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Bloodstone Ch. 06

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A battle.
3.2k words

Part 6 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/08/2015
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Elves lined the walls dressed in hooded cloaks over their silver armor. All were armed to the teeth with bows and arrows, swords concealed in decorated leather sheaths, knives at their waists. Even the women were there, behind their men, preparing their own welcome for Magnus's armies.

The elder stood in the center of the main courtyard, a bower of flowers above his head, trailing over a white archway. He stood proudly, his own armor shining brightly, his sword upon a pillow behind him, ready for its ceremonial use.

Balor came to stand before him, his helm in his arms, his armor gleaming from a fresh polishing. His sword swung at his side. He took a deep breath, nerves that had little to do with the coming battle fluttering in his stomach. Trumpets sounded and he turned, watching as his bride made her way toward him. He could barely believe that this was the same Luria he'd rescued from Magnus's castle just a few days past.

She wore a long dark cape that only slightly covered up the silver breast plate she had borrowed from the elves. Her forearms were covered in silver cuffs and above them were twin bracelets, clasped snugly around her upper arms. She wore tight black leather pants under armor strapped to her thighs and legs. At her side she wore a long sword; on her back a quiver with bow and arrows.

Her silver hair was up and curled tightly to her head in battle-ready fashion. Upon her brow rested a plain band of silver with an aquamarine, the size of a bird's egg, resting in its center. Under it, her eyes seemed even bluer. What was left of the sun shone down upon her, creating an aura around her that kept Balor spellbound. With her hand resting in Rowan's flowing mane, she made her way toward him, finally coming to stand beside him.

"You come to our wedding armed, my lady?" he said quietly, bending his head to speak softly to her.

"Ever ready to fight at your side, my prince," she answered, a smile upon her pink lips.

He smiled. "Let us hope that tonight shall be the final time you must do such. Once we rid the land of Magnus's malevolence, let us pray that peace shall ever reign."

Rowan stepped back from Luria's side, rubbing against Shria as she had followed the two of them from the chamber. They lay down next to each other but close enough to Luria to be there if there be need.

"In the ways of my people," the elder began. Balor and Luria turned toward him, joining their hands. "It is accustomed to ask each party if this is truly their heart's wish. Lady Luria, do you wish to take Prince Balor as your husband? To live with him and abide by his rule as wife, lover and friend until death shall take one of you?"

"It is my heart's only wish, Elder," she said with a small bowing curtsey.

Balor's breathe caught in his chest and he stared at her with a question in his eyes. She glanced up at him, seeing his look and smiling as she nodded her head.

"Prince Balor, as a royal yourself, you know the bond of marriage is not something to easily be set aside. Is it truly your heart's wish to take Lady Luria to be your bride? Do you wish to live with her, give her care and succor and raise her children until death shall take one of you?"

Balor reached out and lifted Luria's chin with his fingers, feeling the fluttering of her pulse against his hand. "It is my heart's only wish," he said, staring down into the perfect blue of her eyes.

"Then please, take your lady's left hand in your own and place your palms together." The elder wrapped a small cord around their wrists, binding them together. "A man's right hand must be free to carry his sword, to control his horse, to win a fight, thus a woman is bound to him on his left side, the side closest to his heart is where she must be kept. A woman's right hand is just as important, to sew a wound or tend a child, to feed a baby and continue the growth of a kingdom."

"Thus I have bound the two of you. If it weren't for the upcoming battle, you would stay this way through the night and into the morning. Instead, we shall leave you like this only for as long as it takes for you to take your vows and seal them with a kiss's promise. Lady Luria, if you would?" He glanced up at the sky and took note of how the dusk crept ever closer.

"Balor, I vow to do my best to be your wife, to honor you in all things, to provide you a safe haven from any storm. I will be true to you and to these vows until I breathe my last."

"Prince Balor?" the elder urged, nodding toward the sky.

"Luria, I vow to be your husband in all things, to love you and honor you, to cherish you above all others. I promise to provide for you and our children until I breathe my last."

"The kiss," the elder urged.

Balor's arm was already around her, it was but the matter of twisting a bit to find her lips. He would have kissed her all night, lost in the feeling of having her as his, but for the clearing of the elder's throat.

The elder held his sword out and quickly cut the bindings, sending the ropes falling to the ground beneath their feet. "It is done."

"I have an idea," Luria said to Balor, after nodding her thanks to the elder who left quickly, his mind on more important matters.

"What is it?"

"The elephant, she has a herd not far from here. I've sent her back with orders to bring the rest to the meadow in front of the village after Magnus's forces get here. They will fight for us and be a rear flank," her forehead wrinkled as she said that. "Is that the right word?"

"Right enough. Good idea, Luria." He pulled her tight once more to him, holding on to her as if it was the last time he might be able to—and who but God knew if it was. "I wish I could see into our futures," he said softly above her head, kissing her hair. "If I lose you..." he paused, his arms tightening almost painfully.

She held on as well, drawing strength from him. As the night grew dark around them and the night insects began to buzz, she felt a well of fear, almost like a premonition of danger to come, that set her soul to tremble.

"You stay close," he said. "Stay within sight of Graeme or myself, if we should both fall..."

"No, I shan't think that way, Balor. You won't fall, I won't allow it." She linked her arms around his neck and pulled him down for one last kiss. "You're my husband," she said softly when she raised her head. "You owe me a wedding night."

His grin was wide but serious and he kissed her brow one last time before letting her go, hearing the echoing call of the elves' horn. "You shall have it," he vowed. Then he turned and strode off, leaving her to make her way to where she was to stand. Rowan and Shria were to go with her but she turned to Rowan. "Go with him, keep him safe for me. He is my heart, my kingly beast."

Rowan almost seemed to nod, then he turned and bounded after Balor, only slowing up when he was at his side.

"She sent you to fight with me?" He reached down and felt the thick fur of Rowan's ruff for the first time. "Thank you."

The lion grunted and rubbed his head on Balor's thigh.

A sound like thunder split the night sky, eliciting screams from some of the gathered forces. At the other end of the meadow, the gates of the black castle appeared and then opened. Magnus slowly stepped out. He had an air of invincibility around him as he gathered his cloak about him. Striding to the center of the meadow, he shouted up at the wall, "Give me my bride and I shall let you live."

"She's no longer your bride, Magnus," Balor shouted back. "She's my wife and safe from you now."

"Ahh, the little prince. I shall have you both back in my power by the time the sun rises. When I finish with you, I'll slit your throat and then Luria will be mine. Problem solved." He laughed harshly.

Luria had listened to all of this, feeling her skin grow wet and clammy. Her stomach turned over and she quickly pulled her bow, notching the arrow swiftly. Before she could think, she let it fly, watching as it honed in on Magnus.

He shimmered translucently for a moment and the arrow passed clear through him, slamming hard into the ground of the meadow behind him.

Magnus scanned the elves that stood upon the wall, searching for the one who would dare attack him. His eyes landed on Luria and widen. "Why Lady Luria, you've gotten all grown up," he drawled slowly. "Your parents should have told you, never, ever attack your betters. I shall have to punish you for this later."

"So," he called again, this time speaking to the elfin elders. "You refuse to return my bride and Prince Balor to me. This is your final word?" He watched as the elder nodded. "Then you shall all die." With that, he turned and retreated through the black gate.

Graeme's hand found Luria's shoulder, squeezing gently. "It was a good shot."

"Not good enough, the bastard still lives," Luria fumed.

Another horn sounded, this one coming from inside the great black gates. They were pushed open again and this time a legion of soldiers spilled out onto the grassy meadow.

"There are so many," Luria breathed.

"Yes, but the gates are shut and bolted and our women are prepared for any who wish to scale our walls." Graeme glanced over to where huge pots of bubbling liquid sat over fires.

"Oil?" Luria guessed.

"Yes. We shall set it to flame and pour it upon our attackers if they get too close to the wall."

Magnus's beasts stood in a long row and began to pound on the ground, using feet or the end of a pike until the vibrations could be felt by all of those that stood upon the wall. Luria took her place, standing next to Graeme, bow at the ready. But her eyes searched for Balor, finding him at another wall, shouting orders and raising spirits.

It was as if he felt her looking for he turned suddenly, catching her gaze and smiling at her. Rowan was at his side, protecting him as Luria had bade him to.

"We shall win the day, Lady," Graeme said. "We must be victorious."

Across the meadow, Luria could see Magnus standing upon his own high walls, walking to the center where he could see everything. She could almost feel his eyes upon her and she shivered, not in fear but in dread.

As soon as his troops were set, row upon row of them, Magnus sent out a signal for the attack. With a roar of rage, the beasts rushed the village wall.

"Archers!" the call was sent and Luria nocked an arrow, holding it against the string as she pulled it back to her nose.


Arrows flew like raindrops, striking true and deep into the heart of the beasts. Some fell but others stepped over them in an unending flow. Luria kept shooting, picking her targets off one at a time. It seemed for every one she killed; two more took its place.

"There's so many," she called to Graeme as the elf, too, chose his shots well.

"We must keep them from the wall," he called to Luria.

Luria heard Rowan's mighty roar and turned to look. One of the beasts had made it to the wall and set up a ladder which they were using to climb over the wall. Balor was there, taking on one after another, his sword dripping blood, the silver now dimmed by the foulness of the beasts. Rowan leapt upon one who'd gotten past Balor's guard, stopping the beast before he could strike. She nocked her bow and killed another as he got to the top of the ladder then watched as they pushed the thing back, letting it fall into those gathered beneath it.

The first of the oil was set on fire and poured into those that had made it to the wall. Shrill screams greeted the fiery gift and a smile touched her lips. Another pot was emptied and then some of the older boys began throwing rocks down upon those who were left.

"The gate," Luria gasped, nudging Graeme. Somehow the beasts had made a battering ram and were using it upon the heavy gates that had been reinforced with metal. The blows made the wall shiver and she took aim carefully, letting her arrow fly to see it slither through the cracks and hear a cry from under the shields they'd used to hide the ram.

Graeme followed her lead as well as did another archer standing near them. The three of them began to deplete the beasts' strengths, and the blows to the door became weaker and weaker. Another ladder was set up near-by and Luria heard a feminine scream followed by Shria's roar and another cry, this one hoarse and terrified. Taking up the sword, Luria turned and rushed at the beast climbing over the edge of the wall. Before he could take one step upon it, she was there, brushing aside his first blow and slicing into him. He screamed as he fell the distance to the ground.

"Help me!" Luria screamed, pushing against the weight of the ladder even as one of the beasts reached for her.

"Lady! No!" Graeme cried, dropping his bow as he turned to rush to her aid. But it was too late. The beast wrapped his hand around Luria's arm and dragged her over the edge. She screamed as she was dropped and the next beast on the ladder reached out, grabbing her to slow her fall before letting her move down to the next and then the next.

"Luria!" Graeme shouted, his sword cleaving the head off the beast that had first grabbed her. "Balor!" he shouted, pointing at where he'd seen her last. "They've got Luria."

Shria growled and grunted, roaring her displeasure at being separated from her mistress. She jumped up, putting her huge front feet on the edge of wall. Her cat eyes found Luria quickly and she roared again. When a beast came to the top of the ladder, she took her fury out on him, ripping into his head and letting him fall. For a second, the top of the ladder was empty and Shria took advantage of it, jumping onto it and letting out a roar that had the beasts on the ladder jumping off.

She jumped down, her feet touching the ground even as she was surrounded by beasts. A sword swung at her and she leapt to the side, pushing through the evil beings, consumed with finding her mistress before harm could come to her.

Rowan roared from the top of the wall and she answered him back, seeing a glint of silver amidst the beastly forms.

* * * *

Balor looked up in time to see Luria's lovely blonde head disappear beneath the rim of the wall. For an instant, he couldn't move. His wife, his love, was being taken from him by these godforsaken creatures. A scream of pure rage passed his lips and he ran toward the ladder. He'd almost reached it when he saw Shria climb down it, leaving it empty.

"No, Balor, you can't think of going down there," Graeme argued. "It would be suicide."

"Let go, Graeme," Balor growled. "I'm going after my wife." He grabbed the top rung of the ladder. Gave the man one last look and was gone.

Rowan followed after sending a roar of rage of his own at the beasts that surrounded his mistress and his mate. He could see her in the midst of them, moving quickly as she tried to make it back to Luria's side. He had to help her.

Balor was surrounded when he reached the ground, his sword moving swiftly as he fought to get away from the ladder and to Luria. She was half way across the meadow now, the beast that held her moving swiftly to get her inside the gate and collect his reward.

Suddenly he felt someone at his back and he spun quickly around. Graeme was just finishing up killing one beast, and looming towards another. "Let's go get her," he shouted.

Arrows rained down around them as the archers on the wall tried to help. Balor was forced to jump over dead bodies in his rush to get through the throng of beasts that still stood.


* * * *

"Let me go!" Luria screamed at the thing that held her arm in a death grip. She'd lost her sword when the first beast had grabbed her and had dropped her bow as well. Grabbing up an arrow, she thrust it into the beast's side with all the strength she could muster.

It grunted and grabbed at its side. Luria took up another arrow, slamming it into the beast again, only this time she was rewarded by feeling its thick three-finger grasp loosen on her arm. With a quick jerk, she yanked back from him and was free. Shria roared from behind her and raced to her side.

Luria glanced down at the horror around her. She quickly found a sword and took it up. It was heavier than the one the elves had given her and a bit more unwieldy, but she used it, fighting and hacking as she fought to make her way back to the village and Balor.

Rowan bounded up to her, an arrow lodged in his mane. He acted like a pet, gamboling around her feet for a moment to show his pleasure in seeing her. Luria quickly removed the arrow, making sure he hadn't been hurt.


"Balor!" she cried, running to him, a lion on either side of her.

He held her close for less than a second before pushing her back to make sure she was okay. "You are not hurt?" he asked, his eyes scanning her body.

"No, I'm not hurt."

"Balor?" Graeme said from behind him.

They were surrounded. They stood inside a tiny circle in the center of the battle, Magnus's men all around them, their pikes held out and threatening.

Luria looked at the beasts gathered around, her frightened eyes searching out Balor's. "What do we do now?"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Please post longer chapters!

I am enjoying this story. The short chapters are maddening! Please post something longer. This one was just barely one page.

soreireisoreireiover 8 years ago
Keep up the superb work .

The story continues to improve with each chapter. Keep them coming 5*.

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