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Calm Ch. 06

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Live moves on, not smoothly, but still forward.
14.9k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/07/2015
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Author's note: Thank you for sticking with Ellie's story all the way to here. Ruth and Tom are vital in the story too, and I love who they are as characters, but Ellie's the core of this story for me.

You reading this hopefully means you care about what happens to her, and if you do, then that means I'm doing something right :)

So please, comment on this story after you finish reading this part. Let me know what you think, where you think tweaks might be needed. It's vital for a writer to get feedback so he can crawl out of the void he's been writing in.

Enjoy this part, there's one more after this one.


Chapter 6


Tom sighed and added another stripe to his tally when Ruth's head popped into the bedroom. He had a smile on his face when he saw the tally had already added up to twenty three impromptu visits to ask him if he needed something. God forbid if he wasn't comfortable. And it was still early afternoon. He had to do something about this.

Ruth opened her mouth to ask him the set of questions he'd quickly gotten familiar with, but he forestalled her by raising his hand. "Ruth, come sit with me for a bit."

Worry came to her eyes. "Are you sure? I don't want to bump you and hurt you. I know I slept with you in the hospital, but that was different. It just felt so good to see you up."

"Ruth, come over here."

She sat down as much on the edge of the bed as possible. Tom shook his head and said, "Closer."

She scooted up a bit.

"Ruth, enough of this. Come here, I won't break."

For a long moment she resisted his command, but the look he gave her left no room for disobedience. She laid down next to him and settled her head down in his lap, so she wouldn't bump into his body. Tom stroked her hair and said, "Good girl."

They remained quiet for a while and enjoyed the closeness. Tom relished the feel of her soft locks and skin under his fingertips. "Ruth."

"Yes, Sir?"

"In a few days I'll be allowed to walk. You understand that means I'm already that far along in my recovery?"

"I do, Sir."

"You've taken wonderful care of me."

She looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you, Sir."

His hand cupped her face, and her eyes were pulled to his. Her smile melted away as Tom brushed his fingertips along the sensitive skin of her lips. The gentle touch set fire to her pussy, and she squirmed as the flames spread. A smile came to Tom's face when he saw the blush on Ruth's face. "Stand up and undress, little girl."

She gasped at hearing her stroked name. He hadn't called her that since before the assault. In a blink of an eye she was up and undressing. Her fingers trembled with excitement. Had it really been that long? In her hurry she made a mess of undressing. All of her clothes landed in a big pile. After some scrambling, Ruth kneeled down next to the bed and cast her eyes down.

Tom had watched the whole whirlwind of activity with quiet attention. He wasn't happy. "Little girl. What's this all about?"

Ruth looked up to answer him and said, "What do you mean, Sir?"

"Bring me your clothes."


"Now, little girl."

Ruth cringed when she picked up her messy clothes and put them next to him on the bed. She kneeled down again and kept quiet while he folded her clothes like they should've been folded. A bolt of lightning shot through her when the rustle of a candy wrapper sounded in the quiet room. She felt his eyes on the back of her head and didn't dare look up. Seconds went by as she waited for his next word, but he didn't speak. Instead he played with the piece of plastic. "Look what I found."

Ruth looked up and saw the look on Tom's face. He hadn't been all too happy before, but now he was definitely unhappy. "I'm sorry, Sir. I should've asked."

"Little girl, do you think that is the correct way to speak in this situation?"

Ruth lowered her head and said, "Your servant apologizes, Sir."

"Is it because I've been stuck in my room that you've decided to just do whatever you wanted? Are my rules that easy to throw aside?"

She shook her head hard and said, "No, Sir."

"This makes me wonder what else you've done. Tell me, little girl, are there other things I need to know about?"

"I... Maybe, Sir."


"Your servant apologizes, Sir. She meant to say yes."

"Ah. Anything besides snacking without permission?"

The disappointment she felt from him weighed so much heavier than the secret pleasure she'd gotten from sneaking in some candy. "No, Sir. There was nothing else."

"How many of these did you eat?"

"It's the last one, Sir. There were four in the package."

"Come sit on the bed, little girl."

His voice was softer now, and Ruth's fear he'd be angry with her faded at his gentle tone. She kneeled down next to him and leaned in when he put his hand on her head. "You've been scared haven't you?"

She nodded, and he said, "Look at me, little girl." His other hand cupped her cheek when she looked up and his eyes were kind. "I'm okay now. A little hurt, but I'll be fine. You can calm down now. I'll be here until you get sick of me."

"Oh, Sir. Your servant won't get sick of you, ever."

"Just a little joke, little girl. No need to take it seriously. Come a little closer. Straddle me." He pushed her chin up when she hesitated. "Do as I tell you, little girl."

Ruth carefully swung her leg over his lap and when his hands found her breasts, the forgotten fire in her pussy flared up again. She moaned and put her arms around Tom's neck when he leaned in to kiss her. The kiss was slow and full of promise.

Tom broke the kiss and said, "I wanted to reward you, but with what I've seen today I think something else would be better for you. Little girl, you're going to go get my crop, and I'll use it to remind you how clothes are folded in this house. I'll also tell you what your discipline for snacking without permission will be." He smacked her ass, and she jerked up. "Go."

It didn't take long for Ruth to return. Her hand trembled when she handed him the crop. Feeling his power over her again was intoxicating. Tom took the crop from her and carefully got up from the bed. "Lean forward and grab your ankles. I want your shoulders touching your legs. Don't make me wait."

Ruth was ready in a flash. Her pussy glistened and Tom smiled when he saw. His back hurt, but he'd still take his time. He ran the leather end of the crop up along her inner thigh until he reached Ruth's pussy. Just as he reached her lips he jerked the crop back down and hovered over her wet slit for a few long moments before he started softly tapping her clit in a steady rhythm.

Ruth moaned at the little shocks of pleasure that rippled through her body after each tap. Tom sped up his tease and pushed Ruth into a deep state of sensual arousal. Her knees were about to buckle when he pulled the crop back and swiped it across her ass in one smooth move. Ruth moaned out loud and pushed her ass into Tom's hand when he stroked it over her cheeks to soothe her flesh. "One, thank you, Sir."

"I'm giving you three strikes for your clothes and two for addressing yourself with I instead of servant when it was clear high protocol was in order. You need to know that no matter what happens to me, you still obey, little girl."

The second hit snapped against her ass and left another stripe of hot fire on her cheeks. This time, Tom left her cheeks for what they were and slipped two fingers inside her quivering pussy instead. It got harder for her to speak. "Two, thank you, Sir."

He curled his fingers and poised them against the sensitive walls of her hole. "Fold your knees and I double what you owe me, little girl. Come without permission and it triples. Understand?" Just as she was supposed to answer, Tom rubbed her g-spot and drew out a delicious moan. "Did you understand me, little girl?"

Panting and with blood running to her head, Ruth fought her way through the pleasure she was feeling and said, "Your servant understands, Sir."


The third strike hit and with not even a second of pause, Tom crossed the fourth over the spots where the first three hit. Ruth let out a soft shriek and her knees very nearly folded. "Three and four, thank you, Sir."

Tom stroked his hand over her cheeks and kneaded the glowing flesh. "That was very close, little girl. So close. Where should I land the last one?"

He put the crop at her tailbone and slowly dragged the cool shaft across her cheeks. He stopped in the middle of her ass and pressed it into her firm flesh. "Here?" Ruth pushed back into his touch and he shook his head. "No, not here."

He went further and stopped at the fold between her legs and ass. "How about there?" This time Ruth kept very quiet. That spot hurt like a bitch.

"Oh, I think my little girl knows what this spot does." He didn't go away, instead he wiggled the crop against her skin and gave her a tap or two, just hard enough to wake up her senses. "Ok, here we go."

The crop pushed against the fold just before he pulled back. Ruth closed her eyes and moaned when the crop hit the spot on the middle of her ass that he'd touched first. Her pussy devoured the pain and turned it into wicked pleasure much faster than normal.

Tom walked to his seat and gingerly sunk down into his armchair. He really shouldn't be up so soon. "Little girl, Display."

Ruth sunk down on her knees, turned and crawled toward the spot in front of Tom's feet. Her eyes burned holes in his as she kneeled with her legs spread wide open and her chest thrust forward as much as she could. There wasn't a trace of embarrassment in her this time. She wanted him to see her. Her pleasure was his. He had every right to see it.

"Little girl, you will touch yourself for me. You will use your best tricks. Since you disobeyed me four times, you will beg me to come four times before I allow you to come. I will only listen to your begging when I think enough time has passed since the last time you asked. Do you understand?"

Ruth's nails were digging into her knees when she processed his orders. Four times... She was already at the point where one touch would make her explode into tiny bits of pleasure. The fire in her eyes morphed into a pleading look. "Please, Sir. Your servant doesn't think she can do what you ask."

He leaned forward, and the corner of his mouth pulled at the stab of pain it caused him. "Little girl, this is not a negotiation. I'll forgive you your mistakes if you follow through with this, but steal an orgasm from me and you'll find out I don't need to touch you myself to make you beg. Do you really want to see just how much you're mine?"

Ruth shook her head. She couldn't answer the power radiating from him. His words had taken control of her thinking and she was trapped inside the fantasy. She felt tiny under his gaze, like there was nowhere for her to go if he didn't want her to leave.

"Start, little girl."

She lowered her eyes and said, "Yes, Sir."

Her pussy throbbed with excitement as she neared it with her hand. Oh God. What was she supposed to do? One finger slipped inside and she froze. Even that much pushed her to the edge. She groaned when she heard his next words. "Little girl, you said to me that you understood you were supposed to use your best tricks. Is freezing up after one second your best trick? I don't think so. Obey or fail me."

Ruth took a deep breath and put two fingers either side of her clit. Now. She rubbed the area around her clit up and down in the rhythm she knew would get her off. Her body shook, and she jerked her hand away like she'd burned it. Desperate, she looked up and said, "Sir, please may your servant come?"

Tom looked down at her. His expression didn't change one bit as he shook his head. "Go on."

The next twenty minutes were a blur for Ruth. No matter how careful she was, no matter how quickly she pulled away, each touch threatened to topple her over the edge. She wanted it so bed she had to hold back screams. Bliss was so close. The only thing holding it back was the flimsiest of barriers. Her control. The control that was fading fast. She asked and begged, but through to his word Tom ignored her when he felt she was too quick.

Ruth didn't even know how many times she asked permission to come, but when it finally came, she just stared up at Tom in astonishment. He smiled down at her and said, "You heard me, little girl. Come for me now. And always remember that I own your pleasure."

Ruth assaulted her pussy with both hands and in the blink of an eye, the pleasure she'd been holding back exploded inside of her. She fell down on her side and screamed as her body shocked and flailed on the floor. She had no idea what her hands were doing. All that mattered was that they didn't stop.

When the torrent died down, Ruth's body felt leaden and squeezed dry. Tom had to call out to her more than once to get her attention. She opened her eyes and made a weak attempt to get up, but he gestured for her to stay down. "I hope you'll remember today. Thank you for taking care of me. I love you, little girl. You're the most wonderful servant anyone could wish for."

Tears streamed down Ruth's eyes from nowhere. Why was she crying? She didn't know. Her entire body was a mess. Tom got out of his armchair and kneeled down beside her. He took her limp body in his arms and with a groan of pain he lifted her off the floor and put her in the bed. He joined her and soon they were asleep.


Tom rolled his neck and sighed. He'd been reading too much. Not that there was much else he could do. There was just no focusing on his work with the pills they had him on. Playing with Ruth wasn't something he could pull off every day yet either. He sighed and looked down to see Ellie leaning against the couch with a book of her own. Again. Ever since the hospital she'd glued herself to him as much as he allowed her to. She must've snuck in while he was reading. He plopped his hand down on her head. "Hi, Ellie."

She smiled up at him. "Hi, Tom."

"It seems you're wherever I am."

She shrugged and said, "So?"

He sighed again. "You need to go and meet some people. Hang out with Ruth and the girls. You know, normal stuff."

"I'm fine, Tom."

Tom grunted. "We're not alive to be fine, Ellie."

"I'll take fine any day."

Tom threw his book to the other side of the couch. He tapped Ellie on her head and pointed at the couch. "Have a seat, Ellie."

"I'm sitting."

"Have a seat."

Ellie did as she was told with a mixture of annoyance and concern on her face. The latter grew when she saw the serious expression on Tom's face. "Is something wrong?"

"No." He made a throwaway gesture and said, "I don't know... maybe. You're smiling, you're eating, you're doing fine. I'll agree to that much. But you never tell us about any friends you want to visit, any family. If there's nobody there, then there's nothing to be done about that, but you can't tell me you didn't have fun with Nicky and Jenny. They're people just like Ruth and me. We're not the only two people you can be comfortable with."

He pushed himself up out of the couch and said, "That's it. I'm calling some friends of mine, and I'm sending you out to help them with some chores. Getting rid of wallpaper, painting, some odd jobs outside... they've had it planned for months, and Ruth and me were supposed to lend a hand. It'll take them a couple days to finish with enough help. I begged off earlier, but now I want you to take my place."

Ellie didn't know what to say. She didn't want to go to some stranger's house. It would mean going away from here. She'd burrowed in nice and tight. No way would she leave. "No, Tom. I don't want to go."

Tom walked over to her and put his hand on her head. His voice was soft when he spoke, "I won't force you to go, but I do want you to. Think about it. You'd be helping these people and they'd be thankful. They'd be happy to have you there. You can do something for them. Imagine how that will make you feel. Imagine how Ruth and me feel when we see you now as opposed to a few months back. It's the same thing.

"The work will be a little annoying and tedious, but you're not going to just work. Interact with them. Try to open up. And at the end, you'll look at the work you've done and you'll think to yourself 'Did I do that?' You'll be happy because of something you did with your own strength. And besides, Cris and Philip are like my second mother and father. They're great people."

Ellie looked down at her lap and let Tom's words sink in. She could help someone. She would have to go away from here. She'd make someone happy again. She didn't know those people. Tom said they were good people. She'd have to go away. Ellie looked up at Tom, and he saw the confusion swirl in her eyes. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "You have my number, and I promise you you can come back here when you finish the job. We'll even go do something nice. You and Ruth will have earned it." He pulled back and looked into Ellie's wet eyes. "You think you can do it?"

She nodded. A little shock went through her as she did so. She immediately wanted to take the gesture back, but Tom's reassuring smile stopped her. He kissed her on the forehead again and patted her on the head. "Just do your best and things'll work out."


Ruth sat reading in the couch when she noticed Tom looking at her. The look in his eyes made her put down the book and wait for him to speak. But he said nothing, all he did was stand up and leave the room. His unspoken command pulled on her and she followed him to his study.

She stepped inside and found Tom sitting in his armchair, with a bundle of rope on the little table next to his seat. He pointed at the cushion in front of him and Ruth nodded. This time she undressed in the way he'd taught her. Slow and seductive, hesitant to pop another button of her shirt, teasing him with just one more inch of her beautiful ass as she lowered her skirt. When she was naked, she lowered herself to her knees and looked down. A smile graced her lips.

"You're going away for a few days soon, and I wanted to do something fun with you. I'm sure you've noticed the ropes I have here. Guess what they're for."

She looked up and said, "For binding me, Sir."

"You're right of course. Let's do another round, a little more difficult this time. Where will you be tied with these ropes?"

Ruth tilted her head to the side and said, "In the play room?"

"No, try again."

"Here at home?"


This time her simmering pussy clenched. She wished she could sit with her legs closed, so she could at least rub her pussy a little. She swallowed and said, "Outside?"

Tom leaned forward and strokedted her hair. "Where outside?"

"Where? I don't understand, Sir. Where you take me."

His hand slid along her jaw and he pushed her chin up with two fingers. His lips were inches from hers now. "I won't be taking you, not as I am now. I'll be sending you. Just imagine. Naked except for a skirt and a sweater. That alone would be enough for my little girl, wouldn't it? I could send you in a shop like that and if I wanted some fun, all I'd have to do is wait in the car. I know my little girl."

Tom leaned forward and invaded Ruth's mouth. His kiss took her breath away and she moaned. She had to push her nails into her thighs to keep from grabbing his hair and demanding more. When he pulled back, the predatory look in his eyes had grown even stronger.

His voice dimmed to a dangerous whisper. "Imagine going out with nothing but ropes under your skirt and sweater. I'd feel bad to cover you up when you're so beautiful, but then again, I wouldn't have to wait long to see you out of your clothes again, wouldn't I?"

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