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Bite-Sized: One Big Step Ch. 05

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Thursday. Cherry lets Drew have some juice.
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All characters are at least 18 years old. This is a non-canonical story related to the Family Morsel series.



"I think we need to break our parents up," Cherry declared.

"Agreed," I said. "Is that why you called me out here?"

We were sitting on a low wall behind the school, away from any prying eyes and ears. We'd had to steal away from our friends, and we couldn't do this at home because... Well, it just didn't feel right to have this conversation at home.

Cherry's eyebrows sprang up in surprise. "Wait, you agree? I thought last time--"

"Except for the fact that it's incredibly selfish--"

"There it is," Cherry muttered with a nod.

"--and the fact that, if we were to work together to devise a plan to split them up, we'd start spending an inordinate amount of time together," I finished.

"But we can't keep going on like this," she pointed out.

"What, you can't help but want my body, is that it?" I taunted.

"I hate you with every inch of my being."

"That's not a lot of inches."

She held her hands in front of her, fists clenching and unclenching as she glared at me, probably one step away from reaching out and wringing my neck. Finally, she sighed and dropped her palms onto her lap, looking troubled. "Why am I... so selfish?"

Seeing her suddenly question her character, being so vulnerable in front of me, made me almost reach out to comfort her. Instead, I shuffled a fraction closer to her, looking back toward the school and the other students messing around after classes. "I don't think anybody can blame you for wanting what you want. Being selfish, looking out for number one, is the main reason we're all alive at all. Y'know, there's this philosophical theory that every single action, no matter how selfless, inherently stems from selfishness?"

She gave a weak chuckle and a half-hearted smile. "How does that work?"

"The theory posits that even when we help people, even to our own detriment, we do it just because it makes us feel good about ourselves. Helping friends and family, it's only because of what they provide for us tangibly or emotionally. Sacrificing your life to protect your children is because you value your legacy over your life. No action is completely selfless," I explained.

"That's a sad way to look at the world," Cherry murmured before turning to me. "Do you believe that?"

"Nah, I just keep that tidbit around to comfort myself whenever I do do something selfish. 'Cause you're right, it is depressing if you think about it too long. And I don't think everything I do is selfishly-motivated."

"What about the things you do for me?" she asked softly. "Who are you doing all that for, really?" Before I could even open my mouth, she quickly followed with, "Never mind."

"Did you... wanna talk about yesterday?"

"We're never talking about yesterday," she said firmly.

"Never's a long time, Cherry."

"We're never talking about yesterday," she insisted.

We sat there in silence for a bit, letting the sounds of teens at play drift over to fill the void: guys playing ball, girls chattering together, people arranging a party. It struck me then, how unhappy we must've looked. And for what? What were we fighting? It was obvious how we reacted with each other in certain situations. What was I afraid of? Becoming a meme? Who cared what other people thought of me. But... what would they think of Cherry? She was a girl, her reputation was more fragile, especially if it involved sex.

"How much do you actually hate me?" I asked, prompting her to look over, mystified. She gave the question some thought, and I almost thought she didn't intend to answer until she finally did.

"I don't... hate you. It's just that you're an ass sometimes, and if I've already had a bad day with Lauren, it just becomes... too much. But I know that you're actually an alright guy. The things you say, it's different than with her. Why do you ask?"

"If we're gonna get through this without driving each other insane, we should try to make it work, right?" I reasoned. Whatever 'this' referred to. "So... I'm sorry for always being a little shit."

She looked at me with wide eyes before averting her gaze, nibbling her lip. "I'm sorry for going off on you every time." We exchanged shy smiles before she looked away again, taking a deep breath and rubbing her thighs anxiously. "So... what do we do now?"

"What do you want to do?"

She blushed, her breathing shallow as she wet her lips, still avoiding my eyes. "I dunno, just felt like you were leading up to something is all."

"You talking about what's been going on between us?"

Her eyes flitted to mine for half a second before darting away again, and her blush extended down her neck. It was... fucking sexy. Her question cut through my thoughts. "But I thought you still like Brie."

"Brie was... an exception," I explained slowly, and her bashfulness dissipated as it was replaced by curiosity.

"An exception from what? Like, what's your type?"

I smirked at the question, and she blushed again when she realized how it came across. Of course, it came across like that because it's exactly how it sounded. "I usually like MILFs."

"MILFs? Like... with big boobs and butts...?" Subconsciously, or self-consciously, she pulled her arms toward her chest. If she had any breasts to speak of, they would've been pressed together and accentuated. And here was my other reason for my reservations of pursuing this: being viewed as a pervert. But...

"Hey. Remember what I said before?" I said, leaning in with a hand on her shoulder.

"You'll have to be a bit more specific," she replied, managing a small giggle.

I smirked, contemplating what I was about to do for just a moment longer, before swinging my legs over the wall to the other side, stepping off. "Easier if I show you, then." Before she could react, I put one hand around her shoulders and my other arm under her knees, lifting her up into a princess carry. She gasped and put her arms around my neck, and I sat down behind the wall and out of sight of the other students before setting her on my lap.

"Hey, what are you--"

My lips seized hers and her eyes went wide. We stared at each other as we kissed, as if assessing the other person's reaction, terrified of making the wrong move. She gave a soft moan and gradually let her eyes drift shut, and I did the same. It wasn't a make out, just a prolonged kiss. Her arms were already around my neck, and she used them to pull closer to me. I held her tight in my arms, and we shared another moan before we parted with shallow panting.

"Weird how you saw my body before kissing me," she mumbled, biting her lip as she stared at mine. Also weird how she drank my cum before kissing me, but voicing that fun fact was sure to ruin everything we'd just built, so I let the thought float off. "A girl showing a guy her body is a sacred thing, Drew. Can you bear it?"

"Just how deep are we diving here, Cherry?" I chuckled.

She swallowed and tossed her wavy copper hair over her shoulder. "I... Um... Y'know, just dipping our toes. Right?"

I suspected, given her impulsive personality, that she'd just gone all in. She didn't want to scare me with commitment or anything, but she'd let herself be vulnerable with me. It wasn't that I didn't want to reciprocate, but I had no idea how this was gonna go. If I showed any indication of backing out now, it'd crush her. Who are you fooling? You already imagined putting a baby in her. Only Stef and my mom knew that underneath my goofy carefree attitude, I was incredibly mindful and put a lot of thought into how to proceed with serious matters. When I wasn't thinking with my dick -- as I was increasingly likely to do around Cherry, it seemed -- I was left considering precautions and repercussions. No, no I couldn't hurt her. Not when she'd bared herself to me, physically and emotionally.

"Just seeing where the waters take us," I agreed.

"Exactly." She nodded a bit too emphatically, as if to convince herself of our bullshit.

I couldn't resist kissing her again, and this time she welcomed it more readily. "Hey, let's get outta here, huh?" I suggested. "Before somebody sees us."

"Good idea."

As we walked home, she reached up and took my hand. Goddamn, she was so cute. I was gonna get in a ton of trouble for this.


"How have you kids been adjusting to everything?" mom asked during dinner.

I glanced across the table at Cherry before giving a tight nod. "Yeah, good."

"Mhm!" Cherry added with a similar nod.

"Not at each other's throats, are you? Or screaming in each other's faces?" Leon asked. Cherry and I exchanged a look, both of us no doubt thinking about what we were actually doing with our faces this afternoon. "I know you two weren't exactly friends before all this, but you have mutual friends, right? The Thomas twins?"

"Yeah, but I mostly just hang out with Stef, while Cherry--" I began.

"--and I only hang out with Brie, so..." she finished.

Leon nodded. "Guess that works out then. Sorry to put you two in this situation, but... Well, Coco and I..." He looked across the table at mom, and they beamed at each other. Finally seeing mom happy after all these years of being alone was heartening.

"It's alright, it's just for a few months," mom assured us. "And then you'll be off to college and stay out of each other's hair."

My stomach plummeted at the reminder that college was likely going to tear us apart, when just earlier we had finally... Were we together? We certainly hadn't used any labels.

"Where did you apply to, Drew?" Leon asked. "Your acceptance letters should've come in by now, right? Made a choice yet?"

"Yeah, I'm going to UC Berkeley," I replied. "Thinking of a management program."

"UC?" Cherry echoed, her voice small. She was looking at me with a forlorn expression, and I had a sneaking suspicion we hadn't chosen the same states.

"What about you, Cherry?" mom asked, and Cherry suddenly seemed to grow a fascination with her half-finished dinner.

"NYU, dance program," she mumbled, and my heart sank. We were going to be on opposite ends of the country.

"Oh, that's just a couple hours away! You could even come home for the weekend, though I'm sure you'll be having far too much fun--"

And the rest of what mom was saying faded into the background as Cherry and I stared glumly at our plates, tormented by the fact that our countdown until we were rid of each other had suddenly turned into a deadline to end whatever we had just started. We managed to make it through dinner without tipping off our folks that we were actually bummed out by the news, heading off to our bedrooms afterwards. I threw myself into my chair and sighed. Why was I so sad? I hadn't even liked Cherry for very long.

There was a knock on my door, and I stood to open it. A petite redhead was waiting on the other side, looking as glum as I felt. I ushered her inside and returned to my seat, while she made do on my bed.

"Why am I so sad?" she wondered aloud, mirroring my feelings.

"Because we just got a cute little goldfish, and then found out it's gonna die in five months," I replied. "This is why I don't do pets. They fucking die on you."

She giggled, a wan smile on her face. "You have a bad experience with goldfish?"

"I had the same experience as everybody else. Stupid ass goldfish," I muttered.

She giggled again, but morose overtook her expression. "So that's it then? Get rid of the goldfish before it can die on us?"

"Should've never gotten the goldfish in the first place."

"So everything between us this afternoon, we're just gonna flush it down the toilet?"

"Cherry, it's just gonna hurt more if we let this continue--"

"Tell me you don't want me," she demanded. She really had no qualms about admitting her feelings anymore, and I sighed.

"Of course I want you, but--"

"Then what are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid you're gonna get hurt!"

She nodded as if she already knew the answer, as if she saw through me. "Then think selfishly for once! Take what you want instead of leaving me hanging! You're my first man, are you really going to leave such a bitter taste in my mouth?"

I couldn't tell how calculated her words were, but that last sentence had the wrong head swelling to debilitating proportions, leaving my brain thoroughly blood-deprived. Before I could gather myself, she sashayed toward me, picking at the hem of her t-shirt and leggings.

"I know your mom always taught you about caution. How safety is number one, two, and three. But my dad taught me that life is too short to live in fear," she murmured as she stopped in front of me. Her thumbs were tugging her shirt up and her leggings down respectively, each high and low enough for me to realize she wasn't wearing anything underneath. "So come take what you want."

With that, she tugged her thumbs in opposite directions. Her shirt pulled up to reveal her cute little tits, while her leggings were yanked a third of the way down her thighs, giving me a generous view of her smooth bald pussy.

Without hesitation, I took her by the waist and pulled her to me, my tongue and lips wrapping around a tiny nipple. She gasped and sank both her hands into my wild hair, clutching me to her as I indulged myself in her. Her skin was like porcelain, smooth and pale to the point of being almost translucent. Despite her lack of curves, she was surprisingly soft, and I groaned appreciatively before switching to her other nipple. I shifted my hands, settling them on her rear and digging my fingers into their plushness. Apparently you didn't need to have wide hips to have a nice ass. I bounced back and forth between her nipples, relishing her surrender.

"Drew... I'm getting sensitive..." Cherry moaned. It had felt like only a moment, but the clock on my desk indicated it had been almost twenty minutes. I stopped licking her breasts to admire her blush spreading across her body in full force. She was dripping a tiny but steady string of nectar into her lowered leggings, her thighs quivering with need as her desire soaked into the fabric. What a damn waste.

She yelped as I hoisted her up by the waist, planting her hands on my head to balance herself as I drew her womanhood up to eye level. I could hear the lust in her voice while I approached slowly, letting my breath hit her core and building anticipation. She seemed to be trying to pull her hips away from me, though she wasn't fighting against me. Likely afraid of being overwhelmed by the impending pleasure.

I let her drip her fluids onto my tongue, getting my first taste of a girl. She tasted delicious, and eager to get more, I rose up and pressed my tongue up against her pussy. She let out a sharp whimper, legs trembling even more now, fingers scrunching up and taking a firm hold of my hair. I started lapping up her heavenly nectar from the source, and all she could do was pitch forward and moan uncontrollably while pulling me closer. It wasn't long before she began humping my face, rubbing her clit against my nose while she fed me her ambrosial secretions. God, I couldn't get enough of her. I wanted Cherry for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

"Drew, let me go," she whimpered. "I... I have to pee."

I ignored her, dipping the tip of my tongue into her core, getting drunk off the sensation of her spreading lips. She was submitting herself to me. She wanted me to take her. She was mine as much as I was hers. Damnit, I was gonna end up keeping the damn goldfish.

"Drew, please, I'm gonna--!"

She moaned as she expelled a torrent of fluid into my mouth. It was mostly tasteless, with a slight hint of her pussy flavoring it. She sounded euphoric as she relieved herself, and I gulped it down like a man stranded in the desert. Rivulets trickled down my neck as I drank deeply from her, and she went limp when she was done. She let herself fall back, and I caught her and carried her over to my bed, setting her down gently before wiping my mouth and lying next to her. She mumbled incoherently a few times before rolling her head to look at me through sleepy eyes.

"You drank my pee," she whispered. "I'm sorry."

"Sure didn't taste like pee," I replied, not at all bothered. "Pretty sure you just squirted in my mouth."

"There's... no such thing as squirting," she continued. "Where would it... even be stored in the body? 'S a myth."

"I've read several accounts that insist that--"

"I'm too spent to argue with you. Can I... stay here tonight? I'm too tired to..."

"Sure. Sleep well, Squirt."

"Do not call me that," she slurred weakly. "Especially after what just happened."

"Nobody else will know what I'm actually talking about. And I think it's cute." She didn't reply, presumably having drifted off to sleep. I smiled and kissed her on the forehead before leaning over to turn off the lights. "Goodnight, Cherry."

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Smartest1Smartest110 months ago

Signature blend..... Beautiful!

dlj403dlj40310 months ago

I'm confused as to where this story fits in your continuity.

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