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Cherri Bomb


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Heading towards the bus stop, Cherri pulled out a recently purchased bottle of water and poured it down my front to top up any water that could have evaporated from my blouse, the bus driver was so shocked at the state of me he forgot to charge for the journey. Cherri made sure to have an aisle seat so she would be visible whenever he looked behind, stroking my body up and down with ravenous excitement and keeping her knees far apart. Feeling my wet blouse on my breasts gave her a naughty idea, she undid the last two buttons and all of a sudden the only thing keeping my breasts covered was the water on my blouse clinging to my tits. I wished for nothing more than the bus journey to be over, and all of a sudden it was, like time had skipped.

As Cherri skipped back to my apartment from the bus stop, every pair of eyes was on my body, and each stare made me want to curl up into a ball right there on the street, but it just made Cherri more excited. She reached the front door of the apartment complex just as a group of young women were heading out in the other direction, the sudden burst of laughter making me shiver with humiliation as they encircled me.

"Did you lose a bet or something?" One asked, her eyes running up and down my body. Cherri answered this question by standing proud and flashing them a big grin.

"Why even bother wearing clothes at all?" One joked, lifting up my skirt to show all her friends my naked bottom. A big smile crossed Cherri's face.

"You're right." She replied. Suddenly I felt the only feeling worse than having a wet blouse clinging to my breasts, the feeling of the blouse being removed from my breasts and the night air whipping around my torso. The girls screamed with sadistic excitement while Cherri bent over and dropped my skirt to the ground, leaving me naked on the street outside my apartment.

"Woah, you're a freak." One of the women announced getting out her phone, "group selfie?" All the girls gathered close to my naked body while Cherri put on her best pouty lips for the camera. This wasn't like my Reddit page where Cherri cropped my face and kept my identity secret, these women had all of me on show, and they knew what block I lived in.

Cherri posed for what seemed like thousands of pictures from each of the girls' cameras, while passers-by gawped at my exposed body, changing position at the command of the women who were running the show. They had Cherri bend over and even get on all fours while they posed around my humiliated body.

"I'm totally going to put this online, what should we tag you as?" All manner of humiliating things flowed through Cherri's mind, should she direct people to her filthy Reddit account, or should she choose something demeaning like 'Canberra Whore' or 'Sultry Bitch'. Eventually she settled on the most humiliating thing she could think of.

"Bonnie McKenzie." That fucking bitch gave them my name, I could tell she was enjoying feeling me squirm at the prospect of anyone who knew me coming across these pictures.

"Alright Bonnie, I'm Kaddy. I'm sure we'll see each other around if you live here." one of the girls giggled.

"Absolutely, if you need a local naked woman, I'm in apartment 619." Cherri blabbed. If Cherri was a separate person I would have throttled her by now.

"Oh I'll remember that." Kaddy announced ominously. I turned around and suddenly spotted Kaddy's friends holding my purse, Cherri had put it down to do all those humiliating poses and now they were rummaging through my belongings. One grabbed my phone but wasn't able to get it unlocked, while another grabbed my keys, ideas of mischief flowing between them.

"Why don't we take her keys so she has to come to the clubs with us?" One asked through giggles.

"You think we would pull with this naked bitch in tow? I say we hold the keys hostage until she unlocks her phone, then we send naked pictures to all her contacts." The one who first lifted up my skirt replied with wild malice in her eyes.

"Calm down Becca you sadist, we just want to have a bit of fun, we don't want to ruin poor Bonnie's life." Kaddy responded. They huddled up together to whisper to one another, leaving me to stand naked and shivering in front of my apartment. "OK," Kaddy announced. "Come wait with us at the bus stop and we'll give you your keys back." I couldn't believe it, they were going to make me walk down a main road naked, beyond the sight of my apartment, everyone would see me and once they got on the bus I would be on my own, Cherri also couldn't believe it but for a different reason.

"Pfft, is that all?" Cherri scoffed out of my mouth. "Give the keys to Becca, she had the dirtiest mind earlier." The girls all stared at me in disbelief while Becca plucked my keys out of Kaddy's hands and dropped them into my handbag, which she casually slung over her shoulder.

"Alright, this bitch knows what's up!" Becca announced. "Now here's what's happening, I'm going to order a taxi to pick us up, when the taxi arrives our new friend Bonnie is going to convince the driver to give us a free ride to the club or we're going to take her bag with us and leave her here." Becca picked up her phone and began to phone the taxi company while Cherri stood with a big grin on her face.

"You're a psychopath!" Kaddy yelled as Becca put down the phone to the taxi company.

"Maybe so, but if anyone here needs help is the girl whose ass is going to pay for us to get into town." Becca had no idea how much I agreed with her. The world jumped and suddenly I was sat on the other side of the road as the taxi pulled in front of us and my eyes immediately locked with the driver.

"Alright whore, you're up" Becca announced, giving me a hearty slap on my bare bottom. Cherri walked out to the road and leant in the passenger side window to talk to the driver.

"Where you heading dressed like that?" The driver asked, his eyes tracing my body.

"I'm not going anywhere." Cherri replied. "I was just wondering what I could do to convince you to give my friends a free ride?"

"Bloody hell," the driver responded, his mind whirling with ideas "this is some kind of trick isn't it?"

"No trick, taxi to the city is about $20, what can I do that's worth $20?" Cherri alluringly stroked my body for the driver and then stared hungrily at the bulge in his trousers.

"Alright I'll play fair, $20 would usually get me a blowee in the right places, wrap those dark lips round my cock and I'll give your friends a lift." The driver opened the door and Cherri climbed inside. Crawling across the seat, she leant over the central console and undid his trousers, freeing his hardened penis. As she did so, his hand stroked its way down my back and began to rub against my ass and pussy. In the moment I begged and pleaded with whatever vestiges of sanity remained in my fucked up head, run, just run and hide and don't whore yourself out for a stranger's taxi fare.

Cherri excitedly ran my tongue up the drivers cock, looking into his eyes and savouring the moment before she wrapped my lips around his engorged helmet and began rhythmically moving my head backwards and forwards, feeling his penis ravish my mouth, pushing herself as much as possible until I gagged on the shaft running down my throat. His hand found my wet pussy and his fingers opened me up while his thumb traced my anus, he began to finger me while Cherri stayed focussed on gorging herself on his dick.

It did not take long at all before I felt him surging in my mouth, Cherri let the first load run down my throat but quickly moved away and jerked him with my hand so the next couple of spurts landed on my face. She straightened up and smiled and I could feel the cum dripping off my chin and onto my exposed breasts. She climbed out the car and through my semen covered lips she was able to say "he's ready to take you to town" lifting my handbag out of Becca's hands, next thing I knew I was back in my apartment.

I was disconcerted at another part of my life missing but Cherri was diving into my cupboard to get out the biggest vibrator she owned. Wiping some of the drivers cum off my face and sensually lapping it off my finger, she plunged the vibrator into her pussy hard, on the heaviest setting it had, giving herself orgasm after orgasm until I blacked out. I didn't come to until I awoke the next morning in bed in my pajamas, I didn't sleep through my alarm and mercifully Cherri didn't want to go to work today.


As I sat at my desk at work, I couldn't concentrate on anything, it didn't help that I was getting looks from every colleague I saw leaving the toilet where Cherri had put up my picture. Having barely done any work, I began to search the web for a good local therapist, using my lunch break to book myself in a session. I then spent the rest of the day intently searching social media, flagging and detagging any pictures Kaddy and her friends uploaded of my humiliation last night, hoping that the time difference meant nobody I knew back home would see them in time.

When I got home that night I threw out all Cherri's perfume and lipstick.


"Your case is an odd one" the elderly psychiatrist remarked, looking up from the detailed notes she had taken of my story. "Your feelings when you arrived in Australia is classic depression, the sexual mania points to bi-polar, but the disassociation between your actions in those two states is unheard of."

"Good to know I'm unique." I sulked.

"Sorry but I need you to be aware of how unprecedented this is. You are having an atypical presentation of a disorder that psychiatrists don't even agree exists. Dissociative Identity Disorder but without a past trauma and with developing rather than immediate memory loss is unheard of. For this reason treatment is not going to be perfect, it's going to be a mixup of bi-polar treatments and some psychological therapies aimed at unifying your two personalities..."

"Unifying!" I yelled, "I don't want to unify with Cherri, she's a sex crazed maniac." The therapist held up her hand to calm me.

"Unification doesn't mean letting Cherri take over, it's about acknowledging and servicing the unmet desires she was created to fulfil. Does she go too far? Of course, but from her perspective you go too far on denying your sexuality."

"Can't I just keep her locked up, I threw out the lipstick and perfume, that should keep her contained." I pleaded.

"While it's good that you have an awareness of your triggers, Gothic Plum lipstick and Wild Woud perfume are not forces of nature. They were created as triggers based on their position in your psyche, if you deny them then it's only a matter of time before something else develops as a trigger."

I knew there wouldn't be a magic bullet to this problem, that it would be a long hard slog to get my behaviour back to healthy, but embracing Cherri seemed so daunting. We spent the rest of the session talking about monitoring my mood and personality swings and using it to create a timeline to explore my sexuality in a safer environment. I left the therapist's office despondent but determined.


I spent a few days following the therapist's advice, trying to have an honest relationship with my sexuality. I watched some porn, tried out some of the toys I had bought when acting as Cherri and even installed a dating app on my phone, although I didn't get any hits on the men I seemed to like.

It was a week before I was able to put a finger on this weird feeling in the back of my mind. Before the therapy session I would have called it Cherri's frustration at not coming out to play but I knew I had to stop thinking of Cherri as a separate person, this was my frustration. I would try and think of safe ways to push my boundaries, but every time I would think of something a bit risky, my brain would become a runaway freight train. Ideas of wearing a sexy outfit to answer the door to the pizza man would escalate to walking to the pizza shop naked, fucking everyone there, then taking a job as a naked delivery woman before I could put an end to that runaway train of thought and fantasy.

One Saturday morning I heard a knock on my door, as I opened up I saw Kaddy smiling at me with a bottle of perfume in her hand, she sprayed it at me and the signature scent of Wild Woud filled my senses. The last thing I remember before losing myself was Kaddy handing me a stick of gothic plum lipstick.


I awoke in my bed cold, naked and afraid. At first everything seemed normal, if anything my apartment was a bit cleaner than usual although I couldn't put my finger on why, there was also a vague pain in my breasts that I couldn't tell the source of. I immediately jumped onto my phone, the date and time confirming I had lost a whole day and it was now Sunday morning. I checked social media and nothing sprung out at me. Calming down a little I went to grab my towel to have a shower. The towel rack was bare.

My dread began to rise as I noticed my apartment was cleaner because there were no dirty clothes on the floor, I opened my wardrobe and it was completely empty, checking my chest of drawers also yielded no results, it came crashing back to me that the reason I woke up cold was my duvet, and in fact all my bedding was gone. While I dissociated as Cherri, I had taken all my clothes, and in fact anything that could be used to cover my naked body, and hidden them somewhere.

Echos of Cherri told me this was only the beginning, and I got a very strong feeling that something important was in my email inbox. I checked my emails and found a message with a video attachment sent from ******. My fingers trembled as I opened it.

The web player lit up with Cherri sat on my bed, slamming a dildo as hard as she could into her pussy, I couldn't look away as the first ten minutes of the video was just Cherri pounding herself to orgasm after orgasm, eventually calming down enough to talk to me.

"Hey Bonnie, sorry but thoughts of what I just set up really got the better of me. Now let me just start by saying I agree with our therapist, we need to be more syncopatico, but I feel like you are still fighting letting me in so I figured I'd take matters into my own hands. I hope you don't mind but I paid Kaddy $100 to spray perfume on you, turns out passing her in the hallway caused a strong enough memory to have you retreat to your happy place while the grownups talked. I would have preferred Becca but if today is going to teach you anything, it's that you have to work with what you have" I thought back to Kaddy spraying me with perfume, I hadn't even had time or headspace to wonder how Cherri had pulled that off.

"So now let's get into the meat of the matter, all your clothes are in your storage shed in the parking basement of the apartment, also in the storage shed is the password to this email account and the password to the account I set up on RubHub for you last night." This was insane, I was being blackmailed by myself, she wanted me to walk down to the storage sheds naked without her help.

"Now I know what you're thinking... pretty much all the time actually, I could just wait until nightfall when the car park isn't busy, well I may have taken the liberty of moving all your email contacts onto this account, and scheduling an email to them with a link to your RubHub account, that goes out at 6pm if you can't log in and stop them in time." I was crimson with anger, she knew that in an apartment block my size, that car park was in almost constant use on a Sunday.

"One last thing, I'm afraid I may have lost the key to the shed last night while I was having fun, maybe if you watch through the videos I uploaded on to RubHub you may spot where I left it. Just type in the web address at the bottom of the screen and you'll find everything you need."

I opened a new tab and went to the RubHub Cherri had sent and immediately saw a profile picture that was clearly my face with that damn gothic plumb lipstick. My profile page was filled out unnervingly honestly, my real name, date of birth and location were in black and white in front of my eyes, my bio read:

"Hello everyone, my name is Bonnie McKenzie, during the day I work as an asset manager at Mintech Mining, and I'm batshit crazy. My therapist thinks it's strange but apparently I got so horny I actually developed a split personality, I'm going to put up some slutty videos now, I can't wait to see the look on my face when I see what I've done." I could feel the flicker of pride from Cherri as I scrolled down to the video section and saw two videos waiting for me.

The first video was Cherri sitting naked by my front door, next to a full bin bag.

"Hey everyone, so this is my apartment right now." Cherri rotated the camera around my bare flat. "I've spent the last hour or so taking all of my clothes to the storage shed downstairs and this is my last bag of clothes, once I lock these away my other personality will be forced to be naked until she finds this key." Cherri held up a dog collar she had bought in the past, the key to the storage shed was threaded onto the metal loop used to hold name rosa-blanca.ru. She fastened the collar tightly around her neck and picked up the camera to film herself walking out the front door with my last bag of clothes.

She kept the camera facing on my pale naked body as she walked to the lift, as the lift descended to the basement she began to touch herself while looking at herself in the mirror, unashamedly moaning with frenzied delight.

The lift opened and Cherri turned the camera to show the dance of cars heading in and out on a Saturday afternoon, the cacophony of horns and yells making me squeal with embarrassment, but being drunk in by Cherri like a fine wine, she strutted towards my storage shed but not without stopping to pose for photographs and even kissing a man who came out of her car to ask if she was OK.

When she finally got to the storage locker, she dropped off her clothes and slammed the door shut, bending over to use the key on her collar to lock the padlock in place.

"Alright, now what?" She exclaimed, bringing the video to a close. I stood agog at my other half meticulously documenting how she wanted to ruin my life. Knowing I didn't have time to waste I buried the fluttering in my stomach and clicked onto the next video.

Cherri now stood on the street next to our apartment, it was still daylight and she was walking down the road smiling at passers by, still wearing nothing but the collar with the key to everything I owned. As she walked there was a wolf whistle in the distance and she turned her camera to the building site next door, the scaffolding suddenly rammed with builders coming to ogle Cherri showing off my naked body.

"Hey boys!" Cherri yelled, "need some help?" A wave of cheers washed over Cherri as she turned and started walking towards the building site. The first thing she did was give the camera to one of the builders so he could capture everything that was happening, next she went to talk to the assembled builders, I couldn't hear what she was talking about but the way the builders were running their hands all over my body convinced me that it couldn't be good.

One of the builders suggested something and Cherri's face lit up, she eagerly nodded and walked away with the man, the cameraman in tow but not very good at holding the phone steady so I could see what was going on. Eventually he placed my phone on a flat surface pointing at what appeared to be a plain wall in the entrance lobby of the building.

Cherri strutted in front of the camera and stood in front of the wall, facing the camera and stretching her arms and legs wide. The builder she was talking to earlier held her arm steady and got out a drill and his tool box. There was a series of whirrs as the drill did its work before he walked over to Cherri's other arm, revealing to the camera what he had done. Somehow the site had a supply of semi-circular brackets that perfectly fit around Cherri's wrists, the builder had used them to screw Cherri to the wall and her eyes were wild with passion. Once he had finished securing her arms, he moved down to her spread legs and placed two more brackets around her ankles. Cherri was now secured to the wall naked.

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