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BA HAMMER Blackmail Ch. 03

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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 04/06/2023
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My first stop was calling Fat Tony. If anybody knew who "Vito" was, it would be a mob boss.

He got on the phone immediately. "Thor, it is so nice to hear from you. What can I do for you?"

"Anthony, I ran into two thugs who work for a Vito. Do you know any Vitos?"

"Come on Thor, I'm Italian. I know a dozen Vitos. You'll have to be more specific."

"I saw the lead guy stick someone with a needle inside his ring. They guy died in a couple of minutes."

"Tizio Veleno. That's the poison man in Italian. I know that Vito. He is in one of the families. What's this about?"

"It's the blackmail case I am working on. They have killed three old porno film makers from the past in the last month. There is something they are trying to hide very hard. By the way, they came to see me. They worked me over, but left his ring closed. I wonder why they would not kill me when they had the chance?"

"That probably has something to do with me. The other families know you have helped me in the past, and that I watch out for you. They would need my permission to eliminate you. I'll check on what is happening. We don't do petty aunty blackmail jobs."

I thanked him. I knew he was right because of what I had heard. I now know who is behind this. The only question is, where is Max Kleinman? Do they still need him? Is he in the river?

I have a pretty good idea that Ester Blasingame is safe. No self-respecting mobster would send a silly blackmail note with newspaper cutouts. They have a more personal approach to how they deal. My guess is that Twiggy sent that trying to just get a little money from Blasingame to get her by until she passed. Her mistake was probably trusting Max. She should have just sold what she had to him. He would have paid her something to get her by until she died.

But even then, Ester Blasingame is not worth killing three people over. There must be something else here, but what is it?

Mary decided she wanted to fly to Miami for a few days. She took the Tuesday and Wednesday performances off. We could leave early Monday morning and return Thursday morning. We set it up. She took care of all the arrangements. It helps when you are almost famous. Willie took care of the arrangements. I was sure it would be spectacular.

I was getting serious with Mary, but I thought she deserved to know the truth about me. I didn't want to keep what I had done in Kabul from her, even if it meant she couldn't take it. I had confidence in her, but she had to be told.

We flew to Miami early Monday morning. By noon, we were in a top floor suite looking out at the Atlantic Ocean with breathtaking views. Willie had outdone himself again. When we first arrived, we took a leisurely shower together, and had lunch on our balcony.

"Mary, sweetheart, I know I'm in love with you. I think you know that. I want to spend my life with you. However, there are some things I did in Afghanistan that I need to tell you about before we go any further. What do you really know about me?"

She looked at me for a while. "I know you were dishonorably discharged for something you did there. I know no police force will hire you. I have heard stories. Chad wouldn't tell me exactly, but he told me he was proud of you for what you did."

"He's a kid. I'm not proud of what I did. I deserved what I got. However, I must tell you the truth. I am not going to keep secrets from you."

"I trust you, honey, I really do. You don't have to tell me anything you are uncomfortable with."

"Mary, when you look into my eyes, it feels like you are looking into my very soul. To see it all, you must know it all. You may not understand it, but I feel you must know it all." She sat silently, waiting for me to continue. "When I was an MP in Kabul, I investigated the worst cases. There were many that were disgusting, and hard to see, but one was special. We had an American squad shoot up a market full of civilians. Old men, women, and children were killed. It was a peaceful market until our soldiers opened fire. My investigation determined the two leaders ordered his men to open fire even though they knew there were not enemy soldiers in the area. The military didn't want the bad publicity of a trial, so they were going to just send them home with a dishonorable discharge. I protested because of what it told the Afghans about us. I had an interpreter, and he told me the people were very angry. I wasn't too angry about the rest of the squad, but those two had a long record of shooting up the locals for fun. I decided they weren't going home. I made sure they went home in a box. The military was very angry at me, but they wanted a trial of me even less than they did about them. So, they just quietly sent me home. They are the only two people I killed in the military. I still see their faces in my sleep. They were evil, mean bastards, but I still shouldn't have done it. Now you know my innermost demons. I have vowed to never kill again."

She sat quietly and looked at me. I was crying, she was crying. She finally got up and came over to me and sat on my lap. "I know how hard that was for you. I knew the basics, but not the particulars. I know how it bothers you. I see you talking in your sleep. I hope I can relieve your pain with this. We have all made decisions that we wish we could change. I have a couple of them myself. Nothing that permanent, but just as devastating. I have nothing to forgive you for. I just hope you can forgive yourself eventually." She sat on my lap and hugged me for quite a while. She finally got up and sat down on her chair.

I got up, walked to her, and knelt beside her. "Mary Smith, I love you with all my heart. You are the first thing I think of when I wake up, and the last thing I think of when I go to sleep. I always will need you with me. I would be honored if you would marry me." I handed her a ring box.

Now she was crying again. She had her hands on her face, looking at the ring in my hand. She reached down to take it. "Yes, you big dummy. I have been ready for you to ask me since the first night we were together. Being your wife would be my most satisfying starring role." She put the ring on her finger and kissed me hard.

We retired to the bedroom and celebrated late into the night. The next couple of days were a blur of beach, bed, and her. By the time we were packed to leave, she had that happy, satisfied look. I think I was happier that she was happy than I was for myself.

When we returned to the city, I had a couple of messages waiting for me. Ed had my carry permit ready for me and Fat Tony had news.

I called Tony first. "Anthony, you have something for me?"

"Yeah, Hammer, I do. Tizio Veleno's family isn't too pleased he has crossed swords with me. He promises to leave you alone. If you come across the two goons, and need to, you can do what you must without repercussions."

"Thank you, Anthony. I appreciate this very much. It still doesn't solve the problem of why he is blackmailing the people he is. Can I deal with that, as long as I don't hurt him, personally?"

"You can stop the blackmail if you can do it without involving the families."

"Thank you, Anthony. I will abide by your wishes."

I went by to see Ed. He handed me my carry permit. "Now, try not to kill anyone with this, will ya?"

"I have taken a vow to never kill another human being. I hope someone doesn't make me break my vow." I went by the gun dealer the cops use for personal guns. He remembered me.

"Hammer, I haven't seen you in years. You're not back on the force, are you?"

"No, I'm private now." I showed him my permit, and we spent the next hour looking at guns. I picked out a couple and left them with him to clear the background checks.

I next called Ester Blasingame. I asked her to meet with me privately. We agreed to meet in a coffee shop near her theater.

After we had our coffee, I began. "Ms. Blasingame, I have a question. Have you received any further communications from the blackmailer?" She shook her head. "When, exactly, did you receive this one?"

"I got that about six weeks ago. I have wondered why they have not contacted me since."

"I can tell you why that is. The blackmailer has died. Cancer. She gave her material to a friend. Since they have not contacted you at any time it is safe to believe they don't need you. I am still going to find the film and give it to you. But for now, I think you are safe. I would not talk to anyone about this, even Cunningham. The less this is discussed, the better it is for you. Understand?"

She nodded and began crying. "Thank you, Mr. Hammer. I will forever be in your debt. By the way, congratulations on your engagement to Miss Smith. She is a wonderful actress and a better person. I know the two of you will be very happy together."

News travels fast. Of course, with Mary showing her ring off to everyone she meets, it isn't going to take long.

"Thank you, and if there is ever a need for someone like me in one of your productions, feel free to call me." I gave her another card and we went our separate ways.

I went back to Ed. "What can you tell me about Vito Corlini?"

"You mean Tizio Veleno? He likes to kill with his special poison. We have never been able to pin anything on him. None of his guys live long enough to testify, even if they were so inclined. Why do you ask?"

"He is the one killing the old porn guys. The count is up to three. He has some blackmail information on someone important, and everyone that comes in contact with it gets killed."

"Anyone we know?"

"Not a clue. My client was a secondary victim, but they seemed to have moved on to bigger fish and are ignoring my client for now." I wasn't going to tell Ed I was pretty sure it was the other person in Ester's old film. They didn't send her pictures of him, but I am sure they have them. "What I need from you is an address where Vito hangs out."

"You don't want to get between the families here, BA. If he is involved, one of the families is involved. That means your old friend Fat Tony is involved. I assume you have talked to him, and I won't ask about that. Just be very careful."

I thanked him and left his office. He wasn't wrong. This had every sign of blowing up my new life. I could just let it go and move on to my wedding day. I was just afraid I would wake up one day with the news of another accident, this one involving the famous director, Ester Blasingame. I have a duty to protect her, and I was going to.

Now I had to get my hands on Benny's films. I looked up Sammy Sommers. He is a forger that has helped me in the past. I told him I needed an id with the name of Robert Wilson. I told him I would give it back to him after I used it once. He owed me because I had helped him get off when he had gotten tangled up with the murdering actor. He promised to have it by the next day.

The next day found me in First National Bank. I had a key, and an id and a box number I wanted to open. The manager on duty was looking through some papers.

"Mr. Wilson, you haven't been here in a while. Your box has some rental due."

"I will be happy to pay it current. I would then like to close it out." He was happy with the money and getting his box back. It had sat dormant for ten years, and he could now clear it up, and get the lost money back. He was happy, and barely looked at my id. He handed me the box and left the room. Inside it were eight or nine boxes. Each had a film and pictures inside. They had the names of the stars and the title of the film on the front. I put them in a briefcase I had brought and left. I handed the bank manager my key as I left.

The address Ed gave me wasn't some Italian restaurant. That was the movies. This building was an old manufacturing building that had seen better days. It looked like no one was there or had been for a long time. I knew they were working out of the back. I carefully went down the street and circled around the next block. As I passed the alley behind the building, I counted three men standing by a landing at the back of the building. So much for no one being there. There was a building on the other side of the street that looked down on the ally. I was sure that was where the Feds would be. All the families get watched regularly, including Tony. That is why we only talk on his encrypted private phone. Even then, we are careful.

So, if I set up shop in the same building, it wouldn't take the Feds long to realize they had company. I'd just as soon not rattle their cage right now. I decided to check up on the building on the other side of the alley that was backed up to the same place in the alley as Vito's building. I continued around the block until I was in front of the building directly behind his building. I took down the address and called Lenny.

"Can you check on who owns this building?" I gave him the address and he promised to see what he could find out.

This building was still in operation. It was an office building, with a warehouse in the back. They loaded their trucks at the opposite end of the alley from Vito's boys.

My guess was if Max was still alive, he would probably be in Vito's building. I can think of no-good reason why Max would still be alive, but maybe there was one I haven't figured out yet.

I was now living at Mary's apartment. I have given mine up and moved in with her. This was another reason I had to be careful. My fiancé was famous, and she could become a target. My life would end if anything happened to her. I went home to take a hot shower and think. She was working that night and wouldn't be home until around midnight.

After a good shower, I got a beer and sat down in my favorite chair in her living room. I had no furniture of my own there, but I didn't care about that at all. I would let her set the décor.

Now, down to business.

I now am certain I know where the film and pictures are.

There was no way I could blast my way into Vito's lair without pissing off some very influential people who would take it personally if I messed with them.

That meant I would have to get Vito to bring the goods out himself.

How do I find out if Max is in there and still alive?

How do I find out who the famous person is that they are blackmailing?

Is the fact that Twiggy had been pregnant important?

I had more questions, but, as I was considering them, Mary came home. She took one look at me and led me to the bedroom. The questions could wait. I had something more important to do now.

Since Mary works at night, we are in no hurry to get up in the mornings. So, we laid in bed, making plans for our wedding until nearly noon. I finally had to get up and go to work.

Lenny called to tell me the building I asked him to check on was owned by a company with no ties to anyone I would be interested in.

I decided to check on Twiggy's background. Lenny told me where to find the hospital and birth certificates. Benny had told me she had a birth certificate. I needed to learn the name of the child. I wanted to search for property records. I knew there were no buildings in her name. They would have found that by now. Maybe, there was a property that she had put under the name of her dead child. I might have a chance if that is true. She may have hidden some of the films in that place.

I went to the hall of records and looked for Susan Elizabeth Neil. Lenny had given me her full name. Benny hadn't told me what year she had the child, and I had to look through several years of birth records looking for it. I finally found it in 1995. In April of that year, there is a birth certificate for Dorothy Louise Neil. I then headed to property tax records for the years 1996 through 2000. It took all day, but I found it in Brooklyn. A small house in an old area of town. I wrote the address down and left.

I left early the next morning and headed to Brooklyn. The house was not hard to find. It was sitting empty and run down. Most of the houses on that street were in the same condition. This neighborhood had seen better days. I walked up to the front door. It was boarded up. I walked around the house. The yard was nearly waist high. The back had been broken into. It was easy to get inside. Dust was everywhere. It was obvious some homeless people were using it as a place to sleep. I had better not be there at night. I spent the next three hours looking for a hiding place. It had to be a place that didn't look like a hiding place. The homeless would have found anything easy. Fortunately, when I finally found it, it was behind a board at the end of the sink counter. I had to pry it off. There was a long slender box shoved inside. It had dust all over it. When I opened the box, I found three or four film boxes like I found in Benny's box. One of the boxes had Ester's name on it. I had found it. But I stopped when I saw the other name. That name. I knew that name, but from where? Later. I would deal with that later. I needed to get out of there now. But I had an idea. I went to my car and got one of the film boxes from Benny. I changed the film and pictures from Ester's box with ones from one of the other boxes. Now the pictures from her box were not anyone special. I beat it out of there as soon as I could.

Sitting in my office, I contemplated my next move. I now have what everyone was looking for. All they had at the moment was the sample pictures Twiggy had used to prime the pump. They needed the rest of the goods, and I now have it. I had to find a way for them to find Twiggy's house without knowing I had led them there.

I also needed a place where I could watch Vito's building until I saw something that would help me. I figured they should be about ready to finish whatever they were doing. I probably wouldn't have to watch for long to see something happen. I could watch from the second-floor windows of the warehouse behind their building. I just had to figure out how to get there and out without being seen. I decided to take a walk inside the office floors above the warehouse. As I was walking around, I noticed there was an office space at the back of the building available. I talked to the management company, and it wasn't too expensive. Turns out no one wanted a window looking out over an alley. By the end of the day, I had a window overlooking the alley, right above where Vito's landing was. I put together a bag with some things I thought I mind need. I had to tell Mary I was going on surveillance and might not be around for a couple of days. I have decided not to lie to her. She was not happy, but knew it was necessary for Ester Blasingame.

I came to the office around six pm and settled in by the window. I brought something to eat, a camera and movie recorder. I had a small directional listening device I had from my MP days. I had taken it with me when I left that job. It was older, and didn't reach very far, but it would reach at least to the landing across the alley. I sat there the entire night. A few men came and went. I took pictures of each with infrared film, but otherwise, nothing happened. I left around 7 am to get some sleep.

I got home just as Mary was waking up. She was very relieved to see me and expressed it nicely. After sleeping most of the day, I got up and took my film to Samuels for him to develop for me. He was less pleased to see me this time than he was the last time.

"You can't come around here, Hammer. I have a reputation now, and it's a good one. I don't need you ruining it."

"Look, Samuels. I am here as a customer, nothing else. I need you to develop these pictures. I will pay whatever your normal rate is." He looked at me and took the film. I waited for it and had the pictures within an hour.

None of the people were anything else but Vito's boys. Nothing special. I went back and repeated this that night. This continued for two more nights. I would take the pictures to Samuels by day and take the pictures by night.

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