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Biking Buds Pt. 07

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Doug takes Marsha out to dinner.
3.2k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 03/31/2024
Created 07/14/2023
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Mark was tightening the last bolts on the front fork of Doug's bike when he saw his friend pull into the driveway. He'd been working hard on the bike, hoping to have it finished before Doug showed up.

He'd had to buy a whole new front fork assembly and tire and wheel for the bike. When Doug hit the car a month ago the force of the collision had pretty much destroyed the front of the bike. The only thing Mark was able to salvage was the handle bars and brakes.

He looked at Doug and smiled as he walked up the drive and into the garage.

"Man, what a sight!" Doug said. "When I told you I wanted to come get my bike I meant I would get the pieces of it out of your garage. Look at what you've done!"

He walked around the bike stand looking at it.

Mark walked to the refrigerator in the corner of the garage and got them both a beer.

"Well, I ran across the parts to fix it, so I decided to go ahead and put it back together for you. Hope that was okay," he said as he handed Doug the beer.

"It is very much okay," Doug said. "I mean, on top of everything else you did for me, you sure didn't have to do this!"

"I know I didn't have to," Mark said. "I wanted to."

Doug turned to Mark, then stepped to him and put his arms around him.

"I don't know what to say," he said.

Mark pushed him away. "Dude, I'm all sweaty." But he liked it. He could smell just a hint of the body wash Doug used mixed with the fabric softener on his clothes. It was a manly smell.

"I don't even care right now," Doug said as he pulled Mark in for a quick hug and then stepped back from him. He was, indeed, all sweaty, and didn't smell at all like the Mark/Marsha Doug had gotten used to over the weeks he stayed with him/her.

He went back to looking at the bike. "So, when are we doing our first lap around the lake?"

"I'm ready when you are," Mark laughed. "Are you sure you don't want to try a shorter ride first? Like, around the block in your neighborhood?"

"I probably should," Doug laughed. "But you know me... I'd rather try to get around the lake on my first outing."

"Come on," Mark said. "Let's go in the house where it's cooler."

Doug noticed how Mark was dressed as they walked in. His tank top was a light lavender with a V-neck... Doug was pretty sure it was a woman's top. His elastic waist shorts reached to the middle of his thighs and had a small cuff... Doug looked for a zipper in the front and didn't find one, so he was pretty sure they were women's shorts.

And his socks and shoes were definitely women's- ankle socks that were folded over and had a little trim of lace, and little white canvas shoes with laces that didn't tie.

'It's a good thing one of our other friends didn't come over here,' Doug thought to himself.

"I'm gonna go take these sweaty clothes off," Mark said as he headed for his bedroom. "I'll be right back."

"You going to put some other clothes on?" Doug called out, laughing.

Mark stopped at his bedroom door. "Not if you don't want me to," he grinned.

Doug laughed and waved his hand. "Just kidding," he said. "Yes, put clothes on."

Mark was a little disappointed. He had a small hope that Doug would want him to come back naked. Of course, if he was going to do that he'd have to jump into the shower first.

When Mark disappeared into the bedroom Doug sat down at the bar and felt a familiar stirring. Would he be disappointed if Mark came back out naked, he wondered?

Mark walked into the bathroom and tossed his sweaty shirt and shorts over the edge of the hamper, then went to his closet. He picked a simple sleeveless cotton dress that reached mid-thigh and slipped it over his head as he walked back to the kitchen area.

Mark and Doug both were now completely comfortable with Mark wearing a dress even when he wasn't in full Marsha-mode. Mark walked to the refrigerator and got himself another beer and one for Doug before he sat down on the other bar stool.

"So, seriously," Doug said when Mark was seated. "Are you up for a lake ride this afternoon?"

Mark shrugged. "Sure. I mean, all I need to do is put on another t-shirt and some shorts and riding shoes. I can be ready in about 10 minutes."

Doug laughed. "Well, let's finish these beers first," he said. "So are you about back to normal at work?

"Eh, getting there," Mark said. "I kind of got used to working from home all the time when you were here. That's why I was home to work on your bike today," he laughed.

"Well, I'm happy you did that. But don't you need to get back to work to start trying to get those big projects you were talking about?"

Doug knew something was bothering his friend. He just didn't know what.

"Yeah, I really do," Mark said. "I'm just not as motivated to do that as I was. I'm sure I'll get it back soon. Until then I'll just enjoy the freedom of working at home."

"You mean the freedom to work as Marsha?" Doug asked.

Mark looked down at his beer. "Yeah."

"Ok, buddy, I thought that might be it. So I've done a little research. You know they can't stop you from working as Marsha, right? I mean, even in the office."

Mark nodded. "I know. I've looked into it, too. But I also know that once I take that step my name won't even be in the hat for those big projects."

Doug shook his head. "You might be surprised. I've found quite a few examples of guys who have transitioned on the job with good results. Surprisingly a lot of companies look at the quality of your work and not at how you are dressed when you come to work."

"I know," Mark said. "But I also know that some of the higher ups at my job aren't so open-minded. Even the women."

Doug drained his beer and slid off of the bar stool. "Well, know this. If you ever want to go that route you want to let them know you have an attorney who knows your rights and their responsibilities."

Mark smiled and nodded. "Thank you, sweetie," he said. "Um, Doug?"

"Yes?" Doug was pretty sure he knew what Mark was about to ask. And he wasn't about to say no.

"Um, well, would you mind... um, I'd really like to..."

"If you want to suck my dick you know I don't mind," Doug smiled. "In fact, I was kinda hoping you would want to."

Mark grinned and slid off of the bar stool, to his knees in front of Doug. Doug reached down to unbuckle his belt, but Mark stopped him.

"Let me," he said softly.

Mark unbuttoned Doug's belt, then his slacks, and let them fall around his ankles. He pulled Doug's boxers down, and pushed his shirt tail up. He smiled when he saw that Doug was already getting hard.

He gripped Doug's shaft and pulled his dick into his mouth. They both moaned, Doug reveling in the feel of Mark's hot mouth enveloping his fast growing cock, Mark as he inhaled Doug's musky, manly scent.

Mark put his hands on Doug's hips and started to work his mouth up and down his friend's hard shaft. Doug did something he hadn't been able to do when Mark sucked him before... he put his hands on his friend's head and fucked his dick in and out of his mouth.

They were both moaning. Doug's shaft grew fully hard, his bulbous head pushing against the roof of Mark's mouth. Mark could feel the shaft pulsing and throbbing as he took more and more of it into his mouth. When he finally felt Doug's curly pubic hairs tickling his nose he could feel hid swollen head throbbing in the opening of his throat.

Mark rubbed his tongue on the underside of Doug's throbbing shaft. He knew it wouldn't take long to make him spew hot jism down his throat. He felt Doug's legs stiffen and tremble. He felt Doug's grip on his head tighten.

Then he felt Doug relax, and felt the flow of Doug's hot cum fill his mouth and throat. He kept Doug's dick as deep in his mouth as he could, tasting, savoring the musky fluid sliding down his throat.

Mark kept gently sucking as Doug's cock began to soften. Doug's hands were still on Mark's head.

"Damn, girl, I've never felt anything like that," Doug said in a breathy, ragged voice. "Thank you."

Mark pulled his head back slowly and let Doug's dick slip out of his mouth. He wanted to stand up and kiss Doug. But he didn't. Instead he pulled Doug's boxers back up his legs, then his pants. He let Doug reach down to help fasten the pants and the belt this time.

"See you at the start of the bike path in an hour?" Doug asked when Mark stood up.

Mark nodded. "I'll be there," he smiled.


The ride around the lake was uneventful. Mark made sure to slow down a little so that Doug wasn't pushing too hard. They had plenty of time to admire the ladies in their bikinis.

At one point a female bike rider passed them wearing a spandex sports bra with her spandex biking shorts. In the tight bra it appeared she had little or no tits, giving her the profile of a man.

"You need a riding outfit like that," Doug laughed.

Mark laughed with him. "I have one."

"So why don't you ever wear it?" Doug asked.

"I think you know the reason," Mark said.

They rode on in silence until they reached a shady spot with a picnic table.

"I need to stop and get my breath and something to drink," Doug said as he slowed to a stop in the shade.

"Yeah, me, too," Mark laughed. "It doesn't take long to get out of shape."

They sat and sipped on their water and watched mostly children play in the water while moms in bikinis watched and tanned.

"I think you want to wear that little outfit like she had to ride around the lake," Doug said.

"Do what?" Mark asked. "Are you still on that? Why would you think that?"

Doug shrugged. "I don't know. I just have a feeling. I know you like to be feminine."

Mark laughed. "Well, out here riding I don't need a sexy little outfit to feel feminine. I'm just fine in my tank top and shorts. I don't even wear panties to ride. I wear jockey briefs to hold everything in place."

Doug laughed. "That I need to see," he said. "From what I saw when I was staying with you I wasn't sure you even owned any men's briefs."

"Well, not very many," Mark admitted. "But there are times when men's briefs hold my junk better than panties. Riding is one of those times."

"Okay, I'll give you that one," Doug said. "But don't you sometimes wish you had a bra on out here?"

Mark sighed and shook his head. "Come one. Let's get going. I'm ready to get to the other end and stop in the Trailhead shop for a cold beer." He got on his bike and started to slowly peddle away.

Doug watched his friend, wondering if he'd pushed it too far. But he had questions. And concerns for his friend. He quickly put his water bottle back in the holder and rode to catch up with Mark. They rode easily, stopping to coast often.

"How'd you know?" Mark asked as they pedaled easily.

"Know what? That you wish you had a bra on?" Doug asked.

Mark looked around. "You might say that a little louder. I'm not sure everyone heard you. But, yes, that."

"Something you said that first night, when you were telling me about how you started. You said just having one of your sister's training bras on made you feel feminine."

Mark shook his head. "I can't believe you remember that one little detail."

"Anyway," Doug said. "So you do wish you had a bra on?"

Mark nodded. "Yeah, sometimes... usually I do."

"So why don't you?" Doug asked.

"Well, mostly because of what happened to you," Mark said. "That could just as easily have been me. I don't want the emt's cutting my shirt off and finding a bra under it."

"I'm sure you wouldn't be the first man in a bra they've seen," Doug said.

"Yeah, but what about all those people standing around gawking?" Mark asked. "I would be the joke of social media."

Doug nodded. "I guess that is a risk," he said.

"It is. And not one I'm willing to take yet."

They pulled in close to the patio of the Trailhead shop.

"I'll grab us a couple of beers," Doug said. "Be right back."

Mark sat down and looked out at the water. From here there was no beach, no swimmers, no children playing or moms tanning. From here the waves on the lake looked like ripples.

Doug returned and set Mark's beer down in front of him.

"You seem to be awfully interested in me, um, being more open about, uh, Marsha," he said.

"I kind of am," Doug admitted. "When we first got to know each other I noticed something that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Especially when we were at your house watching a game or something, and even more so when I had guys from the firm come over or you invited friends from work."

Mark looked at him quizzically. "What kind of something?"

"I'm still not sure, but I think I'm starting to see it for what it was, or is. Back then it's like you were trying to make sure you didn't do anything or say anything that might be construed as feminine. You were trying to be extra masculine and pushing Marsha deeper into the closet," Doug said.

"Sometimes when you laughed at jokes, particularly jokes about someone being gay or something like that. I remember one time you told one of the women that her dress looked good on her, and someone said maybe you want to try it on, and you just laughed and were like, uh, very exaggerated about it. You said something like 'Yeah, like I'd look good in a dress', like it was ridiculous to even think you would look good in a dress. And I remember then thinking that you might," Mark said.

"It's like I was telling you about that time we were sitting here after a ride, and some of your hair had come out of the holder and was hanging down beside your face, and the way the sun was hitting you and I thought you were pretty. Remember me telling you that?"

"Yeah, I remember," Mark said. "It surprised me you said that, but it made me feel good."

"Well," Doug continued. "Since that night you came out to me as Marsha, well, since then you've gotten pretty comfortable with me seeing you as feminine... well, I've noticed a change in you. You seem to be more relaxed, more at ease... more comfortable in your own skin." He shrugged. "Over the past few years, and especially over the past few weeks, I've come to care for you as a friend. I guess I just want my friend to be able to enjoy who she is without worrying about what everyone else thinks."

Mark looked out at the lake. "Thank you, Doug," he whispered. "I don't know how to answer you. I want that, too. It's just not the world we live in. It's better than it was when I was growing up, but it's not ready to fully accept Marsha."

Doug reached over and put his hand on Mark's arm. "How do you know that?" he asked. "You've never given the world a chance to know Marsha. You gave me a chance to know her, and I like her. I'll bet our other friends would, too."

"Maybe," Mark said. He downed the last of his beer and threw the empty bottle in the trash can as he went to his bike. "I need to get home and get something to eat. I'm starving."

Doug followed him for the short ride to the parking lot and their cars.

"How about if I take you out for a big steak?" Doug said. They had both hung the bikes on the racks on the backs of their cars. "I've been thinking I need to do that. You know, to thank you."

Mark laughed. "You don't have to do that. But I'll take you up on it. Give me an hour to get home and shower?"

"Sure," Doug said. "Hey, listen, wear something nice. I've been wanting a steak from the Sportsman Club." He walked to the passenger side of Mark's car and leaned with his arms on the roof.

"Uh, sure," Mark said. "I've never been there. Do they require a jacket and tie?"

"Just a jacket," Doug said. "But I was thinking you might wear something like that black dress you wore that first night. You won't need a jacket with that," Doug smiled. "Although you might want some sort of wrap. Sometimes it's a little cold there."

Mark stopped and looked at him. "Um, you want to take Marsha to the Sportsman Club? Are you sure? Don't you know people there?"

"Yeah, there might be someone I know there," Doug said. "I'm not worried about it, though."

"You're not concerned that one of your friends or co-workers, maybe even someone that knows me, might see you there with me in a dress?"

"Not if you look as good as you did that first night," Doug grinned.

Mark took a deep breath. Then he nodded.

"Okay," he said quietly. "To go someplace like that on a date with a man has been a dream of mine for a long time."

"Date?" Doug said. "Who said anything about a date? I'm just taking my friend out for a nice meal."

Mark nodded. "Friends. With benefits," he smiled.

Doug laughed. "Definitely with benefits."

"In that case give me two hours," Mark laughed.

"Hour and a half," Doug said.

"Deal," Mark said as he got in his car. 'What in the hell are you thinking?' he thought to himself as he drove home.

But he knew just what he would wear. A black body suit with garters and full fashion stockings and black and silver pumps with three inch heels. He wanted Doug to want some of those benefits before the night was over!

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Fran_cdFran_cd6 months agoAuthor

Chapter 8, 'not a date' has been submitted!

Fran_cdFran_cd6 months agoAuthor

The chapter 8 i first wrote was rejected... I will do a re=write and resubmit it. :)

laurieg_tvlaurieg_tv6 months ago

Oh Fran, dear... We need chapter 8. Sorry to be greedy - but it's my 3rd time through and I need Marsha to go on that "not a date" in her dress.


AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Lovely story!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Loved it very much well worth the read!!! Only bad thing is I could only give it five stars and not one hundred 😏

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