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Bond Between a Father and Son

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Adam's father is a stripper at the hottest gay bar in town.
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I sat there in my seat, frozen in time. He didn't even see me. He just continued dancing and shaking his ass for dollar bills without a care in the world. At first, I was mesmerized when he came on the stage. That body was everything. All buff and swollen with muscles.

His brown skin glistened with oil that reflected the stage light onto the audience. His ass was shaped like a perfect peach, and his cock was thick, long, and matched his skin.

I had known him for twenty years and had never seen him naked in twenty years. Not only was I seeing him naked, but he was naked in front of a room of gay men. He was naked, and I could feel my erection throbbing in my pants. It terrified me. Before I knew it, I jumped to my feet.

I screamed, "Dad, what the fuck are you doing?"

The music stopped, and he finally stopped dancing. He turned slowly and looked at me. His mouth dropped. His secret was out, and I was pissed.

"Adam? Son, what are you doing here?" He stood there like a deer in headlights.

I grabbed my phone, and I ran. I could hear him calling behind me, but I couldn't talk to him. I needed the fresh air, and I needed it badly. No 20-year-old should ever see his 40-year-old father naked on display like that.

I hadn't been home to Atlanta in two years. I was done when I graduated high school and moved to Texas for college. My mother and her new husband had moved to Florida, and my father was no longer part of my life. So, I honestly had no reason to return.

That was until I reconnected over Instagram with Corey Van Sims. Corey was the star football quarterback when I was in high school, and I had the biggest crush on him. He was "straight" and always in some new pussy.

It was all a front. Corey was on the DL and playing football for the Georgia Bulldogs. After some chatting, I decided to come down for Pride Weekend. My visit turned into a mini-reunion with some old friends. That led to an underground club where we watched some of the sexiest men dance and strip.

Everything was going fine. I was having the time of my life. Then the DJ announced the next dancer to the stage. Everyone went wild for this man they called "Black Stallion." Everyone was talking about how fine he was and how he moved his body. He was a DILF. Turns out the fucker was my dad.

We were never close, my father and me. For as long as I can remember, there has always been a wall between us. It wasn't for a lack of trying on my part. The man would never let his guard down around me for whatever reason. He never gave me that emotional connection. No, I got the emotions from my mother.

When I came out as gay, my mother was happier than I had expected. Sadly, she also grouped me into a stereotype. She said, "Yes, now we can go shopping and talk about men together." Don't get me wrong, I love shopping and men. I just hated that she automatically assumed that I loved it.

My father was a different story. He didn't say much of anything at first. He sat in his favorite chair with a stone face for what felt like a year. Then he finally said, "Just don't let me catch you playing with Barbie and her crew." I thought he was homophobic. Now, I'm confused!

My father called me 30 times before I finally answered the phone. He asked me to meet him at his home so he could explain himself. I agreed for more sinister reasons. I wanted to talk shit and make him feel lousy face-to-face. Also, I wanted to make him pay for giving me an erection.

When I got there, it occurred to me that I had never been to his home before. He and my mother divorced not long after I came out, and he moved out. It felt a little strange walking in there as a 20-year-old adult. I suddenly felt like a 16-year-old kid again.

My dad was sitting in his favorite chair near the fireplace. A bottle of vodka sat next to him, and he had a cup in his hand. He looked scared and nervous when he saw me.

"Son, I'm glad you came," he said nervously.

"That makes one of us."

"I have some explaining to do."

"Damn right, you do. You made me feel like shit for being gay, and you shake your ass for a bunch of homos nightly."

"It's not as black and white as you're making it out to be."

I sucked my teeth and said, "The fuck do you mean, dude?"

He jumped to his feet and yelled, "Watch your mouth! I'm still your father, and you will honor me as such."

For a second, I trembled. Then, a rush of excitement washed over me. That excitement traveled to my cock, and it started to grow. I shook that feeling off rather quickly. I couldn't get a boner in front of my father, and I sure as hell shouldn't be getting them because of him.

"You want me to honor you. I don't even understand you," I said as I sat on the sofa.

He ran his fingers through his thick hair and groaned. He looked so worried, and for some reason, that made him look sexy to me.

"I know I never made it easy for you. I was very hard on you, and when your mom left and you cut me off, I just wanted to understand you more. I went to gay bars and support groups for help. Then the pandemic happened, and I lost my job. I was at the bar, drowning in my sorrow, and a guy challenged me to see if I could win the night's jackpot by dancing. I won, and it felt good. I kept doing it. The money was...well, it is good. I'm good at it, and I love it."

"So, you're blaming me for your.... sexual identity crisis?" I asked him as I threw my hands up, feeling exasperated.

"No, I'm straight. You're not listening, Adam. I get it now. I accept you, son. I love you."

"Piss off, Charles!"

I jumped to my feet. Before I could take two steps, my father was on me. He grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me closer to him.

"You disrespectful little fucker. I'm trying to show you that I care and I love you," he said through gritted teeth.

With a menacing tone, I shouted, "You don't love me. You never once showed me a sense of affection. No, but I get it from my new daddy now."

I wanted to hurt him. I was mad and confused. I wanted him to be just as angry, confused, and hurt as I had been.

Tears formed in his eyes. He let me go, turned his back, and stood before the fireplace. His emotional reaction lowered my defenses. A surge of pleasure ran through my body. Once again, my cock started to come alive.

Though his back was turned towards me, I could tell he was crying. His shoulders bounced, filling my blood with a specific type of desire. A desire I hadn't known before, but I wanted to explore.

With his back still towards me, he said, "You think I don't want to be close to you? You're my son. I wish I knew how to show you how much I love you."

Hearing his confession triggered me. It turned me into a vampire, and I wanted to suck his soul dry in the most exquisite way possible.

As I slowly walked towards him, I said, "I wanna be close to you, too. I want to love you."

He slowly turned around. His eyes were filled with hope and tears. I closed the distance between us. My hand touched his face, and he felt warm. I slowly leaned in to kiss him. He moved his head back.

Confused, he asked, "Adam?"

"It's okay. This is the only way for us now. Let's be as close as possible."

I kissed his lips. They were soft, and I wasn't expecting that. I pulled back and looked at his face. For the first time, I saw just how beautiful my father was. I looked just like him. Even our souls were the same.

"Kiss me.... Daddy," I said seductively.

Calling him Daddy must have triggered an urge in him. He kissed me that time. It was a clumsy kiss that grew into an intense kiss. I ran my hands over his chest and arms. He wrapped his arms around my waist and slid his tongue into my mouth.

His cock throbbed against my thigh. His hands traveled down to my ass, and he grabbed a handful of my cakes. I made them bounce in his hands. I pulled away from the kiss and pulled his shirt over his head. My fingers ran along his chest and over his stomach.

"Son, I've never done anything like this before."

"Don't worry. I have experience."

I turned around and pressed my ass against his erection. He sucked on my neck and thrust his cock back and forth in a fucking motion. I pulled my shirt off and pulled my pants and underwear down.

I stumbled over to the sofa, knelt, and bent over. My face lay on the couch. My dad got on his knees and slapped my ass. He spread my cheeks, and I made my hole wink at him.

"It looks so inviting."

"Eat me."

"Eat you?"

"Eat me, Daddy."

Slowly, he lowered his face into my crack, and his tongue swiped my hole. I moaned out loud, and he licked my hole again. His lips kissed my cheeks, and then he kissed my hole and started to eat me like he would any woman.

His hands ran up and down my back in the most comforting way. He made me feel special. I wanted more, so I pushed my ass back on his tongue. That fat tongue slipped into my overworked hole so smoothly. It felt as if I was going to cum at any moment. I couldn't risk that. I pushed him away.

I turned around, looked at him with sex in my eyes, and said, "Stand up."

He stood up, and I pulled his pants down. The biggest dick I had ever seen came into view. It was thick, fat, and hard. The skin was two-toned, and the head was kind of pinkish.

I wrapped my hand around it. My mouth watered at the sight of it. It was the incredible dick that had created me. My tongue wanted a taste. I kissed the head of his cock first and then opened my mouth and let his dick inside.

He groaned, "Oh my God. Yes, son! Show my dick some appreciation. It made you boy."

I showed it all the appreciation in the world. I worked his cock as if it was an ice cream cone. I eagerly slurped it up and down. Shock ran through his body when I tickled his heavy nuts while I sucked him off. His precum attacked my tongue and danced in my mouth. He was all of my favorite flavors in one.

Father lost himself in my oral skills. He fucked my mouth with a reckless abandonment that you'd see in a virgin. In his defense, he was a virgin when it came to man-on-man sex. He had never known the pleasures one could feel from another man. It sent shivers down my body to know I was his first.

"Let Daddy eat you some more."

I slowly pulled his dick out of my mouth. I laid back on the sofa and lifted my legs in the air. He looked at my exposed hole and smiled a happy smile. He quickly buried his face in my ass. His nose tickled my balls as he devoured my pretty hole.

I threw my head back and let him eat his heart out. My fingers ran through his hair.

He shook his head as he tongue fucked me. After a few minutes, he slapped my hole with his thick cock and pushed it against my entrance.

The head briefly slipped in with ease. I moaned, and he pulled it out. He repeated the act a second time. The head slipped in, and he pulled it out. For a third time, he pushed the head in, and I slid towards him. More of his dick slid into me. He grabbed hold of me, and he let out a manly moan.

"Daddy's inside of you, son. You feel so amazing. You feel me?"

"I feel you, daddy. Fuck me."

He pulled his dick out and flipped me over on my knees. He slid his dick in and slapped my left ass cheek. My entire ass bounced, and he started to fuck me with just the tip of his dick.

"Daddy fucking you with just the tip of his dick."

He spread my cheeks so he could admire his handy work. He pressed down on my lower back and started sucking my neck. The tip of his dick continued to open me up and tease me. I wanted more. I could take more, so I took more.

I pushed back on him, and all of his dick slid in. He was suddenly balls deep in the best piece of ass he had ever had. He was in a piece of ass he created, and now he could enjoy the fruits of his labor.

Daddy started fucking me good. I let him drive his dick in me the way he needed. I enjoyed the fuck out of it. He spread his legs, planted his knees on the side of me, and drilled me. He picked up his pace, and his balls crashed into my taint repeatedly.

The smell of sweat and open ass filled the air. My moans, along with his groans, bounced off the walls of the house. I leaned back, and our lips connected for another intense kiss.

My fat ass cheeks bounced back on his pelvis. He quickly pulled out and spit on my hole, and pushed his dick back in me.

"Can I fuck you harder? Daddy needs to really fuck."

I moaned out, "I can take it. Fuck me harder."

He started to fuck me hard and fast. My ass was clapping away. Our skin rubbed against one another. His sweat ran down my back, and his dick carved me a new hole.

He slapped my ass repeatedly. The sofa began to rock and thump. He wrapped his arms around my lower body and held me still. He plowed me like fresh snow. His dick started slamming into my prostate.

I screamed out, "What the fuck?

He responded, "This what you wanted. You wanted my affection and my dick."

"Oh, shit fuck me!" I cried out as he slammed into me.

He fucked me good and long. I couldn't control the urge to cum. My dick throbbed and leaked like a faucet for so long. With one sweet tap of my prostate cum flew out my cock. My entire body shook, and my muscles tensed. He kept pounding me.

Several minutes passed when he finally screamed; he was going to cum. Without missing a beat, his cock plowed into me and released his hot fluids. He let out a mighty roar and drove his cum deep inside of me. My brothers and sisters had found their new home in me.

Daddy was exhausted, and I was open. We lay next to one another in silence for a moment.

"Son, what does this mean? Am I gay now?"

"Depends. You want to fuck other men?"

"No. I don't even find men attractive. Just women, but I liked what we did."

I chuckled and replied, "So did I. We bonded finally."

"I want to be your father."

"I don't need a father anymore. But you can always be my daddy. If you'd like."

I slowly turned my head towards him. He was already looking at me. He smiled, and I smiled.

"I'd like that very much."

He pulled me closer and kissed me. That kiss led to an explosive make-out session. Daddy rolled over on top of me and spread my legs. His cock found my wrecked hole and slid back in for another round. The time for fatherhood was long gone, but my need to have a daddy would live forever!

© Grayson Rose 2024. All rights reserved.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Father-son is totally beyond hot.. Daddy’s not in control now though. So many ways this could go..But daddy is already risking everything because of his secret, special needs.,He needs to be careful..But it’s too late for that, isn’t it…So hot when you realize how gay you are..


AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

More please

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