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To her credit, she told me the truth. "I found out a week before she died, by accident. When I confronted her, we had a strange conversation. She told me she had found her true soulmate, and she was going to leave you before the month was out. Angie told me she was trying to find a way to keep the house, and for the first time in the conversation I laughed, telling her no judge in the state would give it to her, and besides, I reminded her of the prenuptial agreeing to split everything down the middle, except the property. She looked at me and almost grinned, telling me she had a way. We didn't talk again, and now she's dead. What's going on?"

"All I can say is she may have gotten tangled up in something she couldn't control, and it bit her on the ass. I've always liked you and Mom, and I'd like to stay in your lives somehow, but if it's too difficult..."

She jumped into my arms, kissing me hard. Didn't look for that today. "Mom will lean on you even harder, now. It was just me and Angie, and now it's just me. And if want my opinion, you married the wrong sister."

"What!? You were fifteen when we met!"

She giggled. "Shoulda waited. Anyway, I'm all growed up and everything now. I know you need to mourn and come to terms with what Angie did, but when I'm sure you're in your right mind, you're taking me to dinner."

She laughed at the shocked look on my face. "Okay, with that out of the way, Mom doesn't know about Angie. I think the way she died makes her suspect, but we need to let her keep the image of her a good daughter intact. It would serve no purpose to tell her."

"Agreed. I like your Mom too much to cause her pain."

The cops released the body two weeks later, determining she expired from a gunshot to the head, from the .380 automatic found on the scene. It was burned pretty badly, but they ejected the magazine and found Brad Burn's fingerprints on the shells, despite all the rounds exploding from the heat. The week after that I got the life insurance. I felt bad for taking it, but rationized the whole fiasco was not of my making. If she'd stayed faithful it wouldn't have mattered and she'd still be alive. I never meant for her to die, I wanted her to live a long, regretful life, but it was not to be.

It took almost a year before I got the check for the house. It was enough to build a really nice one back, on the other side of the property. I kept the buildings intact, using it for my business address. I had it wired for security, something I was glad I hadn't done before.

They dropped the investigation six months after the incident, writing it off as a criminal enterprise gone wrong. They had no evidence I was there, and I had a solid alibi between the motel management, the farmer, and the waitress at the diner, so I was off their list.


So then, I got away with murder. Well, not quite murder except for the asshole. The security guards could be put down to self defense, but incinerating Brad Burns' junk would have gotten me a prison sentence. As for Angie, I felt bad she had been killed. I'll always wonder what made her decide she had a better offer, I had a feeling from what I learned about the family it would have ended badly.

The Senator finally got caught with his finger in the cookie jar. He resigned, leaving his party to scramble to find a replacement four months before the election. His party lost the seat by a big margin.

Hal came by one day to tell me a bunch of teens in the area were creating mischief, telling me to keep an eye out, and keep the cameras on since I was gone a lot. He caught me on weed patrol. I had managed to beat the Kudzu back to my property line, and I checked it every two weeks. My Dad used to say "Rust never sleeps, Kudzu always creeps."

He admired the Blaster. I'd made a few improvements, the biggest being a spare trigger in front. If you pulled it the gas came on instantly, without having to turn a valve. I'd also refined the nozzle until it could reduce to a three quarter inch beam. It would go through a piece of quarter inch metal if it were close enough in about thirty seconds. If it was steel, it took longer. Of course, Dale had to use it, grinning as the flames leapt out. "Man! You could sure fu..."

He stopped, stared at me, and grinned before he handed it back to me. "You ought to get that patented. You could make a lick. Remember to keep those cameras on."

I did, and he caught the kids vandalizing my tool shed. I thought about what he said a lot over the next few days. Then I redesigned the Blaster, strenghtening it to it resembled a flame thrower more than a weed burner, and then applied through the lawyer I'd hired. After six months I was notified it was pending, meaning I could manufacture them, so I produced a hundred, and tested the market.

They sold so well it was time to open a factory, so I rented an industrial building, hired twelve people for the line, and two office staff, and we were off to the races. We were assembling roughly thirty-five a day, and had a eight month long backlog. I was exhausted, and went into the office, complaining.

My office staff grinned. "I told you it was gonna happen. It's time to turn your lawyers loose and talk to some of the big boys that have been sniffing around. You don't need to sell it, just make a licensing agreement to protect yourself."

Gail laughed. "Mom's right. Want me to call Jack?"


Nine months later we had a deal worked out where I got a pretty hefty percentage off every one manufactured. We covered our asses, marking every box with a warning: "Intended for home and agricultural use only." It was a really detailed disclaimer, in print large enough to read easily. Production took off as the interest grew, and now you could find it in every home improvement store, hardware store, and online. The company that leased the rights asked us to keep the small factory, as an experimental shop. The people we'd hired were happy to keep their jobs, as well as the office staff.

Now that I had money, I looked around and found a bigger house on sixty acres, with barns, shops, pasture, and woods. The house was four bedroom, really big bedrooms, and came with a three car garage that had an apartment over it. It took eight months and a ring, but Gail moved in with me, then spent some money sprucing up the apartment. I was onboard with moving Mom in, she was getting older and we really didn't like the idea of her living by herself.


Our baby's cries woke me. I was in a cold sweat, dreaming about Angie. I never told anyone, especially Gail and Mom. That secret would go to my grave.

Gail just mumbled while I got up and changed our son, feeding him, burping him, and rocking him back to sleep. smiling the whole time. Gail had told me earlier that he was going to get a little sister in about seven months, which made me very happy. I couldn't help thinking they would have been Angie's if she hadn't got tangled up with the asshole. I'd searched my brain for years, trrying to see if I'd missed any clues, but I had been completely blindsided. We'd made love the night before I left, twice. It occurred to me it was probably a goodbye fuck, to ease her conscience.

I was awake now, so I set the coffeemaker and turned on the computer. I'd sold my old business, and about as far as I traveled now was the three miles to our shop, although I had to attend biyearly meetings with the company that held my licenses. Gail always went with me until the baby came, and now she split it between her and Mom. Mom was pretty sharp and more trained in business, and she caught things I would have missed totally.

A few years ago I'd discovered reading sites, many featuring cheating wife stories. One had a subgenre, "Burn The Bitch," about unrealistic forms of revenge against cheating spouses. I grinned, even though it was totally by accident, I had literally burnt the bitch Then the coffemaker beeped, and I poured a couple of cups while Gail stumbled out of the bedroom in a ragged tee and panties, her baby bump just beginning to show. She never looked more beautiful.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 days ago

Five stars plus all the way. Great story with no hassles.

fredbrownfredbrown3 days ago

The story is a 4; the reader's comments are a riot and more fun to read than the story itself.

AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

The problem is that the cheating wife got off lightly, didn't have to spend years watching her mistake.

How much better would it have been without the silly gangsteresque nonsense and just the wife saying I'm leaving.... her first reality call would have been the little she got from the divorce, the second that she was now beholden to the senators son, the third would be her sister Gail hooking up with the MC, and the final nails would be Gail's kids and the MC making a very nice living from the sale of the blasters.

While poor old ex, was shackled to a cheater.

deependerdeepender14 days ago

Abject depravity is a tough sell.

Lee2012Lee201217 days ago

And Part Two???? Why? Cause there’s too many unanswered questions. And that’s where the fun is.

AnonymousAnonymous21 days ago

To the nutty anon who opened with the inane rebuttal:

"To anon 5 days ago: You think men are "far more" likely to cheat than women? Not true."

What do the stats tell you? Are they all lies then? How will you prove otherwise when they overwhelmingly tell us that a far larger percentage of males have throughout history and across cultures used and thrown womenkind contrasted with the number of women who strayed.

Plus, women according to folks such as yourself (and all rabid conservatives too) are an inferior species. President Donnie loves your kind, Kamabla won't.

Besides, Ashley Madison was created by an asshole opportunist looking to capitalize on women conducive to straying on their relationships and use them for his own benefits, personal and in business. He reportedly eventually got nabbed with his prick dipped in multiple affiars!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Dystopia marriage. More questions than answers, but dead men didn't talk. Fortuitous consequences, ironic that in-laws stayed family, too. FBI, SBI, Homeland Security slipped up in their investigations. (Wealthy, influential suspects get away with more criminal activities than common people?)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

To anon 5 days ago: You think men are "far more" likely to cheat than women? Not true.

My ex-fiancée (college educated with a good career) once told me she though about 75% of women cheat! 75%!

My personal opinion is that it is at least 50%.

Think about it: sites like "Ashley Madison" supposedly were NOT created with men even in mind.

An internet search says it was "originally designed specifically for married women."

Now tell me women don't cheat all that much. Yeah, right. ))

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

MC was capable of taking them all out But how the guy that close behind only creased him?!! terrible shot

BUT story would have ended quickly. BUT then he had PTSD. Not down playing it as seriously damages a lot of people But usually later occurs

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

"Can you even write a female character that isn't a one-dimensional slut or prize to be won?"


"The same we can say about the millions femdom-festish-cuck tales, that are endlessly flooding this no-Loving Wives category: "Can you even write a MALE character, that isn't a one-dimensional cuck or sheep to be dominated ?""

ok fellow Anon, I don't know what site you are reading, but the LW category is filled with insane non-erotic male power fantasies. It's funny because men are still far more likely to cheat than women, but you wouldn't know it from reading this category. And even more awful are the domestic violence and murder rates. It's all men killing women. And you wonder why this story isn't horrific?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

The physics of contained flammable gases that allow the Blaster to function as it does do not apply in our universe. It's good the MC knew how to MacGyver his way around in his world.

GinaInMaineGinaInMaineabout 1 month ago

Second time read. Good story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Great - enjoyed.

SignedBTWSignedBTWabout 2 months ago

Re: Anonymous

Two below me. Did you ever think that maybe they really didn't want to know, it was all tied up the way it was already. My only quibble is I don't see a murder charge as the asshole had a gun in his hand, so in my mind and if I was on any jury it was a case of self defense. But the way he played it kept it simpler and a whole lot tidier for him. I can't see him being able to keep a good relationship with his mother-in-law, much less marrying Gail if the full truth was out there. *****'s Signed: BTW

SorchakSorchakabout 2 months ago

Minus a star, as I always do for the name f*ck-ups. The EMT he's talking to is at first named Cherry, then literally 4 sentences later, she's re-named Sherry. Then later on you call Hal 'Dale' when Hal was trying the new-and- improved Blaster.

I also have to wonder how old Angie and Gail's mom is, if they move her into their place after they get married, due to her "getting older and we really didn't like the idea of her living by herself." Seriously? If Dale and Angie were in their late twenties or early thirties, 'Mom' should/would have been in her late forties to early fifties. FAR too early to need to move in with Dale and Gail. Unless she had her kids really late, she shouldn't be *that* decrepit yet.

oldtwitoldtwit2 months ago

Good read, a fun story, and a dream for some if it was only true in their cases

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

How is there no evidence? Forget the bodies, he burned the car before the boss, the house etc and the gas mains went off. There is no way this doesn't look like murder. Besides the other body has bullets. The one he dragged with a wheelbarrow. I must be missing many things somehow as this author is usually excellent.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Another great one by Q.

Thank You

RanDog025RanDog0252 months ago

Short but sweet, thanks as usual! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

LarrynDallasLarrynDallas2 months ago

You named the bad guy Brad Burns. Yep, he burned. Very clever.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Methinks this needs another round of editing!

What happened to "Then it felt like somebody ran a hot bar across my arm and it made me run faster."?

Also dubious continuity: The funeral is described, later we're told about the cops releasing the body...

2½ stars


AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Btb no burn All

Wildbill1964Wildbill19642 months ago

Went by the way of the koodzoo. 5/5

Leroi123Leroi1232 months ago

A very well-written story! A little gross in parts, but a wonderful and extreme example of a Burn the Bitch story. I enjoyed his inventiveness in delivering retribution to the perpetrators.

DickSnugfitDickSnugfit2 months ago

Quite fast-burning, yet still a rather satisfying smoke!

Well done.. !?!

FIVE shiny, smouldering stars!

Thank you! .. .. .. .. R.S.

TonyspencerTonyspencer2 months ago

Great BTB story!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

What a rarity, an amusing BTB. BardnotBard

lAnatomistelAnatomiste2 months ago

What Anonymous Said:


"Five stars for old times sake."

LeFrog08LeFrog082 months ago

Extreme BTB, eh?


AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Husband escaped with his life by diving thru broken window.

I agree with that description written. Experience that I have acquired reinforces

you can not plot or plan in this situation; you just act, sometimes it's your last act sometimes it isn't.

I enjoyed the story. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

A politicians brat.......figures. No sympathy for any of them. They just got a preview of hell before the final. Good riddance. To bad daddy wasn't at the house too, could have helped clean up a big section of the swamp at the same time. Kind of ironic that he worked in a pest control capacity and just added the removal of human parasites to the list. |And yes, the whore is included in the description.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Five stars for old times sake.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShit3 months ago

Entertaining! And with Blasters in every Home Depot, I have visions of Darwin Awards. Some idiot would use it to start a campfire, and burn himself, his companions, and half of California.

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThree3 months ago


That was intense.

I'd call it a BTW story (Burn The Weed).

Maybe writers of romantic (LW) stories

need to set the Devil free once in a while.

Sort of like cleaning the pipes.

And nobody does that better than qhml1.

I really enjoyed the read.

Top ratings from me.

stillaonewomanmstillaonewomanm3 months ago

I love this story. As usual, he's one of the very best story tellers on here.

Larch50Larch503 months ago

BTB for sure, over the top and somewhat amusing in a dark sort of way.

BuzzCzarBuzzCzar3 months ago

BTB, seriously. 5*

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

That gave me such a laugh. Thank you for brightening up my day.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

"It’s not supposed to be SadisticButcherotica. "


and "It’s not supposed to be FemdomCuckingErotica" too. Time to split LW in sub-categories ?

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Almost incredible ! One LW tale that's not following the men-hating bombing cuck propaganda. A very rare, but very good, event. Keep going.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

" too bad for every good one we got 10 garbage writers in this category"


and let's also say "for every good 1, we got 100 cuck tales in this category"

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

What a great surpise ! A LW tale with a husband that's not crawling like a sheep, under the foot of some ugly cheating whore wife. A good cup of oxygene, in this femdom poisoned category. Well done.

Bigbandguy62Bigbandguy623 months ago

What a dumb gross comment. Try reading his body of work before pontificating or go watch you wife riding someone else.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Wow, after a number of recent fake BTBs, protecting the cheating slut wife, finally a real and very good one ... and a very, very HOT one !

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

"The deaf dumb and blind husband plot device is tired and unbelievable."


As the fetish-cuck fans often say: "Relax guys, this is just fiction !"

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

"I have trouble believing qhml1 wrote this ridiculous steaming pile. Very disappointing."


Well, certainly this is not a tale suited for the femdom-crew, and supporters, taste. After all, we can't have only men-hating fetish-cuck tales, with brainless sheep husbands, right ?

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

"Can you even write a female character that isn't a one-dimensional slut or prize to be won?"


The same we can say about the millions femdom-festish-cuck tales, that are endlessly flooding this no-Loving Wives category: "Can you even write a MALE character, that isn't a one-dimensional cuck or sheep to be dominated ?"

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Certainly, one of the best real BTB ever seen, here in LW. Sadly we can see them very, very rarely. 5+ full stars.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

BSreader asks "but the wife?" Oh yes, especially the wife.

inka2222inka22223 months ago

= your user name reflects your brains. BS. The wife was 100% OK with the husband being killed. The husband clearly is stated to NOT wanted to have her killed. So, out of the two, the wife not only is the much worse person but 100% deserved it - Golden Rule. 10 stars for the literal BTB and the pleasure of reading it among the sea of "let the cheater win" LW garbage.

ViserdrixViserdrix3 months ago

It was ok. A bit too formulaic.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Good story. Different. Thanks for creating it. 5 stars. They wanted to kill him and he didn’t want to be killed. Stopping them by any means necessary, priceless. The wife? Karma can be a real bitch.

XluckyleeXluckylee3 months ago

Very imaginative. 5 stars from Xluckylee

PrincessNutNutPrincessNutNut3 months ago

I'd say I'm sorry for being a pedant, except I'm never sorry for being pedantic. It was a burn the bitch story, and the only one who didn't die from burns was the bitch. She was shot and collateral damage from somebody else's nuts roasting on an open fire (was it Christmas?) Admittedly, she was somewhat charred by the end.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Look, the writing flowed. While the story seemed rushed from concept to fruition, I could go along with it. But then I read:

"Then it felt like somebody ran a hot bar across my arm and it made me run faster."

Fact checks: So he got grazed with a round, would have damaged his outfit and at least 2nd degree burns on his arm even if it managed not to break the skin. Which he never seemed to notice later. Doctors next day would have seen it & known what it was. They would have been required to report it. The cops would have known it was him, so the believe ability of the story had to be in the cops continued investigations or no cover up in the first place.

So many loose ends

- the wheelbarrow,

- the outfits,

- the sudden motel when the work is just a few hours away.

- GSR from Brad would have been on his outfit.

- the rounds shot all over the farm including the shed.

- The remains of the burnt goon at the shed

- burnt items pick up debris, the gravel on the dead guys outfit found in the house.

3 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

What a dumb gross story. Can you even write a female character that isn't a one-dimensional slut or prize to be won?

HigsdanHigsdan3 months ago

I loved this. A group of big men with guns tries to fuck with him and he immediately shuts them down with a fucking flamethrower. The whole situation I kept thinking about the first ironman movie where he escapes using the janky makeahift ironman suit.

Also this really stands out because the story doesnt simply end with an epiloge after torching everything.

The only issue I have is that he hooked up with the sister when she knew his wife was going to leave him. I dont think he should due to principle. And he will never find out if she's telling the truth. For all we know she could have been supportive and painting herself in a good light now that the whole affair ended up getting her killed.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Honestly. I have trouble believing qhml1 wrote this ridiculous steaming pile. Very disappointing.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

"I'd searched my brain for years, trrying to see if I'd missed any clues, but I had been completely blindsided."


Just another aardvark marriage. Living, sleeping, intimately connected for years, but he had no clue she was a selfish lying stealing cheating arrogant murderous whore. He might as well claim he woke up one morning and for the first time realized he was married to an aardvark. Who could tell?


In most marriages most spouses kinda keep in touch, even when their traveling. No, Especially when their traveling. What did you do today, where did you go, who did you meet, what did you have for lunch, how's your sister and mother doing, . . . and why is your Google Maps location permission turned off? We share phone passwords so in an emergency we can grab and use each other's phones. Why did you change your phone password, and what is it? (Later) No, I haven't seen your phone, you must have lost it. Just get a new one (while he's having the old phone cracked.) And by then the cameras have been installed.


The deaf dumb and blind husband plot device is tired and unbelievable. Anyone that stupid deserves to marry a promiscuous whore and get fucked over and out of everything he/she owns. The only interesting part of this story was envisioning such poison monstrous people getting burned alive.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Talk about burn the bitch! Dang!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

so which was it a bigger house on 60 acres or an apartment?

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

"Dear, how do you prefer the steak ?". "Well done, my dear, well done !". A 'rare' real BTB and, at the same time, a very 'well done' one. Inevitable, the full prize to the Chef.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This good BTB somehow reminds the famous "Saddletramp treatment" for the chaters. BTW, it would be better to add the BTB tag. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

You always write well, but I believe the case would’ve been reopened, and our would be in prison or worse. Maybe you could’ve floated the idea that he was inspired by the fire, etc. etc.

Not your best. Your best is always longer with more immersion into the MC‘s life. I appreciate how you were able to relate so many technical details without boring me. You’re jumping up a star for getting me interested in something I didn’t give a shit about, which has always been one of your strengths

I love that you’re still active.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Isn't it ironic that a flame thrower is not a firearm.

Keep burning that midnight oil, love your stories.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Unless he kept his phone at the motel or completely shut off, it would be very easy for the police to see he was at the house

muskyboymuskyboy3 months ago

Kind of incidental revenge.... read more like a story outline, lacked a lot of details, like why she cheated in the first place....

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

The whore and her masters got burned, and Gail ended up a wife and mother, with a husband that loved her...

patilliepatillie3 months ago

Awesome! Short but fully developed, thanks for sharing your talent here!

GardenshedGardenshed3 months ago

Haha good story, looks like a true BTB…….. I thinking it was all self defense and accidental house fire. Good thing his burner wasn’t patented before the house fire. There would have been a warning “For outside use only”……..

Thanks for sharing.

Maxximus0040Maxximus00403 months ago

Short and straight to the point, a literal BTB 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

A winner! Thank you!

CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderher3 months ago

I missed out on the Elon Flamethrower.

Where can I get the other one from???

I have a WWII Korean War era Flamethrower in *working* condition.

Even in perfect working condition you don't really want to be playing with it as they were notorious for "failures".

It makes for a nice conversation piece and that's about it.

I like living so it sits empty and just looks cool.

BSreaderBSreader3 months ago

I hate violence the boyfriend and his goons deserved what they got but the wife???

silentsoundsilentsound3 months ago

WOW! A literal BTB!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

A qhml1 ten star flaming special.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Commercializing the blaster was foolish as it would almost certainly lead law enforcement to focus on the main character to explain the deaths and the fire. That should not have been in the plot.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

A very engaging, well developed and presented story. Wll past the four stars threshold

Five stars, which is what I would have expected from q.



AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

One hell of a different story! And talking about 'burn the bitch',- no more needs to be said. Very well written, set up, & different from most. With that, 5 stars. Bob

Tomh1966Tomh19663 months ago

Love the burn the bitch line... literally.

Funny and no, I did not take this one all that seriously.

MarkT63MarkT633 months ago

Awesome BTB story!!! Wish I could give higher than 5 Stars...

26thNC26thNC3 months ago

Wow, that was brutal and satisfying. Little pissant bully rich guy, with his thug bodyguards thought he was taking MC’s wife, land, and money. But nay! Nay! MC had a little home made flamethrower to even the odds. Not many force multipliers are as effective as the flamethrower, or as terrifying. He got a beautiful double when he burned Burns and the asshole’s wild shots too out the cheating bitch Angie. Your description of the first goon’s burning face was accurate enough that I could believe that you have seen the real thing. I’ve seen it, both as a soldier and as a long time trauma nurse. In your great story, I clould smell it again.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Well this one is certainly near the top end of the pickaxe handle scale.

Good to see you Q


Frank66Frank663 months ago

Yep, a fun, quick read, and I don't mind some bad guys getting toasted- makes the world a safer place. I AM wondering just how that 'hot bar across his arm', presumably a bullet wound, got past the eyes of all the EMT's, doctors and nurses.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

good story, but I wish it was possible to read this type of story, without there always been Women->Next ready, willing and waiting in the wings for the first one to die. It's a total cliche, and there really is no need to reward the protagonist with a new woman... he's already got the best reward, being rid of they lying, cheating cum dumpster. Any rational guy in that situation would at *least * wait a while, and try to be damn sure, especially with a sister, it wasn't about to happen all over again with the next one.

Ghostno21Ghostno213 months ago

Another qhml classic, 👏👏👏

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

one small mistake, if you rack the slide on a pistol that still has three rounds in the mag, it would have one in the chamber, too, so the 'rack the slide' after putting in an extra mag is just dumping a live round on the ground.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Quite a shift in gears there Q, thank you for the tale! (another 2-fer, GREAT)

somewhere east of Omaha

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Liked the story a lot especially the blaster. Author did put me in squirrel mode when he mentioned .380 have shells. I looked it up just make sure I had it correct. Shotguns have shells. .380 is a bullet which the external parts are the projectile and casing. Intact they can be referred to as a cartridge.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

WOW QHML1, just WOW.

Did you write this just so you could up your submission total or was it so you could say you are dedicated to the site and genre? This story was right out of the "LW cliche" handbook and every scene was predictable from the first third of the first page. Very unlike you and your previous stories. No originality. So, you used a flamethrower. Did you steal that from Quentin Tarantino?

Rarely have I had justification to not score your work with the highest rating but this was a struggle to not drop a 1 bomb.

- obviously Q forgot to mention that Johnny went back to the motel and took a vinegar bath with the gallon bottle of vinegar that he always keeps in his truck, which he conveniently disposed of on some back country road on his way out to the farmer's property the next day (I also believe you were thinking GSR for gun shot residue).

Thanks for your effort QHML1. Looking forward to your next story.


AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

You can always count on this author for good stories, too bad for every good one we got 10 garbage writers in this category. Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Wouldn't the cops find the flamethrower? Also the wife didn't suffer enough....

Grant_GlapsvidhrsonGrant_Glapsvidhrson3 months ago

Loved it! Now I want to make s'mores!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I have to agree with most of the comments, you literally did BTB in this story. Lovely ending to a great story

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I love this kind of story and there are way to few. After reading, I wondered what the same story would look like if she had been injured, but survived. That would have been a shit storm.

masustacymasustacy3 months ago

I love a good “immediate hard revenge” story. Five stars from me.

I take it the doctors in the hospital didn’t catch the graze on the narrator’s arm when they examined him?

Gotta wonder about Angie the wife, though.

She cheated in her husband repeatedly over the course of months, she decided to leave her husband for her lover citing materialism as her justification, she apparently convinced Burns to strong arm the husband into signing over the house she wasn’t entitled to, and she was visibly upset that her plan to place ejaculate stains in front of his seat at the table had been interrupted.

Yet, at the same time, she double fucked her husband night before he left on his trip in an apparent bid to ease her conscience?

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Always the best dude.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

OTT good BTB! 5* story.

xMulexMule3 months ago

Can't decide between satire and parody.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Well done but really far fetched, I know just fiction

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

As a parody, this worked pretty good. Not great….but good.


4 ****

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Short and to the point with enough mayhem for two BTB stories. Add excellent writing and what’s not to love. 5s

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I will definitely be looking up this authors other stories. This one was just awesome. The skank wife died way too quickly and cleanly for my tastes but Brad and one of his henchmen got that slower, agonizing death they deserved.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

If Jerome is rich, and presumably has a nice house, why does she need their house?


He came home early, presumably daytime? So why is he seeing things by the light of the full moon?


"The other guy raised his weapon" - What other guy? There was Jerome and the boss.


"We have the Senator's personal assistant and his son" - Angie's the Senator's personal assistant? Why is this the first we're hearing about this? Seems like a key bit information! I was going to ask how a farm mechanics wife got involved with this guy.


"She looked at me and almost grinned, telling me she had a way." - So she expected him to resist and get killed; maybe they'd kill him anyway. Except for greed, I still wonder why she wanted the house, won't she be living with her lover?


If it were anyone but Q, would have lost a star for self-referencing LW, but 5 stars all the way.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Well, after seeing lately a number of fake BTBs, where the whore cheating wife almost never paid for her betrayal, this one is a good example of what should be a real BTB (other good examples we can find in the SaddleTramp and CindyTV production). Certainly these are often based on some extreme revenge, but no more extreme than the millions of men-hating fetish-cuck tales that are endlessly flooding this poor LW category. So, well done. Maybe next time, a multi-part BTB slow burning tale, would be even better. 5 stars for this one, of course.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

"Nothing wrong with that in itself but it's not what I log on to LW for. As a LW story it was a complete fail. Death is almost never a good plot device"


This no-Loving Wives category is filled with 99% of Fetish-Cuck tales, with a lot of extraneous content, like: Interracial, Gay, Lesbian, Pissing, BDSM, Cucking, and so on. So, what's the problem with one very rare, real BTB once every 100+ LW tales ? Not to speak about the killing of the honest cheated husband, in the recent men-hating LW tales.

clarkgarbleclarkgarble3 months ago

I thought snuff stories were banned. It’s not supposed to be SadisticButcherotica.

dreaming_dailydreaming_daily3 months ago

Quick, Hot and Dirty. Just the way I like them. Now buy a cybertruck from Elon and mound several of these blasters on it and you’re ready for post-apocalyptic times. 😉

demanderdemander3 months ago

A hot story. Not the usual hot, though. D

rodryder44rodryder443 months ago

Got away with murder. Good story.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

After thousands of men-hating fetish-cuck unrealistic fantasies, finally one real BTB, maybe a bit too brutal, but these ones are so rare that are always welcome. Needless to say: 5 full stars.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This was okay, but I agree with others who have said that it falls short from what we expect in a qhml1 story. There were a number of minor errors that should have been caught if you had bothered to proof reading the story carefully. The portion of the story that read: "...checking the magazine. Three bullets left. Then it occurred to me he would not travel without a reload, and found two magazines in his belt. I slammed a full one in, racking the slide as I walked towards the house." was silly. If there were still three rounds in the magazine there would have to have been one in the chamber, already. So why would he "rack the magazine", which would just waste a round? Also, although I am not a CSI technician, I find it hard to believe that they would have been able to recover "fingerprints on the shells, despite all the rounds exploding from the heat", after the pistol was burned in a house fire. And why didn't he just call the local authorities and tell the truth? The authorities were close friends of his, so they would have believed him and been on his side, and he had no reason to lie about anything. He was just defending himself. The statement: "The security guards could be put down to self defense, but incinerating Brad Burns' junk would have gotten me a prison sentence." was nonsense. After the body burned in the house fire they would have no way to know what was burned first, but so what if they did? He could just say that Burns raised his gun at him and in self defense he hit Burns with the blaster without thinking. 3 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

What are the critics suggesting? That qhml1, like all those other successful authors, is getting flunkies to write his stories? BTB gone bad, a good story goes up in flames, what a waste of a perfectly good classic Mercedes, yeah, must be. :)

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

normally I would have scored this 4*. But with the lack of decent stories in the Cheating Wife/Stupid Husband category recently, I gave 5*.

mariverzmariverz3 months ago



Excelencia en el género!

opheliusophelius3 months ago

An authentic, well written BTB after a very long time,

oldpantythiefoldpantythief3 months ago

Definitely a BTB in it's truest form. Had to smile when he incinerated the guys junk. If Angie thought the shit stain was smoking hot before, this would surly have impressed her, that is if she had lived, lol. It was nice that Gale stepped up and filled in for her cheating sister. Got to be pure fiction but still a good story worth five stars.

BearcatfozzyBearcatfozzy3 months ago

Good story as usual from qhml1. One quick correction, “patent pending” can be attributed to products once you’ve filed for a patent even though the patent has not issued (or may never issue). A patent “prevents others” from practicing your invention but doesn’t necessarily mean you can make the underlying product (someone else might have a needed patent, etc.). You can start making your product without filing a patent but better to wait until you file a US patent application to preserve foreign filing rights. In US, you get a one year grace period after first offering product for sale during which time you can still file an application whereas most other countries require filing for patent before first sale.

Just_WordsJust_Words3 months ago

Action sequences like this just don't ring true in my mind. He's just a man, not a superhero.

UnassignedUnassigned3 months ago

Good, I guess, but really there wasn't much of interest here other than the actual burning device itself. As I'd put you in the top handful of authors currently active - maybe even top handful all-time - this just fell a bit short of expectations. Kind of like when Steph Curry drops 20 points in a game, going 3/8 from the three-point line - objectively fine, but you always are hoping for a bit better.

SemperSolus0198SemperSolus01983 months ago

A cheating whore that was sent to hell.

Gotta love happy endings.

OffRoadDieselOffRoadDiesel3 months ago

I liked it. Throw some Castle Doctrine in there and how he was protecting his wife and it’s all self-defense. Standard disclaimer: IANAL, except in my own stories. :-)

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