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Cherries Jubilee


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Hey, Rome was not built in one day. Everything takes time, and I am glad for the company and camaraderie with my fellow engineers! I worked quite a bit from home for the girls and when the babies were born, I would work almost exclusively from the home office. I had more important things to do! And by this time I was doing very well for money. The girls all chipped in, helping me with the business. Wanda actually helped me with the difficult engineering issues, she is so smart! Brilliant woman.

I wasn't rich, but I was very comfortable. I was setting up life insursnce and individual trusts for all the women and children. The kids also got an educational trust fund. I was an overseas manufacturer of various parts and products, mostly my inventions, but also a few things I found that were always in short supply! I was not making a killing, but I was making a small amount on a huge number of things for different people. That means I might be able to weather an economic downturn, since I didn't have all my eggs in one basket, so to speak.

Thank God my inventions were all pretty popular in the industry. I was creating wealth from nothing but good ideas and smart engineering. It kept food on the table for all my sexy mistresses and kids.

So I was doing OK all around and I thought all the girls loved me and seemed pretty happy.

One day, I opened the door, and much to my surprise was the mother of my favorite woman Wanda. I knew it was her mom, because she looked just like her, and she had huge knockers and a big beautiful bubble butt! This woman was very, very beautiful. She was also very dark black in skin tone, her skin looked totally flawless.

"Hello, you must be Wanda's mom. Won't you please come in?"

BOOM! She laid me out with one punch and I think she was about to kick my balls to a pulp, but I got up and deflected her kick. I got up quickly and faced her. She was pissed off beyond belief.

"You're the son of a bitch that got my darling daughter Wanda pregnant! Well? What have you got to say for yourself." She looked me in the eye.

"Yes ma'am. I did it. Wanda is very incredibly beautiful and I love her. I can't help myself. She wants ten children, but I think that's way too many. Maybe five or six, at most, but not ten." I mused. Her mom looked like she might kill me.

"Why did you put that idea in her head? That's all she talks about besides you, you dirty fuckin' bastard. I should just kill you, you, you dirty motherfucker!" she sputtered.

"I hear you have yourself a little harem of young girls. I doubt they will love you too much after I cut off your dick."

She ripped open my robe and there I was, in full erection as she looked at my junk. She seemed a bit shocked at my lovestick.

She stared at my cock for a minute and tenderly reached out and touched me. My cock jumped at her touch. She couldn't help it, she giggled. "This little thing caused all the problems? I should say it is pretty nice. I can't bring myself to cut it off. But you shouldn't have gotten my dumb assed daughter pregnant. Do you have any idea how difficult interracial marriages are? From both whites and blacks. The hatred is just awful." I had heard this from lots of people. I had no great ideas about fixing the racism problem. Just keep loving Wanda for as long as she wanted ME. Not a great plan, but it was all I had.

"Your daughter has asked me to marry her many times and TOLD me how many children we are going to have. She is not dumb at all. She's so incredibly beautiful and very intelligent. I think she might be a genius. Whats she sees in me is beyond my feeble understanding!" I was truthful to her mother.

"All these gorgeous women have planned this thing for months. I don't know why they think I'm so special. I don't think any of them will really stay with me. I figure they'll meet some young guy, and then be gone with the wind." I had no idea if these gorgeous women were really going to stay with me or go their merry ways... I just took it on faith.

"Mom! What are you doing here checking out my man's dick?" Wanda looked angry. I had never seen her this upset. She was seething with anger.

"Why are all of you young girls so infatuated with this guy? I mean it is very nice and pretty but a nice cock doesn't mean that it will be a great husband attached to it." She was still playing with my dick.

"He is the best. I love him!" Wanda replied angrily. She clenched her fists. I hope it doesn't come to that.

"He is not the best!" Her mom shouted back.

"You dont believe me? There he is, try him out. You're always complaining about not finding a great guy... well there he is, with his dick in your hand. Darling, would you please take care of my mom's needs?" My girlfriend wanted me to BALL HER MOM! Oh my God.

"I can't without the other girls ok. Plus, I don't want to do anything that she doesn't want to do... that's called rape honey, and I don't do that. Just cause your mom likes to stroke my cock dosen't mean that she wants to fuck me for goodness sake!" her mom was still absent mindedly stroking my hard dick, and smiling.

"We girls have already discussed it and she has permission if she wishes. All the girls agreed. Don't make me a liar, give her whatever she wants. Fuck her good! Show her why we all want you." Wanda absolutely commanded me to bang her mother. That was weird. It was as if she was trying to prove something to her mom by way of banging ME. I didn't try to understand her.

"What should I call you?" I asked the hot black mama.

"I'm Monique. You dont have to fuck a big fat black woman if you don't want to." She said plaintively. She seemed so very sad all of a sudden.

"I don't see any big fat black woman around here. Just this sexy voluptuous black beauty queen." I reached out and hugged her, and she kissed me with her plump and sexy cocksucker lips. I undressed her and kissed her neck as I twisted her nipples. She turned her head moaning and kissed me with her amazing fat delicious lips. Her hands were busy playing with my dick as Monique kissed me again and again. I was very hard in her hands. She moaned as she stroked my cock.

She loved it when I sucked first her left nipple and then her right nip, while still tormenting the opposite dug.

Her areolas were gigantic, at least seven or eight inches in diameter and puckered up in sexy excitement. Her nipples were hard and as large as the end of my thumb! She really liked it when I sucked and nursed on those sensitive nips. My hands were busy as well, one hand in her lovely daughter's dripping pussy and the other in her dripping wet gash. It felt like a fantastic dream episode doing both mother and daughter at the same time!

"Monique, would you like me to fuck you? I want to very much." I felt profoundly stupid asking a beautiful black woman a question like that, in that what we were already doing kinda gave me an answer, but I wanted... no I NEEDED to hear it from those sexy plump lips of hers.

"Yes, oh fuck yes, put it in me you dirty white boy! I need you inside of me NOW! GIVE IT TO ME!" I pushed deep inside the sexy woman and Wanda stood up and pushed her cunt into my face, holding my head in position to lick her snatch and clit, which I did with gusto... as her mother climaxed from my dick penetration into her clenching cunt. Wanda basically fucked my face- and I loved it! Her mother was excruciatingly tight, almost like a virgin.

Both women moaned and shook as they almost peaked! I felt my sperm on their way up and into lovely Moniques' hot cunt. I growled into her daughter's tasty pussy, and the two women magically orgasmed together, which coincided with my jetting stream after stream of semen into the sexy hot black mama. I guess I should call the Vatican as I thought three people climaxing at the same instant was absolutely a fine and amazing miracle. Perhaps I'll just say a prayer of thanks.

"You know Wanda my wonderful daughter, I do believe you are completely correct to stay with this man, despite him not being black. He does have many great redeeming qualities." She deliberately squeezed my cock, still balls deep inside the MILF and happy to be there! I gave her a clench and cock pulse in return and she opened her eyes wide and grinned ear to ear.

"Do you have a place on your roster for me?" Monique asked me seriously.

"Roster? Wanda, did you girls put up a roster?" I didn't know it even existed. Damn it, I live here and didn't even know.

"More like a sign up sheet. It just helps keep track of your dick, and who's doing it. We sorta track our periods as well. That way everyone can fuck you good... and nobody gets overlooked or shut out." Wanda explained to her mom and me.

"I didn't know Monique! But I sure will make time for you, for sure. Did I pass the test?" I asked the hot black woman.

"Well, I am not sure. Wanda and I should switch places and I'll check out your oral abilities. This big boy made me a bit sore." She squeezed me wonderfully with her magical pussy. My goodness she has magnificent control of her succulent snatch.

"Sore? Sorry." I pushed in deeper to let her know I felt her squeeze. She grunted as she felt that. She grinned back at me.

"Oh no! It's definitely a GOOD SORE!" Monique giggled. She kissed me and then her daughter kissed me again, and again. I kissed both gorgeous women for quite some time, thoroughly enjoying every kiss. I think they did as well.


I guess I passed Moniques' little exam, as she has become a regular visitor to my bedroom. All the other girls more or less live with me, splitting up the duties and my sexual activities as evenly as possible. I no longer need an alarm clock, as I have a different woman sucking my morning wood every day, getting me up with a huge smile on my face!

Monique has become the defacto house mother, as she is the oldest and wisest woman in the house. She also can cook way, way better than any of the girls, but she is holding impromptu cooking classes for those who want to learn.

As for me, thanks to my horrible ex wife I am living the dream, taking care of all these beautiful girls. I love to feel needed and wanted. I make sure each of my sexy girlfriends are satisfied and I personally make DAMN SURE they know how special they are- period! That goes a long way to being happy and fulfilled. Will this crazy situation continue? I don't know. I do my utmost to make them happy. Time will tell.

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joesijoesi15 days ago

Where is the next part?

servant111servant111about 1 month ago

Nobody does over the top CRAZY better than CrazyDave...!!! Like I have said in other comments to his stuff...CrazyDave tales are pure Falstaff out of one of Shakespeare's commedies... His protoganists dance their Kemp's jig from the barstool to the bar with a mug of ale in one hand and a wench in the other... rolling, kicking his feet in merry abandonment in a drunken dance of LIFE!!...dropping into a chair with another wench impaled... Past plain fun... pure CRAZY...and I as a reader love to join you on the ride...!!!

5 stars

maddictmaddict3 months ago

Your right it's unrealistic, but I can dream. Dream we traded places. All those cherries 🍒 with out any pits.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Yeah, it would have been good to add the daughter's reaction to the diary, then maybe have the ex-wife come down to confront him about it, then get her reaction to all the young hotties.

dikupinyadikupinya7 months ago

"Well, since I am balls deep in your hot little cunt, we can dispense with the usual pleasantries. Just call me Ralph." My goodness she felt fantastic!

"Hey, I feel... Ughhh" she then pushed herself back hard into my cock, and she broke her own hymen!

Well his cock must have been very short if he was balls deep before breaking her hymen. A woman's hymen is stretched across the opening to the vagina not deep inside.

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