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Cherries Jubilee


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I also went on a deep sea fishing excursion, but that seemed more like just a big excuse to drink beer all day than do any real fishing. I hooked a big tarpon and we fought like hell, but eventually he broke the line and headed for the big blue ocean, and parts unknown. No more fishing for me. If I wanted to drink, I'd just go to the bar! It was cheaper, and no sunburn.

I was not looking to climb into a bottle. I wanted a better life, not a liquid one! So I made myself a two drink limit, and stuck to it. Many days I did not drink at all. My head seemed to clear after a while.

Not killing what brain cells I had left seems like a good idea.

After a month, I was looking for an apartment or a house. I had lost a bunch of weight, and gained a bit of muscle as well. I felt a tiny bit of self respect in my chest. I had lost 4 inches off my waist! I was in new clothes, looking decent. My mental health was still in much need of repair. Having a regular place, not living in a hotel might help with my outlook, even if only marginally.

Someplace to call home. I found a small three bedroom ranch with a huge garage, and a separate big workshop. It had a pool filled with smelly disgusting green water. I actually think the pool brought the price down several thousand dollars! It was that ugly. It stank to high heaven... it was pretty gross.

I simply hired a pool contractor to come out and fix whatever needed fixing and clean up the whole mess. A fair chunk of change later, and the cost of a brand new pool liner, I had a pristine blue water pool and a brand new hot tub, as well as a cute work-in-progress house. It started out ugly as sin, but like the ugly duckling, it was looking more like a swan every single day, as I worked my ass off on it, fixing this, painting that.

I did relish the opportunity to work with my hands and fix the place up. I was going above and beyond to make it a work of art, really just a matter of pride in doing a job well done. I was probably the only one who would ever even notice how nice my place turned out.

But I'm an engineer and I love a challenge! Before the year was out, I had a showpiece home that had the neighbors asking me who had done the wonderful reconstruction job on my home!

I had a bit of pride explaining that I had done all the work myself, except for the pool. I actually received two bonafide offers for twice as much as I paid for the entire project! What a great feeling of real accomplishment for me. I had done something right, and folks really liked it. I even started fixing up the barn and the workshop. I found an old lathe and milling machine for metal work. They functioned after some work on them.

From that point on, I helped out my neighbors with whatever small projects they needed help with, and I never took a dime. I loved to help people with things that I could do. My standing in the community went way up as result. I became the go-to guy for wives with absentee husbands or divorcees. I fixed stuff that was broken and made folks happy, at least a little.

I even started dating a bit, but those were mostly one night stands. I did make sure my dates were always 100% satisfied! I did love it when the women screamed as they climaxed! I am glad the cops weren't called as my dates screamed and moaned through climax after climax.

I'm not sure how many girls, but it was quite a few. I guess I'm just a man-whore now. Oh well. None of the women ever complained, except for being so sore they couldn't walk. They smiled and giggled as they said that.

As part of my recovery, I took up karate. It really helped, along with the many hours I spent in the gym, to bring me back to being physically fit.

The mental discipline went hand in hand with my being an engineer. It was like karate was something that had been missing from my life. My engineer mind finally had a karate brain to play with! I felt much more "complete". It was only two sessions a week, but the effect on me was intense.

The self defense and fighting aspects of the sport were fine, but that was only a small part of the attraction of karate for me. I advanced fairly quickly, but only because I really enjoyed it. I started spending much more time learning karate.

I became almost a regular at the dojo, being there three or four times a week. My therapist stopped the prescription for the antidepressants. I no longer needed them!

Karate was my surefire antidepressant! An hour at the dojo and I left feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Is it possible that karate healed my brain? More like it was a helper, like a plaster cast for a broken leg, it supported my mind until I had time to heal. Who would have believed it? But in my case, it worked! My therapist was completely amazed. I was starting to feel happy again.

I even took dance lessons. I was always the guy who thought he had two left feet, but with some good coaching and many hours of practice, I have learned a little bit of dancing. Enough for me to not look stupid out on the dance floor. No more of me stepping on girl's feet! So I'm not Fred Astaire... so what? At least now I could have a little fun dancing with pretty girls.

I think the karate even helped me with the dance steps, as I equated them to the self defense moves I had studied. It was easier to focus on that with my karate discipline. Dancing to me was like karate, but without all the punching and kicking! It flowed in a similar fashion, but slower, and to a beat. It was fun, and great exercise.

Like anything, if you put enough effort into it, you will get better at it. I spent many hours dancing my heart out, under instruction, and I did eventually get fairly proficient at dancing. At least I don't look stupid out there anymore! The exercise part of dancing really had got rid of any problem fat on my body. I looked slim and muscular! I was in the best shape of my life. My heart and soul are still under construction.


One day the doorbell rang five times. I guess they thought it was important.

"Keep your pants on, I'm coming, I'm coming!" I opened the door and to my shock there stood Lou Anne Gresco, in the flesh, and she had a million candle power smile. She threw her arms around my neck, and kissed me like a crazy woman... but I enjoyed it! She was trying to perform a tonsillectomy on me with her tongue. Her massive mammaries were squashed into my chest and I felt her diamond hard nipples trying to break through her silky blouse. Jesus, she seemed pretty happy to see me!

"You never came back, Ralph!" She was upset about that I guess.

"No, I have been healing and trying to get past what happened to me. I am sorry I didn't call or write. I should have. It still hurts to this day."

I'm not sure, it happened so fast, but she was naked on top of me, coming hard on my cock, and screaming in glee. Wait, wasn't she just in clothes a minute ago? She was going to make me come like crazy, as she fed me her big whopper tits. We wound up fucking for two days straight. She was very happy with me, but... Lou Anne was in a dilemma.

It seems our old company had opened up a production facility in California and they wanted her to run it for them. She told me about the money and I was amazed. Lots of zeros on the check!

"My only problem is you Ralph. I want you so bad. I have for YEARS. When your ex wife fell in love with that surgeon and divorced you-"

"What surgeon? The guy the rumors were about?"

"Rumors no more. A month after you left the bitch married him. I came across an interesting little book. Your ex wife's diary. She detailed-"

"How?" I was amazed.

"I think by mistake. She was having a huge divorce yard sale, and I bought several boxes of your old books. Her diary was in one of those boxes. I brought it with me for you, but I warn you not to read it. She wound up hating you for some reason... I think because of her lust for the doctor. She was fucking him three or four times a week. She sincerely thought that I was fucking YOU. I laughed when I read that. You never laid a hand on me, no matter how hard I tried to get you!"

She got serious for a moment. "Ralph, would you like to join me in California? I have this great opportunity, but I have wanted you for so many years that I had to ask you... no I mean BEG you to come with me? The company still loves you, and you could be sales director for the whole west coast. If you want to. Mostly, just let me love you! I love you Ralph. I feel like this is our last chance. I can't turn down my dream job, but I would do so if you want me to stay here with you instead. Please? I need to know asap." She was pleading with her eyes.

"Lou Anne, she broke me. I have just now been in the process of recovery. I can't go with you. I am building a new life here. For that matter, you should take that job. We both know it's a once in a lifetime golden opportunity too good to pass up. Look at you! Still drop dead gorgeous. You snap your fingers and guys will jump into your bed. You will probably find some great looking young adonis and forget about lil' old me-"

"-NEVER!" Her eyes were on fire. "Ralph, I want the dream job. I want you too. I feel like we are always out of sync. I am so glad I got to fuck you at least once before I had to leave. Kiss me one more time." She and I locked lips and did much more than just kiss goodbye.

Her farewell fuck was perfect, perhaps the best fuck of my life, but it was quite bittersweet. We both knew she had to go.

Maybe I was making huge mistake, but I had enough of that old life, even if it came with a very lovely and loving woman. Been there, done that. When she left, she took a part of me with her, not counting her full snatch of my little swimmers. She had to go, I kissed her one last time, and she was gone.

Did I regret letting her go? Yes, but sometimes we have no real choice but to move on. Her memory will always be bittersweet and full of "what-ifs". It was wonderful to know that out there somewhere... she had real feelings for me, and I her.

I put my ex wife's diary on my shelf. I could not read it. Too much hurt there. Tomorrow, I would mail it back to my daughter. She could deliver it to her mom. That book and all it's agonies was permanently closed to me. I no longer needed or wanted to know the reasons. She was an evil demon cunt from hell, and that was good enough for me. I had moved on from that shit. I felt like I was a new man. It felt good. I had a bit of soul surgery done on me. I didn't need to look into her demon book of spells for my closure. I already had it in my new life. Fuck the bitch. I was done with her.


I was out at a dance club that caters to the ballroom dancing folks when I met Cynthia. I saw this very pretty girl, and just walked up to her and asked her if she would like to dance. The confidence I had gained from both karate and dance class was terrific.

"I would like to very much. Do you know how to waltz?" She asked me. She could best be described as a MILF, or perhaps a trophy wife. Red hair, voluptuous body, pretty face with green eyes. Yeah, she was very special. She was gorgeous! Best of all, no ring on her finger. But was there a faint mark? Yup, she was divorced or widowed.

"I do waltz. I've been taking dance classes to protect women's toes! Shall we?" We went out on the dance floor and waltzed a couple of numbers. I thought I did a fairly decent job of dancing. Even remembered to smile now and then.

"Well Mr. tall dark and handsome. What do they call you?" She spoke to me as we glided across the floor. She felt good in my arms. I was having a lot of fun.

"I'm Ralph Myers. I was an engineer turned sales rep, but I am taking some time off to heal from my recent divorce." I should have left it at that. Live and learn.

"So you cheated Ralph?" Half a question and half a damned statement from her. Like she had made up her own mind. This assumption did not sit well with me. Kinda upset me.

"No, I did no such thing! I never cheated. Over the years I have been tempted many times, but I have never been with another woman. After we were separated, she had sex with six different men and made sure that I knew about each and every one of them. She even sent pictures, just to hurt me." I explained her betrayal of me in no uncertain terms.

Perhaps I was a bit too loud in my response. Maybe I should not have responded quite so vigorously. People don't want to hear everything anyway. They don't want to hear about it! I have to get a better filter. Learn to just say nothing. Those who want to know me can find out later in the get-to-know-you process.

"Well, that was purely dismal!" She said. I felt her stiffen up a bit. Oh shit. She was right, it was too much, way too soon. I guess I blew it. Oh well. I will do better next time.

"Say, what is your name? I don't know what to call you," I asked her.

"Cynthia... Cynthia Jacobs," she seemed to be a bit shy all of a sudden.

"My pleasure to make your acquaintance, Cynthia!" I said with a big smile. Too little, too late for my big mouth. Oh well.

We continued to dance with each other for the next forty five minutes and then she was a bit tired and thirsty, so I went to get us some drinks as she sat at a table. She did not look happy.

When I returned, she was out on the dance floor with some other guy. They danced three slow dances with his hands all over her. It looked like they were going to keep on dirty dancing and naughty touching, so I just sorta wrote her off instantly. I drank some of my drink and went on down the line. Next!

Oh well, chalk it up to a learning experience. Shit happens. Better to find out right away in the beginning, before too much emotion is invested.


I decided to see if there was anyone else there to dance with. There was an older woman who looked about forty years old. She had kind eyes. I asked her to dance with me, and she was in my arms in two seconds flat.

We must have danced at least ten slow wonderful dances. She was built. She had a full ass and marvelous huge tits. And best of all, she made it known that she wanted ME. That made all the damned difference. Her nipples were trying to drill holes in my chest. She seemed to relish squeezing MY ass! That was such a turnaround. Her fingers grabbed my cheeks.

"What is your name honey?" she asked me.

"Ralph Myers. And you are?" I responded.

"Sharon Rehnquist, but that is subject to change. I'm going to be going back to my maiden name 'Bonsair' soon. I am just waiting for the paperwork at this point. It is a bit easier to change your name back with the final decree in hand." I nodded.

"You could have let the attorney take care of it." I pointed out the obvious.

"For $300 an hour? I'm not made of money. And really it only takes filing out some forms and in this state, you stand in front of the judge and he okays it. It's very common with divorces. The difficult task is the DMV, and the bank, and credit cards. That is going to be a bit of a chore. But it's still way cheaper than going through a lawyer," she explained.

"I suppose I never thought much about it. Want to talk about divorces?"I asked her.

"NO, NO, NO. And for the record, no I did not stray. He fell in love with his dirty little twenty-something sexy secretary. It makes me so mad. I'm sorry, it sets me off. I promise not to speak about it again." She had the filter problem same as me. "I am so sorry about all that Ralph!" I squeezed her tight. I was just as emotional as she was!

"No, no, no! I understand completely. I did not cheat either, and that's all I'm going to say. This evening should be about us, and not about THEM. Don't you think?" I replied. A good simple plan. She squeezed me back.

"You know, you are so right. May I tell you a little secret? I think you are handsome and I really want to... um... fuck your brains out! Oh gees. I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry Ralph!"

She looked at me like I was a steak and she was starving. I smiled at the obviously horny woman. Her nipples were plainly still trying to drill through her dress! I guess she was in a bad way. She must have felt my hard on.

"I'm ok with that as long as it's not just for tonight. I find you extremely beautiful and so stunning... I am at a loss for words. I don't live very far from here. I have a brand new hot tub and a nice clean pool," I not so thinly hinted. I just came out and said it.

"I don't have my bathing suit with me," she looked at me with her eyes again. I grinned.

"You won't need it. We have a very flexible dress code at my place. I have a very private back yard!" I said with a big smile.

"May I borrow your drivers license a second Ralph?" she asked me. I dug it out, and she took a picture of it with her phone. I wondered why.

"I sent it to my girlfriend so if you are a rapist or axe murderer the cops will know where I am and with who," she explained her actions. I thought that was smart.

"Just make sure that you call her back when you are fully satisfied. I don't need any midnight visits from the boys in blue. For the record, I don't even own an axe!" I felt compelled to tell her. I giggled.

"Fully satisfied Ralph?" she asked me. She caught the double meaning quickly. She was smiling now. And she was giggling.

"Satisfied that I am not a rapist or murderer?" I said with a big smile. I teased her. "What did you think I meant?" I said with another sly smile. Oh boy! She returned my smile.

"Come on Ralph, let's go find out," she whispered as she grabbed my hand, and we left. We walked out hand in hand, and passed right by Cynthia, now all by herself.

"Ralph, I-" and Cynthia saw my hand holding Sharon's. I have no idea why Cynthia had even bothered with me. She had practically jumped into the other guys arms. No matter, the problem was solved 100%. I felt sort of vindicated as we left the building. "Good luck Cynthia! Have a nice day!" I smiled as we walked on by. Regret was all over Cynthia's face. She chose poorly. Oh well!

"What was that all about Ralph?" Sharon asked me.

"Failed romance. I'll explain later if you are still interested."

"As long as it's really failed."

"No worries, as our Aussie friends say," I said as we were out the door. I swear I felt Cynthia's eyes on me all the way out the door. Poor dear!


We took our separate cars to my house. I opened her door and helped her out. She "Oo-ed and ahh-ed" at the sight of my cute little home. I guess she liked it. We never did get to the hot tub that night. As we stepped into my living room she kissed me, and just wrapped herself around me and I was hooked.

We were in my bed kissing and fondling and somehow we both were naked. Her chest was magnificent! I know not all men appreciate a woman who has huge, dark nippled breasts. That's ok. I sure did!

I could smell that sweet and sour fragrance of a seriously turned on woman. She was leaking her womanly juices all over the place, and I had barely even touched her yet! This woman was so hot-to-trot.

Of course, my cock was rigid and she was giving me a close inspection with her hands, mouth and tongue. I pulled her up from the floor and gently threw her on the bed where I gave her my own thorough tongue inspection.

I kissed her, then I kissed her neck, and kissed and sucked those astonishingly hard nipples of hers. Then as she moaned I licked my way down to her hairless pubes. She wasn't just wet. She was flooded with love juices! I dove in. I loved it. She tasted so good.

She loved it when I licked and sucked and fingered her. As I ate her out, at least one hand was twisting and pulling on her protruding nipples. She was moaning much louder than before. I sucked on her hard clit and she went a bit berserk. She shook and cried out, not words per se, but you got the idea she was in the throes of passion. She came hard and nearly crushed my head with her powerful thighs. She squirted a river of girl cum into my mouth! She was smiling and gasping for breath. I think she liked it!

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