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Brunette on Blonde 02


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"Remember this day," she whispered. "Time to go."

He watched uncomprehendingly as she turned to face the cave opening, raised her arms, and executed a perfect dive into the water. He was stunned. She had taken his trunks with her.

He hadn't got to see her naked body, yet he felt gratified by their encounter.

He would have to swim back to the cliff steps naked. Aurelia was ploughing through the water with languid, easy strokes and was already half way to the cliff path steps. Alex could not swim half as proficiently so had no way of catching her. He took a deep breath and dived into the water.

His cock enjoyed the sensation of freedom from its constraining trunks. His bottom felt the seductive warmth of the sun caressing his cheeks as he stroked his w ay to the cliff path. His first nude swim was one of the most exhilarating experiences of his life.

He raised his head to check on Aurelia's position. She had already towelled off and was putting on her tee shirt. Once respectably clothed, she watched as he neared the steps. Then she picked up his clothes and towel, leaving only his flip flops, and set off up the path.

He panicked, and floundered in the shallow water before he could find his feet and stand up.

Standing on the dry stone jetty, he looked up at Aurelia, already halfway up the slope and disappearing from view behind a rocky overhang. There was nothing for it but to walk up to the cliff top naked and hope not to be caught. His cock slapped against his inner thighs as he laboured up the slope, and was no longer a source of arousal.

He reached the top with his heart pounding. There were people on the games green, concluding the game of rounders. He forced himself not to look at them, but to prioritise finding some cover. Sure enough, as Aurelia had said, there was a line of bushes behind the shop which extended in a mostly unbroken file all the way along the cliff top. He set off at a stoop, hoping to be concealed by the bushes. He heard laughter close by on the other side. He hoped that he was not the cause. Then, close to the end of the line of bushes, there were his clothes and towel in a neat pile.



Thursday, the penultimate day of the holiday. It had been a rollercoaster of an emotional ride for Alex. He still hadn't achieved his ultimate objective, but he had got naked with two girls, each stunning in their different ways.

His mother called to him in Reception on their way to breakfast. "Alex, you've got another message."

He felt like a heavy weight had just dropped inside his stomach. Not twice in one week!

It was a beautifully handwritten message. How is it that women generally have such fine handwriting? This note was no exception.

Hi Alex. I can't face the group today. Can we catch the bus into town and explore? Aurelia.

His heart leapt. A whole day with the golden goddess would be just perfect. But where was she? He didn't see her during breakfast, but in that vast dining hall it would be like looking for the proverbial needle in the haystack. By the time the numbers of breakfasters had dwindled and he had still not located her, he left bewildered. He didn't know her chalet number so he couldn't search her out.

The dining hall had two entrances, one off the hotel Reception, and another from the outside. The clubhouse ballroom was beyond it. The usual group of males and females were outside, congregating in dribs and drabs as they did every morning, before deciding what to do with their day. Their shiftless routine jarred now as he watched them. The supposed alpha males were having a noisy discussion, as if something had upset their routine. There was some pushing and shoving as the argument escalated, but it was only mittens-off stuff. Their normal focus of attention was lacking.

Then the group quietened, and parted. Aurelia had arrived, approaching them from behind. A gap opened to receive her. Her arrival caused a stir. This was a couple of years before the film, Grease. Yet the arrival of Olivia Newton John in her tight shiny pants couldn't hold a candle to the impact of Aurelia on that group.

She had dressed in clinging tan suede hot pants and a cream cropped top with a ruched front. It clung around the moulds of her fine breasts and her abdomen. Her bare legs were clad in contrasting light and mid-brown cowgirl boots. There had never been a vision quite like her at that time for Alex. She wore not a trace of make-up, and she did not need it, so fine were her features and her bronzed complexion.

She passed through the groups and advanced on him at a deliberately slow pace. Heads turned to follow her stately progress with a pronounced swing of the hips. Alex cringed when their attention shifted from Aurelia towards him, questioning why she was headed in his direction.

She reached for his hand and kissed him on the cheek. "I've waited many days to do that."

"You packed all that - on the off-chance?"

"Why not? A woman can fantasise. I had been saving some outfits for special occasions, which just didn't happen, until today. Believe me, there's more to come."

The thought of Aurelia having to fantasise about anything astonished him, but perhaps he was viewing her on a pedestal, rather than as a real-to-life young woman.

A rather handsome man that Alex hadn't seen before, approached in her wake. He was not part of her entourage. He passed through the group as if they weren't there. An interesting-looking young woman with body-hugging clothing trailed behind him. He halted a foot or so away from Alex and stared at Aurelia. Alex looked at her questioningly. Was this competition? She shrugged her shoulders and shifted nervously from one foot to the other. He turned his head to stare at Alex, appraisingly. There was something familiar about him Alex couldn't put his finger on. Then the man spoke.

"You're Alex?"

Alex nodded.

"You're going off somewhere with Aurelia?"

Alex nodded again. "Yes."

The man frowned and stared hard before also nodding. "I just wanted to check you out. Take good care of her and bring her back safely."

At that point, the trailing young woman approached him and clung onto his arm proprietorially. She gave Aurelia a killer stare.

Aurelia dragged Alex away, looking back at the man with a meaningful expression, at least an expression of shared meaning between the both of them, if to no one else.

"Your ex?" Alex asked, puzzled as they walked away. Then when she replied he realised why he thought he recognised the man.

"No, he's my brother. He's very protective towards me. He usually doesn't bother to check on my whereabouts when I'm with friends, but when I mentioned that we were going off on our own this morning, he felt it necessary to check you out."

"Do you have to seek his permission?"

"As I said, he's very protective."

"Did I pass muster, then?"

"Who knows, but his questioning was a sort of warning to you. He would recognise you again if any trouble occurred."

She was walking with her arms across her chest, pressing her breasts protectively. That encounter had unsettled her. Her hands were stroking her underarms just below the elbows. It was a distracted gesture. He knew better than to ask more awkward questions.

They caught a bus on the main road, and explored the small nearby seaside town's centre, which didn't take long. Aurelia evidently knew it quite well, so its lack of places of interest would not have been a surprise to her. They bought some sandwiches and drinks and found a small park with formal flower beds, a bandstand, and a children's play area. It wasn't intended as a place for holidaymakers, but for locals. It was a place of mundane normality a world apart from the unreal atmosphere of the holiday camp and tourists.

"You're going to hate me for what I'm about to tell you, but I must be honest with you. Only Simon knows the full story. He's always been protective of me, even before I blossomed. I looked up to him and relied on him. It was a few weeks ago. He knew something was wrong immediately he saw me. I had worked late at a holiday job at the library, until they closed. I should have telephoned home to tell them that I was on my way. I didn't. I was walking along a quiet residential street. A man accosted me near the high walls of a boarded up mansion. He dragged me into the grounds. I was screaming, but the distant traffic noise may have drowned me out. He tried to rape me. Of course I was a virgin. He had half stripped me when a dog off the leash came running through the half-open gate and barked at us. It was dark so I couldn't see its owner at first. He called his dog, and I screamed for his help. My attacker ran off. The owner was a kindly elderly gentleman. He insisted on taking me to a telephone box when I had re-dressed, to call the police. Simon came to collect me because our parents had gone to London to a concert."

She stopped and studied Alex's expression. He tried to maintain an understanding facial expression, whilst quietly seething inside at man's inhumanity to woman.

"Simon took me home. I clung to him, traumatised. I had to wash away the smell and taste of that horrid attacker. I asked Simon to wash my back. It was a stupid ask and he tried to avoid it. But he did it, and we stood naked in the shower together. He was the first man to see me naked as a grown-up. He couldn't cope with the sight of my grown-up body."

Alex was reflecting as she spoke, how similar her experience was to Rachel's. Aurelia was continuing.

"We made love, without any protection. It was all my fault. I had tempted him with my body, but I so wanted his comforting arms around me. The sex was quite natural and enjoyable, but I didn't have an orgasm. I think we were too aware of what we were doing to really enjoy it. At least, I was."

Alex reflected, so the incident at the neighbour's pool was not the first; and both occasions had been with Simon.

"He and I have spoken of that occasion since, many times. Simon was experienced and had known what to do. I didn't. He's highly sexed, like you, but used to getting his way with girls. He realised because of that attack that I was vulnerable, and he started keeping a close eye on me. It was he who suggested that I stick to large groups of girls for my own safety." She laughed nervously at her next statement. "But other girls generally resent me for being the centre of men's attention. So I get isolated, in mixed crowds. That's why I get no comfort from that group of dorks at the camp.

"I mentioned you to him this morning. He warned me off being left alone with you. He said no man could be trusted, because I'm so perfect. He actually said that. Maybe he's right, In a way. " She gave another nervous laugh. Would you have fucked me in the cave yesterday?"

Alex winced at that brutal word. "I can't say what I might have done. I was stunned at just how gorgeous you are. You catching me naked was a shock. I would have done anything you asked, but I don't think I would ever have the courage to take you against your will, or anyone else."

"Always the good catholic? It wouldn't take courage. You don't have an evil bone in your body." Her expression was one of awe. It hit him hard in the stomach, that a beautiful woman could say something so kind to him.

Her compliment was a bit wide of the mark, but he wasn't about to disabuse her. So he went along with the pretence.

"How can you tell?"

"Believe me, some men are easy to read. You're mind isn't exactly an open book - I wouldn't know what you're thinking - but your body language is non-threatening, your manner is gentle and considerate. It makes a girl feel safe. So I took a risk, a big one; following you down to the bay, although I didn't know you were headed for the cave. I wouldn't have clambered up into it if I had felt threatened by you."

"But, Aurelia, I'm not on a par with you, or your brother. No sane woman would look twice at me."

She gave him a playful punch on the arm. "That's a stupid thing to say. You're simply fishing for a compliment, to boost your ego. You might not be my idea of an Adonis, but you are good looking, you have a great cock and you have a very modestly sexy manner."

He couldn't help himself. He burst out laughing at such an unexpectedly off-hand compliment.

"And are you the world's expert on cocks?"

"I hear girls talking about them. Some know what they're talking about; others just exaggerate. I've seen a few, as I said - unwillingly."

"Your story is different from before. How much should I believe?"

She could have got upset, but she simply smiled. "I trust you now, so I've told you the whole truth. I'm ashamed of what I did with my brother. I'm a weak woman but, I gather, not alone with my experience, in what goes on in families."

"And your father?"

"He never attacked me, if that's what you're thinking. He sometimes looks at my body. I think he would like to catch me naked. Now, this conversation has gone far enough. Let's find the cinema. There must be one here."

She stood up and smoothed crumbs from her lap. Alex leapt up and helped dust her down. She grinned. "Any excuse to grope me. Go ahead, brush down my top as well."

He put his hand to her breast, before remembering where they were and looking around anxiously. She pressed her hand on top of his and leant in for a kiss. His hands slipped automatically to her bottom. She pressed herself hard against his groin and his growing erection. All sorts of strange feelings swirled around in his head and lower down. Was this love? He doubted that it could be that, but Aurelia stirred up novel feelings that he needed time to process.

The Rex was showing a double bill including a re-run of the original of The Wicker Man with Edward Woodward. Aurelia winced at the prospect but agreed to endure it with him, a sardonic expression suggesting that she might actually enjoy it.

They sat holding hands like a pair of seasoned lovers. It struck him for the second time that week how delicate were women, and how unreal were holiday romances. People could get serious very quickly in a holiday atmosphere, where they wouldn't dream of doing so in their home environment.

When the Britt Ekland character was exposed on screen Aurelia slipped her hand onto his crotch to check whether he was getting aroused. The actress had a very attractive bottom. It all seemed so cosy and conspiratorial, yet Aurelia was still a complex, unknown entity. She wouldn't be the only stunning beauty he would get to know in life, but her life was already a mass of complications, which might culminate in a celebrated life or a disaster.

They were late back to the camp for dinner and had the waitering staff tut-tutting at their lateness. The dining room was beginning to empty. But the sight of a deeply apologetic and appealing Aurelia melted the hearts of the staff and they quickly served a warmed-up feast to savour, for its sustenance for two apparent young lovers. The staff were dining as well so Alex and Aurelia had to endure their questions as they ate.

Aurelia went to her chalet to change; he to his room. When she re-appeared it was to wow him again in a clinging, silver minidress, above silver heels. Her outfit made her legs look longer, and her thighs more luscious. That glittery fabric took no prisoners, and clung faithfully to her flowing curves across her bust, her hips and bottom. They entered the clubhouse, having run the gamut of some lounging youths outside. Their startled expressions reminded Alec again of Grease, except that Aurelia wasn't Sandy dressed in skin tight shiny pants, but an altogether more sophisticated beauty.

Alex introduced her to his parents. His father's drop-jaw expression was a picture. They all chatted for a while, then Aurelia took Alex over to her parents, sitting with Simon and his girlfriend, Suki. Aurelia's parents were top-drawer stunning; it must have been in the genes; and they were also unfailingly charming. After a jovial conversation, some silent eye gestures and nodding heads prompted Simon to engage Aurelia in conversation whilst her father invited Alex to go outside with him.

It was couched as an invitation but Alex didn't think he had much choice. He sensed trouble, but tried to keep a calm face at this cliché of a talking to by the father, about a young woman he hardly knew.

"Call me Derek," the man suggested.

"There's something going on here and I want to know what it is."

Alex stared at him, uncomprehendingly. He went on.

"Aurelia behaved strangely this evening and it's unsettled her mother. What have you said to her?"

"In what way 'strange'?"

"She was unusually talkative, bright and bubbly. She doesn't normally say much. Did you offer her something to smoke?"

Alex so wanted to laugh out loud at his way-off, ludicrous question. But it wouldn't have helped the situation. So he took a deep breath and chose his words carefully.

"I hardly know Aurelia, but she suggested that we go into town today. I agreed, because it took her out of her situation with all the pestering youths who hang around her. It gave her some space. She needed that, and she trusted me to allow her some peace and quiet away from the camp. Our holidays ends tomorrow. Whatever might have been between us in time won't have time to develop now. We've just found companionship for a few short hours in each other's company. She's a lovely young woman, and a real beauty. You can be proud of her. But she is way above my level."

Derek's face screwed up. Alex thought he might be about to have a coronary. But he was just winding himself up for a big revelation. "Aurelia is a delicate soul. She has been much abused. She thinks a lot of her brother, but her attachment to him is unhealthy. She rejects other boys and resents their attentions."

Did her father know about her liaison with Simon? Derek looked troubled, and as he struggled to find the words to express his inner turmoil about his daughter, Alex thought he saw a mental struggle going on.

"I'll speak straight. Aurelia looks happier these past two days than for I don't know how long. That should be a good sign, but her mind is fragile. She can't cope with the burden of her beauty. Young men pester her and upset her. They intimidate her. I need to protect her. I can't rest unless I know where she is and who she's with. Tell me that you're different."

"I can't comment. I've only just got to know her today. She seems a well-adjusted young woman to me, but she clearly wants her own space to grow in, away from pestering young males, as you put it. All I can say is that I'm not like that. I was taught to respect ladies. I've never pestered her. Perhaps that's why she saw something to like in me that I can't see in myself. She's a precious soul. Whatever she wants in life, I doubt that I could give it to her, but if she wants a few hours of innocent happiness, I'll do my best to oblige her. Maybe you have to trust her judgement a bit more?"

Derek snorted, a sure sign that he had no answer to that. The whole conversation had been a pointless pantomime. It had also left many questions begging about their family's life. They went back inside.

Alex found his parents at a table right next to the dancefloor.

Aurelia joined them. She and Alex weren't what one might call natural dancers. They danced easily together though, then she danced with Alex's Dad, whilst Alex did his best not to flatten the toes of his mother. They kept both sets of parents satisfied that they hadn't totally ignored them or their largesse. And then they went outside, hand in hand.

Her 'admirers' had gone; message finally received and understood. Alex sensed that he may have been the catalyst, and it embarrassed him. He didn't like upsetting people. He didn't feel worthy of Aurelia's attention, let alone her affections. A few girls stood around talking, and they approached the couple animatedly. Alex could see now that Aurelia was truly a goddess in their eyes. They seized the opportunity to chat, in the absence of other youths around her. Alex was ignored. He stood back and mused on how quickly situations can change. The loss of her retinue had encouraged other girls to approach her at last. They appeared to worship her. It all seemed so improbable, although young women can often be overly demonstrative.

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