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Answering Questions About Swinging Ch. 02

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Our friends had questions about us being swingers.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/01/2022
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Answering Questions About Swinging Ch. 02

We invited our good friends over for dinner. They had questions about us being swingers.

"Can you tell us about what you have seen at the club?" Ed said.

"One of the first times we went, I can remember that there were 4 guys sitting side-by-side on the edge of the hot tub with their feet in the water. Each guy had a woman in the water between their legs giving them a blowjob. So, my wife and I looked at each other and I sat down next to one of the guys. Then my wife got into the hot tub and gave me a blow job too," I said. "When in Rome..."

"I remember a senior couple off in one corner of the orgy room doing it. He was on top and moving slowly and sensuously. They kept it up for maybe a half hour before they both had an orgasm -- he never moved fast but was consistent and long lasting. I remember that they left a large wet spot when they left," my wife said.

"Sometimes I have seen a woman with a man in the orgy room and when they finished, another man would step in and have seconds. Sometimes a woman would have 4 or 5 guys in a row before she got up and left," I added.

"Oh my God! That is incredible. I wonder how she could do it," Caroline said.

"Well, some women have a difficulty reaching an orgasm with one man but not with another. Some women enjoy the stroking and the thrill of getting a man off. A woman having several guys either in a row or separately throughout the evening - well, each guy does it differently and has different equipment so the lady enjoys a variety that she cannot get at home," I answered.

"Also, some women enjoy a different size of man than what she has at home, if you understand my meaning," my wife added. "For me it was the variety because I already had a big one at home. It was like I was dating again but you get right to the sex."

"Did you have more than one guy a night there?" Caroline asked.

"Most of the time I only had sex with my wonderful husband. If I did have sex with someone else, it was only one guy," my wife answered.

"But women can have several men in one evening?" Caroline asked.

"It is possible to have several men over one visit to the club, provided that there are several men that you want to be with. Sometimes there was no one that you wanted to be with, then you just have sex with your husband," my wife answered.

"So, you guys had sex with other people too?" Caroline asked.

"Yes, but we were very picky about who we had sex with. It had to be someone that I was attracted to or someone who turned me on by watching how they performed," my wife answered.

"For me, I didn't jump on the first naked woman I saw. It really had to be someone special because I already had the best lover in the world. Good looks does not mean that the lady is good in bed. For example I might see a woman who catches my attention and then I say to myself, 'I wonder how she would be in bed?' Then during the evening I would observe her with a man or men. Her performance would make the decision whether to have sex with her or not." I said.

"Did you see any kinky stuff?" Ed asked.

"Well, that depends on what you think is kinky. There was no male homosexual activity; it was one of the club's rules. Sometimes we did see two women together. The men gathered around to watch. There was no BDSM. But really, I don't think we saw anything I would call kinky," I answered.

"When you were at the swingers' club, did all the women have to give blowjobs? I can't do that. The couple of times Ed made me try, I always gagged and almost threw up. I can't even imagine him shooting into my mouth or swallowing it. Yuck!" Caroline said.

Ed looked very disappointed.

"Most of the men at the club did want a blowjob as part of the foreplay. In fact, members who had been around for a while would not get an erection until you gave them some head. It was rarely done to orgasm so swallowing was not an issue," my wife explained. "I have no gag reflex, so giving a man head is easy for me to do and I really enjoy doing it. I would say it is my favorite activity in sex. It is really exciting when you can make the guy cum. If I didn't want to swallow it, I would pull off when I felt him start to cum. Then I would finish him with a handjob. My loving husband knew that I had given many blowjobs before we started dating. And yes, I did it at the Swinger's Club with other men."

Caroline negatively shook her head and said, "I just could not do that."

"Let me offer this to you: Over the years I have shown several women how to give a blowjob without gagging or swallowing," I replied.

"Really? Could you show Caroline how to do it?" Ed asked.

"I can but are you willing to drop your pants here and now so that I can show her how to do it for you?" I asked.

"No! Well, can't you show her somehow or maybe use your dick?" Ed asked.

"My husband is quite a bit larger compared to most men so it is hard to give him a blow job. I have learned how to do it to satisfy him but it took a long time for me to adapt my technique," my wife answered.

"Ed, I don't want to learn how and I don't want to do it. It is very distasteful to me," Caroline said.

"Wait... you say he is bigger than other men? Just how big are you?" Ed said loudly and Caroline smiled.

"I have never measured it. It is just an observation I have made over the years," I answered.

My wife held up her hands like she was holding a baseball bat. "He is this big and the head of his dick will stick out above my hands. He is about the size of my wrist in thickness," my wife explained.

"Christ!" Ed said. Again, Caroline smiled.

"Trust me... he is that big. I was sore for a week after our first date," my wife explained.

"Oh no!" Caroline said. "I am glad that Ed is the size he is."

"Due to the size of my dick, I had to learn to do other things for women if they did not want to have intercourse," I said.

"Like what?" Caroline asked.

"My favorite thing to do for a woman is to give oral sex. Not a 30 second bit of foreplay but oral until she has at least one big orgasm before I stop. Sometimes I like to keep going until I get 2 or 3 orgasms for her," I explained.

Caroline gasped.

"Just as the men expected to receive oral sex as foreplay, most of the women expected to receive oral sex as foreplay. Do you guys do oral?" my wife asked.

Ed immediately replied, "No, I find it disgusting. It is so wet, unsanitary and generally icky."

Caroline showed her disappointment.

"That is too bad. You can give a woman a bigger and better orgasm than you can with intercourse," I said. "I offer my services to teach you guys how to do it."

"Interesting thought but I don't think I could undress in front of everyone," Caroline said.

"I am not putting my mouth down there," Ed said.

"Did you guys have sex with someone else every time that you went to the club?" Caroline asked.

"No. The main reason we went to the club was to watch others having sex," my wife answered. "The only times I had sex with someone other than my husband was if the man really turned me on. Generally we just had sex with each other,"

"What type of people went to the club?" Caroline asked.

"There were all types of people there -- business types, housewives, teachers, policemen, etc." my wife answered. "Just ordinary folk. I think there was one minister there."

"The club was very expensive so that limited the membership. Also I would say that the majority of the members were older folk -- 40s and up. The younger married couples were busy raising kids and most likely could not afford to be members. Besides, it could be hard for them to get away for a long evening. Babysitters do not want to be up to 3 am," I added.

"Do you guys still go to the club?" Ed asked. I think he was hoping that we would that them to the club with us.

"No, it closed when the AIDS epidemic was in full force. No one would show up and the owners were afraid of a law suit if anyone got sick," I said. "The only other club was a dance club that swingers attended and then went to a motel or hotel later on. It wasn't out thing."

Everyone was quiet for a while. I guess that they had no more questions.

"Let me just say that there are some things that happened at the club that may be fun to think about, however, many people may not be suited to that lifestyle. You have to really enjoy having sex without guilt or jealousy. Also you have to be flexible so that you satisfy the other person," I said. "If you got a reputation as a bad lover, selfish, or inconsiderate at the club, no one would go to bed with you and your time and money would be wasted."

I had noticed Caroline seemed to be getting a bit tipsy from the wine so I stood up and took her hand.

"Caroline, would you come with me. There is something that I want to show you upstairs," I said and I winked at my wife. She nodded her head to show that she understood.

Caroline was a bit wobbly getting up so I put my arm around her waist and I led her upstairs. We went into the master bedroom and I asked her to sit down on the loveseat there. I knelt down in front of her and I started to remove her slacks.

"What are we doing?" she asked.

"I know you have never done this but I am certain that you will like it," I said. "Please lift up so that I can remove your pants."

She did lift up her hips and I slipped her slacks off. Then I also removed her panties. She wore regular women's panties, not French cut or bikini. Her being high on wine was helping. She had closed her eyes and may have started going to sleep. I then pushed her knees apart and moved as close to the couch as I could. She had a fairly hairy pussy. It was untrimmed and curly but it had a natural shape of a triangle. I used my fingers to part her labia and then I placed my mouth on her pussy.

"Whoa! What are we doing? Oh! That feels good!" she exclaimed.

I didn't say anything but started moving my tongue over her clit. She had her eyes closed and was moaning.

I stopped for a second and said, "Since you liked my handjobs that I gave you, you will really like this."

"What if your wife or Ed should come up here?" she asked in a sleepy voice.

"I think my wife will keep Ed busy," I replied.

Caroline closed her eyes and relaxed. I thought she might have gone to sleep but after a bit, she began to move her hips and opened her eyes.

"Oh! What are you doing? Oh God!,"

She arched her back and squeezed my head with her thighs. She had an orgasm starting, so I sped up my tongue work to help it along. She gripped the hair on my head with her hands and pulled me firmly against her pussy. Her orgasm was hitting her hard.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! AHHHH! That's it! Don't stop!"

As I felt her orgasm begin to calm down, I stopped my tongue work and leaned back on my heels.

With the combination of wine and the orgasm she was out for the night. I picked her up and put her into our guest bed. I removed her blouse but left her bra on. After I covered her up, I went back to our bedroom and got the rest of her clothes and put them neatly beside the guest bed.

When I went downstairs, I found my wife standing by the couch and staring at Ed who was out cold.

"I asked him to lay down on the couch and I would show him what a great blowjob was like," my wife said. "I went to get a washcloth to clean him up and when I came back he was snoring."

"So no blowjob?" I asked.

"Nope," My wife answered. "I heard Caroline. You must have shown her a good time."

"I just gave her some quality oral sex. Nothing else. When I finished with her, she went right to sleep so I put her in our guest bedroom," I answered. "I guess we better get Ed up to bed."

We wrestled Ed upright and manipulated him upstairs and into our guest bed. We took off his shoes but left him dressed.

My wife and I cleaned up the kitchen and dining area, and then we headed to bed. We sleep in the nude so having sex is very easy. My wife and I kissed for a while and then I felt her grab my dick. She put the whole head in her mouth and swirled her tongue all over it. She used one hand to jack me off while keeping the head in her mouth. It is hard to describe but she does one hell of a blowjob. After giving oral sex to Caroline, it did not take long for me to start blowing my cum into her mouth.

"How was that, lover," she asked.

"You are the best at giving head. My mouth and tongue are very tired after getting Caroline off. Can I have a rain check on giving you head?" I asked.

"Sure, lover. I needed to give a blowjob so I am now satisfied.

We snuggled up and went to sleep.


The next morning we cooked a full breakfast and soon both Ed and Caroline came downstairs to the dining area. I think it was a combination of the smell of bacon and the smell of the coffee that got them up. We had them sit down and then served them a great breakfast.

"What happened last night?" Ed asked.

"Nothing. You fell asleep on our couch," I said.

"I think I remember something about a blowjob," Ed said.

"After all the sex talk last night, it must have been a dream. Didn't you wake up fully dressed?" my wife asked.

"Yah, I was fully dressed. So nothing happened?" Ed again asked.

"No, Ed, we just fell asleep. We both had too much wine I think," Caroline said and smiled at me.

After breakfast they left. My wife and I had a good laugh. I wonder what next time will be like.

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lc69hunterlc69hunterover 2 years ago

worth a 5. You have introduced Caroline to something she will not forget.

Lifestyle66Lifestyle66over 2 years ago

Interesting interaction between two couples. You might get slammed for the scene of getting the other wife drunk and taking her to the bedroom to go down on her, particularly when she previously said she wouldn't get undressed in front of others. In today's world that's nonconsensual. And by her not telling her husband the next morning, you'll have others here commenting calling him a wimp and cuckhold. (Ignore the haters.)

But I gave this a 5.

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