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Casting Call Ch. 01

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Casting for a shower scene turns hot with the right girl.
5.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 12/16/2007
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I work in Hollywood, and it is usually as unglamorous as you can possibly imagine. Yes, I occasionally see stars walking around the lots or I see them out on the streets, but mostly, they look like ordinary people, and just like people who live in New York aren't that impressed by the Empire State Building after a few months of seeing it every day, seeing stars walking about becomes old too.

Besides, if you think that stars look the same in real life as they do on the screen, then you have no idea how a make-up person earns a living. They have just as bad skin and acne as the rest of us; they just have people working around the clock to hide it.

And I don't work on movie sets; I am an assistant to a casting director. Basically I sit in a room and listen to desperate (and often desperately bad) men and women read horribly written lines to try and get a part listed as "Second Tall Man" or "Security Guard" or "Store Cashier." All of the famous actors are cast before the movie is green lit.

But today was different. I knew it was going to be good because one of my jobs is to make sure that any wardrobe requirements were taken care of ahead of time. Rarely do the hopeful actors need to dress up, but in the past we've needed to see how the people looked in 18th century garb, or if they had the right mobility in a monkey suit, or one time we were casting for a caveman movie, and we had to see how the people looked in animal skins. This time the wardrobe requirement brought quickness to my pulse: bikinis.

I picked up half a dozen string bikinis at the costumer we work with and sped over to the casting office. In the waiting room I saw five very attractive women waiting for their chance to try on my wares, but I was running late, so I didn't have time to really look at them. There was no one in the normal casting room, so I was a little worried until I saw Bev walking to toward the garage.

She was a senior assistant, and usually helped out with the women if there were hair or make-up requirements. She also had to field most of the calls from agents and was responsible for posting the casting calls. I didn't ask her why she was going into the garage, because I figured I should already know. Instead I followed her and saw that they had emptied the two car garage and had a bunch of curtains hung up to section off a 20-foot area.

I walked around the curtains until I saw my boss sitting in a folding chair in front of the scene that had been set up inside the curtains. There was a six-foot square section of tile lying on the concrete floor right next to a drain. Above the tile was a shower head supported by a few vertical two-by-fours and attached to a hose the led off toward a sink in the corner of the garage.

I figured Denny had set it up earlier that morning. He was the set and props guy. Most of our casting auditions required nothing, and it was just a bunch of people reading a script, but every once in a while we were casting for an action scene and people had to have chairs broken over them or they had to be thrown through glass, and Denny was the one responsible for making everything work. This shower scene wasn't very elaborate, but it sent goose bumps up and down my skin.

My boss, Gary, caught my eye and called me over. "What's with the tie, Joe?" he asked rising from his chair to great me.

I had almost forgotten in my excitement and looked down at my clothes. I was heading to my cousin's wedding later that day, and I didn't think I would have enough time to go home and change, so I was wearing a shirt and tie with khakis. I was suddenly worried that my boss would be upset for out dressing him, as he was always in jeans and a t-shirt. "I've got a wedding right after this."

He just nodded. He was cool. There were just the three of us working for him: Bev, Denny, and myself. He handled all the conversations with the writers and directors to make sure they got all the people they wanted. He was really good and got contracts for a lot of big movies, so I was surprised when we got the contract for this movie. It was a standard teen comedy. We spent the past few days casting a lot of high school extras: jocks, nerds, in-crowd, cafeteria fodder, teachers, and the like.

"Did you get the suits?" he looked down at the jumble of strings and material patches in my hand that made up the half a dozen bikinis I had collected. I nodded. "Bev," he called over to the woman who was checking the temperature of the water leading to the shower. She jogged over and took the suits from me. "Let's get started," he told her, and she left in search of the first victim.

"You're in for a treat today," he told me as he took his seat and motioned for me to do the same. There were only three chairs. There was a table with coffee and donuts and a bench with a few towels on it. "By law, for a castings like this, I am supposed to have as few people as necessary and as many women as I can. I only have one working for me, and Denny already did his work, so you are the lucky one."

Gary didn't say any more than that, so I just sat and waited. About ten minutes later the first girl came out. She was wearing a bathrobe and sandals. She walked right up to Gary and shook his hand, introducing herself. Bev handed her bio to my boss, but he just handed it over to me, as he usually did. He would make notes on it later. He was far more interested in the live actress in front of him, then a description of what she had done before.

The girl's name was Heather Kim. It was an Asian name, but with long blonde hair and pale skin, I could only detect her ancestry from the shape of her eyes on the full color head shot on her bio. I flipped it over and saw that she had been in countless films and TV shows as a waitress, a life guard, an ex-girlfriend, and so forth. She even had had a few speaking roles.

"So, what are we looking at here, your typical shower scene?" She was very professional, and had probably done many, many auditions like this before. For every role we filled, we usually saw 6 to 8 people, meaning close to 90% of the time you auditioned, you didn't get the role. So to have as many roles as she had, she must do this every day. Also, she sounded so old and professional. Her bio stated she was 24, and I didn't see how she could pull off a high school girl.

"Yes," Gary responded to her question. "You are in a shower room with a half a dozen other girls. Above you are two guys filming your through the exhaust vent. One of them will misstep and they will both coming crashing to floor. I would like you to shower normally until I yell 'Crash,' at which time I want you to react. Okay?"

Heather nodded. She finally took off her robe and handed it to Bev. She also kicked off her sandals and moved over to the tile square. I was a bit disappointed that I was only going to get a bikini show, but she was still hot. Like I said before, most of the big name actresses are not as hot as they appear on screen. They are on screen because they can act and memorize lines. If you notice, it is rarely the lead actresses in these teen movies who gets naked, it is always a bunch of no-name extras. That's because the extras are hot, they just can't act. They think they can, but they can't.

Heather was showering away with imaginary soap under real water. I must admit she played the part well. She spent a lot of time rubbing her breasts and washing her ass. I doubt girls actually spend that much time on those areas when they take real showers, but this wasn't supposed to be a real shower. It was a wet dream fantasy for a couple of nerds in the ceiling.

"Crash!" Gray shouted.

Heater leaped back and almost fell onto the concrete. Bev started forward quickly, but Heather caught herself on the fake shower post. "Ayeeeiii," she cried. "Get out! Get Out! You pervs get out!" She was still holding onto two-by-four and jumping up and down. Her boobs moved very nicely inside one of the bikinis I had picked out.

"Cut," Gary called. He loved it when he could say that. I knew he wanted to be a director some day.

"Was that okay?" Heather asked, stepping out of the stream of water for a moment to talk.

"Where did the boys crash through the ceiling?" he asked.

Heather shrugged. "I don't know."

"Neither did I," Gary responded. "You were looking at me, you should have been looking at them."

"But they aren't . . ." she started, but then caught on.

"And remember that you are naked," Gary said. The dim witted Heather looked down at herself briefly as if to see if this were in fact the case. Unfortunately not. "If guys came crashing into your shower with cameras, and you were naked, I think your hands would be places other than holding onto the shower rod."

"I almost fell over," she chuckled.

"Yes, I saw that, now let's try it again."

We ran through it a few more times. She showered erotically for a few seconds, and then Gary would yell 'Crash.' She eventually caught on and began imagining people in the room and covering up appropriately.

After ten or fifteen minutes, Gary had seen enough, or at least I thought he had. He motioned for her bio back and jotted down a few notes on the back of it. Bev began to walk back toward Heather with a towel and a bathrobe, but Gary motioned her to stop. She frowned at him and shook her head. It seemed to me that they had just had a silent discussion that I wasn't part of.

Heather walked back toward us dripping wet and smiling, completely oblivious to the fact that she was a terrible actress. "As you know from the casting call, this role will require nudity," Gary said. "So I will need to see you without the suit."

I was shocked, but Heather didn't hesitate. She reached behind her back and untied the top and through it aside. Her breasts were amazing. They were amazingly fake, but they were amazing. She then undid the ties on the side of the bottoms and dropped them to the floor. She had a cute strip of hair above a clean pussy. She posed with her hands on her hips, tossing her wet hair on and off her shoulders. She then turned around, swished her hips and bent completely over to touch the floor giving us a great view of her tight ass and more.

I was squirming visibly in my chair. This whole scenario had started off with promise, but as Gary had gone through the audition, he had been so technical and professional, asking Heather to tone down the sexiness of her performance to make it more realistic, that I thought it would just end in a big tease.

Well I was sort of right. Heather was teasing us, shaking her bare ass and shaved pussy at us, knowing we had every right to see it, but would never be able to touch it. There it was, dripping wet and as perfect as I've ever seen and only 10 feet away from me.

"That's enough," Gary said. "Thank you."

I looked at him incredulously. Didn't he realize that if he had said nothing, she would have likely kept on performing? Heather began to walk away, naked and dripping wet before Bev called to her. The older woman handed her a towel, and after a brief toweling off session that secured the tent I was pitching in my khakis, heather wrapped herself in the bathrobe. Bev pushed her toward the exit and then lingered long enough to frown at Gary again, "You didn't have to do that."

"It's the only thing she's good at," he replied. "I had to leave feeling good about herself."

When both women were out of earshot I turned to my boss. "What did she mean?"

"Did you see the names of the movies she was in?" he asked back, handing me her bio again. I had just looked at the roles before because they were in bold, but now I read the fine print beneath them to see the racy titles she had been in. She was a porn star.

"The role requires nudity, and all these girls will know that. I need to see them naked, because if I send the director someone with a birthmark or other deformity, I won't be working with him again. Bev's just upset because she knows there is no way Heather is getting this part, so there was no reason for her to have to get naked, but I could tell she wanted to."

Gary chuckled to himself as he took back the bio and made a few more discouraging notes on it. "Now," he said to me, "take those to the dryer and go get the next girl."

I was wondering why I was there, and now I knew that with the nudity portion of the audition, Bev would be spending a bit more time with each of the girls than usual, so if we wanted to finish on time, I would need to help play shepherd.

I scooped up the wet bikini, and jogged over to the corner where the hose for the shower was attached to the sink. There was a washer and dryer there too, and I tossed the wet suit in the dryer and started it.

I then went back to the lobby to get the next girl. I looked at the sign-in sheet to see Heather's name at the top of the list. I put a little check mark next to it and turned to the girls to read the next name: "Betty Cowen?" A long legged brunette responded to my call. She wore a tank top that was stretched to its limit across her chest giving great cleavage. The idea that I would get to watch her shower and then strip, made my pants grow taunt again. I causally held the sign in sheet in front of my fly as I shook her hand and took her bio sheet.

"This way please," I said, and as she moved past me, I looked more closely at the girls who were waiting their turn. I hadn't seen that many hot girls in one place since my last SI swimsuit issue, and they were all waiting their turn to get naked in front of me. This was the greatest job in the world.

I led Betty to the dressing room and cracked the door to the room a bit to see in. Bev was in there talking to Heather encouragingly. Heather was half dressed, having put on her underwear and jeans, but she was still topless as she vigorously dried her hair in the towel. Her breasts shook like a pair of slinkies going down the stairs.

I closed the door and turned to Betty, some how getting my voice under composure. "Go on in. Bev will tell you what to where." Betty smiled and nodded, just as cheerful as Heather had been. As I ran back to the garage, I wondered what each girl was thinking going into something like this. Gary had said the role required nudity, and they weren't fazed by it in the least. I mean I know there are a lot of movies with nudity and plenty of pornos, but I had never been on this end of it before.

All these girls wanted to make it big in Hollywood, and this was an avenue to do that. If you did a great nude scene in a mainstream movie, it would create a buzz, and you would be called back for the sequel or in a different movie. If the buzz continued and your name started to show up in internet searches, then they might give you a speaking part in the next movie, and your career would go from there.

Gary was waiting patiently in his chair, and I showed him the next bio. He waived it off as usual, and preferred to see the real thing first. Betty came out a few minutes later with Bev in toe. She wasn't as bad an actress as Heather, but I spotted the same type of racy movie titles in her bio. Still she had potential, and Bev didn't give Gary a dirty look when he asked her to drop her suit.

Her body was amazing, and while she didn't give us quite the show that Heather had, she twirled and bounced long enough to give us the idea. Bev escorted her out, I picked up the wet laundry, brought it over to the dryer, and then got the next girl.

After the fifth one, I got the hang of what Gary was looking for. I mean if it was me, I would just take the hottest ones, and be done with it. But when a girl got up there that could actually act, it was so obvious. While none of the girls were unattractive, there was a clear comparison to how hot you were and how much you could act. The best looking were the worst actors, and vice versa.

A couple of the really good actresses were rather hesitant when asked to take off their suits, giving me a dirty look. These were the intelligent girls who had actually read the laws concerning an audition like this and knew that Gary was only supposed to have the bare minimum amount of people there, and they questioned the need for my extra set of eyes. Eventually they did as they knew they would have to, but they would only stand casually forward for two seconds, turn around for two seconds, and the quickly put on their robe. Bev could also tell which girls were going to want the robe right away, and which had no trouble showing off their body.

After the fifth girl, I also had to shuttle dry bikinis to the changing room. When I walked in, there were three girls in there in various stages of undress. Two of them screeched and covered up while the other hardly paid me any attention. As I hurried out of there, I figured it all out. You needed someone to react like that when the guys fell into the shower. These porn actresses had been in plenty of scenes where guys walked in on them showering, but their reaction was usually to suck the guy off. That wouldn't play into the fantasy of the voyeurs. The whole point of climbing into the ceiling and filming the girls in the shower secretly is because if you went up to them in the hall and asked for the same thing, they would say no. This was supposed to be a forbidden treat.

However, several of the better actresses were too protective of their bodies such that even when they showered in a bikini they were curling their arms around their chest as they washed their hair and holding their legs half bent to hide their crotch. If that's how they showered with a bikini on with two guys and a woman watching, how would they do with a whole camera crew watching with them completely naked?

About two hours in we got our first really good candidate. Vina showered like she was in a shampoo commercial. She kneaded imaginary soap into her hair with her elbows out wide, trying to cover nothing up. She didn't spend time caressing her breasts or ass, but washed her hair, arms, and legs. She looked like a real girl taking a shower, not someone trying to put on a show or trying to cover up.

I could tell Gary was thinking the same thing because he let her shower for a long time before yelling 'Crash.' When he did, she reacted perfectly, draping one arm across her chest and sent her other hand into her crotch. She yelled at the imaginary intruders and cursed believably.

Gary didn't need another take, and while she cast a nervous look at me, she dropped her suit without a problem, showed us her amazing body, and then before taking the robe asked if there was anything we wanted to see or know. We shook our heads and she thanked us and left in her robe.

"There's a keeper," Gary said as he made his first real encouraging notes on a bio.

And that's how my day went. If that was all it was, though, it wouldn't have been that great. It wasn't until Alison showed up at the very end of the day that things got interesting. I know what you're thinking, "Joe, what are you talking about? You spent eight hours watching hot girls shower and strip and it wasn't that great?"

Oh, I'll be having dreams about today for a long time, and I wrote down names of several movies that I have to go rent to see those girls in action, but it was all just a big tease and it was all very repetitive. It was the exact same thing over and over again with no new endings. Shower, scream and shout, strip. Once you've seen 10 fake boobs, you've seen them all. Those girls that could actually act, the ones that made you feel like you were watching them in their bathroom instead of a modified garage, were hot, and I had hard on for just about all eight hours, but I wasn't able to do anything about it, and as loose as some of these women looked, I didn't see anyway to work my way into a situation where we could meet later. Especially since I had a wedding to go to.


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