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Cherri Bomb

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A lonely girl develops a horny split personality.
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Ever since I moved to Australia, nothing brings me joy anymore. I moved to Canberra for my work, asset management specialising in metals and minerals, and yes it is entirely as boring as it sounds. Every day I go to an office and dedicate my life to getting rich people to buy rocks en masse. I tried to stay in touch with my friends and family in Scotland but the time difference made this difficult. I tried to make new friends but both mining and banking is not fertile ground for a Scottish lass who just wants someone to hang out with. If I ever wanted to fuck a Chad or a grizzled booner I have more than a few options, but it was neither my style, nor a smart option considering I had to work around these people.

If I'm being brutally honest it's not Australia's fault. Part of why I moved here was because Scotland was losing its charm, the formerly colourful and vibrant land of my forefathers now had become a day to day beige. But now I was isolated I found myself unable to muster the enthusiasm to even go out on my own and get a hobby, and I am nowhere near extroverted enough to just walk into a bar and make new friends.

It was with all this going on that I did something I never thought I would do, one night I got extra drunk, and booked myself a hotel room and a prostitute. I saw it as doing something, anything to shake up my life, and even resolved to go through with it the next morning when I had sobered up.

On the way to the hotel, I bought some supplies to make myself up. I figured with my pale skin and ginger hair, I should get some dark lipstick to frame my face, settling on "gothic plum". I also bought some dark mascara and my usual combo of foundation, blush and contour. Finally I decided to treat myself to a new perfume for the occasion, Vanessa Megan's Wild Woud.

I checked in to the hotel, wearing a large pair of sunglasses and a hat, as if anyone would recognise me. My room was your standard bed and tea making facilities situation, but that didn't matter too much to me as I wasn't going to be staying there long. I grabbed my bag and began to doll myself up, aware of the ridiculousness of the endeavour, the man was going to sleep with me whatever, but I felt it was important for me to see myself making an effort at something in my life.

By the time I was done, I looked in the mirror and didn't recognise the woman staring back at me. Her ginger hair perfectly framing her sultry face, her small black dress hugging curves tighter than was modest (the dress fit me better when I bought it at University five years ago.) As a final touch she took out her perfume and lavishly sprayed it around her, the scent hitting my nose and transporting me to a new world of sultry liaisons.

I had plenty of time to admire the woman staring back at me in the mirror before I heard a knock on the door. I swung it open and on the other side was a sharply dressed man asking if he could come in. The memory of the sultry girl in the mirror was lost as I froze in terror. The man was professional enough to take it in his stride.

"You are Cherri right?" He asked.

"Yes" I lied, I didn't want to give my real name when I booked him, Bonnie McKenzie wouldn't do this sort of thing but Cherri was a redheaded slut. Shaken from my daze, I invited him in. We chatted for a bit, ever the professional he clearly wanted to make me comfortable with this new experience. Several times I was ready to call it off, pay him and ask him to leave, but every time I started to think that, I would take a deep breath and the whiff of Wild Woud would reawaken my passions. Eventually I overcame my nerves to ask him if I could go to the small en-suit to freshen up.

I sprayed some more perfume on myself and watched the dark sultry lips in the mirror curl into a smile. Before I knew what she was doing, the person in the mirror was removing her dress and underwear. The smile became a wild grin as I admired her brazen naked sexuality, swimming in a sea of emotions I thought lost, I opened the door and stood in front of my mystery gentleman.

"Wow!" He exclaimed, "someone found her spark." I grabbed him by his shirt and pulled his face to mine, the taste of him mixing with the smell of perfume to drive me wild. I pushed him off my face and before he could recover I was practically ripping his trousers off. I pulled his pants down and his rock hard cock immediately stood to attention, I moaned with delight at what was before me and immediately wrapped my mouth around it. The man was skillful at his profession and managed to subtlety move my body into place to return the favour.

The moment his tongue touched my pussy a wave of pleasure rocked my body, I collapsed between his thighs for a moment before continuing with my task, I noticed his cock was now slightly dark red where my gothic plum lipstick had come off my lips and onto his shaft. The memory of the lipstick on that horny reflections face got me back to his blow job with more energy than before.

It wasn't long until the man grabbed me firmly and removed me from his penis.

"You keep that up, you're not going to get your money's worth." He quipped, before throwing me onto the bed in his place and moving himself down between my legs. At first he continued to lick my pussy, but soon I felt his fingers begin to open me while his tongue continued to work it's magic. He plunged his fingers into my pussy and I came almost immediately, but this didn't stop him from powering on, his fingers and tongue working together to give me a cacophony of orgasms. When it felt like I could take no more, he raised his head and asked me.

"So... how do you want me to fuck you?" I gave it a moment of fervent thought.

"I wanna see myself get fucked, could you take me in front of the bathroom mirror."

"You haven't been to this hotel before, have you?" He acknowledged walking over to the wardrobe and pulling out a cheap hotel full body mirror, propping it up at the end of the bed. Overjoyed at no longer having to fumble around for a good position in the en-suite, I got on all fours on the bed, facing the mirror while the man got himself behind me. I looked up in the mirror and watched Cherri's face turn from a broad grin to a gasp of orgasmic joy as the man's throbbing cock began to push its way into me.

My eyes remained locked with the dark lipped slut as the man gripped my waist and began to thrust hard. My body was wracked with a new wave of pleasure with each thrust as I watched Cherri's body ripple with joy. With one final triumphant thrust I exploded with my last and greatest orgasm as I felt my pussy fill with his cum. He asked if there was anything else I wanted and all I could bring myself to say was that I wanted to be alone.

In reality I didn't want to be alone, I wanted to spend the rest of the evening with Cherri. The moment my gentleman caller had left I staggered to my feet and stood in front of the mirror to watch cum drip out of Cherri's pussy. The way her hair was tousled, the goosebumps covering her body, the way she winced with joy as I squeezed my breasts, I floated on a river of her joy that flowed until I checked out a couple of hours later.


I didn't get the sudden change in temperament that you see in the movies, I wasn't hugging strangers in the street or approaching my work with a new found energy. What changed was I now had sculpted myself a happy place. If my day was feeling extra beige, I would go home and put on my lipstick and perfume, almost immediately I would be sharing my body with Cherri, swimming in her insatiable orgasmic joy.

Cherri would spend most nights looking at porn and furiously masturbating, I let her have my bank account details to purchase all manner of toys and outfits to satisfy her perverted desires. Every one of her orgasms reverberated through my body and shattered my malaise. But more than that, when my life began to feel like a never-ending routine, she pushed my boundaries and let me watch myself doing things I never thought I'd be comfortable with. Sometimes when masturbating, she'd open the curtains on my flat and sit by the window, forcing me to look out across the city, my reflection on the window a reminder of what anyone who happened to look that way would see.

One night Cherri was feeling especially frisky, she created an account on Reddit under the name dark_cherri. Her first post was a close up of her gothic plum lips, the second was a close up on my pussy lips. I was so lost in the buzz of Cherri's erotic playfulness that I barely noticed her third post, it simply said "any requests?" These were all shared on any board Cherri felt appropriate, and my stomach tingled as I saw the view count rise on my naked flesh and Cherri began to respond to requests.

Those late nights had to be used sparingly, as I couldn't start turning up tired and late for work because Cherri exhausted my body. After a late night with Reddit I slept comfortably through my alarm clock, only waking up with a panic some time later as something at the back of my mind told me I had slept too long. I staggered out of bed and began mentally abandoning any part of my morning routine that would make me late. Putting the kettle on for a coffee, I nipped into my bathroom to fix my appearance as best as I could.

As I looked in the mirror the first thing that struck me was that Cherri's dark lipstick was still on my lips, faded but there. In my small bathroom I was able to smell the slight residue of Cherri's perfume. Immediately my mind swum as Cherri begged to come out and play again. I fought it best I could, I knew that the worst place for Cherri to make an appearance would be my work, but she had enough strength to guide my hand to the Wild Woud, and after the first spray my brain swam in memories of lust. I was unable to stop her rubbing her dark lipstick across my face and consolidating her hold on my body.

I seemed to be a backseat passenger as Cherri looked among my clothes to figure out my outfit for work. She firstly picked out a skimpy red thong that I genuinely don't remember buying, sandwiching it deep between my buttcheeks and pulling tight against my pussy. To make matters worse Cherri decided to pull the thong a high up my waist as she could manage, giving me a wedgie and ensuring that the thong could be seen above the short black skirt she decided on wearing.

Next she rummaged through my bras, I was relieved that she had decided to wear one at all when she picked out a lacy black number, but that was only until I saw her pick out a thin white blouse, putting it on and only doing up about half the buttons. Looking down at myself not only was the bra inescapably visible through the white blouse, but the frilly top of the bra peaked out the top, forming a visible border between my top and the overwhelming cleavage where Cherri had not buttoned the top of my shirt.

Finally she rummaged through my closet looking for shoes, naturally she settled on the highest heels I had, some 6 inch black dress shoes I saved for special occasions. Once her getup was complete she took a moment to walk over to the mirror and look at our reflection. I felt a deep feeling of dread at the size of Cherri's grin, and the dread only got worse as she adjusted herself. First she untucked my blouse and gave my thong an additional yank, to make absolutely certain the red straps rose as high on my waist as possible, next she took the waistband of my skirt and folded it over onto itself, a schoolgirl trick to subtly make the skirt shorter.

By the time she was done my reflection looked like the receptionist in the opening scenes of a porn movie. My pale legs rising up until the skirt cut off at my thigh, barely above my bottom, my red thong and black bra visible through the thin white blouse, and that damn lipstick pouting at me from the mirror. Cherri leaned in and kissed me through the mirror, leaving a lipstick kiss behind, grabbed her handbag and stepped out of my apartment.

Cherri didn't soften her behaviour just because she had left the apartment, strutting to the lift with plenty of bottom wiggle. As she got out of the lift she passed the first person to see her in this state, I silently screamed while Cherri winked at the older man and sacheyed out the door towards the bus stop. By the time the bus arrived the bus stop was packed and all attention was on Cherri, she was the first to get on the bus and I could feel the eyes on my body as she stepped up the steps, her shortened skirt flashing a good amount of my buttocks to the gathered crowd. She spent the bus journey with crossed legs, occasionally slowly uncrossing and recrossing them any time she spotted someone staring.

My deepest dread of the day came as Cherri slinked off the bus and her eyes fixed on the building I worked from. She fished around in my handbag and pulled out my employee ID, quickly tying a knot in the lanyard, shortening it so the ID card was draped directly over my exposed cleavage, forcing security to stare at my tits to read my name before letting her in the building.

Cherri did not go unnoticed as she walked across the open plan office to my desk, my work colleagues stared and whispered as Cherri sat, a deep gasp leaving her mouth at the feeling of the cold leather chair on my bare bottom. In my early days working here, I had managed to claim a desk on one of the edges, this meant that although I didn't have privacy, for most people there was at least a desk between me and them, with the added bonus that if nobody sat next to me they couldn't see what was on my screen. A lot of my colleagues work out in the field at the various mines so the amount of people in the office fluctuated wildly.

When Cherri got to my desk there was nobody sitting either side of me. She started up my computer and then looked around, I could feel that Cherri had no desire to do my boring job. Firstly she went into my computer settings and changed the background on my computer to a photograph I don't remember taking, a full frontal picture outside the front door of my apartment, cropped to just above the same gothic plum lipstick Cherri was currently wearing, even the stupidest person looking at this would connect the dots that it is my pussy and tits on display.

Next she went to the staff kitchen to get herself a breakfast, picking a banana out of the fruit bowl to take back to her desk and wrap her lips around. All of a sudden, everyone wanted my opinion on every problem they were having. It was clear every male worker wanted to spend the day asking me to come look at something on their computer and Cherri seemed happy to oblige, making sure to bend over as much as possible to look at each screen. At one point someone even asked my opinion on why their computer wasn't working, and Cherri decided to check the cables underneath his desk, crawling on all fours and giving everyone a clear view of what my thong wasn't covering.

By the time lunchtime rolled round I had had enough of Cherri's antics. As we went to the toilet I summoned up every ounce of self control I had to splash water on my face and rub hand soap on my neck. It was enough to wash off the lipstick, dull the smell of perfume and bring me back to sanity. I unrolled my skirt, buttoned up my blouse and pulled the thong out of my crack, I was still under-dressed by my standards but it was far better than before.

I got back to my desk and changed my background back to the generic rolling hills and felt the ordeal was over. I still got looks and questions, but I was way less overtly sexual than Cherri and soon managed to fall back into my work routine. I had to stay much later to catch up on the work Cherri had slacked on and by the time I was done I was tired and ready to go home to sleep. I reached into my bag to grab the keys to my locker when I heard a 'psst' sound and felt my finger get wet. I removed my finger from my bag and immediately realised I had accidentally sprayed my finger with some.of Cherri's perfume, the smell knocking all sense out of me.

As frustrated as I was with Cherri's embarrassing sexual displays, that could barely hold a candle to how frustrated Cherri was that I had stopped her in the middle of her fun. She grabbed the perfume and practically doused herself in it, before grabbing her lipstick and pouting into my phone camera to darken her lips. She was now firmly in control and looking for release after hours of emails and spreadsheets. The office was quiet but not yet empty, a few of the higher ups who hated their families hanging around to get everything done.

The first thing she did was change my computer background back to the picture of my naked body, she was upset nobody had seen it earlier and was determined to get noticed. Next she put into action her most devious plan, she pulled the thong as tight as she could, causing my pussy lips to spill out around the slither of fabric, before propping my phone at a low angle and setting the timer on the camera. She opened my legs wide but pretended I was working at my computer, making it look like someone else had taken a very successful upskirt picture. I saw the pussy wedgie in my thong flash on my screen long enough for Cherri to press print. She grabbed the physical copy and skipped to the men's room to hang it on the cubicle door.

Inside the men's toilets Cherri decided she needed to take some photos for our personal collection. She immediately stripped off all her clothes and took a naked mirror selfie, the most mischievous grin on her face. She took photos sitting on the toilet spreading my pussy, on all fours on the floor, even crouched next to the urinals with my tongue sticking out, mocking that I was about to lick them.

Once she had had her fun, but disappointed that nobody had come into the toilets, Cherri decided to get ready for the journey home. She gathered up my clothes, before rummaging through them and throwing the bra and thong into the bin. She put on the blouse and I watched as she undid all the higher buttons again, not caring too much to push that boundary since my nipples were mostly visible through the thin white fabric, but once that was done she began to undo the lower buttons too, by the time she was done there were two buttons left done up on my blouse, only just keeping it together around my breasts.

Next she picked up my skirt, repeating the trick of rolling the waistband to make it shorter, going even further than before until the top of my buttcheeks were on full display and anyone at the right angle would clearly be able to see my pussy. She strutted out into the office and my mind swum at how exposed I was. As a parting shot she went to the water cooler and poured herself a large glass of water, before upending it on my blouse, with a sarcastic "whoops" escaping my mouth as my white blouse turned transparent and she headed towards the door.

I swear to God security in my building had never been so good at their jobs, they made sure to stop Cherri on the way out as she wasn't wearing my ID. Just to make things worse she placed my handbag on a chair and bent over to rummage through it for the ID badge. Security was not subtle in moving behind me to get a look up my skirt.

Once Cherri was satisfied that the whole security team and some of the cameras had gotten a good look at my body, she strutted outside into the cool twilight. She began to head towards the bus stop, but on her way there she noticed a small corner shop, and decided to pop in for a few supplies before heading home. An elderly Asian woman scowled at me from behind the counter as Cherri began her shopping. She was hoping for a few more people in the shop as she picked up as many things from bottom shelves as possible. All of a sudden I was once again outside the shop with a bag full of groceries and no idea what had happened between then and now.

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