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Bed of Rose's Ch. 02


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Rose's eyes were as wide as saucers. "I . . . I . . . I" she stuttered.

"I'll take that as a yes," he said smiling. "And no, I'm not being patronizing. If you're half as good as you seem to be, I might even get a discount there next time I'm looking for a vehicle. Nah, Jerry's too much of a tightwad to . . ." He was cutoff as Rose gave him a great big (but somewhat awkward) hug. She quickly sat back in her seat and stared out the window. "You're welcome," he said with a smile.

They got to her place, and they both got out. He asked to see the car before she left. She showed it off with the pride someone might display their newborn child. She showed him the house and the apartment. He told her he would check into that job opportunity and would call her in the next day or two, and then he left.

Rose wasn't sure how she felt. It had been one of the most tumultuous evenings of her life since her mother left her. She went down to her bedroom, flopped down face first on the bed, and fell to sleep almost instantly.

She hadn't been asleep long when she was awoken by the sound of the upstairs door slamming. It had to be Charlotte, as she was the only other person who had a key. Rose just lay on her stomach, enjoying the feeling of satin sheets against her skin. At some point, she had apparently gotten undressed, so she was feeling very comfortable. After a few minutes, she heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Rose wondered what her friend was up to.

"Rose," came the girl's voice from behind her, "I am SO sorry about tonight."

"It's not your fault, lover. Your dad said you had some words for your mother after I left."

"You could say that," said Charlotte tiredly. "She really isn't normally like that. I think you'll be getting a BIG apology from her in the next few days."

"I dunno. She seemed awfully . . ."

"No, I don't think you get it. She WILL apologize in the next few days." Charlotte's voice sounded as forgiving as cold steel. "I think it's safe to say tonight didn't go as planned. So I thought we might do something special to make up for it."

Rose felt the girl's legs on either side of her as Charlotte climbed onto the bed and straddled her back. She felt hands on her knotted shoulders, and lips on the back of her neck. She made noises of contentment as Charlotte started working the knots out of her shoulders with her skilled hands

"It's okay, sweetie. Tonight wasn't your fault. It had to happen eventually."

"Maybe, but I still want to make it up to you. And if you want to turn over, I'll show you how!"

Rose opened one eye, again wondering what Charlotte was up to. She felt the girl lift her body up enough for Rose to turn over, which she dutifully did. "My oh my!" she said appreciatively. So that's what you were up to upstairs!"

What had piqued Rose's interest was Charlotte's outfit. Her girlfriend had changed into a baby-doll nightgown that barely even reached her crotch. When she moved, Rose could clearly see the pink, satin v-string panties she was wearing underneath. Her breasts seem to be swinging freely under the translucent, gauzy material, apparently unhampered by a bra. And her hair, pulled up in her traditional pigtails helped the image quite a bit, as did the lollypop swirling around her mouth.

"You like?"

"Oh, I like very much. You are a naughty little girl!"

"Am I naughty?" Charlotte asked with an almost childish pout playing across her face. "Then I should probably be disciplined!" She turned sideways and lay across Rose's naked legs with her panties pressed securely again the girl's knees. "Will you discipline me?" The blonde girl had a feigned look of such child-like innocence that Rose felt her energy levels returning with a vengeance. And when Charlotte reached behind her and slowly pulled the flimsy material of her outfit above her ass and leaving only the partially covered cheeks exposed, Rose willingly accepted that she wasn't getting anymore sleep anytime soon.

She raised her hand and gave Charlotte's ass a solid smack. Charlotte gasped and ground her crotch into Rose's knee. There was an imprint of Rose's hand on one of the girl's ass cheeks and with another quick smack, there was a matching imprint on the other side. And more grinding against Rose's knee.

"Oh please," Charlotte moaned. "I've been SO bad!" Several thwacks later, her beautiful butt was a lovely shade of red. Rose didn't want to do any serious damage to that ass, as she had plans for it somewhere down the road. Fondling would be involved.

"Maybe instead of punishing you, I should get you to work it off."

"Whatever do you mean?" asked Charlotte, who had gone wide-eyed again. She was so adorable when she did that.

"Turn this way," she responded. As Charlotte shifted, Rose split her legs apart and pulled Charlotte headfirst towards her bare pussy. "Now if you don't eat your dinner, you don't get dessert."

"If this is my dinner, who gives a damn about dessert." Charlotte started by kissing every square inch around the outside of Rose's swollen lips. She sucked on the skin and then touched it lightly with her tongue before moving on to another spot. After doing a complete circle, she started lapping at the slit from bottom to top, over and over again. Rose grabbed on to both of her pigtails and hung on for dear life.

Charlotte was able to worm her hands forward to get them into the action. First she used her thumbs to spread Rose's pussy lips open a little wider so her tongue could probe a little deeper. Then she inserted three of her fingers deep inside her friend's cunt and started to pump them in and out. She raised her head briefly to look at Rose. The girl's eyes were close and her mouth was open in an "O" shape. She was panting heavily, her small firm breasts were heaving and her skin was coated in sweat. Her trademark red mohawk had shifted over to one side. The muscles of her torso were flexing powerfully underneath her skin. She was beautiful. Charlotte stopped finger fucking Rose and crawled up her body until her breasts were in line with Rose's crotch, and she slid the nightie up far enough that her breasts were expose. She took one of her nipples, which was hard as a rock, and started rubbing all over Rose's pussy. She snaked one hand back and inserted into her friend's box.

Rose had opened her eyes and enjoyed what she saw almost as much as what she felt. Charlotte was rubbing those magnificent tits into her crotch while fucking her with those talented fingers. Her ass, still slightly reddened, was stick up, and her panties had been pulled in as to somewhat resemble a g-string. Then she looked up and the two girls locked eyes. Rose breathing was becoming more rapid. Charlotte saw the girl's body start to tremble and tense, but the two of them never broke eye contact. Charlotte wanted to be looking at her lover's eyes when she came. She was using her fingers frantically as Rose came. Charlotte was turned on more than usual, mostly because of the expression on Rose's face. It was pleasure, pure and unadulterated and simple. Charlotte's fingers were covered in the redhead's juices, but she didn't let up with her fingering until the orgasm was completely over.

"So, is all forgiven?" Charlotte asked lovingly.

"I could never stay mad at you. Particularly since I was never ACTUALLY mad AT you. And that outfit . . ."

Charlotte crawled over to the edge of the bed, reached down and pulled something from the nightstand. It was Rose's strap-on. In their relatively brief relationship, they hadn't used this toy much, and Rose wondered why Charlotte had chosen it. The girl also put a bottle of KY lotion on top of the nightstand. Charlotte started slid the harness up Rose's legs, and Rose had to lift her hips so her friend could complete the task. So Rose was laying on her back with a seven-inch, red plastic dick jutting up almost obscenely from her hips. Then Charlotte climbed on board, pushing her panties out of the way so the dildo could slide right in.

"I want you to fuck me. I want you to fuck me until I scream." Charlotte was rocking back and forth, still wearing the pink nightie. She moved to remove it, but Rose had other ideas.

"Leave it on. Be a good girl, and leave it on." Rose slid her hands up Charlotte's body and started massaging her tits. Charlotte just rotated her hips and enjoyed the sensation of Rose's hands on her flesh. Then Rose's hands slipped down and gripped her lover's hips. She began thrusting upward with her artificial dick. She let her hands drift downward again so her thumbs could rub Charlotte's swollen mound and tender clit. She grabbed one of the blonde girl's hands and brought it to her mouth. She kissed her wrist, then her palm and then took one of her fingers in her mouth, sucking on it gently.


"Yes hon?"

"I want you to do something for me." She climbed off and lay down, face first, next to her lover. I want you to fuck me. In there." She lifted the nightie above her ass again and placed a finger suggestively at the top of her ass crack.

Rose was a bit stunned. Charlotte had never shown any interest in that before, and Rose was afraid she was doing it to appease her because of the preceding events. "Listen, you don't have to do that if . . ."

"No, it's not what you think. I just see how much you enjoy it, so I wanted to try it at least once."

Rose grabbed the lotion off the dresser and applied a very generous amount to the strap-on. Before she went any further, she bent over and kissed her girlfriend's still tender ass and gently probed her sphincter with her tongue. Then she inserted a single finger into that rosebud and waited for it to relax a bit. Then she put in a second finger. Finally, when Charlotte's ass was able to accommodate two fingers, Rose got ready for the big event. She placed the end of the plastic cock at the entrance to Charlotte's back door.

"It's going to hurt a bit when I first start. Try not to tense up. Once the head is in and you start to relax, it becomes a lot more fun." And then she started to push inward.

Charlotte buried her face in one of the many pillows on the bed. 'Hurt a bit,' seemed a tad inadequate of a statement. She thought she was going to pass out for a moment, but that moment passed. Rose was afraid the initial pain was going to be too much, so she started to withdraw.

"Wait," said Charlotte. "I think its relaxing a bit." Sure enough, her asshole began to ease up a bit, which in turn allowed the head to slide all the way in, and the pain went away. Rose thrust gently at first, letting the blonde girl get used to the new sensation. Rose, for her part, was awestruck by the sight of the red plastic sliding past the pink panties that ensnared Charlotte's wonderful tanned ass. She began fucking Charlotte with a little more speed and power. Charlotte was just repeating the word "fuck" over and over again while simultaneously finger herself.

After a few minutes, Charlotte indicated that she was getting close. Much to her apparent surprise, Rose pulled out and quickly shed the harness. She flipped Charlotte over and pulled the girl towards her. Rose was sitting on the bed with Charlotte's pussy and hips pulled up to her face. Most of Charlotte's weight was resting on her shoulders. They formed a nearly perfect triangle. And Rose began to lick. Like Charlotte, she wanted to see her lover's face when the moment came, and she figured this was the best way for her to do it. As Rose's tongue ravished her friend's box, Charlotte was pinching her nipple through the fabric of her nightie, and she was biting her lower lip in a fashion Rose considered to be really cute. Rose wasn't going for finesse. It was just rapid-fire motion with her tongue. But it seemed to be enough.

Charlotte's eyes popped open and the two girls found themselves staring at each other again.

"Oh God! I am SO cumming!" screamed Charlotte. "Stick your tongue in deeper! Taste me! Lick me! Oh, fuck me!" Even in the throes of orgasm, she still sounded a bit like a valley girl. But at the moment, Rose only cared what she tasted like, and she tasted like honey to the redhead. Rose's face was quickly covered in Charlotte's juices, but Rose wasn't quite done. She lowered Charlotte's body to the bed and stuck one finger in the girl's pussy and curved that finger toward the front of Charlotte's body. She had always wanted to see if she could give a woman multiple orgasms, but this was the first girl who was worth trying this on. Her digit located a small spot about the size and shape of a quarter on the front vaginal wall, and she began stimulating it. She used the fingers of her other hand to tease Charlotte's clit. It seemed to be working! Charlotte hadn't come all the way down from her first orgasm when a second one ripped through her body.

"I don't believe . . . I can't . . . Oh . . . Oh!" As she came for the second time in less than a minute, a mixed look of total pleasure and complete exhaustion played across the girl's face. The second orgasm wasn't quite as powerful as the first, but it was enough to wipe the young woman out.

Rose crawled next to Charlotte, draping on leg and one arm over the girl's body while resting her head next to the blonde girl's.

"So," she said after a minute, "was it good for you?"

Charlotte was almost too tired to chuckle. They lay together in silence for a minute.

"It was the best. But every time with you seems to be the best ever." She paused as if uncertain how to phrase what was on her mind."

"Just spit it out," said Rose.

"I really am sorry. I just wanted them to accept you."

Rose sighed quietly. "Don't worry your pretty little head about it. They do or they don't. Actually, your father said he might help me find a better job!"

"He mentioned that when he got home," she said happily. "I think you really impressed him. As far as my MOTHER goes," she continued, "she'll come around."

Rose had something she wanted to say as well, and right then seemed as good a time as any. "Charlotte, it would be nice if both your parents liked me, but I won't be completely devastated if they're not as friendly towards me as if I had been a guy." She looked straight into the other girl's eyes. "I love you. Your opinion is the only one that matters to me. The rest is just icing on a very delicious cake."

Charlotte looked like she had been pole-axed. Rose had never used the "L" word before in that context. Unbeknownst to her, Rose had never used the word "love" with anyone she had been with before in ANY context. Rose found herself on the receiving end of a long string of wet, passionate kisses.

Rose was a bit taken aback, but was happy about the response. She didn't think she had ever quite gotten over the idea that she was just "a phase" in Charlotte's life that would end when Rose said how she felt.

"I love you too!" came Charlotte's reply when the kissing was temporarily interrupted by the pesky need to breathe.

It was strange. After that, neither of them felt much of an urge to say anything. They were just happy to rest in each other's arms. Charlotte snuggled up a bit, resting her head next to Rose's neck. Rose stroked her girlfriend's hair well after Charlotte had fallen asleep, marveling at how someone as "energetic" as she was about lovemaking could look so innocent when she slept. She pulled the covers up over her slumbering lover, and watched the girl's face until sleep overcame her as well.

To be continued . . .

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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyabout 3 years ago

A rollercoasters ride is may a bit more comfy ...... But im happy for the girls ....... Wonderful again and its again 10 stars worth ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftabout 15 years ago
Yep Great as usual

I know it's hard to write loads of stuff, but it's not long enough(whining).

bornagainbornagainover 17 years ago
Very Moving

I think i can get to like your story i certainly liked the classic car piece i was in high school in 69 so i know the road runner i think her mom will come around and break away from turned up nose up bringing after she finds out how the girlfriend is around her daughter.

Pat Murray


doormousedoormousealmost 20 years ago

This just keeps getting better!!

LMBO the dinner scene. Very clevery written.

Off... to read chapter 3 ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago

I particularly liked that in addition to the hot sex, you had character development outside of bed.

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