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Camping Exposure Ch. 02

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Some choices result in unexpected events.
11.5k words

Part 2 of the 15 part series

Updated 11/29/2023
Created 08/17/2023
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It was a rainy Wednesday morning. The storms of the day before had pushed on, leaving behind a gentle, but annoying rain. The weather report seemed to think it was going to go on most of the day, not that we didn't need it, but it could have picked a better week to do it. I ate a bowl of cereal for breakfast, still naked from the night before. I headed to the bedroom to dress and as I did, I started thinking about the girls and how good it had felt to be out on the lake, naked. I hadn't ever really thought about doing anything like that, other than the few times my wife and I had skinny dipped. It had been years and years, since I was young and crazy, and tried things like naked hiking. Was I too old for that kind of thing? I pulled the shorts off, that I'd just pulled on. My rain suit was still in the cabinet, so I pulled it out and started putting it on, still butt naked.

It felt a little funny wearing just the rain suit and nothing else, but in other ways, it felt good to. My dick was already hard by the time I got the rain suit on and zipped. I pulled on my shoes and hat. then headed down to the boat. Everything was of course, wet, but then it was going to get even more so, as it continued to drizzle. I untied the boat and shoved off.

I didn't run too fast, heading up the lake, the fine rain hitting my face, like little needles. I spent most of my time with my head tilted down, trying to just peek under the brim of my hat. I slowed at the fishing hole I was planning on working, not overly surprised that I saw only one other boat out fishing. It would be a miserable day for bass fishing, but since I was trolling, and had a nice cover to sit under, the rain would be more of an annoyance than anything else. It took a few minutes to get things set up and then I was fishing, dragging two lines behind me, as I started crisscrossing the mud flat I'd identified on the map.

As I fished, I couldn't help but think about the girls, and what we had done. I was kind of surprised at Rachel, a total stranger, coming up and sticking her hand down my pants. I still don't know what got into me after that, standing out there, naked, showering with her, then fucking her to two orgasms? I had to be out of my mind. Part of me felt like a damn teenager, just finding sex for the first time, and letting it overtake me. But then, when I got it for the first time, that's pretty much what had happened then. I hadn't used the best judgment during that time.

I thought about that, as I sat fishing, wearing nothing but a rainsuit, my dick feeling like a telephone pole. The more I thought about it, the more I was tempted to take my rain suit off, or at least partly, and fish naked, like I had the other night. I knew I'd never get another chance after this week, so, if I was going to try it, well, I guess I needed to try it. I took off my rain suit pants and unzipped my rain jacket. I wasn't quite ready to be completely naked. This way I had at least some covering if someone came by. But then, I'd only seen a small handful of boats. I was no sooner bottomless, than I had a fish on! Which required me to stand in the stern of the boat and land it, my hardon waggling out in the open, as I did. I dumped the fish into the live well, reset the lines and went back to fishing. I was surprised when I had another on the line in only a few minutes. Things were looking up!

Within an hour I had almost a dozen, nice sized, crappie in the tank, and really didn't want to stop fishing. As a result, I ignored the clouds that were building darker, and the increase in rain intensity. I was finally forced to put my whole rain suit back on as the gentle rain became a chilly, heavy rain. As the wind picked up, handling the big pontoon boat became almost untenable, at the two miles per hour I trolled at. If it had just been the wind, I'd have just tried to find another spot, but when the first lightning flash hit me like a strobe, I knew I had to find cover. Sitting in a metal boat, in the middle of a lake, in a thunderstorm, is just, well, stupid. I pulled in my lines and fired up the engine. I looked at the GPS map and found a cove just up the lake that would be the right direction to shield me from the wind. I headed that way as fast as I could run in the heavy rain.

I backed off the throttle and eased into the cove, carful to keep the engine speed very low in case I hit one of the many dead trees that still stuck up under the surface in these little coves. It didn't look like I was going to be alone though. There was another boat anchored there. That in itself wasn't much of a surprise, what was, however, was how big it was. It was a day cabin cruiser, maybe twenty-four foot or so, easily as long as my huge pontoon boat. The difference was it was a large V hull cruiser with a small cabin in the bow. I tried to give them some space, but there didn't look like a lot of spots along the shoreline, that were devoid enough of trees, to get the nose all the way to the shore. The aluminum pontoons made a loud crunching noise, as they pushed onto the gravel shoreline.

Even here, next to the shore, the sheer size of the boat made it a great target for lightning, especially with the aluminum frame of the cover erected. I sighed and released the Bimini cover and folded it down to lower the profile as low as I could, and then settled on one of the bench seats to ride out the storm, the rain slashing down on me. I dug out one of the tarps and put it over me to try and block the rain as much as I could, but it wasn't exactly a comfortable way to ride out the storm.

"Hey! You!" I heard, from outside my little tarp covering. I pushed my head out and looked around until I found the source of the voice. "Hey Buddy!" the guy sticking his head out of the other boat called.


"You might not want to sit there. All that metal and all."

"Yeah, but it's all I got." I called back.

"We're fiberglass. Insulated. You wanna shelter over here?"

"I wouldn't want to impose." I answered, realizing that I clearly hadn't thought out the ramifications of what I was wearing.

"It isn't safe there. You should come over here." He said again. He didn't look much over forty, quite a bit younger than I was. He might understand, but it would still be embarrassing as hell. "Come on. The weather map says it's going to get worse. We have a cell coming over that has already spawned some tornados, at least, according to the warning map."

"I don't know that I can get to you, not on here. Too many trees."

He chuckled. "No, I figured you'd just walk down the shore and wade out. It's not even waist deep, where the ladder is. Come on. My wife won't let me come back in until I convince you."

"I'll be wet."

"So's the lake." He said as a gust of wind pushed my boat around into a tree that was sticking out of the water a few feet away.

"Alright." I agreed reluctantly. I climbed off the bow, walked the couple dozen yards to the other boat and then waded out to the ladder, still wearing my rain suit. I climbed up the stern ladder and stood on the platform letting the water drain from my rain suit. I looked toward the cabin door, which was only about eight or ten feet from me, and saw two faces looking out, one, the guy that had called to me, and the other, a female face, that was probably the wife.

"Why don't you take your rain suit off before you come in. It's a little cramped in here and we don't want to get everything wet."

"Well, um, that could be a problem." I answered. "Maybe I should just stay out here. It isn't too bad."

"Isn't too bad? It's pouring out there! Just get your rain suit off and get in here!" She said, getting irritated, as another huge gust of wind tried to blow me right off the stern swim platform. "Just get it off and get in here before it gets worse."

"But I'm just wearing..."

"I don't care. Come on. No one is going to judge you on what you're wearing." She snapped with a scowl. "Now hurry up! It's raining into the cabin."

I rolled my eyes and stepped into the passenger cockpit. Standing only two feet from the little door leading down into the cabin space, I pulled off my rain jacket and dropped it onto the deck. I only paused a second as the cold rain beat down on my now bare back and shoulders, before I slipped off my water shoes slid my rain suit pants down and off, leaving me standing completely naked.

"Holy shit." I heard her swear quietly, as she looked out at me, pulling my rainsuit pants off my feet. She was still holding the little cabin door open for me, staring at my naked body, her husband having retreated back into the cabin, to make room for me to climb in, before I'd started undressing. I moved toward the door, then paused, as she stared at me. The pounding rain finally made up my mind for me, and I ducked down into the little cabin, that was little more than a triangle shaped bed with a small area to stand partly upright near the door. The wife was still kneeling on the bed, staring for several seconds before she pushed the door closed behind me, shutting out the rain. "You're, um, naked." She finally mumbled.

"Sorry, long story." I said quietly, looking around the small cabin, to see her husband sitting on the bed behind her, and in the bow, another woman.

"Yeah. Um. Well, I guess you tried to warn me." She answered, still looking at my crotch, which seemed to be, inexplicably, starting to sport a hardening cock, despite my embarrassment. Without taking her eyes off of my dick, she reached out her hand toward me, handing me a small towel. I took the towel and quickly covered my dick with it instead of drying off. "This is my husband, Mark," she said motioning behind her, "and my friend Elizabeth." She added, finally looking up at my face. "And I'm Margaret."

"Her friends call her Maggie, and me Liz." Elizabeth said, moving closer to me in the dim light, holding a hand out. As my eyes adjusted, I realized that the Liz was a, maybe, mid thirty-year old black woman, and Maggie was slightly older, but still a LOT younger than me. The husband, Mark, just sat there staring at me for long seconds as I shook Liz's hand. Liz and Maggie were both wearing long T-shirts, though the one Liz was wearing was much thinner, and from the two prominent bumps, on the front of her clearly large breasts, wasn't hiding a bra. "So, I think I'd like to hear that story," she continued, not letting go of my hand as she moved back, pulling me along so I had to crawl onto the bed. "I mean, it's not every day you find a guy wearing nothing but a rain suit, unless a lot more of you secretly do, in which case, I might have to take up fishing."

I blushed, as I settled on the bed, her hand still pulling me, to get me to slide back farther, toward her, which I couldn't do without moving the towel and using my other hand. But then, that might have been exactly what she wanted. "I, um. No, I don't think they do." I finally managed to say, quietly.

"Too bad. It's not a bad look." She said, with a soft feminine giggle. "So then why are you?"

I wasn't at all sure I could really say what had happened with the girls and skinny dipping and everything, so I quickly invented something hopefully more believable. "It was sort of a dare."

"A dare, hmmm? Now, just who would dare you to fish naked? Maybe a wife?" She asked pointedly. "Or someone you don't want your wife to know about?" I must have looked stunned. "What? You think I don't know that men sometimes have sexy friends, they don't want their wife to know about?"

"I. Um. No. It was just a friend at the campground." I managed to say, feeling like things were definitely going the wrong way.

"I see. A friend. Tell me, are you having sex with this friend?"

"Liz, that's completely inappropriate!" Maggie snapped at her friend.

"Not at all." Liz answered. "I mean, he is naked, and he does have a hardon, so he must be getting turned on by something. I was just trying to find out if it was me, or you."

"Jesus Liz!" Mark said with a scowl, finally managing to say something. "We invited him in because of the storm, and you want to...what? Put the moves on him?"

Liz smiled without taking her eyes off of me. She slipped her hand from mine and reached down for my hardon. She wrapped a hand around it and began to slowly stroke it. "Who says that any more Mark? Put the moves on him? But if you wanna know, I wouldn't mind getting a little attention from him, in exchange for being sheltered from the storm and all."

"You have to forgive Liz." Maggie said quietly, moving toward us on the bed, reaching for her friend's hand. As I watched Liz let go of my dick, for a moment, when it looked like Maggie was going to grab her wrist, and instead Liz grabbed Maggie's wrist and pulled her hand to my hard dick.

"Just because I know what to do with a hard cock." Liz whispered, pressing Maggie's hand to my hard shaft, which she wrapped her hand around, almost reflexively. She seemed to realize, all too quickly, what she had just done, and jerked her hand back, letting Liz return her hand to my shaft. "Too bad, you could have had fun too!"

"Jesus Liz. Last night it was me, now you want, hell, I don't even know what his name is." Mark said, with a scowl.

"I can't help it if Maggie didn't want to share. It could have been fun. Her on your dick, me on your face, or maybe you would have preferred the other way around?"

"LIZ!" Maggie almost shouted.

Liz just smiled, kept looking at me and stroking my cock. "How about it? Wanna see what else I have to offer besides a hand?"

"LIZ!" Maggie shouted again. "Really?!"

Liz let go of my dick and quickly pulled her shirt up and off, revealing a very good-looking body. Her skin was the color of chocolate milk, glistening slightly, in the LED lights that illuminated the small cabin. Her breasts were easily as large as my wife's 38DD's, or maybe even a bit bigger, with large round areola, that looked like they'd been colored onto her with charcoal pencils. In the middle of each large areola was a surprisingly large nipple pushing out at me at least half an inch or more. She shifted herself, twisting her body to move one leg along the hull edge of the bed, the other sticking out toward the gap in the bed where I stepped into the cabin. With her legs spread I could see her almost charcoal black inner lips pushing out between her full round outer lips, little tinges of pink showing from between the flowery black lips. "How about it? Wanna ride out the storm, with a little romp in a cabin?"

"Please, don't mind her. She's just, well..." Maggie started to say.

"Oh Mags, really? You won't share your husband, now a perfectly good cock wanders in and I'm not supposed to play with that either?"

"Of course, I won't share my husband! Whatever made you think I would?"

Liz looked over at her friend. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe because yesterday, he was trying to stick his dick between my legs, while we were swimming."

"MARK!" Maggie exclaimed, twisting to look at her husband.

"What? It was just an accident... While we were swimming."

"Uh huh. An accident, that he had his suit pulled down and pulling me up against him, while you were up in the bushes peeing." Liz said, as she pulled on my dick, trying to coax me closer to her. "Now, how about bringing this a little closer. My cunt has been begging for a cock since yesterday!"

"I really shouldn't," I mumbled, staring at her pussy, her hand rubbing the pre-cum leaking from my head, up and down my shaft.

"Shouldn't doesn't sound like won't. Come on, I've never had a white cock before."

"Won't you get in trouble with your husband?" I asked, noting the ring on her finger.

She laughed. "Not likely. If he was worried about that, he wouldn't be out, fucking his golf buddy's wife, instead of being here." She pulled more insistently. I acquiesced and let her pull me toward her. She lay back on the bed and pulled my dick between her legs until I was crawling over her. She guided me to her pussy and rubbed my head around her wet lips. "You like dares? I dare you to fuck me until I come, twice. Think you can make me come twice? I dare you to try. Just start fucking me and don't stop until you make me come twice." She pulled a little more and coaxed me to push my dick into her, slowly, her pussy expanding around my shaft, as I slowly sunk into her.

"Damn, you're tight!" I grunted, as I pushed myself deeper into her, feeling her vaginal walls squeeze around me.

"Contrary to popular belief, not all black men have big dicks, and apparently, not all white men have skinny dicks." She panted, as I started to stroke in and out of her very wet, very hot, pussy. "Ohhhhhhhhh fuck yes! That's it, honey, fuck my hot little cunt! Just drive it into me nice and hard." I started to push into her faster, driving my head all the way to the end of her tight tunnel, making her whole body shake with each impact, her tits rolling on her chest, her rock-hard nipples drawing circles in the air between us. "Yeah. Like that. Ohhhhh, fuck yes. God that feels so fucking good. Shit Mags! You need to get fucked with this cock. Ohhhhh sweet Jesus, you're gonna make me come. Ohhhhh damn. Ohhhhh yes. That's it, honey, do it! Pound me! Make me come around youuuuuuu!" She squealed, as her tight pussy got even tighter.

I could feel her legs tremble as they moved to close around my legs. She used them to pull me to her, almost stopping my strokes, as she pulled us together, her body trembling and shuddering, as she panted and gasped for breath, in the midst of her orgasm. She held me there, only able to move, maybe an inch or two in and out of her, enough to keep my cock hard as hell, but not quite enough to finish the job. "Ohhhhh sweet Jesus! I can't believe you made me come, like, in two seconds. Shit, I haven't ever come that fast! Not, like, ever, ya' know?"

"Uh, no." I panted.

"Well, trust me, I haven't!" She said, as she struggled to catch her own breath. She grinned up at me and then, using her legs around mine to keep me trapped in her, she used her arms to roll us over, leaving my head in the middle of the bed and her almost laying on top of me. She shifted her legs and pulled her knees up to my hips as she lifted herself off of me. She ended up sitting on my pelvis, my hard cock still stuffed in her as she held herself up on her hands, her head almost brushing the low ceiling in the small cabin. "I think, just because you did such a fucking fantastic job, that I won't make you work for the second one. How about we do it together, with me riding you? Just don't come before I do, okay?"

"Sure." I answered, more than ready for her to ride on me and make me come. She began to move her hips, up and down, sliding me in and out of her, still quivering, pussy.

"Somehow, I don't think this is going to take long." She moaned, as she began to slap her full, round, firm, ass down on me. I reached for her hips, and stroked her moving butt cheeks, wanting to watch her incredibly sexy tits swinging in front of me. In and out she made my raging hardon slide, her tight pussy caressing and teasing it in all the right places. I heard a moan and looked to my right and saw Maggie, now naked, on her hands and knees, sucking her husband's cock. I could tell it wasn't nearly as big as I was, but it was damn hard as she pushed her face on and off of it, clearly driving him toward completion.

"Oh shit. Ohhhhh God. I don't know how your wife ever lets you out of her sight. Jesus, you feel so fucking good in me! Never knew a white cock could feel so fucking good. Maggie, you need to ride this. You so need to get this cock in your pussy."

"I don't think that's gonna happen." She answered, pulling her face off her husband's dick, for a moment.

"Tell me you're not gonna do that again, suck him off and then not have a hard dick to fuck."

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