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Becky My Hill Country Redhead #4

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David and Becky have sex.
5.6k words

Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 03/21/2024
Created 01/10/2024
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Becky, My Hill Country Redhead, #4

Becky and David make love.

Becky, My Hill Country Redhead, continued from #3:

Profusely sweating, we were totally lost in our sexual lust. Fortunate for both of us, since I had already cum earlier, I was able to last much longer this time in order to give us longer endurance and maximum pleasure. Becky rolled over and got on her hands and knees again. She presented me with the finest, freckled ass I have ever seen.

Her ass was all mine. Oh, my god. I loved her naked ass as much as I loved her naked breasts and her beautiful face. Yet, with me normally not an ass man but a breast man, I loved touching, feeling, and squeezing her tight ass as much as I love touching, feeling, and fondling her big breasts. Nonetheless, I loved touching, feeling, and squeezing her naked ass, too.

While staring at all that I could see of her pink pussy from behind her, maybe it was just my horny imagination but I thought that her pussy winked at me. Perhaps, it was just the light. As if she was a sexy siren in Homer's Odyssey beckoning me, her vaginal juices glistened on her swollen labia. She was so wet. With her ready for me to fuck her, basking in the natural aroma of her, I smelled the musky aroma of her sexually arousal.

As if ready to take a ride at an X-rated, adult only amusement park, I placed my hands firmly on the sides of her hips. I only wished that I had a strap to strap myself in. Then, I positioned my engorged cock at the entrance to her pussy lips and gently dipped the head inside of her warm wetness.

Like a heat seeking missile, in one fluid motion, with her already so wet, even though I'm so big and much bigger than what she's accustomed to, I slowly slid the full length of my erect cock in her pussy. I buried my big dick in her cunt. Filling all of her, she gasped as I entered. Then, humping her a little faster and a little harder, she was already moaning with erotic pleasure. My big balls slapped against her shapely ass as if they were church bells ringing her chime.

Then, something unexpectedly happened that surprised me. She had a sexual orgasm almost immediately. I couldn't believe that I had given her another sexual orgasm. We weren't fucking for more than ten minutes. With us in sexual syncopation, we built up a steady rhythm as I continued humping her faster and humping her harder. Glad that my cock was that big, it seemed as if every time I hit the end of her love tunnel that she had another sexual orgasm.

Her orgasms blended together into an almost continuous orgasm that built upon itself until it was almost unbearable for to the stop herself from screaming in pleasure. I loved giving her multiple, sexual orgasms as much as she, no doubt, loved receiving multiple, sexual orgasms. Not stopping there, being the dirty dog that I am, as if I was a Dalmatian and she was a Poodle, I humped faster and I fucked her harder as if she was a dog in heat.

I continued fucking her faster. I continued fucking her harder. I fucked her fast and hard enough to give her another sexual orgasm with my cock. Glad that I could give her multiple orgasms, not stopping in my romantic control of her willing pussy, I continued fucking her until I gave her another orgasm with my cock. Seemingly, she loved my big, hard dick as much as I loved her warm, wet pussy.


Every time I pulled nearly all the way out and shoved my cock deeper inside of her, I hit bottom. She breathed as fast and as hard as I breathe. Soon, we'd be needing oxygen. Only, in the way that I didn't stop, she didn't stop either. She returned my fast and hard humps with her fast and hard humps. Seemingly, with her wanting me to fuck her faster and harder, she fucked me as much as I fucked her.

As if an oil leak at a Texas oil well, preparing myself for her big gusher, with her so very wet, her vaginal juices squirted out around my cock. Her vaginal fluids sprayed both of us until the bed was soaked with the continual discharge of her pussy. Sweat poured from our naked bodies. We must have fucked like that for, at least, 30 minutes straight. Definitely, and without a shadow of a doubt, no comparison to any other woman who I had sex with, Becky gave me the best sex that I ever had.

Finally, when we couldn't hump anymore, nor control our cumming from continual humping, we sensed our impending mutual orgasms. I felt my cum swelling up from my testicles. Surely, Becky must have felt as if her body was about to explode from her loins.

With our breathing and heartbeats synchronized, we hit the peak and fell over the precipice as if doing a swan dive in a pool of vaginal secretions. We were both lost in the best orgasms that we had. As if our bodies were in perfect synchronization, something that I have never experienced with anyone else, we had another orgasm together.

I came like a stud horse. I filled her cunt to overflowing with stream after stream of cum. Never have I cum as much.

What seemed like three times more cum as I had ever produced in my life, I couldn't believe that I ejaculated as much cum while she continued having multiple, sexual orgasms. Completely exhausted, happy, and sexually sated, we collapsed totally exhausted into a conjoined heap on her bed. Then, giving me the validation as her best lover, my beautiful redhead, smiled up at me with her big, beautiful, bright, green eyes.

"I have never cum as hard and so many times," she said beaming me a big smile. "Having lost count, not even remembering how many that you gave me, I've never had as many sexual orgasms. I think you gave me five or six. I don't know. After a while they all blended together into a continual orgasm," she said with a laugh.

She leaned into me and parted my lips with her tongue.

"I never knew this was even possible. You gave me the best sex that I ever had. You are a fantastic lover, David," said Becky.

Then, when she paused. I held my breath. I suspected that she was about to say the love word but with her rethinking what she was about to say, perhaps, thought better of it.

With neither of us wanting to rush our first, sexual time together, premature for that, we surely didn't want to ruin things by saying that we loved one another, especially, when surely we didn't. I'm glad that she didn't tell me that she loved me. Yet, not wanting to say how I felt about her first, in the way that we looked at one another, it was clearly obvious that we were falling in love with one another.

With the both of us totally exhausted, we fell into a deep, blissful sleep while still wrapped in each other's arms. Never have I fallen asleep as fast and slept as hard. If this is what love is, going to bed with and waking up with the most beautiful, redhead in the world, then I was ready for love. Definitely, in the way that I think she could love me, with her a one-of-a-kind beauty, sexy, and shapely woman who loved having marathon sex, I definitely could fall in love with her.


Becky, My Hill Country Redhead, #4:

We must have fucked for what seemed like an hour straight. Finally, when we couldn't take it anymore, we sensed our impending, mutual orgasms. I felt my cum swelling up in my balls again. With her blushing face filled with sexual arousal, Becky looked as if she was a porn star ready to explode from her loins. Not shy about what she wanted, and with both of us on the same page, she wanted me to give her sex as much as I wanted to give her sex.

With our breathing and heartbeats synchronized, we hit the peak and fell over the precipice. Lost in the best sexual orgasms of my life, again, I ejaculated like a prized, stud horse. Cumming and cumming, unbelievably, something that has never happened with anyone, once again, I filled her cunt to overflowing.

Where is all of this cum coming from? Never have I ever ejaculated as much cum. I ejaculated stream after stream of what seemed like three times more cum in Becky's beautiful pussy as I had ever produced in my life. Fearing that I'd run out of cum and never cum again, I feared that I'd surely exhaust my supply of cum on Becky.

Finally, completely exhausted, with my arm draped around her, we collapsed into a conjoined heap on her bed again. Then, my cute, little redhead looked up at me. She was so beautiful. She was so shapely. She was so sexy. She was so insatiable. She smiled at me with those beautiful, green eyes as if she wanted to go again.

"Never have I cum as hard and so many times," she said while beaming. "I never knew this was even possible. You are without a doubt, the best lover that I've ever had, you are fantastic, David. I love having sex with you."

We fell into a deep, blissful sleep still wrapped in each other's arms. We finally awakened about two hours later still sticky from our wild lovemaking. We looked at one another and kissed. I loved kissing her as much as she clearly loved kissing me. The best woman that I have ever kissed, she gave me the most memorable kisses. From this day forward, with her spoiling me for other women, whenever I think about making out with a woman, I'll measure them against Becky.


"That was incredible," I said while still in shock. "I've never have cummed as much and as hard. You are amazing, Becky. By far, you are the best lover that I have ever had."

As if she was my senior prom date and the first woman that I ever kissed, we continued passionately making out with one another. Thirsty and hungry on top of still being exhausted, with our other needs directing us, we reluctantly climbed out of bed and got dressed. Instead of cooking something, Becky decided it would be quicker and easier to drive up to the Dairy Queen.

"Let's grab a couple of burgers and fries at Dairy Queen. They make more than ice cream," she said with a laugh.

We got dressed, jumped into my truck, and went through the drive-thru to pick up our early dinner. Not 20 minutes later, we had our burgers, fries, and the biggest drinks they could make. We belched and grinned at each other before bursting out in laughter. We must have been quite the sight.


We both had that well fucked look about us. Unfortunately, and sadly, alas, all good things must come to an end. Not knowing when she'd arrive home, today, tonight, or tomorrow morning, it was time for me to leave before Shirley arrived home from having dinner at her parent's house. It was only then, I remembered that she wouldn't be home until sometime tomorrow. We had the rest of the day to ourselves.

"I can't begin to tell you how incredible this day has been for me, but I really needed to head home," I said while not wanting to overstay my welcome.

I hoped she'd wouldn't want me to leave. I hoped she'd want me to stay longer. Sadly, Becky agreed since it was getting late, and she didn't like the idea of my driving on that unfamiliar winding road in the dark. We talked about what an incredible time we had. Not knowing when she'd see me again, Becky said she didn't know when or if Shirley would drive to Waco again.

They really didn't have much money to spare and, since Shirley had their only car and, with her not dancing, she couldn't justify the gas money so that Becky could dance with me. I suggested that I could return next weekend and pick up where we left off. As if a little girl given a new Barbie doll, Becky jumped up and down in happiness.

"That would be great," she said excitedly! "We were actually planning on having a little family get together next weekend. Would you like to come along and meet my folks? They would love to meet you."

'Meet her folks,' I thought? Suddenly, I felt as if I was in a committed relationship. I never met any of my girlfriends' parents.'

Prematurely early to meet her parents but with her looking so excited about showing me off to them, how could I refuse? With that settled, reluctantly, I reminded her that I really needed to hit the road before it got too late and too dark. We got up and headed to the door. I picked up my hat.


As if I was a sailor leaving port, we hugged and kissed each other goodbye. Not letting one another go, surprising myself as much as she surprised me, we continued hugging and kissing. Then, as I stepped outside her door, Becky muttered something about me being so tall it was hard for her to kiss me. Then, she had an idea.

"You're so tall," she said staring up at me. "Stand on the lower step behind you and by the front door like you did when you first got here. It would be much easier to kiss you from there," she said.

I gave her a big smile.

"That's a great idea," I said.

I stepped down a step, turned around, and Becky threw her arms around my neck and kissed me feverishly.

"Thank you. That was a good idea, but I really should be going," I said reluctantly.

Yet, that didn't dissuade her from kissing me again and again. She continued kissing me. Her kisses became more intense. I've never been kissed like that before. I loved her kissed. They blanked my mind and hardened my cock.

She hugged me tighter. She hugged me harder. She showered me with kisses. As if she never wanted to let me go, she showed the intensity of the sexual attraction that she had for me and that I definitely had for her, too.

"Becky," I said. "I really need to..." I started to say before she interrupted me by smothering me with kisses.


'Note to self,' I thought. 'I must be careful with my kisses. As if she wasn't horny enough before, it seemed that my kisses inflamed her sexual passions even more.'

Then, she looked at up at me with a tear in her eye and said something from her heart.

"I don't want to let you go," she said in a sexually, aroused whisper. "Your kisses make me weak in the knees and soft in my heart. You blank my mind with your kisses. No one has ever kissed me in the way that you kiss me. Nobody has ever made love to me like you do."

'Oh, oh,' I thought. 'She's going to say that L word. What have I done? This woman is crazy for me. With her already wanting me to meet her parents, too early for all of that, I just hoped that she didn't say that she loved me.'

Never expecting that we'd immediately hit it off in the way that we did, this was only my first time meeting her and I was already thinking about marrying her and making her my forever wife. I've never felt such deep feelings for any other woman as I suddenly felt for her. I really needed to get home to process everything in my own time and space.

I couldn't process those feelings here with her continuing to kiss me. I couldn't help but notice she was becoming flushed again. Her breathing appeared labored. She pulled me into another big hug and passionately kissed me again. Obviously, she felt the same way about me as I felt about her. Then, not stopping with just a kiss, her hands moved to my crotch and felt my cock growing bigger and harder.

'I'm really in for it now' I thought.

She grabbed one of my hands and held it to her breast. What could I do? I started to massage her breast again through her blouse and bra. The type of woman who filled me with lustful desire and erotic passion, she had the whole package. I loved her tits as much as I loved her beautiful face, her long, lush, red hair, and her big, bright, green eyes.

'I really don't have to go,' I thought. 'Especially with Shirley not coming home until tomorrow, I could stay a bit longer. I have nothing planned for tomorrow anyway. What the hell?'


Without saying another word, as if she had read my mind, Becky pulled me back in the house. She practically dragged me back to her bed. We fell into the bed in a tangle of arms and legs while kissing, touching, and feeling one another through our clothes.

As if we were already married and, on our honeymoon, there was no pretense this time. We stood and practically tore our clothes off and fell back into the bed while kissing and fondling each other. I cupped her magnificent, naked breasts, and tweaked her nipples. The more that I gently pinched, pulled, turned, and twisted her erect nipples, the more sexually aroused she became. As if she was a dog in heat humping my leg, she ground her sopping, wet pussy against my leg while squeezing my growing erection.

Something that I could spend my entire life looking for and never finding, Becky was one hot babe filled with lustful, sexual desire for me. Only, exhausted from hours of us having sex, this wasn't the time for another long, love making session. I didn't have the stamina. I didn't have the energy. I couldn't do it all over again.

Yet, she wasn't just any woman. She was Becky, my redheaded Goddess. This wasn't just sex. This was pure, animal passion. Never have I had sex with a woman who wanted to have sex with me as much as I wanted to have sex with her.

By the time she stripped off my jockey shorts, my cock was already rock hard again. I gently pushed her back on her bed. As if she was a rag doll waiting for me to attack her, I pounced on her as if I was a panther. Forget about foreplay, too sexually excited for that, I drove my throbbing shaft straight into her sopping wet, warm, and wanton cunt.

We were like wild animals with hair and sweat flying everywhere. Surprising both of us, Becky had another sexual orgasm after only a few strokes. She continued to writhe and moan as her orgasm continued. I fucked her faster. I fucked her harder. I fucked her deeper.

Literally pounding her pussy as if I was piledriver, I fucked her so fast and so hard that I pushed her head all the way up to the headboard. I gave her the fucking of her young life. I had to hook my hands over her shoulders to pull her back down to me and to keep her from sliding off the bed. Never have I fucked anyone in the way that I fucked Becky.

We must have fucked for nearly an hour like that. She lost count again of how many times she had another sexual orgasm. As if she had one, long, continuous orgasm that only got more intense as we continued to hump and grind each other, she remained in continued orgasmic pleasure.

Finally, nearly physically exhausted again, we came together in the most glorious, shared orgasm. With her spraying her vaginal juices everywhere, we thoroughly soaked her bed again. She definitely would have to change her sheets before going to bed tonight.

Again, sexually sated and physically spent, we collapsed in each other's arms in complete ecstasy while lovingly kissing and touching, feeling, and fondling one another's naked bodies. Becky cuddled up next to me and beneath my arm and rested her red, pretty head on my chest. When I kissed her forehead, she looked up at me to give me a wink.

"That was fabulously fantastic," she said. "You are insatiable. You're my hero," she said with a laugh.

I returned her laugh with my laugh.

"Me? You're the one who wouldn't stop kissing me. You're the one who wouldn't let me leave," I said with another laugh. "You're the one who pulled me back in your house," I said. "You're the insatiable one but I'm glad that you are," I said kissing her.

I wrapped my arms around her as we both sighed and fell asleep.


As if I had dreamt and/or sexually fantasized the whole experience, I awakened the next morning with my amazing redhead still asleep in my arms. I lightly kissed her forehead. It felt so good to hold her. She had such an incredible body. Never wanting to let her go, I loved holding her in my arms.

"Good morning, sweetheart," I said.

She stretched and yawned. Then, she looked up at me through groggy eyes.

"Good morning, my wonderful stud," she said.

Making me yawn, she yawned again while looking into my sleepy eyes.

"Wow," she said with a laugh. "That's all I can say. Just wow. That is, unless I add a few, Oh, my God's, too," she said with another laugh. "You were incredible. You are the most fantastic lover that I've ever had," she said while smiling up at me.


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