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Anna Ch. 03

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The continued story of me and my best friend's mother.
3.2k words

Part 3 of the 11 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 06/30/2008
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Again, many thanks to all those who took the time to give feedback and encourage me. Here's part 3.


DING DONG!!!! Jane pushed the doorbell once on Rachel's front door. We looked at each other and smiled. Following our badminton game with both Anna and Rachel, we were invited round for dinner. Jane looked fantastic; she was wearing a long white skirt and yellow summer top. The outfit looked young, but smart and sexy. In fact I had tried to get a quick fuck in when I called round to pick her. I was feeling highly sexed following my brief but immensely passionate romp with Anna In the sauna. Jane was having none of it and I had to just sit on her bed and watch her put on her make up. We discussed the evening ahead.

At the time it had felt like a natural invitation but the following day, half an hour before we were due round there, it felt a little weird having dinner with my girlfriend and two of my best friends mothers. I hadn't really given any thought to Anna since the sauna. Even though fucking her had been on my mind a lot, after I did, it didn't seem like a big deal. The blowjob she had given me played on my mind forever but I sort of detached myself from the fuck. It might have been because I cheated on Jane to do it.

Jane explained that she had sort of bonded with Rachel. When Rachel ran out of the sauna and Jane chased after her, they had sat in the changing rooms together and talked. Jane apologised for being upset then went into more details about how lonely she felt. They had showered together, standing close but never touching. I asked Jane if it had aroused her and she said no but she still enjoyed being close to Rachel. I became aroused at the thought of them both in the shower. In fact I was only thinking of Rachel. Its strange, there was something about the forbidden fruit of Rachel and Anna that turned me on more than my stunning girlfriend.

Standing on the doorstep, we both were half wishing to get the evening over with and also wondering what unexpected events might happen. Rachel opened the door. She was dressed casually but looked beautiful in a knee length skirt and white blouse. How could any man leave a wife like Rachel I thought to myself.

"Hi guys, come on in." she said with a smile. She gave Jane a social kiss on the cheek along with a brief hug. She then gave me the same treatment with a big smile. It was like we were all adults now and I was no longer feeling a generation apart as I had growing up being best mates with her son. I enjoyed the feeling of equality.

We stood around in the kitchen whilst Jane put the bottle of wine we gave her in the fridge. Then she turned and said "I'm out of Gin. Would one of you mind driving me to the off-license? Its only 5 minutes away."

"Sure!" I said, eager to please our beautiful hostess but Jane had other ideas and grabbed my keys. She explained that she was coming with Rachel, as she wanted to choose some chocolates for after dinner.

"Fine, John can stay here and wait for Anna. She is out jogging and will be here soon" explained Rachel. With that, Rachel grabbed my girlfriend by the hand and they were off, leaving me sat in the kitchen on a stool. I started to flick through the newspaper but it was dull and my eyes started to wander around the room. It was a nice large kitchen, which Rachel kept tidy. On the windowsill was a pile of papers where Rachel had obviously cleared up quickly before we came round. In the middle of those papers was a fairly large hardback book with one word on the spine. "Diary". I couldn't resist and went over to have a look. Being very careful to lift the top layer of papers off in their order, I picked up the diary and opened it. The ribbon bookmark inside made sure it fell open at today's date. This was a full page per day diary and had nothing in it for today but I flicked back and there was at least half a page of writing for each day gone by.

I should have put it down but I couldn't help myself and started to read. I turned to the day before and read Rachel's thoughts on our badminton and sauna episode. It read as follows.

"Woke up a bit sore from last night and spent the morning at home. Had lunch round at Anna's and then went off for Badminton. John and g/friend (jane) turned up and we played with them. He's a good looking lad and she is really stunning. They were good sports. John was checking Anna out a lot. We ended up in the sauna. Jane's body made me hot and jealous at the same time. We persuaded John to lose his towel and we saw his cock. It looked good. No wonder Anna sucked it when she had the chance! I showed John my body and enjoyed his reaction. Got Jane onto sex and managed to cum listening to her talk about her and john. I loved cumming as the others watched. Got upset again with my old problem and ran out. Jane was sweet and came to find me. We showered together, Anna came in shower before I could do anything. Spent evening at home planning for dinner tomorrow as we lost the game and J & J are coming round. Will think about that cock tonight!"

There was a lot to think about. In fact too much and I kept glancing over the page trying to take it all in. Why was she sore? If Jane's body made her hot, what did that say about Rachel? Nice that she liked my cock and intended to think about it! How did she know about Anna blowing me, Anna must have told her. So much for secrets. Nice that Jane showed me her body just to see my reaction! What's the old problem she refers to? What would she have done with Jane in the shower if Anna hadn't interrupted? Any single issue here could keep a young lad wondering a while but this was a lot to take in. Before I had chance to flick back a few pages......

DING DONG! The doorbell startled me. I quickly put the diary down and placed the papers back on top. It was Anna at the door. My body seemed to electrify as I opened it. Even though I hadn't given our fuck in the sauna much thought, being close to her again had an effect on me. She stepped into the house wearing tight tracksuit bottoms and a sleeveless running top. She had been out running.

Anna was looking really good. Her cheeks were rosy from the running and her body was slightly sweaty all over. My cock stirred and my eyes followed her backside. "The others have gone to the shop for more drink," I said. Anna saw me staring at her lovely backside; the same backside that my balls had slapped against just the day before.

"Alone again!" said Anna with a self-assurance that I hadn't expected. She smiled at me and her stare ran down to my crotch and then back to my eyes. "I need a shower to freshen up. Can I trust you to stay down here?" Her voice was friendly and possibly even provocative.

"They'll be back in a minute so you're probably quite safe," I replied in a lighthearted tone. "I can scrub your back if we're quick though"

"Hmmm, now there's a thought. I think I can manage by myself." She tilted her head and looked at me through her eyelashes. She was teasing me and I was getting hard at the thought of her naked body again. Fuck! This woman could get me going like nothing else. Our lust filled fuck in the sauna had changed things between us. Even in this first few moments together that evening, I could feel a new sense of understanding between us. "See you in a little while." There was ambiguity in her statement as she brushed passed me and headed upstairs. I watched her cheeks sway as she walked but I didn't follow.

Sitting back down in the kitchen, alone and silent, I could here the shower go on upstairs. It was all I could do not to just run up the stairs. It got too much and I stood up. Walking slowly to the bottom of the stairs, I put my foot on the first step and stopped. Arching my head, looking up the stairs, I could here the shower water running. My cock was swelling in my trousers. I knew the others could be back any moment but it was a risk worth taking. I got halfway up the stairs. From there I could see the bathroom door was open and I could see a naked silhouette of Anna behind the shower screen. She was hurriedly soaping herself. I was now rock hard and rubbing my cock through my trousers. I walked up the stairs and along the landing up to the open door of the bathroom.

Knock knock knock. I gently tapped three times on the open door. Anna stood upright in silhouette, still behind the shower screen. "No way!" she said. I was silent. We both paused for a moment listening for any sound. She turned the water off and there was total silence. It seemed to last a long time before she broke the silence, "Please pass me a towel." I ignored her and stayed still, waiting for her to step out of the shower. Instead she reached out grabbing the towel herself at arms length affording me a view of her upper body leaning from behind the screen. Her tits hung large and I could make out a dark triangle of hair between her legs behind the screen. She wrapped the towel around her and stepped out.

There was no tension, only confidence on her part. She walked towards me and gave me a quick grope between the legs. Her hand felt my stiff cock. Then she smiled, put both hands on my shoulders and spun me round. "Downstairs lover boy!!!" she ordered. I smiled back at her and obeyed. On reaching the bottom of the stairs I heard a car pull up outside so I opened the door to Rachel and Jane. They were still sat in the car on the driveway deep in conversation. I stood their watching them; clearly they were discussing something serious. Rachel looked as if she was asking Jane something; Jane was clearly giving it a great deal of thought. Then it appeared that Rachel gave up waiting for an answer and nodded to the door in a sort of "we better get back inside" type way.

"Hi Honey," said Jane walking past me into the house.

"Hi Honey," copied Rachel being a little cheeky. Jane and Rachel both thought that was funny. They were clearly bonding. Mother and daughter? Big and little sister? Who could tell?

Rachel opened the gin and poured 4 large gin and tonics into a set of very expensive looking glasses. The ice cubes cracked as she dropped them in and a minute later she had sliced up a lemon and the drinks were ready.

"Anna went up for a shower, just before you got here," I explained.

Rachel gave me a little smile. This reminded me of her diary. She knew about the time when Anna sucked my cock. I wondered if she also knew about the sauna fuck. Maybe I was reading too much into the smile. "Take this up to her will you please," she asked with another little smile. I didn't need asking twice and off I went with a gin and tonic for Anna. As I left the room, Jane walked over to Rachel. They were talking again, I assumed starting where they left off in the car.

I climbed the stairs and had to check the spare bedroom before I found Anna. She was only wearing a white shirt and was drying her hair as she sat on the bed. The shirt was covering her to the tops of her legs and she looked really sexy sitting there half dressed. With a brush in one hand and hairdryer in the other, both arms were raised, the shirt stretched against her wonderful tits. I put the drink down and sat next to her. I knew I only had a couple of seconds but couldn't help myself. She turned off the dryer as if to say "What?" and I pushed her back onto the bed. Anna gave very little resistance and spread her legs allowing me between them. I moved above her and kissed her hard on the lips. It was our first kiss and our tongues met and danced together.

I was swelling in my pants and pressing against Anna's pussy. She was grinding back against my fully hardened cock. Then she tugged at my belt and button and within seconds she had all 6 inches of hardness in her hand. With her fingers guiding me into her, I was fully inside her wet pussy in one deliberate slow thrust. Anna moaned lightly. Without any thought for Jane downstairs I started long steady strokes into her. I loved the feeling of her bare legs wrapped round me.

"Are you two coming down soon?" shouted Rachel from the bottom of the stairs. We stopped for a second and listened in silence without moving. Our bodies were locked together and I throbbed without thrusting. That did it! Anna pushed me off and I leapt back in shock. A little out of breath, I just stood there staring at her. Her bare legs were apart and that beautiful pussy was right before me. Anna soon got up.

"Get down there before they suspect anything," her voice was panicky.

I zipped up my trousers, adjusted myself and then left the room. I flushed the upstairs toilet as a decoy before heading downstairs. "Sorry about that ladies," I said to Jane and Rachel as I entered the kitchen, "Just had to shake hands with the admiral. What are you two so deep in conversation about?"

"My marriage break-up!" answered Rachel with a hint of annoyance that I had interrupted the conversation.

"Anna asked for a little more gin in her drink. Let me take this up for her and I'll leave you two to talk. She's dressed now and only drying her hair." I grabbed the bottle of gin and went back upstairs. Unfortunately Anna had put a long skirt on by the time I got up there.

"Are you mad? What are you doing back up here?" asked Anna.

"I told them you wanted a stronger mix of Gin," I said holding up the bottle. Anna refused to start fucking again but I unzipped my trousers all the same. Within seconds and with only a nod of persuasion, she was on her knees sucking my cock. It was more than nice to be back inside that mouth of hers. I reached over and turned the hair dryer back on so the noise would be heard downstairs. My middle-aged fantasy woman really went for it taking me totally into the back of her mouth. She hummed and murmured as she set about her craft with great enthusiasm and willingness. Anna acted like she really wanted my cum and built up an increasingly faster rhythm. Within a couple of minutes, I shot my load down her throat. God! It felt good. Anna got up off her knees, sat back on the bed and carried on drying her hair.

"Have you got any underwear on?" I asked. She smiled and shook her head. I looked her in the eye and we both smiled at each other. I whispered, "Good! cause I'm gonna fuck you properly before this night ends." Anna kept smiling but the smile was short lived. There was a lovely blob of cum on the front of her skirt. When her attention was drawn to the stain, she wasn't happy and started routing through Rachel's wardrobe whilst telling me to get the fuck out of the room.

10 minutes later, Anna appeared in the kitchen. "I borrowed your dress," she said to Rachel. It was black, buttoned down the front and stopped just above the knees. Her tits looked really big due to the way the dress was shaped across them. You could see a bit of leg and plenty of cleavage, it was a great dress.

"Looks nice on you," said Rachel.

Then we sat down to eat. There was a steady flow of conversation over the three courses Rachel had prepared. We finished off a single bottle of wine between us so none of us were that tipsy. To be honest it was all a little civilized and I had been hoping for more innuendo and sex talk. Someone had to break the ice as I was getting a little bored. My only real distraction was glances of Anna's flesh in the dress. Anna was sat to my right and a few times I deliberately touched my knee against hers. She didn't stop me but it was impossible to do anything else. The contact was nice.

We then moved to the living room where there were two sofas and a really nice big chair. I took one of the sofas with Jane, Rachel took the chair and Anna took the other sofa. We sat talking to each other and drinking. After about another half hour we were getting more relaxed. Anna had kicked off her shoes and her feet were now on the sofa to one side of her. The dress was riding up a little and showing plenty of leg. Rachel had been up a couple of times to top up drinks and she plonked herself over the arm of the chair at right angles. Her lovely tanned legs hung over the arm of the chair. Jane and I were sat slouched on the sofa close together.

"Is that the game you were telling me about?" asked Jane pointing to a box in the corner on the floor.

"Yes," answered Rachel. The box had "Mild and Wild" written in plain text on the top and around the sides. I had never heard of it.

"We are not playing before anyone suggests it!" said Anna.

"OK, I was only asking," said Jane.

I asked what the game was and Rachel explained in slightly fake reluctant tones how the game was a high-risk game of dare. It involved questions and challenges that were given in two packs of cards marked "Wild" or "Mild". Most of the questions and challenges were of a sexual nature designed to challenge the players to be honest and daring in front of the other players. The winner was the last to chicken out. Rachel also explained that the game could put extreme strain on even the most loving and committed relationships.

Despite Anna's reluctance, I could tell Rachel wanted to play the game and I was pretty curious myself. I suggested we fill our drinks and then planned to get the conversation round to lifting the lid off the game and getting started.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

It seems you get Jane and Rachel mixed up sometimes.

Also silly spelling mistakes. Slow down.

26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

Total garbage from the mind of a twelve year old.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
So you say.

You must have a really small pecker to even consider playing badminton.

don87654don87654about 16 years ago
Breeding time...

This continuation could have been more erotic...

don87654don87654about 16 years ago
Make a new Mommy outa her...

Anna, regardless of the difference in your ages, needs to begin wanting you to give her your baby in a continuation of this story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
great story

I love the imagination within the story. Well plot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
So play the game...

...& write longer & hornier chapers! Problem solved!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

He's not ready for a commited relationship anyway so what the hell, play the game. Good story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Too short

I am enjoying this tale but it really could do with the chapters being a little longer.

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