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Aphrodite's Kiss Ch. 10

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Phil learns some secrets of his Goddess mother.
2.6k words

Part 4 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/20/2019
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I fucked Michelle for several more strokes, along with Missy, but the more I fucked them, the more times each of them came. It wasn't one long orgasm, but a series of them, their bodies almost convulsing from the force and frequency of the release. They both screamed repeatedly, their bodies almost synchronized with each other in terms of their climaxes, even as I spurted out rope after rope inside Michelle's dripping wet cunt. This only made them cum more, though I wasn't entirely sure as to why they came so much.

As I revved myself back up and started fucking both of them again, they were very astonished that I was capable of such a thing. I had a plan for them, of course, as I wanted both of them to be pregnant to me at once. Sure enough, Missy especially got into it as she realized that I intended to put a bun in her oven, too, just as I meant to do with Michelle. She now knew that as one of my sluts, I would never deprive or neglect her. She was in great hands with me now.

"This is about knocking me up, too, isn't it?" Missy panted as I bottomed-out in her wonderful gash.

"Of course! I want all of my ladies to have my babies! You're one of my ladies now, just like Michelle," I told her with a slap to her bottom that she definitely felt.

"Cum in me ... please! Knock ... me ... up!" Missy begged me, and I naturally granted her wish.

I was amazed at how much cum I could make, but evidently that was part of the new demigod Kiss package as well. I shot as many ropes as before, not slacking or depriving Missy any more than I did with Michelle. I smacked Missy on the butt and kissed both of them very hard on the lips with tongue after pulling them to their feet.

"Stay put, everyone. Not you, Mom. I wouldn't presume to tell you to do that," I commanded, as I went behind Kara now and easily slid into her very wet and receptive snatch.

"You're gonna knock me up, too, aren't you? Oh, thank God ... or Goddess, I guess! I've been with Archie for years and accepted not having kids, since he sterilized himself in order to let me get knocked up by a 'superior man.' He's wanted to raise another man's child for a long time now, and no, he didn't consult me about this before getting fixed. He refuses to get it reversed, despite my begging and pleading, too. That vasectomy has had him shooting blanks in me for years and I've always known that I'd have to stray in order to have a child.

"He won't pay for anything artificial. He wants me to take a lover, or maybe multiple lovers, and we've talked about it, but I've been so angry at him that I've ultimately denied him his wish until now, believe it or not," Kara informed me, adding, "he's into cock and ball torture, too, and in that, I've been happy to accommodate him. I kick him in the nuts every night as payback for what he did and only let him fuck me once he's recovered from that."

"Sorry, I kinda put him up to it, same as I did with Ray ... little confession time there, guys. I didn't want Phil's high school sweethearts or crushes to have any children by their current partners, in case he wanted to travel with you or whatever. So, I planted ideas in the husbands' heads as little pranks, though I didn't mean for either of them to go that far. I think that it was also my fault in a way, though, as I deliberately steered both of you ladies toward submissive and/or masochistic husbands likely to welcome Phil's involvement in your love lives. I'm why your hubby's still a virgin, Heather, as much as I love sex, of course. I just had to make sure that he didn't impregnate you until or unless Phil was good with it," Mom confessed as she parted Kara's cheeks to lick her ass.

"What did you do to Maria?" I chuckled as I pumped in and out of Kara, much to her delight.

"Made her effectively a lesbian for years. Every time that she gets intimate with a woman, I reward her. Every time that she starts to get intimate with a man, I do something to keep the man out of her panties. And whenever she rejects a man for any reason, I reward her by licking her ass just like this! I also whisper in her ear that she shouldn't let any man between her legs that I don't approve.

"Naturally, I haven't approved any man yet. She doesn't know who I am, just that I'm the mysterious female entity who seduces her often and brings her immense pleasure, as well as gives her my unsolicited advice," Mom admitted with a wink for me as she resumed rimming Kara.

"That explains so ... much!" Kara reacted breathlessly as I nailed her pussy but good with my very hard cock.

"But it was just my high school lovers?" I asked to make sure.

"Well, women from your past that I wanted to ensure would fall pregnant to you first, such as Samantha here, as well as Tracy and Gina, at least once your old man was gone. I've lured them into a lesbian incest bond, the two of them now lovers as well as mother and daughter, and they have been for years. I made them very jealous lovers, too, but that will fade the moment that they're yours in the flesh.

"I know what I told you before about jealousy, and it's still true, but this was a mission of mine and I was determined to carry it out, whatever it took. With each woman from your past that I handpicked for you, I reserved the next spot in her womb for your seed, plain and simple. I don't mind love and sex with them, just pregnancy," Mom explained as she rimmed Kara some more.

"Oh, damn it, Mom ... thank you!" I was more than a little touched that Mom would bend her own principles just to make sure that every woman of significance from my past would conceive my love child next.

"Oh, you're very welcome, son!" Mom told me as she licked Kara's pucker even more and focused on the ring itself, "by the way, Kara, you have the sweetest butthole ever! Yummy!"

By now, Kara was so far gone that those words made her scream aloud her bliss over and over before she tightened her grip on my dick into a vise and forced me to expel my spunk in her wet and sloppy gash. I shot out so many ropes of my white-hot cum into her slippery snatch and she moaned with every spurt in a fresh orgasm. She gushed so much that she peed and her piss mixed with my jizz and her juices flowing down her thighs. I gazed a bit more on her luscious bottom and slapped her buns a little longer before I pulled out, even planting a kiss on her bum that made her shiver.

"What did you do to Samantha?" I asked Mom with curiosity as I tangled my tongue with hers, tasting Kara's ass on her lips.

"Honestly, I made her bury herself in work and jill off every night to pictures of you. When the urges got too strong, I'd appear and lick her ass, too. Don't worry, I like the taste of pussy, too, but it's a thing with me that I want to rim your ladies especially. I often lured her into bed with Maria whenever I thought that it might help and the two of them have talked about you quite a bit. They've even fucked each other with strap-ons, taking turns at pretending to be you. Sometimes, I've appeared to them in a very ethereal form and rimmed them while they did that, too," Mom explained as she guided me into Maggie's twat now.

"My sweet little Scotswoman!" I told Maggie as I rubbed her arse and drove deeper into her very eager and welcoming cunt.

"Yes, I'm your tart in a tartan ... I love to get fucked and hard! By you most of all! Hump me, shag me whenever you wish! I'll even take it up the bum for you!" my Scottish lass vowed as I prone boned her juicy snatch.

"You'll slut it up for me whenever I wish, right?" I insisted, making her squirm as she creamed herself on me at that thought.

"Yes, anything for you! Anything!" Maggie threw her hips into serious motion, bucking like mad in response to the idea of being my fuckmeat.

Mom's tongue up her backside didn't help Maggie resist her growing arousal, either. I'd seen and had and done rimjobs before, but when the Goddess of Love tossed your salad, you knew that you'd been licked, trust me. Her secret was apparently pure enthusiasm and hunger for ass. Kissing the pucker as she did to Samantha was one thing, but licking it ... well, she knew how to treat one's booty like a fucking ice cream sundae. No mortal could resist Mom's tongue in the backdoor, no one at all. They'd agree to anything that she wanted once that started in earnest. They were putty in her hands, just like Maggie was now.

"It's okay to shiver, babe. You have an immortal Goddess rimming you. That would be enough to make anyone cum and hard!" I told Maggie as I pounded her from behind and stroked Mom's curls at the same time.

"You really do love analingus, don't you, Mom?" I teased my divine mother, who winked and nodded.

"Yes, it's delicious!" Mom told me before she got back to licking Maggie's bum, both of them creaming themselves now, "I especially enjoyed the look on Cynthia Nixon's face in that Sex in the City episode where her character gets rimmed for the first time and doesn't know what to do with herself. It was the look of shock mixed with excitement. She was just mad that she didn't know what to do with herself and wasn't in control of the situation. If rimming is done right, the rimmer is always in command of the experience."

"Oh ... ffff ... uh ... ccc ... kkk!" Maggie screamed in her very distinct Scots brogue, making it quite clear that she was at my mercy and Mom's as she creamed herself all over again.

Maggie even bit her lower lip as she bucked on me yet again and I spurted out several ropes into her eager and waiting chasm. I pulled out of Maggie and slapped her bottom before taking Mom's face in my hands and kissing her soft, wet lips to taste Maggie's butt on them. My sweet Goddess of a mother naturally slipped me quite a bit of tongue to let me fully experience the flavors of Maggie's tush, much as I hoped.

"Janine, what are your boyfriends' names and do they all live with you?" I asked the supervisor, who nodded.

"One's Branden Owens, one's Jock, yes, Jock, Carson, and the third is Luis Zamora. Branden's white, Jock's black, and Luis is Puerto Rican, of course. I love all colors of the rainbow, sweetie," Janine winked at me, "and yes, they do all live with me. I don't know if they fool around with others and I've never cared to ask. They share me constantly and if they wanted a little strange, especially while I'm focused on one or two others, who am I to stop them? I don't have the time or energy to keep three men walking the line. I'm much more easygoing than that. I've been trying to get them fuck Heather, in fact, but so far no luck thanks to her resistance. At least now that won't be an issue anymore," Janine smirked.

"Oh, fun, fun, fun ... Branden and Jock were both bullies of mine in high school. Claiming them will be loads of fun for everyone, even them, though far more for me. As Jock's name implies and as you know yourself, they were both on the football team and didn't like me for whatever reason, I've never quite known. As for Luis, he I don't know at all. Very interesting," I chuckled as I gave Janine a very steamy kiss indeed.

"In Jock's case, it's because he had a crush on Tracy and he thought that you treated her poorly. He always wanted a piece of her and blamed you somehow that he never got any. Well, he was somewhat right about that, but not for why he thought. And you didn't mistreat her any more than she did you. But yeah, he wanted your stepmom and badly. As for Branden, it was due to him ... liking Jock a lot. Yeah, they're intimate with each other, too. Janine got involved with Jock first and Branden came along for the ride, so to speak. Luis came along sometime later, in fact. Luis is bi, too, and so, yes, the three guys are all lovers, too, in case you wondered," Aphrodite informed us all.

"I knew it!" Janine laughed, "I just knew that my three men worked far too well together not to be sodomizing each other! I didn't know that you knew them, of course."

"Okay, this is what we do next. We invade your home, Janine, and bring the three fellas on side. Then we go find Heather's husband and lure him into our group. And then ... we find Chad and Chase to entice them to join us as well. Then it's Tracy and Gina. After that, the adult boutique, followed by some shopping and supper. It will be close to time for the reunion by then, and boy will we make an entrance!" I chuckled as Janine picked up her phone.

"Clothes?" Madeira asked me now.

"No underwear. No bras. No pantyhose. Everyone here goes commando today. Myself included. We put on clothes for now to hide our intent so they're caught with their pants down, of course. Everyone, let's get dressed for the moment, though I'm going to enjoy smelling the sex on us all. I mean, isn't it a glorious scent?" I laughed as we all dressed up, "put your undergarments into this bag right here for now. We'll store it in the back of that police van, which we're now actually commandeering for our use."

"And these squad cars, too, I hope?" Mom inquired.

"And any other vehicles, yes. You want to tag along?" I asked my mother.

"Oh, I got plenty of work to do, but nothing that pressing, babe. Not at the moment. This is something that I wouldn't miss for the Cosmos, dear. My sweet baby boy seizing control, kicking ass and taking names. Staging a hostile takeover of this community! I'm gonna love watching you bring your bullies to heel and everything, whether Branden and Jock or your other bullies, for that matter. I'm really gonna enjoy watching Heather get gang-banged by Janine's boy-toys. I might even take them on myself," Mom winked as we all headed out.

"Oh, shit, what do we do about the lieutenant, captain, the station, that sort of thing? They'll wonder where we went!" Ernie worried aloud.

"Good point. Let's take over the station first, and then we can head over to Janine's and the other places," I proposed, making everyone grin at this idea, especially Mom.

"I love it already!" Michelle confessed as she peppered the back of my head with kisses en route.

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