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Caught in the Act

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Sprained ankle begins a wild erotic adventure.
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I was limping down our street, I had just sprained my ankle the day before playing softball...what a time to have the car break down on me...I was heading home this hot afternoon to surprise my live-in girlfriend and have an after-nooner with her when the car gave out...walking in that heat with a shirt and tie on really sucks!

As I lifted my head to wipe my brow, I saw down the street something that stood me still in my tracks...she was in our neighbor's bushes peeking through the window!!! Just as I saw her there peeking in, she lost her balance and tumbled noisily onto the ground! I started to hobble as fast as I could to help her when suddenly, the neighbor appeared at the window...he must have heard her fall...

Now, Pete (our neighbor), who had just moved in a couple of weeks ago, was a strapping young man about 28 years old, thin yet rippling hard muscles from working construction work, a dark tan and, of course, long, flowing light brown hair. I had caught her a couple of times watching him out washing his truck but never thought that the interest went past that...

At any rate, before I could even get within shouting distance, Pete came around the corner wearing a bath towel around his waist and his hair dripping wet...apparently, she had been watching him take a shower...

I decided to wait and watch further to see what all would transpire. I edged closer, hiding behind a tree...I couldn't hear what was being said but I could see her face was red with embarrassment and he shook his head gently, as if to say "Don't worry about a thing."

He leaned over and picked her up easily in his strong arms and started to carry her into his house, apparently to make sure that she was ok...what I saw next almost floored me...she reached around behind him and sneakily tugged his towel loose!!! As he strode around the back of the house, the towel fell off, leaving him buck-naked!!! He whirled around quickly but couldn't do a thing with her in his arms!!! Not knowing what to do, he decided to get her inside first and come back for the towel...

They both disappeared around back and I slipped out from behind the tree cautiously, waiting for him to come back and retrieve the towel...and waited...and waited...

When it became apparent that he wasn't coming back any time soon, I proceeded toward the house as fast as I could limp...despite the hot weather, Pete, being the rugged type, had the windows open rather than the air conditioning on...peeking through the back window, I saw that he had laid her on the couch and she was clutching his arm...she was complaining about her head and wouldn't let go of his there he stood, naked beside her, stooped over so that his tight ass faced me...

"Don't go just yet," she said weakly. "Just stroke my forehead for a bit."

"Well, at least let me get some pants on!"

"Don't worry about it, I've seen plenty of cocks before."

He laughed, "That's probably least, you've already seen mine through the window! At least, let me get you some water and a chair for me."

He turned toward the kitchen and reached up to the cabinet to get a glass. She rolled over and watched him walk away and lean forward to get the glass. It was obvious nothing was wrong with her but she was enjoying the view and the attention.

As he returned with the glass of water, I could now see his cock, it was thick and fairly long although not erect...I figured he was still somewhat aroused and therefore, his cock was swollen. He grabbed a kitchen chair and placed up by her head, close enough that he could lean over her and help her with the a typical man, he spread his legs when he sat, which meant his cock was only a foot or so away from her face...she stared and he noticed and smiled slightly...

"Drink up," he said and raised the glass to her lips...she sipped and then rolled her head sideways again...

"So what exactly were you doing again?" he asked rather coyly.

She hemmed and hawed for a few seconds and finally said, "Aw, what the hell, I can't come up with a good lie...I was watching you wash that hot body of yours!"

I damn near fell over at that! He smiled and shook his long golden brown locks of hair. "Aren't you a married woman?"

"Naw, he's my boyfriend! He doesn't mind, I'm sure. In fact, he would probably like to watch me fuck you sometime!"

My jaw dropped and I got mad...'How dare she!' I thought! Yet, there I stood, watching this all unfold before me. As if on queue, my cock started to stir and I found myself getting aroused.

"Yeah, right," he said, still grinning.

"Absolutely! He would love to see me grab your cock like this," and she reached out and grabbed his love wand without warning, "and he would want me to take the limp dick into my mouth and suck it hard like this!" and she proceeded to engulf his penis into her mouth!!!

He threw his head back and arched his pelvis towards her and I unzipped my fly and unbuckled my pants. My cock burst forward and I took it into my hands and started to rub it. The head throbbed in my hands as I slowly stroked...

She scooted herself up on the couch to be able to lean forward on his manhood. He lifted himself up and over her head, placing his right foot on the couch, just to the left of her shoulder, straddling her face. She could feel his prick start to fill up and swell out as she masterfully tickled the underside with her tongue as she sucked hard on his cock. Suddenly, as he filled her mouth with love meat, she realized that he was bigger than she thought and she started to gag on it!

Taking it out of her mouth, she watched it finish growing before her. "Wow! That's magnificent!" she said, in spite of herself. There before her was a fully erect, 7 ½" throbbing thick mass of meat, glistening with her saliva!!!

He grins as she reached up with her left hand and fondled his balls. They hang down several inches and are as big as eggs. She placed her hand under them and teabagged them gently. She encircle his scrotum just above his balls with her index finger and thumb, letting his balls rest in her hand. She kissed them softly, slowly...she licked the furry testicles then engulf them in her mouth, sucking in the right then the left...but she couldn't seem to get both in at once, they're too big...

With her right hand, she slid up beside his cock and up his shaft. She rubbed him with an open hand at first, then grabbed the prick and started to jack him off, slowly at first but building up speed as she continued to nurture his balls with her mouth. She looked up to see him leaning over her with his eyes closed, enjoying every second over her control.

Outside, my pants were down around my knees and I was flat out jerking off. Despite my anger at her, I was totally turned on by what I saw. My shaved balls were in my left hand, my right hand was furiously flailing on my log. Sweat was dripping off my chin and on my brow but I didn't care.

Inside, he stopped her from stroking and pushed away. He reached for her shirt and unbuttoned it slowly to find that she was wearing a push-up bra that is open in front, thus exposing her brown nipples and full breasts to him. He paused in awe, his mouth dropped open. Then, he reached down and gently kissed first the right, then the left nipple, lingering at each kiss. She sighed as he did it and then they both finished removing the shirt.

Unbuckling her shorts, he then pulled them off to reveal lace silk panties, black with red trim.

'She sure knew what she wanted when she got up this morning,' I grumbled in thought. I remembered that morning, she didn't want to have any sex before I left. I had thought that a little unusual but it had happened once or twice before. I had dismissed as maybe she were too tired. Now, I knew better...yet, I continued stroking my hard-on with fury.

Inside, he had peeled off her sopping wet panties, had lifted her upon the couch over his face while she leaned back over the back, her right hand on his cock, the left hand holding her up while he started to lick her pussy juices which were running down both thighs in streams. She stroked his cock as his tongue slithered up her legs and eventually to her hot, moist box. When his nose brushed her hairless cunt, she quivered unexpectedly and she moaned loudly. His flat tongue covered her lips and slid from bottom to top and stopped at the clit, where he started to flick the tip around her passion knob.

She trembled and started to pound on his face like she was riding a bucking bronco. She squeezed his cock hard as she started to convulse into spasms of orgasm!!!

"OH GOD, YES!!!" she screamed into the hot summer air, her head thrown back, her left hand clutching the sofa to keep her upright while she clung to his enormous cock in her right, spasm after spasm rippling through her body!!! She had wanted him so much for so long that just the touch of his tongue on her pussy made her explode!!!

Screaming, she fucked his tongue as he now had it in her vagina licking the cunt juices up inside she as she sprayed his face with hot, sticky sweet magma from within her!!!

'Three, four, five...was it gonna stop???' she thought as she rode. 'Hell, I hope it never does!!!'

Hearing her scream, I busted my nut, my cock spewing molten cum all over the siding of his house! I had never heard her scream before like that and it flipped me out! I sprayed for almost a minute, totally whitewashing the side of the house. My legs went limp and I fell to my knees, exhausted.

Inside, she finally grabbed his head and pushed him away...

"I want that huge cock of yours inside my hot pussy...NOW!!!"

He bent her over the arm of the couch and stood behind her. Pressing his magnificent 7 between her ass cheeks, she squealed and slapped him away.

"No, not there! Please, not there!! That's only for my boyfriend!!! Besides, that thing is way too big for that!!"

He chuckled and then pressed the head against her sopping wet pussy lips, the bulbous thing slid easily in with all the lube juice there. Once inside, the head popped in and the thick shaft slid roughly through her tight opening. She could feel every vein, every line, every bump as it slid slowly in her. He was good!!!

Slowly, he started to rock into her and pushed her hard into the couch arm. Faster...she started to feel it building in her again...

Faster...his low hanging balls started to slap at her thighs...

Faster...she felt his hips hit her ass and realized he is plowing her now...

Faster...full strength! She could feel it hitting bottom, balls slapping her bald pussy and thighs!!! She started to whine and moan uncontrollably, part in pain but mostly in pleasure as he pounded harder and harder with each stroke!

She screamed again as waves of lustful pleasure sent shockwaves through her body!!! Her face, half buried in the couch cushion, turned sideways and her screams were half muffled but she shoke with undeniable ecstasy!!! His head was back, eyes were closed as he shoved each stroke harder and deeper into her! Suddenly, he grabbed her by the hips, pulled himself deep within her, hunched above her and BAM!!!

A hot explosion inside of her made her explode into one of the greatest orgasms of her life!!! She shivered, shook and cringed all at once, clutching hard at the couch as she gasped for air that just doesn't come. He pulled his cock out of her to let the last bit of jism splash on her ass and down the crack. She didn't seem to notice as she continued to gasp and finally, she laid limp on the couch, totally spent and exhausted.

I gathered myself up quickly and suddenly notice a movement in the bushes back beyond the back yard. Looking up, I saw two teenage girls...they had been watching me watch them...they giggled and turned and scurried away...

How ironic...

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