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Rugby player uses flatmate's girlfriend and his flatmate.
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Waiting, again...

Edward isn't the most dynamic name. Suitable for an accountant or lawyer perhaps, at any rate someone middle aged...settled. But my boyfriend, this particular Edward, wasn't the most dynamic sort of person anyway. You would expect a more adventurous name for a university student: Eddie, for instance, Ed, Ted, even an infantile Teddy would be marginally more exciting. But no, it was emphatically Edward.

Adventurous most definitely was not an adjective to describe Edward; apparently not when he was younger, certainly not now and undoubtedly not once he's completed his mathematics degree. But he was a pleasant enough guy all the same: stereotypically clueless in a sciency-boffin sort of way. My initial attraction to him was his overt cleverness, his unreachable aloofness and the know-it-all intense eyes. Well, that and his looks. Definitely his looks. He has an almost effeminate, model-like quality while still seeming academic. It was a combination I oddly liked. Though if I am being totally honest, looks may have been the first attraction but it was a little more than that. He has this way when explaining things - to us lesser mortals - of lifting his leg, settling it onto a chair, leaning his arm on it and lecturing. This had the affect of letting his cock loll in his trouser leg like it was suspended in a hammock all of its own; his own little sailor waiting for all hands on deck in a time of peace.

Sadly, the looks -- along with his little sailor - didn't fully gratify the expectations this dreamy and horny young student had been hoping for. He had no idea how to use it. Patient forbearance was where things seemed to be heading with him and it might be titillating for some but was not cutting it with me.

Yet here I am again, waiting for Edward, sitting on the couch in his lodgings on a Saturday afternoon, stretching up to look out the window and barely seeing past the tops of the wet roofs striated down across the city of Bath, belatedly aware of how my posture presents itself to his flat mate. The rain was dripping insistently from the eaves.

His flat mate, Jacko, had let me in. I know huh, Jacko, who the hell is called Jacko? Someone from the north, as he was, I suppose. I've never been far enough north to know or care. Jacko was most definitely not Edward.

"No idea where Eddie is, babso. Just got back from a match," Jacko does not call Edward Edward. He does not call me Elizabeth either. It's possible he doesn't actually know my name.

"But if you wore that outfit now 'n then for me I wouldn't e'er be late," he says with a slow and creepy wink, "nope," he adds, leaning in for emphasis. I was wearing a tight ribbed knit tank top and, given the weather, a bra might have been wise as my nipples were quite distinct. The green skirt may not have been the most modest item in my wardrobe either but I had dressed a little sexy for Edward.

Jacko loves rugby and drinking, generally in that order. He wasn't one of your dainty little scrum halves or any of that sort of 'girly back', as he liked to call them: he was a forward...very forward if you ask me. Right now he was wearing his rugby kit: striped navy blue-and-white jersey and scruffy white shorts, sagging woolen socks and that was about it. Presumably a jockstrap too but I was trying not to think about that. He smelt damp and earthy with a sweatiness that wasn't from a locker room as much as from being crowded around other competing men.

He is about as far from Edward as you can get, as I mentioned.

And where the fuck is Edward...Eddie? He is really pissing me off being late again. Probably stuck in yet another boring freshman discussion, Pythagorean whatnot, while I'm stuck here with this leering moron. I'm not quite angry enough, or socially adept enough, to extricate myself successfully so here I am, sitting and waiting for Edward and compelled to communicate with Jacko.

I don't want to give the impression I am some stupid bimbo because I am not. I am actually the product of a very wealthy education, private schools all the way, with the grades to prove it. Yet no matter the achievements it seems that English will never be a worthier focus than mathematics or engineering. It's incredibly frustrating; the condescension, Edward's knowing raised eyebrows. If only something else would raise a little more often.

Jacko is doing film studies.

"Look at this fuckin' bruiser, babs," I am compelled to turn and look. He is hoisting the leg of his shorts high up his inside thigh and there is a blossom of purple and what looks like a bite mark in his skin, like a small monkey actually latched onto his flesh. I didn't really know how to respond: I'm looking at teeth marks on his muddy upper thigh, no more than two inches from his groin; I'm wondering about that ponderous bulge hanging beside his knuckles; and I'm considering the possibility of a 'girly back' getting his face into Jacko's groin and gnawing at him. This last thought surprisingly brings a flush to my face and a warmth to my body. I hesitate before answering, a little too long.

"Go on, kiss it better then," he says, pushing his hips toward my face.

"Very fucking funny, Jacko," I flail my arms at him, catching the edge of his thigh, almost clipping that tempting package.

"Ooh you like it more like that, huh? Kinda like Eddie," thrusting his hips further into my face. I back up, a bit dazed, not really sure how to digest that extra piece of information. Not that I had much time as he announced "Well, I'm gonna fuck off and clean this amazing bod for you."

Well, thank you thank you, now please fuck off.

"You sure you don't want a taste, babso babes?" more hip-thrusting, this time chuckling and briefly grabbing the back of my head and pushing my cheek right up against his skin. I shove him back half-laughing, half-protesting, aghast at myself. But my eyes skew toward his package nevertheless.

Edward's arrival

The flat was creaking and rattling under the pressure of the shower pipes running full-throttle through the wooden floorboards when I heard a key turn in the lock. Finally, Edward! First an arm comes around the door and drops a brown satchel to the floor. Then all of Edward edges in with an arm full of books.

"Where have you been for god's sake, I've been here ages," I could hear the accusation and whine combining in my voice. I jump to help him nevertheless.

"Where's Jacko?" is disappointingly the first thing out of his mouth, anxiously looking around.

"He's in the shower," I nod my head toward the noise. "He kept me company."

"He kept you company?" repeating what I said but with misgiving in his voice as he looks at me.

This was not the direction I wanted things going. As soon as he has placed the books on the table I pull him to me and kiss him hard. He looks startled, even a little worried. This is how it always is -- someone needing to take charge. I slide my hands down to his lean backside and pull him to me.

"Miss me?" I ask, smiling. "I've missed this," sliding my hand around to the front and feeling his soft cock.

"Jacko's still here!" he says, stating the obvious yet not resisting.

"Jacko's a big boy and we're only kissing," I reply, proving this untrue by squeezing his cock, hoping for a firmer response.

He looks really uncomfortable which makes me friskier. I pull him, in a silent two-step dance, back across the floor until I catch the arm of the couch, cushioning just beneath my firm buttocks. My hand is behind his head and my tongue slips between his lips, exploring before he can stop me. My other hand, still on his cock, begins slow movements up and down. Edward is clearly resistant but I'm not letting him go, not having waited this long. I slip my thigh between his legs, pressing up against his balls as my hand continues its groping assault.

At that moment the water shuts off. Shut immediate stop-dead and Edward's eyes fly open in panic. I keep hold of him, kissing, stroking the back of his head, massaging around his knob and fondling his testicles through the trouser material, hypnotically calming him. His eyes close again and his girlish face relaxes, almost as if surrendering.

Jacko joins the party

I could hear the peripheral sounds of Jacko moving about -- cabinets opening and closing, clothes being thrown around -- but this just encourages me more, a mischievous exhibitionist vein driving me on.

And then, ever so quickly and quietly, a warm breath is in my ear and a whisper, "He likes being told what to do," I should have been shocked to have Jacko suddenly there beside us but the sensations in my ear and the possible implications of what he had said made my pussy throb.

Edward's eyes flutter open again, briefly, but the look in his eyes this time was more one of defeat than panic. It irrationally makes me flush hotly with irritation and meanness. I grab his hair and sharply tug his head back exposing his delicate throat. I grip hard on his cock and pull. All the softness and patience and romance of our history to this point rushes out of me and I feel like using him. He just takes it and I'm intrigued to feel his cock finally responding. He likes it.

Jacko has moved behind Edward and I watch as his hands rise to Edward's shoulders and press down. "Come on, Eddie lad, let's see if you can please babso another way."

There was no resistance as Edward sank down revealing Jacko behind him, bare-chested with nothing more than a towel precariously wrapped around his waist. Jacko was staring at me with that lop-sided smirk on his face and his biceps tense with pressing firmly down.

"I think the lad likes it better on his knees," he leans forward, trapping Edward between us and raises my skirt with calloused hands and slips it over the top of Edward's head. "At least that's what I've found," and winks.

The feel of hot breath on my panties and the uniqueness of the predicament all contribute to the wetness between my thighs.

"I've been wanting some of these tits since you got here, babso, and it looks like they want something too," I watch those same hands reach for my breasts and cup them. As if synchronized, I feel Edward's mouth open wide against me and as his tongue begins to tentatively touch the thin material protecting my pussy, Jacko runs his thumbs over my nipples.

"No...Jacko, I don't think..." all aware of myself suddenly but the combined sensations are incredible. "It's...it's not right. We really shouldn't...arghh fuck Jacko..." he's gripping my nipples between his fingers and squeezing them tight.

"Who givesa fuck what's right. I'll tell you what's right."

He pulls me toward him using only my nipples and his mouth is on mine. I can feel his tongue pressing firmly on my lips but I resist, keeping my lips sealed. Whether this is from coyness or reconsideration I couldn't say. A sharp twist on my nipples causes me to gasp and suddenly his tongue is in my mouth like a small animal ferreting around inside. His tongue is everywhere -- my cheeks bulging one then the other, the roof of my mouth, my teeth -- a hot invasion. Simultaneously he thrusts forward, pressing Edward's face hard against my pudendum and grinding it.

Mouth, nipples, pussy; all of them engaged. But for some reason, overriding everything else, I am thinking more about Jacko's thick cock compressed against the back of Edward's head. God it makes my pussy wet, makes my whole body tremble from the overwhelming sensuousness of the situation. Poor Edward. It must be suffocating for him under my skirt, trapped between two people, with only my wet heavily scented pussy for company. The thought of his discomfort just makes it all the more exciting, hotter than anything I've ever felt. Jacko is using both of us and we are letting him; truly though, he is simply taking what he wants.

Jacko leans back a little, sliding his hands down my sides. "I don't think we'll be needing this now," he said, drawing my skirt up to my waist. We both look down together at Edward's face, now crimson and wet, his hair matted at the front and his eyes wide beneath his lashes.

"Take her panties off, Eddie," he orders, "No need for those either."

"Lift your leg, babe," Jacko instructs me when my panties have dropped to the floor and one of his hands slides beneath my thigh and lifts it onto the armrest. My other leg is still straight down to the floor. I feel wanton and exposed.

His hand moves back to my pussy and his fingers are all over me. One is inside to the first knuckle, another is stretching back to stroke my little star, and his thumb is unmoving against my clit.

With his other hand, he takes poor Edward's head and pushes it back against me. "Lick!" he instructs. I watch, detached from the reality, as Edward's tongue renews its explorations only this time on my uncovered hair and Jacko's thick fingers.

"Watch this," Jacko grins to me, and he lifts his thumb and inserts it into Edward's mouth. "Get it nice and wet for her clit, Eddieboy," he laughs and then to me, "Obedient, isn't he?" Then his thumb is back on my clit, now wet and circling. I can feel it swelling with need.

Jacko looks me in the eyes then suggestively drops them. My eyes follow too. He loosens his towel and it falls to the floor. His cock, not quite hard but solid nevertheless, rolls down and rests on Edward's shoulder. It's bigger than I expected, obscenely lying there next to Edward's face, an inch from my pussy. I want to touch it and start to move my hands but he shakes his head. "Just watch." I look down again and Jacko has turned Edward's head and his tongue is now washing the end of Jacko's cock. It is unbelievably lewd. I push my hips forward but the angle is awkward.

For someone so large Jacko catches me off guard when he abruptly slides around between Edward and me -- a very large piggy in the middle -- close up against me. My tank top is all I have left on and there is a long sweat stain down between my tits and on either side my nipples are protuberant hard tubes. His cock is against my clit. "Now you can touch it," he nods, "Put the tip in, love." I'm aware of Edward behind him. He must be very close.

Using both hands to hold him, I guide the end inside me. I am so wet there is little resistance. I want to feel all of him but he is in no hurry.

"Guess where your boy's got his little tongue now?" he chuckles, "It feels proper good."

"You're fucking kidding?" I whisper. I can't believe he would do that. I am tingling down my spine at the licentiousness of it and horrified at the same time. And then another thought, "He's done this before, hasn't he?".

"Aye, sure has, babso, and more. He's a good lad," -- it all seems so matter-of-fact to Jacko -- "Now be a good girl and pull me into you. Slowly like, I wanna enjoy it all."

He wants me to fuck myself. No, he wants Edward to fuck me too. The nerve, the audacity! But fuck such a dirty proposition.

I reach behind him and grip a muscled buttock in each hand, conscious of how Edward must see this. I twist a little on the armrest, maneuvering to accommodate his girth and pull him closer. I'm aware this has the secondary effect of separating his cheeks, that Edward is following behind, pressing against Jacko with his tongue while I am pulling with my fingers. The feeling is incredible as his cock bottoms out in me, the slowness, the lewdness of the situation makes my pussy contract and spasm, and I can see from Jacko's expression he can feel it too. My hands are clinging to his cheeks, spreading them wider as I support myself, curled backwards over the couch. Jacko puts a hand behind my head and pulls me to his nipple. I attack it instantly and aggressively, licking, sucking, biting.

He starts to move, sliding all the way out then back in again, setting a steady rhythm. I can't imagine how Edward is coping and nor do I care. The feel of this heavy cock sliding against the walls of my cunt is incredible, wide and deep. I've never felt this full before or been taken so brazenly. All I can do is hang on, latched to his nipple and clutching his backside as he uses me faster and faster. Edward could never go this long nor this deep. The warmth emerges and radiates from deep within me and I can feel it rapidly spreading like contagion. I want it, I am opening myself and contracting over and over, letting it come to the surface until I can hold off no more and my orgasm explodes feverishly through my body.

"That's it babe, let it go. Fuck yes. Here it is, I'm coming now...take it...all. Fuck!" and he pulls me hard to him and erupts inside me. I can feel his cum flood out, lubricating around his cock. I can feel it pulsing as he grips me tight against him.

I'm clinging to him, panting hard and trembling as I recover. The only other sound in the room is the little laps of Edward diligently licking as instructed.

"Well that was fun, babso," Jacko eases himself out of me and steps away as if it is no big deal. He casually puts his hand behind Edward's head and pushes him up against my pussy. "Clean up time, Eddieboy."

My god, could it get any more depraved! A little trickle of cum has leaked from between my distended lips and, to my astonishment, Edward's tongue slips out and licks from beneath the dribble up between my lips and across my clit, clearing a damp path. The effect is strangely curative and immediately stimulating. I think I can cum again, an expectation I've never considered before. I look at Jacko for something, encouragement maybe, but he is regarding us with amused indifference.

He ruffles Edward's hair and winks at me. "I think the Saturday match days are going to be a lot more fun from ere on out."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Not my cup of tea, but...

The threesome thing is not my cup of tea, but your writing style is hot as hell. Keep it up please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Keep going

We need Babs and Edward in a 69 with Jacko banging Edwards butt. Then finish in Babs butt and Edward licking it out.

HiddenSecret00HiddenSecret00almost 5 years ago

I hope you plan to continue. It was unsatisfying with little action Edward had with them. I expected Jacko to fuck Edward.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Very Good!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

This story is great. Well told and written. Cliches are cliches for a reason. They reflect real life.

Made me cum hard.

JBEdwardsJBEdwardsalmost 5 years ago
Great first story

Quite original. Just one question: Why is the ever obedient Edward a math geek? Isn't that one cliché too many? Nevertheless you write well and I applaud your imagination. Five stars from me. -- JB Edwards

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Love it.

Great writing and an even better story. Please extend the story!

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