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Catholic School Girl Sex Ed - Day 02

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Oral exam week, and intro to gender politics.
2.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/03/2017
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"Good morning class, any questions before we begin?" Mrs. Cook asked.

This had been her opening line everyday. We had quickly learned that whatever we might ask about was not nearly as exciting as what she was going to say and do. All seven of us in the all-girl class sat in the first two rows, eager to see and learn. This was the second week of class, the first had included Mrs. Cook personally demonstrating both masturbation and several sexual positions.

After a short pause waiting for questions Mrs. Cook continued. "This week we will be learning how to perform oral sex on men, casually referred to as a blow job. Everyone come up and grab a dildo to practice with, she said, while opening a box containing at least 20 dildos of all shapes and sizes. We all walked up to the box to look through them. Some of the girls quickly grabbed one and went back to their seats. Others, like me, hesitated looking through all of them. Some were very realistic, veiny with balls at the base. Some were just smooth shafts with a rounded end. Thinking it would make me feel less embarrassed I opted for one that did not look lifelike. It was bright pink about 5" long and about the same as a quarter in circumference. Taking my new friend I sat back down at my desk.

"There are four main points to keep in mind when giving a blow job. You will be tested on all four on Friday so pay attention.

1. The wetter the better. It can be your spit, his pre-cum, your juices, or all the above. Just keep his dick slick the whole time.

2. The deeper the better. Make sure you are supplying stimulation to the head and the entire shaft. You can use your hands to help with the base of the shaft.

3. Proper pacing. Please note I didn't say the faster the better. You want to start slow to turn him on. Speed up to get him close to cumming, then slow down to keep him just on the verge of cumming.

4. Use your hands. Not just on the base of his shaft but everywhere. Massage his butt, his balls, his nipples. This will vary from guy to guy but find what extra stimulation he likes, and supply it with your free hand or hands."

She grabbed a purple dildo out of the box. It was a little skinnier and a little longer than the one I had. She spit on her hand then rubbed it on the shaft. She put the tip to her lips and licked round the shaft. She slowly moved it inside her mouth until she only held the tip of the base with her finger tips. She began slowly bringing it in and out. Each time she would push it in just as deep. Each time it was mostly out she would pause just a half second on the tip and stroke the shaft with her hand. "Ok girls you try," she said to us in an encouraging tone.

Copying her actions I spit into my hand. After rubbing the spit on the shaft I put its tip to my lips. I brought it an inch inside my mouth. I closed my eyes and pictured it was a real penis. I imagined a man's eyes rolling back with pleasure as I tried to get the shaft as wet as possible. After about 4" I had to pull it out after my gag reflex triggered. Starting again I went slowly, pretending I was teasing a dick. Then I increased my speed and imagined I was bringing someone close to cumming. I was interrupted when someone asked a question.

"When the guy cums is it important to swallow it..or does it matter?" one of the other students asked.

"Great question, it's really just personal choice. I always swallow as that is usually a turn on for me. But if you want to spit it out no big deal," Mrs. Cook replied in her cheery tone.

"Ok girls take these home with you to practice," Mrs. Cook told us.

Being frustrated at not being able to deepthroat very well I went home and locked myself in my room. I looked at myself in the mirror. "Maybe I'm going about this the wrong way," I thought to myself. I had on a white button up shirt, jeans and sneakers. I unbuttoned my shirt and tossed it on my bed. I am 5'6" and a skinny 115lb. My A cups did not look impressive hidden behind my bra. I unclasped my bra and put it with my shirt. My small tits looked cute but not particularly sexy I thought. With one hand I grabbed the dildo, the other I started gently rubbing my left nipple. It quickly became hard and stuck out. I turned in the mirror to look at my ass. My ass and legs really were my best feature. I unbuttoned my jeans and kicked them off. I slid my black thong to the ground then kicked it over to my jeans. My ass and legs were small, toned, and tight with years of running track. Looking at myself in the mirror I imagined a man getting hard at the sight of my naked body.

I put the dildo to my lips. I pictured a man eager for a blow job. I rubbed my pussy lips for the moisture and made the dildo slick. I began sucking on the dido, at the same time I put my middle finger inside myself. Synchronizing my movements I moved my middle finger in and out with the dildo. The pleasure helping me overcome my gag reflex. As I pictured a man getting closer to cumming I felt myself get close. I was able to get the whole dildo in without issue. I pictured a cock cumming in the back of my throat, and I shook with an orgasm.

The next day in class I sat in front again. Mrs. Cook must have noticed the confident look on my face. After telling the class to begin practicing, she sat on my desk and said "why don't you show me what you have learned."

After making the dildo slick with spit, I began slowly. But I quickly realized that without the pleasure to distract me I could not suppress my gag reflex. Mrs. Cook patted me kindly on the shoulder and told me not to worry that I would get it. I spent the rest of the class practicing, but I remained unsuccessful.

The nights and days repeated like this. Then it was Friday, test day, and I simply could not do it unless I was fingering myself. One by one Mrs. Cook called us to the front of the class, and each girl demonstrated what they had learned. Most seemed to be doing well. When she called me up I did my best. I kept the dildo nice and wet, I started slow and speeded up, I worked the shaft with my hand, but I was only able to take about 4" in. "That's enough dear," Mrs. Cook told me handing me a note that read C-.

"For those of you who are unhappy with your grade, I'll bump you up one letter grade if you attend a demonstration for extra credit. The boys class has a test today at 4:30, they have been working all week on overcoming premature ejaculation; that's a big issue for boys their age. During their test I'll perform some of the techniques we discussed this week."

I came back to the classroom later that day to find 7 bare-assed naked boys standing against the front wall. Each boy had a blindfold on and was waiting patiently with their hands behind their backs. Mrs. Cook's desk had been moved aside to allow for better viewing. Two of the boys were fully erect, one with a drop of pre cum showing. The other 5 all looked at least semi hard. I took my usual seat in the front row. All of the other girls sat in for the extra credit as well.

"Ok boys, the test today is simple. If you can resist ejaculating for 5 minutes you get B, 10 minutes you get an A. If you can't make it 5 minutes you get an F. Starting a timer Mrs. Cook got on her knees in front of the boy with the drop of pre cum showing. She was just starting to get his dick nice and slobbery when the boy's muscles clinched and thrust his hips forward. After allowing the boy to finish cumming, Mrs. Cook stood up and gave him a very deep looking French kiss. It was that this point I realized she had not swallowed. The boy's mouth now full, Mrs. Cook told him "that's an F for you." Mrs. Cook continued her way down the line of cocks, now all standing at attention. Starting her timer she went to work on the second boy, who lasted just past 6 minutes.

Checking her timer she swallowed and gave him a B. The next several all made it between 5 and 10 minutes. Mrs. Cook seemed to intensify her efforts so that the 10 minute mark was hard to hit. Now, on the last boy, Mrs. Cook began massaging his balls at the 8 minute mark, and flicking his nipples at 9. Once he made it past 10 minutes, she went and sat on her desk pulling him by his dick. She slipped off her skirt and panties. Sitting facing the class we all had a clear view of her pussy and the closely trimmed triangle patch above. She guided the boy inside her and wrapped her legs around him. He began strongly thrusting into her, lifting her slightly off the desk at times. He made it almost another 10 minutes before cumming so much that it dripped out around his dick.


"Good morning class, any questions before we begin." Mrs. Cook said starting class the next Monday. Seeing no questions she continued.

"This week we are going to be talking about the power of female sexuality. Take as an example this class. Out of 340 girls above 18, only 7 signed up for this class. Out of 326 boys above 18, 321 signed up, and I allowed only 7 picking only the outstanding students and athletes. This disparity in interest parallels the male and female promiscuity levels. This disparity means that women control the means to sex and therefore can extract a huge price for it in terms of social norms." Mrs. Cook lectured.

"For example:

* On a date who pays for everything?

* How many trophy wives are there?

* How many fewer trophy husbands?

* How many more sugar daddies then moms?

* How many mistress are kept in luxury?"

Mrs. Cook asked us rhetorically.

"Unfortunately most women are just passive beneficiaries of this. This week we are learning how to actively take advantage of the situation." Mrs. Cook said, while pulling down a projector screen and turning on the overhead projector. "As an example here is a conversation with the principle that took place this morning."

A video began playing showing Mrs. Cook talking to principal Skinner.

"The P.T.A. is demanding a more detailed explanation of what happens in your sex Ed classes," Principle Skinner complained.

"Oh, is that right?" Mrs. Cook said while unbuttoning her top. "Should we tell them everything that happens in this room?" Mrs. Cook asked, taking off her bra and revealing her huge tits? which principle Skinner began to grab. "What they don't know won't hurt them, and I know you love the ... work I do." Mrs. Cook said, starting to run her hand over principle Skinner's crotch. "Just tell those prudes we are teaching abstinence only?" Mrs. Cook said while taking out his cock and running her tongue over it.

"No, what you're doing in your class is too risky. I need to shut it down," Principle Skinner stated, a little steel creeping into his voice.

Mrs. Cook pulled her mouth off his dick and looked up into his eyes. "No problem, I'll stop everything ... Just say the word." Mrs. Cook said.

Principle Skinner hesitated for a second his hard dick hanging wet in the air just in front of Mrs. Cook's lips, then said "No.. Its fine you can continue." Mrs. Cook went back to sucking his dick.

Mrs. Cook paused the video right as principle Skinner came on to her face. "So what did we learn from that?" Mrs. Cook asked.

"That men are stupid?" I asked hesitantly.

"Great answer. True; but also note a few things." Mrs. Cook replied.

"Don't let them cum till you get what you want. Don't negotiate until their dick is hard. Let them think they are in control," Mrs. Cook said smugly.

"Ok on Friday I want an essay on how you can use your sexual power to better your life. This will count as your second exam," Mrs. Cook said ending the class for the day.


Thanks for reading! I hope you liked it. All constructive criticism more than welcome.

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rodryder44rodryder44almost 6 years ago
Sex ed

Good class to have

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Fantastic! 5+

Wow! Very much worth waiting for! You will have made me aroused through my whole Christmas Eve now! LOL! I will enjoy riding this edge and mulling through your fantasy in my head, as I steal glances at lovely ladies at the party tonight. This is patiently constructed this time. Much less rushed and again, a really fun concept. Now THAT’S a Health class. I can’t wait for the next instalment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Great idea, I only wish my PSE classes had been just this good. My Catholic High school virtually skipped anything to do with sex, just it was only when one was married, contraception was a no-no, explains why in my year we has five pregnancies out of just under 100 girls. More please.

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