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Becky the Nude Model Ch. 02

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Chimney Repair changed our lives.
10.1k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 03/08/2023
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I received eighteen comments on 'Becky the Nude Model' I want to say that any anonymous derogatory remarks are written by cowards. Put your big boy or girl pants on and take credit for your comments! All the other remarks I thank the people that like my prose's and didn't. As I have said many times, I write for my pleasure about subjects I think the readers would like or subjects that are not covered very much. I was a construction worker not a English scholar and I guess my prose reflect this. This series is fiction based on some truth. One other thing I found when I read my last story some of the changes I made didn't take when it was published. I will get off my soapbox and continue!

This story is based on fact, but it is embellished with fiction. I leave it up to the reader to decide what is fact and fiction.

A continuation of 'Becky the nude model' As you may remember my wife was a teacher's assistant, and I was a construction supervisor. Unfortunately, my wife only modeled at the Artisan's one time, but I still wanted to know how my wife found the courage to model nude.

Over the months that followed my wife and I discussed extensively why she changed from shy wife to a nude model. She portrayed a modest mother of two who never walked around the house without a housecoat on. Most of the time she was fully clothed. Her bathing suits were one-piece full coverage garments.

"Becky how did you find the courage to model for figure studies at the Artisan's you're so modest?"

The following is a compilation of our conversations over many months.

"Tom to tell you the truth, I lost my modesty when I went through all the tests to have our son, with all the tests they did on me to conceive. I was nude most of the time when I went to the doctors. It was a pain to put the cover-ups on and take them off. So, after a while I just told them I didn't want the gown anymore everyone there saw me nude so what was the big deal. From then on, I walked from one test to the next in the nude. I even walked nude in the hallways and a lot of people saw me. It thrilled me the looks some of the men gave me! There were male technicians as well a female, some of them we knew. I didn't care about my nudity I just wanted to have children!" Becky explained and then asked. "Now I need to ask you a question. Do you like to see me nude in public? Tell me the truth."

"Yes, I do. Now I'm upset that I couldn't come with you to see you nude in front of the doctors and technicians." I said as I looked down at my hands, angry along with embarrassed. "That was my fantasy, and I was robbed of it." I thought.

My wife could see I was angry she felt bad about her confession after she realized how I felt. "Well I guess we'll just have to do something about your perverted proclivities my dear husband." She smiled as she gave me a very erotic kiss that curled my toes. My anger left and it was instant boner time!

The kids were in bed, it was late, my wife pushed me into a chair in the family room. She stepped back after the kiss while I recuperated from her lip lock. She did a striptease, Becky removed her top as she swayed to imaginary music. Threw the garment on the couch, she slid her slacks down, kicked off her shoes and threw her slacks on the couch. Turned and asked. "Could you help a woman in distress, help her remove her bra?"

I went to her, used my finger and thumb to pop the clips on her bra. She pulled the straps down on both arms sexily, with her back to me, and threw the intimate garment on the couch. Becky turned, used her hands for a hand bra as she asked. "What do you think so far, you like my outfit?"

"I would like it better if you took your panties off, while you were in front of a group of men. I want you spread in front of guys to let them look at the box I cum in."

Becky was excited until my last statement. "You really want me to let strangers look at my intimate area?" She asked embarrassed.

"It didn't faze you to show everyone your pussy at the doctors when I wasn't around." I countered.

Becky knew she would have to agree to be nude in public and let strangers see her to please me. "Hopefully, my show tonight will appease Tom for the time being." Becky thought.

Becky continued her striptease as she said. "Patience my dear lover, patience! We will get there." My wife said as she turned her back to me and slid one side of her panties down and then the other, a little at a time. It was very erotic to see her lower her panties slowly to expose her rosebud and pussy lips completely. She took a long time, it felt like an hour for her to have her panties hit the floor. She stepped out of them bent over with her legs spread to show me the most wonderful sight in the world. Her moist pussy lips and her brown star. I love when she was totally exposed in this way! She threw her panties to me to show how excited she was. They were soaked with her excitement!

I put a blanket on the floor, Becky laid down on her back with her legs spread wide and rubbed her pussy with need while I disrobed. I laid on my stomach with my head between her legs as I played with her pussy lips. I massaged her lady lips and opened up her intimate passage to my view. "Guys spend nine months getting out of the womb and the rest of their lives trying to get back in." I thought as I gazed at her moist, engorged, vaginal lips. Becky looked beautiful in her present pose. She moaned an invitation for me to continued.

I went closer, took one of her pussy lips between my lips, and sucked on it. "Oh, my gawd that feels ssssssooooooo goooddddddddd!" She whispered as she tried to push her pussy into my face.

I stuck my tongue in her open wet box and licked her clit. That did it. "Ah-ah-ah!" She came as I pushed my tongue deeper into her pussy. "Sooo Ggggooodddd!" She whispered. "Time to see if you can get back into the womb Tommy." She whispered with need.

I slid up over her prone body, kept my weight on my hands. She helped me find her hole that I cum in with her hand as I pushed forward. I slid in balls deep she was so wet. We were overcome with need and it only lasted a few minutes before we had a mutual orgasm. The sounds where a duo of grunts, groans, sighs and moans that signaled our releases.

I helped her up after we came down off our orgasmic high, we walked nude to our bedroom, I put on a tee my wife remained nude. We went to sleep content that night.

The company I worked for was taken over by the son of the owner, when the owner retired.

Formerly we used to retain the crafts people that were of high caliber, but with the new regime it was different. The son wanted to layoff anyone that we didn't need no matter who it was or for how long. So, to counter the drainage of excellent talent. Unbeknown to my boss, I started a side business in construction that didn't compete with the company I worked for, so I could put to work the high-quality Carpenters, Laborers, and Masons for the times that the company laid them off. I gave the men small jobs to do. A week to a month's work. I called back the men when I needed them. My office couldn't understand how I could get the labor needed without a problem.

With this in mind let me continue this segment:

I received a call in early March for a chimney repair two towns over from where I live, with directions to get there. The owners would only be there on the weekend, so I decided to meet them on Sunday afternoon. It so happened that our kids wanted to go to a movie at the mall, so we dropped them off, my wife, and I went to the site. She was my side kick, took notes, took photos, and made suggestions when needed.

We turned off route forty-three, onto the road the client described, it turned into a dirt road. It was mud season, so the road was a mess. We passed a few farms. At the end of the road there was an open gate and we were told to go to the red house on the property. I knew we were at the right place because the top half of the chimney was gone and on the ground were bricks. I took photos and then my wife and I went to the door. I knocked. It opened and there stood a nude man in the doorway.

My wife pulled the door closed in shock, but the man opened it again. He just laughed and said. "This is a nudist camp mam, but it's closed for the winter. Come in where it's warm."

He sat in a rocker, legs spread, pecker exposed!

We entered to find a woman who was a few years older than us reclined on the couch and you guessed it she was totally nude.

First things first:

I asked. "How come you didn't tell me this was a nudist camp on the phone."

The owner responded. "Because I called three contractors and when they found out this was a nudist camp they declined to come here. Now are you leaving also?"

"No, if we can do the job before you open. I don't have a problem. The hardest part of the job is the scaffolding."

As a side note the owner of the nudist camp. His name was Dick, big surprise, and he had a big one! My wife couldn't take her eyes off of his member, soft it went to his knee. He was a few years older than me. The lady was, introduced as Judy, Dick's wife. I found out later that she was a judge in Albany NY. She was easy on the eyes. She had a figure similar to my wife, with a bigger bottom. Dark brown hair.

When we left the camp, I told my wife. "I would like to see you on the couch like Judy and let some of my friends see you nude."

"I bet you would! You are a pervert you know that!" Was the response I got with a smile from her.

We picked up the kids and ate at the mall. After the kids went to bed we went to the family room, my wife asked. "Do you really want to see me nude in front of your friends?" Her voice sounded scared, but with curiosity.

I was surprised by her question. "Why do you ask that."

"Just curious, but I don't think you love me anymore when you want me to be nude in front of people. I thought that I was only supposed to show you all of me. It was something special between a man and a wife. I didn't think I had to show the whole world what I look like nude. I was taught it was a sin to show my body in public."

I became upset and said. "It's okay to walk around naked when you wanted to have kids and everyone saw you nude, but now you don't want to do that for me."

"You don't understand I had to do that to have kids, you don't know what I had to go through and the pain the tests caused me. You just want to show me off. I don't think you love me anymore.

"I'm sorry Becky, you didn't tell me about the pain you went through, but It's not like that Becky, I'm proud of you and want to show you off in all your naked glory. You did say you lost your modesty when you had our son, so I'm giving you the go ahead to indulge in some exhibitionism as long as I can be with you. You said you were thrilled when men saw you nude in the halls at the doctors, so I want you to relive that with me present"

There was a long silence. "You do work hard for our family and if you want me to do this for you I will." She said in a terrified submissive whisper.

"Becky, it doesn't work like that for me. You come to me when you want to be nude in front of my friends. It will be your decision. I love you too much to force you to do anything you're uncomfortable with my dear." I said as I took her in my arms, kissed her as I started to undress her in our family room.

She didn't stop me but helped with her exposure. I removed her blouse, unhooked her bra. She shrugged it off as we continued to make-out. She was hot, her nipples were extended, and the size of large-round erasures. I unbuttoned her slacks, she arose off the seat, so I could pull them off, with her shoes. She stood up, skimmed her panties down, and laid on the couch with her legs spread. I made out with her as I finger fucked her pussy. Becky was a swamp her scent almost made me cum in my pants!

"I want to model for Bill." Becky moaned as I tickled her fancy with my fingers. "AAAHHH III'MM CCUUMMIINNG." She hollered loudly, and then there was banging on the floor above us.

"You guys are like two rabbits!" We heard from our son whose room was right above us.

We both started to laugh. "I guess it's better for our kids to hear us having sex than fighting." I said and that brought a giggle from Becky.

After we calmed down from our copulation I asked. "Becky, you said you want to model for Bill. Was that just in the heat of the moment or do you still feel that way."

She looked down at her hands embarrassed. "I still feel that way now."

"Why do you want to model for Bill?"

"I hope you're not going to be mad if I tell you." Becky said in a small, frightened voice as she wrung her hands. She couldn't look at me.

After all of Becky's rhetoric I finally found the truth!

"I liked being the only person nude in the room. I found this out when I modeled for the Artisans. I want to feel that way again."

"I'm not mad at you I'm proud that you have the courage to tell me what you need to feel good about yourself. My dear I love you more now. Bill and I will help you to accomplish what you need to feel good about yourself. You're a beautiful woman, but you don't realize it."

Becky looked at me with passion in her eyes I have never seen before. "I need you in me, Tom." Her voice dripped with the passion that I saw in her eyes.

I dropped my garments from the waist down and climbed between her spread legs. I needed to control my passion so I could get my gorgeous wife off again before I blew my wad. I used one arm to support myself and the other hand I rubbed on the top of her pussy to stimulate her clit, as I sawed in and out of her pussy. It was a feat that I wasn't sure I could continue for too long.

I needn't worried because. "I'm cuumminngg!" She moaned into my arm to stifle her voice, and clamped her legs around me to pull me as far as she could into her box.

I blew my load just as I heard her. "I'm there with UUUUUUUUUUUU." I groaned softly.

Sated for the time being I sat back I was only about twelve inches from her pussy and at eye level as I sat on the floor. Becky put her one leg on my shoulder, and I took in the lovely sight before me, her just fucked box. Her lady lips were parted they didn't close up her intimate passage yet. It was moist and pink. She looked beautiful. Her scent was that of a thoroughly satisfied woman.

As I looked into my wife's totally exposed intimate beauty and lovingly rubbed her vaginal lips together, I continued. "Becky I will call Bill and tell him you want to model, but you will have to call him to get the details. I want you to be fully aware of what modeling for Bill's group will entail."

"What do you mean Bill's group? I thought I was just going to model for him."

"That's why you have to talk to him, Becky."

I took her hand, and we went up to bed.

Anyway, we figured up the chimney job gave Dick a price and we started the middle of March with two carpenters, two laborers and two masons. The work was done in two weekends. It was a major chimney reconstruction. The owner was happy and paid us in full the day we finished.

After we finished the chimney job, my wife was anxious to model:

I called Bill when I was at work. He answered. "Hi, Bill this is Tom, how are you doing.

"I'm Good, how can I help you, Tom."

"The reason for my call, Becky wants to model for you, but she will call you I'm just giving you a heads up."

"That's great, but you know the type of models we look for don't you?"

"Yes, I got an idea, but I want you to explain the type of model you need to my wife, think of Becky as a model not my wife, and let her decide if she wants to model for you. My only request is that I be there whenever she models for you. Other than that you treat her like you would any woman that models for you."

"Understood buddy and thanks for the heads up." Bill said before we hung up.

When I arrived home from work, I gave Becky a passionate kiss. "I missed you my dear."

"How about us daddy?" My daughter asked as she ran to me and grabbed my leg.

"I miss both of my great kids." I said as I picked up our daughter and gave her a hug. My son was on my other arm, and I gave him a hug also. "I have a wonderful family!" I thought.

We had dinner. The kids cleaned up, my wife and I went to the family room. I told Becky. "I called Bill. He's excited that you want to model for his group. He's waiting for your call. Do you have his number?"

We were interrupted when the kids came down. They wanted to play pong and then Mario brothers on the TV, so we played with them. Our conversation never continued, the kids went to bed, and we followed soon after.

The next morning, I gave my wife Bill's number before she went to school which was earlier than she usually does. Becky brought the kids with her, dropped our son off at middle school, and brought our daughter to the school Becky works at. Becky went to her office, closed the door, and called Bill before he left for work. When he answered. "HI Bill this is Becky. How are you doing."

"Great Becky, how can I help you?" Although he already knew the answer

"Well, I Ah-Ah I would like to model for you."

"You know it won't just be for me. I have between ten to twenty men that come to draw at my house Tuesdays and Thursdays, from six to ten.

"Yes, I know I meant for the group."

"Okay then, it's Thursday do you think you can come to my house for Saturday afternoon around one, to discuss this, and you can get into some of the poses that we ask the models to hold?"

"Yes, we could bring the kids to the mall and come to your house as long as it won't be too long a time."

"No, it should only be for about two maybe three hours that should be enough time for you to find out if you want to model for our group, Becky. I want to warn you that if you model for us you will be asked to spread your legs for most of the poses.

"Oh, wow, Ah-Ah Okay I will see if I can do that we will be there on Saturday." She said with trepidation.

"Thanks for calling. Oh, one other thing, do you have a dress you can put on. I want you to leave your undergarments off, so you won't have ugly marks on your body from the elastic."

"Okay I can do that and see you Saturday." She said in an excited voice that Bill noticed. "I now know I will be nude and spread in front of Bill." Becky thought with some embarrassment and a lot of excitement. She could feel a burst of excitement leave her pussy and soak her panties.

"Bye Becky." Bill said. "I think we have a live one, I wonder how far Tom will let me go with her." He thought as he hung up.

I haven't told you about Bill. He was fifty-two years old, works as a carpenter for himself. His wife died of cancer a couple of years ago. He took up drawing to fill his time. We befriended them when he helped me with some work on our house. Becky took his wife's job at the school in the office when Bill's wife Maryland got sick. We have a soft spot for him in our hearts they never had any kids, and he hasn't put himself out there since his wife passed.

At dinner on Friday. "How would you guys like to go to the mall tomorrow afternoon?" Becky asked the kids.

"Yes, but we don't have any money to do anything." Our daughter said.

"Not a problem Daddy and I have a meeting with Uncle Bill. Daddy will give you thirty dollars apiece."

(It is noted here that Bill isn't their uncle, but he was good to our kids.)

"My-my is mom generous to our kids with my hard-earned cash." I laughed as I peeled off two twenty-dollar bills each for the kids. They both came over and happily hugged me.

The next day my wife trimmed her bush, and I shaved around her back area. She put on a dress with no undergarments. It was eleven when we went to the mall had lunch with the kids. We picked up our niece on the way to keep an eye on them, I gave her forty dollars. All though lunch Lesley eyed my wife suspiciously but said nothing.

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