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Carrie's Beach Adventure Day 1

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She discovers topless sunbathing on NY beaches.
7.3k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 10/24/2001
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Hi my name is Carrie. Some of you probably remember me from my vacation story about when the airlines lost my bags and I spent most of the week in a borrowed bikini and less sometimes. Well I've graduated college and am now a responsible member of the working. Wrong! Don't get me wrong, I take my job very seriously and don't want to get fired, especially the way the economy is going, but still a girl has to have some fun.

This story actually happened at the very beginning of the But I'm just finishing it now. It's been a wild an crazy summer And now that it's over I'll try to tell you about some of my more memorable moments.

Here's the first wild adventure...

The other weekend my old roommate from college, Lisa, and I went to visit a mutual friend from college. It reminded me so much of the vacation adventure that I had to write it down while it was fresh in my mind. As you remember from the vacation story, every time Lisa and I are together I end up with little or no clothes. It's probably me but she really brings out my exhibitionist side. One of these days I'm going to get her back but for now I'm just enjoying the thrill of it all. For those who missed my earlier story, let me describe myself a bit. Since graduating I've taken up jogging in place of swimming to stay in shape. The change has caused me to loose a little size in my shoulders and back but has done wonders for my legs and butt. My current measurements are approximately 34c 22 33. I have shoulder length dirty blonde hair and weigh 125 pounds and I'm about 5' 10" tall.

Ok, on with the story. As I said, the other weekend Lisa and I went to visit our friend Kim who lives on Long Island. After about $15 dollars in tolls, I thought NJ was bad, and about 2 hours, we finally made it. After catching up on what's new with the job, guys, and general gossip, we decided to go to the beach. I changed into my thong bikini. Now this bikini's really hot. It's mostly just thin string and a couple of patches of cloth. The bottom of the suit is a string thong with nothing but a thin string in back and the top isn't much better. I tightened it up real tight so it stayed in place better and Kim complemented me on how good I looked. Seems like those early morning jogs were paying off. Lisa put on her hot wet look bikini. It wasn't nearly as daring as mine but looked really good on her.

Eventually I started telling them about some of the crazy dares I had done from the website. Kim said that if I wanted to I could go topless here in NY and no one would hassle me. That got me thinking that I couldn't pass up an opportunity like this. We picked up Kim's friend Beth and off we went. Kim told her I was thinking about going topless and Beth said she knew this quiet place that we could go. I guess it was a little stupid of me since there are no quiet beaches on Long Island on a nice weekend. We ended up at this place with what seemed like half of NY there. After a nice hike we finally made it to the beach. I asked them where the quiet beach was and why none of the women were going topless. We no sooner found a small unoccupied section of beach and set up camp when almost in three way stereo I heard "W E L L? " I said give me a chance.

After all the things I've done you wouldn't think I would be nervous but I was since I still hadn't seen a single other women topless, I was. I wasn't sure I could do it. Everyone else sat down and applied some hefty amounts of sun block while I debated what to do. Beth had on a nice strapless red tankini which left her mostly covered as compared to me. Just taking off my tee shirt and shorts was enough to get the attention of the people around us. Beth, on seeing my bikini said, "I don't see why you're worried. With that bikini being naked wouldn't be that much of a difference." She did seem envious of my figure as she checked me out. As I lay down on my stomach Kim made a comment about my thong. The back was not much more than string running up my butt. As I lay there the back kind of disappeared between my cheeks.

After about 15 minutes of comments from everyone, I reached around and untied the tie behind my back and neck and dropped it to my sides; and while lying on my stomach I pulled it out and handed it to Kim. She promptly stuffed it in her bag where I couldn't easily get to it. At that point I was committed to something. I just wasn't sure what at that point. The warmth of the sun on my back and the fact that I was out in public nearly naked gave me a warm and excited feeling all over.

After about 15 more minutes or so I got up the nerve to turn over and sit up. I didn't attempt to cover up but had my knees to my chest so I still wasn't showing much except to the sides. Beth seemed surprised but Kim and Lisa knew me better and just kept encouraging me on. I'd gone topless and even naked before on the beach but never with so many people around. Eventually I just sat back and lay there on my back with my eyes closed. My breasts just flattened out as they lay there unsupported. Every once and a while I'd glance through my sunglasses to see if anyone was looking. I could just feel every eye on the beach on me, which only served to turn me on. My heart was beating fast and my nipples were already probably about a half-inch long and hard. Lisa looked over and commented to the others that I get so tuned on by this and that my nipple always give me away just like guys with their hard-ons.

I guess that's why I continue to do these crazy things. Some people get their thrills by bungee jumping or jumping out of planes. I get mine by stripping down to next to nothing and seeing how far I can push the envelope. It's a thrill to see how long or far you can go before chickening out or someone stops me. Its kind of like that high you get from sex but without a partner and for a much longer period of time. I was certain someone was going to come over tell me to cover up but no one did. It's amazing what you can get away with. Actually, I guess I wasn't getting away with anything since it was legal there. But the fact that I was the only one was the exciting part.

Lisa reminded me to put some lotion by pouring it right on my breasts and running a trail down my stomach right to the top of my suit. With that I had no choice but to rub it in before it dripped down my sides and onto the towel. As soon as I started two guys that had been lying on a blanket to our side leaned over towards us and asked if I needed any help. That only served to get me more excited knowing that I had an audience as I rubbed the lotion on my breasts. There's just no way to be discrete about rubbing suntan lotion on your bare breasts on a public beach. My heart started beating even faster with all the attention and with my very sensitive nipples, it just served to heighten the feeling.

I didn't take long for them to come over and start a conversation. At least they offered us all a beer in the process. As I looked up to say something I felt the lotion that Lisa had poured on my stomach run down and into the bottom of my suit. I was about to spread it around but stopped short of reaching down my suit when I saw how intent the guys were staring. Again the guys offered their help. Amazing how helpful some guys can be. I think they just wanted just wanted a closer look but I have to admit they were pretty cute and the beer was really refreshing. After a bit I decided to see what I could do about the suntan lotion that ran down into my bikini bottom. I was honestly trying not to show any more than I already was since I was nearly naked as it was, but it was hard. It wouldn't have been too hard for them to see what little was left hidden. The guys couldn't get enough of it. What a couple of lushes. I swear if a girl was naked with the exception of a small patch on some insignificant part of the body they wouldn't be satisfied until they saw what was under the patch. The guys were funny and seemed nice enough so Kim invited them over provided they brought their beer. We talked for a bit as they stared at me.

I think Lisa sensed that I was getting a little too comfortable with the situation so she had to step it up another level by suggested that we all go for a dip. Hearing that my heart started beating faster again. I wasn't going to just walk down to the water like that so I asked Kim for my top back but she and the others had no intention of letting me cover up now. Everyone, especially the guys, was encouraging me which caused me to get a little embarrassed not to mention aroused again. I said I need another beer to work up to it. Saying that, I knew there was no way they were going to let me chicken out.

I really did want to see if I could do it but was really scared I'd get arrested or something. I really milked drinking that beer, which only served to give everyone more time to rag me. The more they talked, the more turned on I got. Everyone started to get organized to go for a dip when I said "isn't the water still pretty cold". Kim said "I thought you liked the water". I said I do it's just the walk from here to there that scares me.

Everyone else was already standing waiting to see if I was going to go through with it. Well there was no putting it off any longer. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest when I finally took a deep breath and stood up. My nipples were so hard they were throbbing. I remember my dad use to tell me that when your nervous don't let them know how you feel inside, look everyone right in the eye and don't look down. I just don't think he had this situation in mine. I just stood there and threw my sunglasses back on the blanket. Without the dark glasses there was nowhere to hide where my eyes were directed so as I turned around towards my friends I looked them in the eyes. As I did I saw that every eye from everyone nearby was stating at me, more accurately my bare chest. Several were actually pointing me out to others. I just smiled at my friends tugging my bikini bottom back in place to make sure what little clothing I did have on was covering what it needed to. As I did I casually asked them if they were finally ready. Lisa said, " nice try but your nipples are giving you away". She was right. I gave her my this-is-no-big-deal look, what a lie, and started walking towards the water.

As I made my way through the array of blankets and chairs I could feel my arousal growing even higher with each step. I looked back and asked the others if they were coming. The guys were just stating at my ass now. WOW! What a rush. I could feel my clit swell as the rushing blood just pushed harder against my bikini bottom. Since I had recently shaved, the outline of my clit must have been fairly clear through the thin suit. I could only imagine what it must have looked like since I continued to at least try to act calm, like it was no big deal as I walked through all the people. I smiled to a couple of people as I passed them. A couple of teenage girls turned to see what the commotion was. I saw their jaws drop as I mouthed hello in their direction.

Now I think I have some really firm breasts, no sag and hardly any bounce but I could feel them as I walked which on drew more attention. I tried to walk as smoothly as possible but they still bounced a bit. Then this young kid turned around and said look at the naked girl. With that a dozen other people turned to look. I thought I was going to lose it right there and run back to the blanket. My breathing was quickening with my building arousal. Small beads of sweat started to break out all over my body as I thought I was going to have an orgasm right there on the beach. It was so exciting but, oh my God. I just had to make it to the water since I was already more than half way. Almost there. By the time I did reach the water I was covered in a warm glow and it wasn't from the heat. The guys ran into the water in front of us but I had to calm down a bit first. Beth came up and said "I can't believe you just did that." Lisa said, "I can." I couldn't believe I had just done that in such a public place.

The others had already started walking into the water complaining how cold it was with every step as I tried to calm down. I thought about just running and jumping in but thought better of it when I felt how cold the water was. There weren't many waves, which was good since that bikini of mine wasn't exactly made for the water. I walked out past were the guys were to where my boobs were just below the water. My nipples hardened up even more and only partially because of the cold. After a couple of minutes it didn't feel that cold. Kim and Lisa had still only made it in up to their knees. I waded back in and practically drag them in. The guys were all too anxious to help. In the process someone managed a couple of cheep feels. At one point I got knocked down and thought I was going to loose my bikini bottom but it managed to stay on. Once we got them in the water I noticed that a crowd had gathered around us.

I had forgotten about the fact that I was topless and was starting to get into it when everyone started to get cold and wanted to head back to the blankets. That's about when I realized I had to repeat my earlier walk. I still hadn't seen a single other women topless so I was still a bit nervous that I was going to get in trouble. As I walked out of the water I pulled my bottom back in place acting like nothing was out of the ordinary. Again I could feel the eyes checking me out as I walked back to the blanket. I just smiled and acted like it was completely normal.

Back at the blanket I flopped down on my stomach waiting to dry off a little. One of the guys Bill asked if I wanted him to do my back. I had to tell him "how about a little patience. At lease let me dry off a bit first". We all had another beer and settled down. Before long Bill was back and ready to do my back. There's nothing better than laying in the sun having a guy rubbing lotion on you back while enjoying a cold beer. He was enjoying it more than I was and I was really enjoying it. He was very thorough and sure didn't miss anywhere, that's for sure. He commented on how tight my butt was as he applied a generous amount of lotion to it. My back certainly wasn't going to burn. I was so relaxed that I didn't even notice him untying my bottom until I heard the others laughing. He had it untied on both sides and was about to pull it out from under me as I grabbed his hand. I yelled at him and asked him to retie it but all at once he stopped being so helpful. I reached around and retied it trying not to put on too much more of a show. I started kidded Bill saying "boy what a shame I was just going to ask you to do my front but I guess you're not interested in helping me any more". Not that I was serious about my offer but you should have seen the look on his face. ____________________________________________

After a while Kim asked if anyone was hungry since we had skipped lunch. I said, "if you're going I'll take a cheese burger and diet coke". She said, "you're not getting anything unless you come with me and help bring it back". I said, "no problem just give me my top". Lisa dared me to go as I was, saying she'd buy if I went and got it. I hesitated thinking it over for a second. I had already walked to the water and back and no one had told me to cover up so I figured I wasn't going to get arrested or anything. I still hadn't seen a single other women topless yet though. Lisa got up and said, "well what's it going to be?" My heart was starting to beat faster just at the thought of it. The guys jumped up and said let's all go. I thought, this was the kind of challenge I needed but still I wasn't ready to flaunt my bare chest where most people would be putting on cover ups. The fact that would be walking up to the snack practically naked when other would be much more appropriately dressed was really getting me turned.

When everyone's patience was about to run out and they were about to leave I rolled over and got up. As I stood up I realized that I hadn't tied the bottom all that tight. With all eyes on me I wasn't about to re-tie it right there with everyone watching so I just tugged it up and hoped it stayed reasonably in place. After walking to the water earlier I thought I'd be more used to it but I was wrong. Between the stares, the bouncing of my breasts and the fact that my bottom was barely hanging on, I was getting more excited by the step. Then I heard someone yell "Nice tits!" This time not only were my nipples reacting I could feel my bottom getting wet and pushing against the bottom of my bikini. By the time we made it to the snack stand I was as worked up as before and small beads of sweet started to form all over my body. I wanted to tighten up my bikini bottom but as we stood in line there was no question that I was the still the center of everyone's attention. Even the women were staring. I heard a couple of women talking about me. I couldn't hear exactly what they were saying but I know the conversation was about me. Beth commented on the perspiration and heavy breathing saying, "boy you do get off on this don't you". I said with a fake smile "that's what makes it so exciting."

When we got to the front of the line the young lady behind the desk did a bit of a double take and took her time checking me out from top to bottom. It was really embarrassing for me in front of the others. Bad enough when the guys check you out but when another women is checking you out that intently, that's weird.

I thought we were going to take our food back to the blanket but Lisa wasn't going to let me off that easy. She just sat down at one of the tables. It reminded me of that time on vacation but with more people around. Lisa stared teasing me saying that the girl behind the counter wanted me. I just brushed it off but Kim continued it. Beth asked what other crazy things I've done. I told her a little about the vacation and then about some of the dares I had done. I hurried through my meal but the others just seemed to want drag it out as long as they could and kept asking about the dares site on the Internet.

Before heading back, Lisa and I walked over to the bathroom together as women do. There were two other women inside as we walked in. They both checked me out before commenting on my bikini or lack of I should say. They asked me how it felt and said they'd die of embarrassment. I told them it's exciting and that they should try it. It makes for a great tan. I used the opportunity to re tie my bottom. I didn't think it would survive much more walking around tied like it was.

By the time we got back to the table everyone was finishing up and ready to head back to the beach. Here I go again through the crowd. As we walked back I was happy to see two other women had taken their tops off and were laying out topless. Now I know I was ok and started to get more comfortable with the situation. I was half expecting Lisa to come up with something new to see if I'd do it but she didn't, at least not then. Again all eyes were on me but knowing I wasn't alone made all the difference in the world. This time I never reached that near orgasmic level of excitement I had before. I was almost disappointed when we reached the blanket. We were applying our suntan lotion again when Kim and Beth noticed they were starting to burn. I wasn't surprised since both were really fair skinned. Beth put on her tee shirt to cover up a little as the rest of us just applied more lotion. I noticed that a new group of guys had moved in directly behind us. They didn't come over or say anything but kept looking our way. As I lay back I could see that they had a pretty good view down the bottom of my suit. I have a really flat stomach so it leaves about an inch gap between my lower abdomen and the top edge of my suit. I tried to pull the bottom up so less of me was visible through the gap but there just wasn't enough material. I was going to flip over on my stomach but it was my front that needed the color so I just stayed there. I expected them to come up and tart talking to us they seemed content enough with the view.


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