a very deep breath. I was thankful that Megan seemed to be enjoying these adorations. Unlike the liturgy of worship proclamations from earlier, which she had helped me form, Megan hadn't heard these yet. They were entirely my own, and she was hearing them fresh.

"Megan, may I have permission to kiss the ground beneath your left foot?"

"Of course you may."

Again I assumed the kissing position, as Megan moved her left foot, bare and beautiful, slightly back. Once again I kissed, covering this precious bit of wood with kiss after kiss after kiss. I heard Danae's voice laughing about something, heard Ashley's response. Becca stood and walked behind me, around to the other side, and refilled Ashley's wine glass. I continued to kiss until Megan flexed her foot, then chased away my face with it.

I resumed the adoration position, looking up at Megan, who was holding in a big smile.

"I worship you, Megan.

I worship you and I adore you."

In my head, I reached for the adoration I'd memorized, pausing for just a second.

"Megan, I adore you for your talent. You are a better artist than most people know. Your quirky litte drawings are genius. You are a very skilled baker, and I know that you are absolutely stellar at your job. You are a naturally gifted person, extremely talented, Megan, and I adore you for it."

She had a big smile now.

"I adore you and I worship you, Megan.

I worship you, Megan."

Sarah said something and Megan laughed, throwing her head back. Looking back down at me, she was radiant.

"Megan, may I please have permission to kiss the ground beneath your right foot again?"

"Yes, Chris." A hint of laughter in her voice.

Again I kissed the ground, kissed with passion, kissed for several minutes. Again I returned to my position of adoration.

"I worship you, Megan.

I worship you and I adore you."

I rehearsed the beginning of my adoration in my head, then spoke.

"Megan, I adore you for your beauty. Your pale skin, clear blue eyes, perfect blonde hair, they are lovely. YOU are lovely. Megan, your smile can melt me. I want you to know that your beauty is not the only reason I worship and adore you, submit and give myself to you. It's not nearly the only reason. But you are stunningly beautiful, Megan, and you deserve to hear it. I often fall apart inside at the sight of you, Megan. You are a very beautiful woman, Megan, and I adore you for your beauty."

Megan's smile had grown as I adored her, and she now beamed at me.

"I adore you and I worship you, Megan.

I worship you, Megan."

I bit both my lips, then spoke.

"Megan, may I have permission to kiss the ground beneath your left foot once again?"


Again, I lowered myself. I kissed, deep and hard, Megan's left foot swaying back and forth slowly just in front of my face, pivoting on her big toe. I kissed and kissed, longer this time, until her foot again resumed its place. Rising to the adoration position, I spoke.

"I worship you, Megan.

I worship you and I adore you."

Megan's face was more serious now.

"Megan, I adore you for your grace. You make everyone around you feel welcome and valued. You are understanding, and brighten the room with your graceful demeanor. It's hard to describe this aspect of you in words, Megan, but it is real. Even as you use me, and control me, and discipline me, and accept my worship, Megan, you make me feel so valued, and so cared for. You are full of grace, Megan, and I adore you for it.

Megan smiled warmly.

"I adore you and I worship you, Megan.

I worship you, Megan."

The adoration portion of the worship service was now over. I raised myself to my knees, kneeling more upright.

"Megan, I would like to perform the rose ritual."

As soon as I said it, Ashley stood from her seat, and retrieved a rose from the cup of water it was sitting in at her feet. From the side, she carefully placed it on the ground in front of me. I picked it up, holding it in one hand, brushing the petals with the other.

I carefully plucked one petal from the rose, holding it gently. Then I held it out in front of me, and let it drop. As it fluttered to its landing just in front of Megan's toes, I sang.

As awkward as this felt, I lifted my voice and sang, a simple descending line that rose slightly at the end, then lifted higher on the second line, descending and ascending.

"Go - o -dess Me -gan

I wor - ship Yoooou!"

Again, I plucked a petal. Again, I let it fall at Megan's feet. Again, I sang the liturgical line.

"Go - o -dess Me - gan

I wor - ship Yooou!"

I finished just as the petal landed on Megan's right foot. She left it there as I plucked and dropped a third petal, singing as I did so.

"Go -o - dess Me - gan

I wor - ship Yoooou!"

I plucked, I dropped, I sang. Megan's feet, and the floor in front of and beside them, gradually became covered with rose petals. Eventually, the stem was bare. I set down the rose's remains, and I prepared to pray.

Kneeling down with my face near the floor, ass high in the air, I held my hands out in front of my face, and folded them together. From the corner of my eye I saw Sarah fold her hands and bow her head, then watched Danae slap her playfully. They both laughed.

I spoke, out loud, eyes on Megan's feet in front of me.

"Goddess Megan, I worship you. Thank you, Megan, for allowing me to worship you. Thank you, Megan, for creating me. Yes, I existed before I knew you, but you formed me into the devoted slave I am today. Megan, you created the life I'm living in devotion to you."

"Megan, thank you for your guidance and your discipline. Yes, Megan, I'm thankful that you punish me when I need it. Thank you for allowing me to serve you. Thank you for recognizing my submissive nature all those years ago and for asserting your authority. Thank you for your superiority."

"Megan, I pray that you will help me to become a better slave for you, more fully devoted to you, and to serving you. I pray that you will inhabit me, that your voice will always be in my mind, urging me to greater submission. I pray that you will always rule over me, Megan.

"Megan, I am yours. You are my owner. You are my absolute authority. Megan, you are my Goddess."

"I pray all these thing sincerely, with all my heart, Megan. Amen."

"Amen!" Jennifer had chimed in. Megan gave her a funny look. I remained in my position. I was very nervous about what was coming next.

"Megan, may I please receive communion?"

"Yes. Yes you may. Go back to the other side of the gazebo, put your face down, and wait for me."

I stood and walked backwards, never turning my back to Megan. On the opposite side of the gazebo, I descended to the worship position, face to the floor. I then folded my arms behind my back.

Across the circle, I heard commotion. I couldn't see, but I knew at least two women were holding up a sheet, taking extra precaution to shield Megan from my view, even though my face was to the floor. The others were assisting Megan. I listened, straining to hear. I thought I heard a tinkling sound, but it might have been my imagination. Finally, a brief commotion as the sheet was put away.

I was literally quaking. I was nervous. I had no idea what this would be like, which seemed strange, since I knew exactly what was going to happen. I pressed my eyes closed tight. How the hell am I going to do this, I wondered.

I sensed Megan approaching, walking softly across the wood surface. I heard her voice from above me, gentle and sweet.

"Get up, Chris. Up on your knees."

I obeyed. Megan stood before me, smiling slightly, her face shining, two decorated braids framimg her beautiful countenance. In her hands she held a wine glass, about two thirds full with a light yellowish amber liquid. I took a shaky breath at the sight of it. The surface of the liquid held a few small bubbles, and one large one. The large bubble popped. I could already smell it.

"Chris." Megan spoke ever so gently. "This is my urine. My pee. My piss!" Megan smiled as she spelled it out for me. "It's waste from my body. Just a minute ago, this was INSIDE my body."

I felt lightheaded.

"Your act of communion, Chris, is to drink my pee. You WILL drink ALL of it, Chris. All of my urine. My body's waste will enter you, and become part of YOUR body. This act symbolizes your absolute submission to me. It demonstrates that you are bound to me in service and obedience forever."

The other women were making their way over, standing on either side of this act, this sacrament, watching closely. I took a deep breath, whiff of piss even stronger, and looked down. One stray rose petal still clung to the side of Megan's bare right foot. I looked back up at her sweet face.

Megan held the rim of the glass against my lips. Suddenly, the scent was overpowering.

"This is your act of worship, Chris. If you sincerely worship me, you will take all of my urine, feeling it become part of you."

I shook.

"Open your mouth, Chris." Megan's voice was suddenly firmer. I winced, then obeyed, parting my lips.

Megan tipped the glass slightly, and a swig of her pee, more than I expected, flooded in, invading my mouth. The sensation was so much worse than I could have possibly imagined. Sour, pungent, overpowering, horrible.

It was a taste, a smell, a sensation that just overpowered every good intention. I felt lost in the horrible feeling.

"Swallow, Chris. Take your time and swallow."

I did so, feeling the sweet burning feeling of Megan's pee down my throat, heavy in my stomach. I took a breath. I could still notice a lingering sense of it coming up my throat. Oh my, this would be difficult. I hadn't made a dent in it. There looked to be just as much left as there had been before. Megan again put the glass to my lips.

"Again, Chris. Open your mouth."

Again I obeyed and again it was horrid. I had to force myself not to make a nasty face as I swallowed, not while facing Megan.

"Open, Chris."

And again, Megan fed me her piss from the glass.


How the hell would I finish this? I was beginning to feel even more nauseous.

"Remember, this was part of my body. Feel it becoming part of your body, Chris."

It helped. I swallowed, trying to have the right attitude. Megan's pee. This isn't just pee; it's Megan's pee, I reminded myself.

"Mouth open, Chris."

"Swallow, Chris."

"Come on, Chris. Worship me. Obey me. Drink my pee."

Something was turning. My stomach still hurt and the taste was still awful, but I felt proud, in a strange way, of what I was doing. Absolute submission, absolute obedience. All for Megan. This tasted, suddenly, like sweet surrender.

"All the rest in one swallow, Chris. You can do it."

And I did. I swallowed the rest of the urine, sticking my tongue into the glass as Megan tipped it, trying to lick out the last few drops, eager for more.

Sarah was laughing, hard. Ashley had turned around, twice. "Ohmygod disgusting," I'd heard her whisper. Danae had a sour, disgusted look on her face. But Megan, she was smiling gently at me.

"Good boy."

Moments later, Megan was again seated in the large chair, looking down on me as I held the worship position, my entire body, my entire self, completely surrendered.

"I worship you, Megan!

I honor you and I adore you!

Megan, I exalt your glorious name!

I proclaim your greatness to the entire earth and all the heavens!

I worship you, Megan!"

This time, I spoke my proclamations of worship through a mouth still reeking with Megan's pee. I felt saturated with it, saturated with Megan as I assumed obeisance.

"I worship you, Megan!

With all my body, mind and soul I worship you!

I praise you, Megan, and I tremble in your sacred presence!

Megan, you reign in strength, beauty and grace!

I worship you, Megan!"

And again, from my deep kneeling bow, I worshipped Megan through my piss-soaked mouth, acknowledging that she is a Deity, that she is Holy Goddess on high. Over and over, I repeated the full liturgy another twelve times, then descended to the worship position, where I waited, panting, emotionally exhausted, for several minutes.

Finally, I sensed Megan standing, and approaching me. Standing in front of my head, she knelt beside me, placing her hands on either side of my head. Leaning down, she spoke softly, nearly whispering. This was just for me.

"I accept your worship, Chris. I gladly accept your worship. I'm so glad you belong to me."

I took a deep breath. Megan remained, waiting before speaking.

"All those years ago, Chris, on that deck, when we first spoke about these things. I was trying to explain how I wanted to be seen, how I wanted to be treated by a submissive. I couldn't quite explain it, but this is what I wanted. This. I wanted to feel just like this. Completely and honestly worshipped, with no expectation of anything in return. There's nothing like it."

Megan took a very deep breath.

"I just want to hold on to this feeling a little while longer."

I sighed, at peace, in heaven.

The daylight hours were spent in a haze of service and humiliation. It was a bit of a shock rising from worship, from the most intense experience of my life, and immediately carrying a cooler to the back patio of the farmhouse. Cooking naked was no picnic either. Serving brunch to each of these women, I still tasted Megan's pee.

Eventually, I would be allowed to drink water, which helped with the taste. I could eat or drink nothing else, however. I was fasting. Nothing else, that is, except the one thing I'd consumed that morning.

By mid-afternoon I knelt on the back patio, silent, waiting for orders, as Megan and her friends sat around talking and laughing. Megan was filling them all in on the finer details of our relationship.

"So anyway, something like that would be grounds for an immediate paddling."

"Oh my god. Sarah and I watched Megan paddle him. It was like totally brutal."

"It was! You should have heard him crying and squealing!"

"I don't know how he stands it."

"He can stand it because his whole life is devoted to me, and he knows that if he disappoints me, he needs to be punished. It's not optional. And serious pain has to be part of it."

"Damn, Megan."

"It's important." Megan was dead serious.

"So like do you ever make him massage your feet? I know I would..."

"No, remember, that's part of the deal

with Kyle. Absolutely no touching each other. I promised my husband."

"Well, I made no such promise!" Enlivened by the wine, Danae was quite animated. "Megan, you need to tell your slave to massage MY feet! It's what any good friend would do."

Megan laughed. "You know, you're right!"

I was suddenly stunned.

"Chris, massage Danae's feet. Give her the best foot massage you know how to give. That's an order."

I was even more stunned, but excited. I knelt before Danae, knelt there naked, and I shook. Danae crossed one leg over the other and just looked at me, pale skin, dark hair, beautiful face, and I took a deep breath. Looking down at the foot she had crossed over her other leg, bopping there just in front of my face, I suddenly became erect, and everyone laughed.

Carefully sliding Danae's black flip-flop off, and gently setting it on the deck, I let my hands hold her beautiful bare foot. This was amazing. I could hardly believe I was holding this foot, Danae's foot, and I sighed.

I did my best. It probably wasn't a great massage, but I genuinely tried, serving Danae as I would liked to have served Megan. I actually felt a little guilty, serving a woman other than Megan, but she had ordered it, and I always obeyed Megan. I felt guilty, perhaps, at how turned on I was.

After about twenty minutes, I switched from Danae's left foot to her right, and massaged it the best I could for about another twenty minutes. As soon as I finished, basking in Danae's smile, her approval, I heard Sarah's voice.

"I'm next!"

Oh god. Sarah? Would Megan allow it? Would she order me to do this?

"Chris, massage Sarah's feet. That is an order."

Apparently so. Hesitantly, I knelt before Sarah. Her left foot bopped in front of me, crossed over her right leg, covered by a little anklet sock and her tennis shoe. Slowly, I untied her shoe, pulled it off, then peeled off her sweaty sock.

Sarah was tall, and her foot was on the large side. Nevertheless, it was a pretty foot. I hated to admit that to myself. Sarah was the woman who laughed at me every time she saw me serving Megan. She was the one who couldn't discreetly keep her laugher to herself. She often mocked the way I answered Megan, out loud, in front of me. How would I do this?

Slowly, I took Sarah's bare foot into my hand. It felt clammy. I started to massage, slowly. I have to admit I didn't put as much effort into the work as I did with Danae's feet. A few minutes later, Megan was standing over me.

"There'd better not be a problem, Chris. I know you can massage better than that. I saw it with Danae."

I doubled my efforts.

"I know she makes fun of you, Chris. But it's good for you. It reminds you of your place beneath me. You can do this. Actually, I have an idea. Sarah, is it ok if I have him kiss your foot?"

"Oh for sure!" A big laugh.

"Chris, humble yourself and kiss Sarah's foot. That is an order."

Oh shit this would be hard. I had to obey, though. Megan had ordered it. Megan wanted me to do this. Slowly, I bent down, then winced as I pressed my lips against Sarah's bare, still slightly sweaty foot. I held it there, puckering harder, kissing deeper. I so badly wished that this was Megan's foot, tried to imagine it was Megan's foot, but it was too different, there was no way I could imagine it, especially after Sarah opened her mouth.

"Oh my GOD he's actually doing it!"

Sarah laughed, laughed hard, laughed at me, and all I could do was continue to kiss her foot and accept her mockery.

"You may stop now, and continue the massage."

I obeyed. The only way to deal with this was to accept it. So I did my best, massaging Sarah's foot as well as I possibly could, setting aside my dignity and serving this cruel, immature woman devotedly. She might be cruel and immature, but I was a slave, beneath even Sarah. I accepted her derision as a sign of honor, a sign that I was doing something right.

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