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Legal Guardian Can't Resist

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Bratty teen seduces his legal guardian Daddy.
6.4k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 04/12/2024
Created 11/10/2023
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All characters are above the age of 18.


I'm a Thanksgiving baby and finally turned 18 a couple weeks ago, but nothing has changed. Jared still treats me like I'm only his ward. Sure, due to certain circumstances, he's been my legal guardian and I've been living with him since I was like 13. He's been the most supportive person and best role model I could have had. But we're not related by blood, and I'm an adult now! He's only 29. Under some categorizations, we even count as the same generation, sort of. Though, I secretly like that he's older. Boys my age are so unappealing. I want a man to take care of me. And Jared is just soooo hot! And caring. And should only be mine. I love his attention more than anything. I've always hated thinking of him with other guys. I remember he went on dates when I first moved in, but he's been more stealthy about it I suppose, because I couldn't remember any dates he's been on recently. And I wanted it to stay that way.


Jared loved buying me things. He wasn't one to spend much money usually, but he loved spoiling me in every way. He had just gotten me a whole bunch of wonderful gifts for my birthday, but now I wanted to ask him for something I couldn't before.

I cornered him in the hallway. I had to tilt my head up, because he's so tall. "Hey, Jared, I have something to add to my Christmas list! I need new underwear. Can you get me some?"

He paused. I could get lost in his beautiful blue-green eyes. "Luca baby, aren't you old enough to get your own underwear?"

"I'm so busy with school stuff, and you know my size. Plus, I like wearing what you choose!"

"But underwear..."

"It's not like you haven't before!" He opened his mouth for a rebuttle, but I continued, "And I want cute colorful ones. And make sure they're form fitting. You know, so they don't slide around." I couldn't tell if he was buying this or not.

"Mhmm," he made a noncommital sound, but a few days later, I noticed underwear catelogues open in tabs on his computer.


A week later, we spent Christmas Eve dinner at his parent's house as we always do. Because he's so responsible and always taking care of me, I still found it funny that Jared was the youngest in his family!

He had two older sisters who were already married with cute little babies and toddlers, who I loved to hold and play with. The sisters always treated me like family, though I think they saw me as a younger brother too rather than a nephew. Jared's parents also spoiled me rotten.

"I'm their favorite son!" I'd always joke, and his parents would adamently agree, as they hugged and overfed me. Jared would groan that he's been forgotten but only in a joking manner. A couple years ago, I had felt bad about it, so I appologized to him for what I said. He had immediately shut down that train of thought. He said he adored that his parents and family also love who he loves the most in this world, me. I've felt warm and tingly since.

This year was a great Christmas Eve dinner as always! The food was delicious, and my cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing. Jared's father gifted me a gorgeous watch as a Christmas gift, saying I'm a man now, and every man should have a classic watch. It was awesome. I hugged and thanked him. I gossiped with the sisters and helped Jared's mom clear the table after dessert. I returned happy and tummy full and slept like a baby that night.


The next morning, I woke up at 9 am (earlier than usual for me on vacation) and jumped out bed. I brushed my teeth and put on fluffy red and green socks. I ran into Jared's room and jumped on his bed.

"Wake up! Wake up! It's present time!"

"Aren't adults supposed to sleep in more?" he grumbled and threw an arm over his eyes. I was constantly reminding him I'm an adult now, so he was using my words against me!

Jared was usually an early bird, but we had gotten back pretty late from his parents' and while I had slept on the car ride home, he was obviously driving. And after I fell asleep, he probably set out my presents. We still did it the old fashioned way, because otherwise I could tell what he had gotten me, since he's so bad at wrapping presents.

"But I thought you said I'd always be your baby?"

"Yes, youre right."

I took the opportunity to look over his perfectly sculpted body. He was shirtless and the sheets were twisted around his hips, just covering his... buldge! Oh Christmas was starting out great already.

"Fine, I'll cuddle with you until you're ready to get out of bed.

"Thank you, baby."

I laid against him, my head on his shoulder, and was able to feel his morning wood against my hip. Hmmm. I shifted slightly, getting more comfortable, rubbing directly against it, and Jared gasped.

"Okay, I'm awake now! Let me get washed up, and I'll meet you downstairs?"

I giggled and skipped downstairs, excited.

He took a few minutes more than he usually would to join me. I imaged he relieved himself. Hmm maybe I should have laid with him longer.

We took a few pictures for memories, then I dove into presents. Sometimes when people's birthdays are close to big holidays, they get two for one presents, but Jared never skimped on mine! And I loved everything.

"Oh, theres another for me in the back!" I got on my knees, butt in the air, slightly swinging knowing Jared was looking, and reached for it behind the tree. It was full and made a plopping noise when I set it in front of me.

Jared gulped and said, "You can open that one later in your room."

"No, I want to now!" I ripped it open. I know it's a little wasteful, but ripping wrapping paper is so fun and satisfying! Oh, there were like 20 different pairs of underwear in every color.

"I couldn't decide what would look best on yo- I mean what you'd like best, so... there's a lot."

I pulled out a few. "They're so cute!" So many different designs and all bright colors I like to wear. "Do you think they'll look cute on me?"

"Yes, of course." His eyes followed my fingers tracing them.

"Thank you so much for all my presents!!" I ran and jumped on his lap, hugging him tight and kissing his cheek enthusiastically. He laughed and hugged me back.

I pulled out his presents from under the tree and dumped them in front of him. "Your turn!" He was more careful in opening them and folded the saved paper in a stack on the side. He liked all the stuff I got him, too. He wasn't picky, but I tried to spoil him as much as he did me, even though, technically, I bought everything with his money. He wouldn't allow me to have a job, saying my job is to be a good student. I made him proud with all As in all my AP classes.

The rest of our day was spent in our usual Christmas tradition: watching Hallmark movies all day on the couch!

He made us hot cocoa with extra chocolate.

"Mhmmm soooo yummy." I moaned, and he paused mid sip, watching me. I took a few more delicious gulps.

"You are really such a baby. You have chocolate on your lips."

"But I'm your baby, and you love me most!"

"Yes, I do."

I could feel the chocolate was on the left side of my lower lip, so I purposefully licked the other side with my tongue. Jared's eyes were lidded, watching raptly.

"Did I get it?"


I licked all over my lips. Jared's eyes were glude to me! He reached out and swiped the chocolate off me with his finger, and sucked it off his finger with his mouth! Oh! That was so hot! Ughh I feel like he always wins. But I liked it, so I can't complain.

All day, we lazied around watching sweet movies and eating leftovers his mom packed us.

By the evening, I was laying on his lap. He played with my hair. It was comforting and made me feel very very happy.

Out of nowhere, I realized I'm close to his cock!

I put my hand on his thigh. I pretended to absently stroke his leg. I moved closer and closer to where his dick was laying and stopped milimeters away. I could feel his legs tense below me.

I commented on the movie as if I had no idea how I was teasing him. He continued to play with my hair, either pausing or slightly pulling, when I rubbed intermittently. I realized his cock grew enough that his hardness was pressing against my fingers. I didn't move away.

The movie ended, and I sat up. He moved a pillow to cover his hard cock. Hehe. I already saw it. And felt it.

Before the next movie started, he brought us blankets as added layers between us. I momentarily turned away from him and couldn't help rolling my eyes.


Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, and Jared made me breakfast every single day.

And maybe the only thing I knew he liked more than seeing me in clothes he bought for me, was seeing me in his clothes. I think it brought out some primal instinct of ownership or something.

He was taller and broader than me, so later that week when I came out wearing one of his white tshirts, it tantilizingly fell to my mid-upper thighs. The only other thing I had on were one of the new fusia colored small briefs he had bought me for Christmas.

I sat on the counter with my legs spread, swinging me legs back and forth without a care in the world. When he turned around from mixing ingredients, he paused. His eyes ran up and down me. I felt it like a physical caress. I could be imagining things, but did I hear a rumbling sound come from his chest? Male satisfaction much? Then, he zeroed in on the pop of color peaking through my legs. He took a step forward. Oh. And another, almost settling between my legs. His hand laid across the top of my knee. His hand was so big it covered most of my leg. I was frozen. He slowly caressed up my leg.

"Do I not buy you enough clothes? You're strutting around in mine."

"I like smelling like you."

He growled. His hand rubbed up my exposed thigh.

"And I like this shirt. It looks good on me, don't you think so?"


"I-" Why was I always so nervous around him lately! "I'm also wearing the new underwear you got me. I like them a lot. They make me feel really... good." His hand was gripping my upper thigh so tightly I was sure it's going to bruise. He relaxed his hold briefly and skimmed his hand up even higher, his fingertips brushing the edge of the panties where my groin fold is. I stopped breathing.

"Get down from there and help me with breakfast." He pulled away from me. We both exhaled.

We worked around each other for a while in silence, comfortably. Time to create some discomfort!

I went over to the tallest cabinet. I acted like I was looking for a specific pan. On my tip toes, I reached as high as I could for the top shelf. The shirt rode high up my body, and he got a very nice view of my bubble butt. I knew he was looking, because he's always aware of me and watching me. I moved my butt back and forth, trying to reach something. The briefs only partially covered my ass cheeks, and I felt them jiggle. I did it again.

Jared came up right behind me. "This covers nothing," he grumbled. I could feel his body heat. His hand lightly cupped my ass then quickly followed my arm up to reach above it. As he grabbed for the pan, the entire front of his body pressed into my back, pressing me into the cabinets. I felt his large, hard bulge. He held that position a few moments then backed up, tossed the pan on the counter with a clank. He said he'll wait in the living room until breakfast was ready. Ugh, now I have to finish preparing? But so worth it!

While we were eating at the table, he dropped his fork. I slightly spread my legs as if they were already in that position before he leaned down. When he did, he paused, I could feel his gaze on my legs and between my legs. He bumped his head on the table then came back up breathless as if he had run to the next city over to get it. I focused really hard on my food, internally rejoicing.


A few nights later, I couldn't sleep. I was throwing such big hints, but Jared still wouldn't make a move! The worst part was that usually I would talk to him about any of my problems or if I was feeling down, which I obviously couldn't in this situation. But, maybe I could still get some comfort from him.

I quietly slipped into his room and crawled into his bed.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"I can't sleep."

"Come here." He lifted his fluffly blanket and pulled me closer. His dark blonde hair looked brunette in the dim room. I ran my hand through his short, soft strands.

"Tell me you love me."

He siged. "I love you."


He moved closer to me, his nose softly rubbing back and forth against mine. "I love you so much. Truly. More than anyone else in this world. I only ever want you to be happy. Are you happy now, baby?"

"Yes, very. I love you, too. Will you kiss me?"

"What?" His eyes zeroed in on my lips. I could feel he wanted to, but I also knew he was standing at the edge of the line and would choose to run.

I pushed out my cheek. He deflated. "Oh, yes, of course, Luca." He gave me a good firm peck. Even that made my skin buzz with warmth, but I had to play it cool.

"Again." I indicated my other cheek.

He let out an exacerbated laugh. To reach the other side, he leaned over me with his body. He kissed just as firmly, which left me a little breathless while being surrounded by him.

I turned my head for the other cheek again, and he obliged. His light stubble scratched against my skin so enticingly. I made a small, embarassing sound and grabbed the front of his shirt. Oh, I could feel the heat coming off his body. I loved his affections. Hopefully he didn't notice. He probably didn't, because he started kissing all over my cheek.

"Baby," he whispered and kissed close to my mouth and up my jaw. I flattened my hands against him and slid up his chest and over his shoulders. Was his breathing getting more rapid? I couldn't tell from the pounding in my ears. He kissed behind my ear, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, my hands twisting in his hair.

He paused, on the precipace of a decision, but I didn't want to give him time to think. I was feeling too good. I whined and pulled on his hair. He groaned and gave me wet kisses down my neck. "I love the sounds you make," his deep voice made me melt. He bit and sucked my neck. I gasped and moaned. Pleasure shot through my body. "You're delicious," he moaned. He licked and bit more, leaving bruises in his wake. I hoped there would be a lot, evidence of his need for me.

That I'm his and he's mine.

He licked and sucked on my earlobe, and I lost it. "Oohh!" I pumped my hips up to rub against him.

And that's what broke the spell. He jerked off of me and out of bed. "I'm sorry," he said running out of the bedroom. From the sounds of his footsteps, it seemed like he went to the guest bedroom. He slammed the door behind him, no doubt locking it.

I lied awake for a long time, then fell asleep in his sheets on his pillows surrounded by his smell.


The next day, I wore a loose shirt, and Jared's eyes kept flicking back to my neck, where the deep purple evidence of his need for me was a stark contrast against my skin. I think he liked his marks on me as much as I did...


New years came and went. We spent it at the house party of one of his work best friends. They were mostly bro dudes nearing their 30s, so it was kind of fun to see their childish adult drunkenness and also boring when Jared's attention was elsewhere. But he was having fun, and I was happy when he's happy. He found me for the countdown and hugged and kissed me on the cheek at midnight. Of course, my New Year's resolution was to change that.


It was another winter morning, and Jared was doing his usual routine of reading the news on his ipad and drinking coffee.

I smiled to myself. I was taking a risk and a big leap here, but he needed a big push.

"Jared, I need your help."

He immediately put down the ipad, all his attention on me, just how I like it.

"I-," wow I didn't think I'd actually get nervous. I'm supposed to be playing a game and winning. Still... "I'm really horny."

He choked on his coffee. Reaching for a napkin, he asked, "What was that?"

"I'm horny and need your help."

His eyes widened, "It's not appropriate. I could never... How could you even ask that?"

"Who else am I supposed to ask if I have sex questions?"

"OH!" Now he seemed to be sweating for another reason. "I misunderstood, sorry." I'm glad he misunderstood. I wanted him to be thinking about me that way! "You need my help... answering questions about sex." He cleared his throat. "Well, didn't we already have the sex talk? And you're not having sex right? With other boys?"

"No, I'm not seeing anyone right now..."

"Right now?"

Now I was embarassed again! This conversation was not going the way I intended. "I've never been with anyone... you know I've never had a boyfriend."



"But what?" his tone was a little harsh. I flinched. "I'm sorry, come over here." He pulled me on his lap his arms loosely around my waist. Either he was always half hard or he always was when I sat on his lap. "Just thinking of you with anyone else- I mean, anyone upsets me, you know as your guardian, like any parent would be."

"Yes... Daddy." He froze, and I felt his cock jerk underneath me.

"Don't call me that."

"So, Dadyyy, can I ask you my questions now?" He gripped my waist, his cock hard as steel beneath me.

"What is it, baby?" he barely got out. Wow, this was so hot! Calling him Daddy was always a fantasy of mine, but it looks like he also reeaaally likes it. Damn. Okay, back to the plan.

"So, I'm an adult now, and I feel horny, but I'm not seeing anyone. I play with myself, but it's not enough."

"What do you do?"

"I jerk my dick. I play with my nipples. They're really sensitive. It'd probably be better if someone else touched them though."

"No one has?"

"You know no one has..." His hands moved from my hips to my waist but stopped there. His fingers spread wide, his thumbs brushed back and forth at the bottom of my pecs. Ugh. "What else do you do?"

I couldn't look him in the eyes fully. I had too many fantasies about him while... "I finger myself." I looked back at him. "I like that the most." His breaths were shallow at this point and mine were too.

I turned in his lap so my back was to his front. I spread my legs over his.

I grabbed the ipad and pulled up a sex toys website. "I'm thinking about getting a dildo." His stilled again. "But I want a big one. Like... how big is yours?"

"I don't have a dildo."

"I meant your cock, Daddy." His hands gripped me bruisingly.

"I really shouldn't answer that." His breath tickled my ear. I shifted on his lap against his hard cock in question.

"Will I have to find out the hard way?" I thought of all the ways I could walk in on him in the shower or...

"Nine inches."

"Wow, you're so big."

"You haven't even seen it yet-" He cleared his throat. "Nevermind, yeah, I'm above average."

"Sooo maybe this one? 8 inches seems to be the longest they have here."

"Yeah, I guess."

I shifted my hips back and forth. Were his hands on my hips helping me move against him a little?

"But thrusting that in me would probably be tiring. Sometimes when I fill myself with three fingers, it feels sooo good, but I get tired thrusting into myself over and over again."

His voice was hoarse. "Mhmm, you're such a spoiled baby. You need to lay back as someone holds you down and fucks you." I gasped.

"Yeah!" I moaned. I was so hard, I felt precome dripping from my tip and smearing against the fabric of my shorts.

He realized he said too much. He opened his mouth, probably to appologize again, but I cut him off-

"What's that?" I pointed to a random picture on the screen.


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