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Bookstore Girl


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She panted as she kissed me and the more I fingered her ass, the more she squirmed. She began to squeeze and pinch my nipples, which made me moan. She continued to hump me, even harder than she had before. By this time, I had one finger as far into her ass as it could go. I could feel her anal ring squeezing my finger in a rhythmical fashion.

She paused for a few seconds. "Maeve, that wasn't where I wanted your finger."

"You don't like it?"

"I do, it's just there are other things that need it more."

I continued to finger her ass, and she got even more turned on. Her pussy was almost gushing and had quite soaked my slacks. I'd be washing those before I could wear them again. She seemed to get ever more frantic, kissing me and fondling my titties. I thought she was almost ready to burst, when she pulled back and stood up.

She did a little wiggle, which made her skirt drop to the floor, and she stared at me with an almost feral look. She reached out, grabbed my hand and drew me to my feet. She unbuttoned and unzipped my slacks which dropped to the floor. Then she pulled down my panties and let them drop. I stepped out of my clothes and she led me by the hand into the bedroom.

We walked over to the bed and she plopped on it on her back, pulling me down on top of her. She was almost frantic as she resumed kissing me. I played with one of her bosoms as we kissed and that seemed to incite her further. Her hands were constantly moving, from my head to my back to my ass and around to my titties.

After a while, I began to kiss my way down her body. I found she loved having me kiss her ears, but she was on a whole other level once I reached her boobs. I took my time, caressing one as I licked, kissed, and sucked on the other. She was almost incoherent as I switched breasts. Of course I fondled the first as I suckled on the second.

As I enjoyed her mammaries, she was humping my torso, which isn't easy when I'm lying on her. I decided it was time to get to the really good stuff, and kissed my way further down her body. I blew across her soft bed of hair above her sweetness. I heard her whine and lift on her lower body and twist, trying to get my mouth closer to her pussy.

By that time, I was more than ready to give her what she wanted, so I shifted a bit and gave a nice lick up the middle of her slit. Her labia were spreading and were about as wet as any woman I'd ever been with. Clearly Zooey was enjoying what I was doing. Similarly, I was very much enjoying doing it. I'd probably like to do it on a regular basis, but even if only once, it was great.

As I continued to lick her, she wrapped her legs around my shoulders, pushing her pussy into my mouth. Of course, I had no intention of abandoning it before I made her scream with pleasure. That lifted her ass slightly into the air, so I responded by putting my finger in her back door again. When I did, she jammed her quim even more firmly onto my lips.

Her clit emerged and I assaulted that with my mouth as I continued to finger her ass. The way her legs were, I had trouble hearing much, but I could nonetheless hear her moans and squeals. I kept going until she almost seemed to go into convulsions, shaking like I'd never had a lover shake before. That continued for a minute or two into she simply went limp.

I extracted my hand from under her butt, and gave her a last few licks before moving back up to her boobs. She seemed quite out of it, but still had a few tremors as I renewed my acquaintance with titties. I moved back and forth between them, sucking on her nipples and giving them little love bites, until she reached down and stroked my head.

I moved up and kissed her and she eagerly kissed me back. As we did, her hands got busy, and she groped my ass, while fondling one of my mammaries. I really enjoyed doing that with her, and she seemed to be enjoying it as well. After a time, she paused and pulled back and looked at me.

"Maeve, that was great, but I want to do you too."

"If you insist."

"Hell, yes."

She rolled me off her, and onto my back beside her on the bed. She looked like an animal stalking her prey as she climbed on me. As she began to kiss me, it almost seemed like she wanted to devour me. To be honest, I found it quite entertaining. I was reminded of when my sister had two cats, and they would play, stalking and pouncing on one another.

On a more physical note, she began to kiss me, as she writhed on top of me. Though in theory, she was pleasuring me, she seemed to be getting off on the whole experience. I wondered how many women Zooey had been with -- not that it really mattered. The whole thing gave our love making a more animalistic yet ethereal feeling.

After no small amount of kissing, she kissed her way down to my bosoms. I like having my titties sucked, and while she might not have been the most skilled that I've ever been with, she was still quite eager. She shifted back and forth between them, kissing and sucking on one while fondling the other. I quite enjoyed it and could tell my nipples were very hard and begging for attention.

Along the way down, Zooey bit my neck -- not hard enough to break the skin, but probably hard enough to leave a hickey. So I guess she was marking me. I've certainly had worse things happen to me, but I'd need to keep that in mind. She bit my boobies some, so she was marking those as well. It didn't really hurt, but I found it entertaining that she'd choose to do that.

She spent a long time pleasuring my breasts, not only biting them, but kissing, licking and sucking on them. She clearly seemed to like women's mammaries, or at least she liked mine. I think she brought me to one small orgasm, before moving down my torso to the really good stuff. I had a landing strip and she teased me by blowing across it before giving a lick right up the center of my slit.

I've had some lovers who teased by kissing and licking around the labia before touching them directly. Zooey wasted no time with such things and immediately licked my pussy as though she might never get to lick another one in her life. She seemed to revel in it and got her tongue deep inside me. She licked me through at least two orgasms before moving back up my body.

As we kissed, I could taste myself on her lips, and I assume she tasted herself on my lips. We kissed for quite a while before I rolled her off me, then remembering how she marked me, bent down to leave a hickey on her neck as well. If she was going to mark me, then I'd mark her as well. We kissed, touched, and pleasured each other until we fell asleep from exhaustion.


I woke up in the morning with Zooey sucking on one of my titties while stroking my pussy. It felt nice, but it was a work day for me, and I knew I had to start working before too long. I managed to get out of bed, then led her into the bathroom, where we showered together. I really enjoy showering with a lover, but sadly didn't have enough time to do it right.

We washed each other, and there was no shortage of fondling during our washing, then we dried each other off. We dressed, though her clothes were a little the worse for wear. I had to get to work, though remotely, so she caught a bus to her apartment and then to her job. She had an earlier shift at the bookstore, then was going to do some editing for her other job.

"Maeve, can you come get me at my apartment about 8:30 tonight. We could have some dinner, and then maybe have some fun."

"So I guess you're planning on spending the night again."

"Of course. Last night was great."

"I'll pick you up then."

"I'd like to bring a change of clothes."

"Sounds like you're planning to move in."

"Can I really? Thank you so much, Maeve. I love you."

She kissed me and scooted out the door before I could say that I hadn't invited her to move in. I think she probably knew that anyhow, but was trying to use my comment as an excuse to do what she wanted. I had lived with lovers a few times, though none of those had worked out long term, I guessed I'd survive this though I certainly intended to make it clear she was inviting herself.

I still got a chuckle out of it before starting to work for the day. I had a couple of projects I was juggling and managed to get enough done on them to give some measure of satisfaction. On one, I needed feedback or approval from three people before I could proceed. I sent them my proposed design before the end of the day, then stopped to prepare some sort of dinner for us.

I got the food to the point where it could simmer on the stove while I went to pick Zooey up. I pulled up there right about 8:30 and before I could even get out of my car, Zooey was bouncing out of the building, carrying a gym bag, which looked stuffed, and a computer bag over her shoulder. She threw her stuff in the back of the car, climbed in and gave me a kiss.

Her exuberance was certainly cute, and she quickly buckled her seat belt. I backed out and began to drive to my place with Zooey humming a little song as she rode along. While I didn't necessarily want to rain on her parade, I wanted to make things clear.

"Zooey, I don't object to you moving in, but didn't actually invite you to move in."

"I'm sorry, Maeve. I just wanted that so bad."

"You're the living embodiment of the old joke, 'what does a lesbian bring to a second date? A U-Haul.'"

Zooey giggled, then replied. "What does a gay man bring to a second date?"

"What's a second date?"

We both laughed and she leaned over and put her head on my shoulder, which isn't easy with my seats. I drove along and frankly it isn't far from Zooey's place to mine. As I pulled up, she pouted a bit then spoke.

"So it's okay if I move in?"

"Let's not make a firm commitment, but you can bring stuff here and spend the night any time, then we'll see."

"Thank you, Maeve."

She kissed me again then was bouncing again as she grabbed her stuff from the back and we went in my place. She set the table as I finished making dinner and put it in serving dishes. I have a small round table and she sat so close to me that the only way she could have gotten closer was to sit on my lap. I was tempted to say something, but knew if I did that she'd take that as permission to sit on my lap.

After we ate, I put away the leftovers as she rinsed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. I think she was ready to adjourn to the bedroom, but I moved us to the living room and turned on some innocuous entertainment. I sat on the sofa, and now of course Zooey sat on my lap to watch tv, though she started kissing rather than doing any watching.

I certainly had no objections to kissing Zooey, though I felt there had to be something more to our relationship than just sex. Certainly we had a love of books, and Zooey did writing, editing, and such. There was something about her that I found enticing, and she seemed to like me, though perhaps that was because she thought I might be a sugar mama. I decided I needed to address the question. I broke our kiss and looked at Zooey.

"I'm agreeable to having you move in, but if you do, you need to share the expenses."

"But, I -- "

"I know you don't make as much money as I do, so I don't expect you to cover half the expenses, but with you here, utilities and food will be higher."

"It's just -- my roommates hate me."

"They hate you?"

"They keep wanting to fix me up with a guy, and I don't want that."

"I thought you were bisexual, but you say you're exclusively into women?"

"I quit guys after high school, and two of my roommates are really anti-LGBT."

"So I understand why you want out, Zooey."

"I was hoping I could quit my bookstore job and focus on writing and editing."

"And you're not making a lot at that yet."

"Even with the bookstore job, I can't afford a car."

"So for now, I'll pay rent and utilizes, and you buy the groceries."

"I'll have to keep the bookstore job."

"Is that so bad, if you can get away from your roommates and share a bed with me?"

"So how about we do that now?"

I got up and took Zooey by the hand and led her into the bedroom. We made love, then I spooned her as we slept.

The next day, I worked on my projects, as she did writing and editing. Later in the day, when she felt her roommates were more likely to be out, we went to her place to get the rest of her stuff. One of her roommates was there, though mercifully it was the less homophobic one. She gave us kind of a fishy look as we loaded out Zooey's stuff, though she didn't have a lot.

"So, I guess Zooey is moving on with you?"

"Yes, she is."

"A two bedroom place?"

"Does it matter?"

"I suppose not. We all pretty much suspected Zooey was a dyke."

"So you should be happy to be rid of her."

"We'll be praying for her salvation -- and yours too."

"Zooey seems to feel like getting out of here is salvation."


After we left, I talked to Zooey.

"That woman wasn't openly hostile, but still far from supportive."

"Yeah, that was Chastity -- an ironic name, since she seems to sleep with a new boyfriend every month."

"If she's the friendly one, I don't even want to know how bad the others were."

"Maeve, you're more than just a way to escape them. I really do care for you."

We were at a stop light, so I turned and kissed her. She'd have liked to have kissed longer, but the light changed right after I broke the kiss, and we don't want to get the other drivers upset with us.

We moved the rest of her stuff into my place. We had to shift some things around to make room for her possessions, but it all worked out.


We have settled in as a couple. Zooey finished her ghost writing job and it paid enough for her to quit the bookstore. She got another ghost writing job that paid even better and is well into writing her first novel. The next step is to get it published, which she is pursuing. She will self publish if she can't find a publisher to sign her. My job is going well and I am in even more demand that ever.

The longer I live with Zooey the more I seem to care for her. She professes her love for me almost daily. She has dropped hints that she would like to be married, though I'm not there quite yet. I've said I thought marriage should include a family and she has even said she'd have babies for us. Though she was no great shakes as a cook or house cleaner, I've made her learn and do both.

She doesn't tend to pull my chain any longer and has become one of the most considerate lovers I've ever had. I told her that if she ever makes the best seller list, that I would marry her. Having read what she's written of her novel, I just might have to do that. We still visit that bookstore regularly and hope one day soon to see her book on the shelves there.

My bookstore girl has become my lover girl and I can only be happy about that. Maybe someday in the future we'll have our own little book lovers.

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SirDigbyChickenCaesarSirDigbyChickenCaesar9 months ago

Googled the Luddites: am now a labour crusader. Thanks Jackie!

Apropos for a story about bookworms to have such witty repartée. Props to Maeve for drawing a clear line on alcohol=infused seduction. The evolution debate at the start seemed a little odd, but it turned out a shrewd bookend (cough) to the scene with Chastity. Something something reading between the lines. ;)

PS: Since no story about bibliophiles would be complete without pedantic proofreading: 'utilities' is misspelled 'utilizes'.

WhitewaterbumWhitewaterbum9 months ago

Throughly enjoyed your story. Zooey you made very coquette in the early part of story which I found very refreshing. I found ending was a little abrupt but you did explain the near future of the characters.

Alphachick90Alphachick909 months ago

Maeve sounds like a narcissist

Qwer12Qwer129 months ago

Well played and well done. Just the right amount of drama emotions and sex. Cheers

RomanceLivesRomanceLives9 months ago

Jeez, abrupt ending much?

Very cute story, though.

Nicole2023Nicole20239 months ago

This was a cute story

MigbirdMigbird9 months ago

The opening exchange at the bookstore checkout absolutely delightful — read more than once simply for the enjoyment. As a near hopeless romantic loved the way you moved this romance along — just enough uncertainty on both parts created some uncertainty in the reader about the outcome. Very creative. Aside: Stephen Jay Gould and Joseph Stiglitz — definitely eclectic taste. Have read much of Gould’s work; his Reflections in Natural History series so entertaining/clever; especially liked The Panda’s Thumb. Your concise excision of creation science perfect. This is second or third piece of yours read; will definitely read others and look forward to more in future.

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