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"Other than you?" she replied with a sweet smile. "Not really. I have had a couple of girls tell me they admire me for being brave, but they're Goth or Emo. Not that they're any less important than anyone else, of course."

She smiled again, took a tiny bite then said, "Same for Mormons."

He laughed nervously just as Jeremy walked by.

"Dude. They're gonna have to come up with a whole new reason for excommunicating you along with me for dippin'!"

He slapped Spencer on the shoulder again and kept walking.

"They're kicking you out already? Just for talking to me?" Ava asked with genuine concern.

"No. Of course not. He's just being...Jeremy."

"Aren't you guys best friends?"

"We were. He changed. A lot. We kind of just drifted apart, you know?"

"Yes. I do know," she said sweetly. "I really only had one friend before I transitioned this summer, and he moved away."

She smiled at him again then said, "Which is why I so appreciate your friendship, Spencer. It's wonderful to have someone to talk to."

She paused, smiled again, then told him, "Someone who isn't judgmental."

Spencer's heart was racing when he said, "I won't ever do that, Ava. And just so you know, I...I really like you. A lot."

"Well, I like you, too, Spencer Davis. A lot."

Now oblivious to who might be staring, he reached across the table, his hand outstretched. Ava looked at it then at him, smiled, then put hers in his. His heart was beating out of his chest then went into overdrive.

"I always thought you were so cute, Spencer."

"You...noticed me? Um...before?"

Ava smiled sweetly and told him she's always liked boys. Always.

"So...are you saying you like me?"

Ava laughed quietly and said, "Duh!"

His entire body trembled from the adrenaline rush mixed with endorphins.

"I want to kiss you SO bad, Ava."

"I won't try and stop you," she said rather softly.

He stood up as much as the table would allow, bent over it, and kissed her for the first time. Her lips were full and glossy and oh-so slippery. He was so far gone he didn't even hear someone call out, "FAGGOTS!"

Ava did and hoped Spencer would be okay.

"What? he asked, his brain on fire from the excitement of that first kiss.

He saw where she was looking and turned around. He saw Collin Jensen shaking his head, a look of sheer disgust on his face.

"Don't pay attention to him," Ava begged as she took his hand. "It's not worth it."

Spencer's joy turned to anger, and for a brief moment, shame. Collin's father was the bishop of their ward, and this meant that within days--if not hours--his parents would know and all hell would break loose.

While he'd been raised that family was everything, Spencer realized that there were things that were even more important, and if loving Ava meant losing his family, then that was a price he was willing to pay. He couldn't possibly know enough to weigh the costs properly, but what he did know was that Ava meant everything to him, and he had no intention of backing down.

"Come on, Ava. Let's go find someplace where we're welcome."

She took his hand, but as they walked out of the cafeteria she warned him that there wasn't any such place. At least not on campus.

"Then let's leave campus," he told her.

"You mean skip school?"

"Yeah. The day is half over, so yeah. Let's do it!"

"Um...okay!" she said.


"Yes! Really. Let's go!"

Ten minutes later they were outside the city limits heading west toward Utah Lake on West Center Street.

"Fyi, my grandpa owns a little cabin on the lake," Ava offered as they drove.

Spencer looked over at her and she smiled.

"I have a key."

He took her hand and held it as they drove, and something told him he might be very close to having his dream come true. He laughed out loud when he thought of his dream 'cum' true.

When Ava asked him what was funny he told her he was just really happy, which was true. It just wasn't the whole truth, and he wasn't about to share that with her. At least not yet.

The cabin was small and sparse with a single bedroom, a small kitchen, a dining area and a cozy little sitting area in front of a fireplace.

"This place is awesome," Spencer said as Ava showed him around.

"I used to come here when I was a little b...kid."

Spencer turned to face her and put his hands on her upper arms, running his palms up and down the backside of them.

"You're so brave," he told her.

"No. It isn't bravery. It was more a matter of life or death."

"What? What does that mean," her new boyfriend asked, his level of concern going through the roof.

"Spencer, I was so unhappy for so long. I've known since I was about five that I'm a girl; a girl who likes boys. I even told my parents that after my first day of Kindergarten. My mom didn't say anything, but my dad just lit into me."

Spencer pulled her close and told her how sorry he was for her.

She put her arms around him and rested her head in the crook of his neck and kept talking.

"I never mentioned it again to my dad. My mom knew, but she was deathly afraid of losing him. Until about a year ago when I told her I didn't want to live anymore."

"Ava? Oh, my god...goodness."

"I was so depressed. I really did lose the will to live. But my mom was so great! She told my father that if he wouldn't support my transition that she'd leave him. He told her she'd never make it on her own, but she chose me. And you know what? We made it. And we're both happy. I'm now myself and she recently found someone, so it all worked out for us."

Spencer pulled back a bit and waited for her to look up at him.

"That actually was brave. I mean...your mom. You, too, but she was...awesome."

"She is, and...so are you, Spencer."

Ava stood on her toes and kissed him. When she did, Spencer wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back. Within seconds tongues swirled and shirts began unbuttoning followed by clothes falling to the floor.

Before taking anything else off Ava said she needed to tell him something.

"I...I still have something you won't want to see."

Memories of countless videos flooded his mind, and for a moment, Spencer thought his heart might literally explode as it pounded so hard he could almost hear it.

"I don't care, Ava. I love you for who you are, and I don't care what's...down there."

"If you're sure," she said, looking at him for any hint of deceit. Seeing none she let her shorts fall off leaving a pair of panties with a familiar bulge.

"You are so beautiful, Ava."

"Thank you. And you are so handsome, Spencer," she said as she gently took his cock in her hand as they kissed again. "Mmmm. You feel so good."

He'd been rock hard again since they kissed, and now, seeing the first hint of what he'd dreamed of for so long put him right on the edge and he nearly came when she touched him.

"I...I've never been with...anyone," he confessed.

"It's okay. I haven't, either," Ava told him truthfully. "You're actually the first boy...the first person...I've ever even kissed. And I want you to be my first in every way."

"So how do we do this?" Spencer asked, more than a little nervous and even worried that he might do something wrong.

"Well, my...cock...doesn't really work anymore as I've been taking estrogen and a testosterone blocker for a year now."

"How do you...pee?" Spencer naively asked.

Ava managed not to laugh and explained that she didn't mean 'peeing'.

"It just doesn't, you know, stand at attention anymore."

"Ohhh. Duh!" Spencer nervously said and laughed.

"But it's yours to do with as you please. Or you can pretend it isn't there. Either way is okay."

Spencer was dying to tell her his deepest secret, but the words wouldn't come out.

As a Mormon, any sexual relationship outside of marriage was taboo. Even petting was a sin. So whether Ava was male, female, or something in between, it made no difference to the church. Fornication was fornication and it was no better or no worse if the fornication involved homosexuality. All of the above would lead to excommunication unless he confessed to the bishop and repented, and he'd never go on a mission, and that would break his mother's heart.

Spencer would cross that bridge when he got to it. For now all he cared about was making love to this beautiful, special girl he was falling in love with.

He took her to the bedroom where they again kissed. In the nude. Spencer's cock rubbed up against Ava's tummy and almost to her boobs while hers...drooped. She moaned softly and smiled often during short breaks as they kissed. She took his hand and placed it on her breast then offered him her tongue.

Unable to control himself, Spencer had an eruption of epic proportion shooting hot goo all over the underside of her boobs and even hit himself in the face again. Ava covered her mouth and laughed, but not in a mean way.

She kissed the cum off of his face and told him, "I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be on my face."

Having seen enough videos, Spencer understood and wondered how Ava knew that.

"I'm really sorry, Ava. I didn't mean to..."

She put a finger over his mouth and told him it was fine.

"You just need some practice, and I am more than willing to let you practice on me."

"I don't ever want to do this with anyone but you," Spencer told her.

They were both just 18, and as much as Ava liked him, she was sure there would be other people in their future. For now she didn't care and kissed him again, pushing him down on the bed and climbing on top of him.

In just minutes, Spencer was hard again and Ava cooed as she stroked his shaft. She made her way down his body then stopped and hungrily took his cock in her mouth. She purred as she took him in slowly and deeply.

Spencer thought he would explode again, but Ava stopped long enough for him to remain control then bobbed up and down until she sensed he needed another break.

"Make love to me," she said as she let his cock slip out of her mouth.

She flipped around and got on all fours, offering her spider-web orifice to him.

"I...I don't have a condom," he told her.

"It's okay. Just don't cum inside me. Oh, and use your spit to, you know, make things...easier."

He'd also seen that done many, many times and let a huge dollop of thick saliva drip down onto the head of his dick and another into the crack of her ass. He began pushing gently but stopped when she tensed up.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine. I really am a virgin, sweetie. Just go really slow, okay?"

Spencer was as gentle as he could possibly be when suddenly, the head of his dick popped inside of her.

"Oh, God!" Ava called out before saying, "I'm okay. That was the hard part. Gimme a sec and then you can push again, okay?"

Spencer waited until she was ready then made love to her an inch at a time. He wasn't huge, but he did have a full 9" to offer her and Ava begged for all of it. When he was fully inside of her he was hitting her prostate, and the feeling she was experiencing was amazing.

"Oh, my God! I love that so much!" she told him as she pushed back against his swollen member.

"You feel SO good," he told her as he held his dick there to let her use as she desired.

Ava slowly pulled away then pushed back, crying out in pleasure now that she was used to having something so big inside of her.

"Fuck me, baby," she cried, and her lover obliged her as he began slowly fucking her.

"Yes! Harder, baby! Harder!"

He put his hands on her hips and banged her ass as hard as he could for as long as he could. Just before coming, he pulled out and Ava turned over and put her mouth next to it, opening it widely to receive her warm, sticky reward.

"Mmmm. So yummy!" she told him after showing him the load then swallowing it.

She pulled him top of her then whispered, "You were amazing, sweetie!"

"I was?" Spencer asked, having nothing to compare it to.

"Yes. And...I love you so much."

"I love you, too, Ava. I love you more than anything."


Spencer proved that a week later when he learned he would face a bishop's court for the sin of fornication and his refusal to repent. He was on a very thin line of being disowned by his parents, and his sisters refused to even talk to him.

But he stood his ground and stayed with the girl he loved in spite of the consequences. It wasn't that he wanted to be forced out of the church. It was more that his love for Ava mattered far more than his membership in a church that said he, and the girl he loved, were wicked and sinful.

Like Jeremy, who was being disfellowshipped--a step short of outright excommunication--for his unrepentant violation of the Word of Wisdom, Spencer didn't want to be an apostate, but for him, there just wasn't any other choice. In his mind, love had to triumph over hate, one way or the other.

The icy cold lasted all year, and when they graduated in June, Spencer joined the Air Force, and after basic training and tech school, he married Ava Kendall at the base chapel.

By then, she knew his deepest, darkest secret, and as much as she'd dreamed of getting rid of the last reminder of the mistake made at birth, she kept it out of respect for the man she so dearly loved. After all, it seemed like a very reasonable price to pay for his love, and Spencer did love her with all of his heart.

Five years later they adopted a year-old girl whose mother was a meth addict. Little Olive Grace Davis became he new love of their lives, and made it complete. They had no illusions that families were forever, but they did believe in "until death do us part" and both of them remained faithful to their vows until their dying day.

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Richard1940Richard1940about 1 year ago

I don't normally read this genre but since I've never been disappointed by any of your stories I thought I would give it a try and I enjoyed it. Thank you.

RanDog025RanDog025about 1 year ago

Sorry but this is just one genre I will not partake in!

ender2k2kender2k2kabout 1 year ago

Your earlier stories in this category are some of my favorites so it is good to see a new one It also seems that you might be having an easier time with the writers block which makes me glad for you. Thanks

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefabout 1 year ago

I beg to differ, maybe compared to John Holmes, Spencer's 9 inches wasn't huge, but bigger than most of us average guys. Liked the story as it took courage and determination to go against his family and church.

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