by babysitterstories
more daisy with you alone....a good girl should be a secret that only her daddy and her share.....
Shelley needs to go...she is a cold fish. Tess and Daisy need to move in permanently. They need to both be your good little girls. Get them both pregnant so you can nurse at their big beautiful breasts. Yummy
How about a chapter where he gets bolder with Tess and fucks her in other places such as on the couch, backyard and ultimately in his martial bed. Let it go on a bit longer under Shelley's nose before she discovers them. Let Tess get pregnant and beginning to show before their affair is revealed.
He does Daisy in an alley like he desired and in her driveway. More threesomes of him, Tess and Daisy for sure. Introduce anal with Tess being his first ass.
good story. but i would make Tess help Shelley come out of her shell and if Tess eventually leaves shes helped two people reconnect. and still at lot of sex and Tess wearing less and less.
and you need to continue it! Reminds me so much of my own experiences. When I was in high school, I was fucking the dad of some kids for whom I babysat. He was 45. I lost my virginity on their marital bed.
I still think stories about sex between younger girls and older men are so hot! This man was older than my parents, and was a well respected professional in our small town. His wife was one of my teachers. I never knew whether she knew about us, but sometimes she would call me to babysit, saying she was going out of town and that her husband had late meetings, but when I got there, only her husband would be home, and he would take me to their bedroom and work his magic on me, and would encourage me to be loud and talk dirty, when usually we were sneaking and I had to be quieter. And I sometimes thought that I saw their closet door opening just a bit. I felt like she was in that closet watching us, and that just turned me on even more!
I do agree that you should do a fifth chapter. Though the scenes are short the detail is amazing. I can see it in my mind.
I am pleasantly surprised about Chapter 4.
At the end of Ch 3, I was wondering if possibly Tess was setting him up for Shelley. I was thinking that Tess had moved in and seduced him so that Shelley could take him to the cleaners in a divorce using video evidence. As I said, pleasantly surprised that did not occur and thoroughly interested in where this story line goes.
Yes! Please write some more of this! I love pretty babysitters with big tits!
You can't just leave us hanging right here with my hand around my cock where is the rest of the story???
the Mentor
When your baby sitter is slutty, you definitely want to meet her girlfriends.
Sounds like a hot cuckqueen situation we have here,
The little sitter becomes the Alpha female in the house,
Having the wife begin to be a slut for her too.
You are indeed a talented story teller. Its rare for me to move through two chapters of a literotica story bt u made me read four at a go. Pliz ignore all our ideas in the next chapter. Jst give us more of ur genius
We need more. Shelley needs to go away and Tess needs to be a mommy those little kid need. They love her. They also need brothers& sisters, with Tess being John's wife and the children's mother Shelley doesn't really love John and the kids...
Hope there will be more, can you make the wife become a slut for Tess as well
I was hoping at least Tess would get knocked up, if not both her and Daisy...making babies is the purpose of sex, after all. Both those girls would probably be better mothers anyways, or at least Tess would be. Submissive, good with kids, wants to be a mother herself...perfect wife material.
Normally I’d complain about a story ending prematurely, but in this case, it’s a small mercy.
4 interesting parts, sexy & building up. But a huge let down. It’s incomplete. Can’t give 5 stars to a unfinished theme. How about inviting other people to at least finish up where you stopped. It would be better for you & a sense of competition to the story.
Time to move Tess into the master bedroom and Shelly to the basement bedroom. LOL
While just an opinion this chapter was like having all icing and no cake; total sweetness and no substance. None the less thanks for sharing this tale. The story is very hot.
please do a chapter 5, where he fucks Daisy's hard.
then maybe eventually, it's revealed that he unknowingly got both Tess and Daisy pregnant.
Explain to us why the girl, who is only known to screw the promiscuous husband, is called a slut, while he is not. He is fucking her, his wife AND has been unfaithful before. Why is SHE the slut?
even worse now that it's turning into some sort of harem-mode bullshit. Bad enough before, but now it's just boredom and repetition.
This story seemed to lose focus when the wife wanted to improve her relationship with John and Tess moved in. It does not point to any kind of resolution or conclusion. We now have two women living with John and Shelley does not know that he is fucking Tess. Is she a complete moron? Is she fucking someone at work? It is just as well the author stopping writing, as he probably dug a plot hole and could not figure out how to change the the trajectory of this totally confused story. Too bad, it had potential.
Someone really triggered over Tess being called a slut 🙄😂 My husband calls me a slut when he bends me over the couch, doesn't mean I'm actually a slut its dirty talk
I wouldn't say Tess is a slut not in the terms of what everyone else thinks anyway she hasn't went out and fucked a whole bunch of other people she has only fucked the 1 guy the father of the kids she baby sits and she had a threesome with him and a female friend of hers once that's not a slut in the normal terms of the word if she does something slutty for the guy she's been fucking well that's normal and to expected otherwise it won't be that exciting or fun and sex is supposed to be both my wife and I have been married for 19 years now but sex is still exciting and fun for us that's all I'm going to say about that lol
Who's buying Tess' birth control pills?If John pees in her at the right time,her belly will get big and her tits may get as big as Daisy's...Shelley is beginning to suspect John's putting love pee in Tess's cunt...
This is getting to be quite a soap opera 🥹🥹😀☺️😉💕💕. Now Daisy is getting into the action. rw
ShelleyShe must have found a lover for herself, since she started working out and took care of herself, and since she is not having sex with her husband, she is having anal sex Tess and Daisy should knit Shelle together and have sex
Chapter 5 - Shelley and John Wilson agreed to a divorce. Shelley had fallen in love with another woman. Her beautiful boss Cynthia Williams! Cynthia was a lesbian who was only twenty-five years old. Cynthia had always been a lesbian and was horny for Shelley. Cynthia asked Shelley to marry her after she fucked Shelley at a nearby hotel. Shelley agreed and asked John for a No-Fault divorce which gave John full custody of their children. Shelley was so happy to go live with Cynthia that she quit smoking. The day after the divorce became final, John Wilson married Tess. His children were happy and never missed Shelley. Cynthia Williams married Shelley the same day John and Tess married. Cynthia Williams moved her company to a state on the opposite coast of the nation so that Shelley would never see nor have any further contact with John Wilson and his children. Mrs. Tess Wilson quit taking her birth control pills the same day that she married John Wilson. While John's parents had a wonderful time with their grandchildren at Disney World, John spent three weeks fucking Tess every morning, afternoon, and night of their honeymoon in Monaco. John fucked and impregnated Tess in Monaco the afternoon that they arrived. Eight months and four weeks later, Tess gave birth to twins, a baby son who looked just like John and a baby daughter who looked just like Tess. Over the next sixty years, John fucked Tess passionately whenever Tess was not having her period. John fucked and impregnated Tess eighteen more times and Tess gave birth to nine more baby daughters and nine more baby sons.